What If : Rewind

What If.

Did you remember about that time?


That time when you and me playing in swing board when both of us still in kindergarten. You said to me, "Wonyoungie, its impossible for us to being apart. See, we like a lot of the same things. Believe me we were together forever".




Did you remember about that time?


That time when you bought me a lot of choco when we are on 3rd grade of elementary school. You said to me, "Wonyoungie, dont cry. Your math test soon will turn into 100. Ill acompany you to study. I will always cheer you up".




Did you remember about that time?


That time when you give me a sweet bunny doll when we are 5th grade of elementary school. You said to me "Wonyoungie, happy birthday. This cutie bunny looks like you. Please remember that you will give me present too because tomorrow is my birthday".




Did you remember about that time?


That time when we are sitting on the bench and i give you a cup of mint choco ice cream when we are on  our 1st grade of middle school. You said to me "Wonyoungie, its taste like my toothpaste. How come you like it. I think ill going throw up"




Did you remember about that time?


That time when im waiting for you who had some lesson extend when we are on 2nd grade of middle school. You said to me, "Wonyoungie, I hate math. How come you got a high rank in that confusing subject. Im give up now".




Did you remember about that time?


That time when you ve got birthday surprise in our school when we are on 3rd grade of middle school. You said to me, "Wonyoungie, thanks for the gift. Anyway when was your birthday ? Im bit forget".




And it was be our last of conversation till now. Last of my conversation with my best friend Ahn Yujin.




I just realize that day by day you are on your way to forgeting about who am i. I am the one who always sitting here looking at you, talking happily with your new friends hoping that someday you will remember everything  about me. Hoping that we ve both can rewind the time start from middle school and endup in our kindergarten. Even myself knew it, its impossible things that only could happen when im sleeping.




We are in same school, Seoul High School. We are on same grade, second year. We are in same class, Science of Art.




But we have differences.




You have a lot of popular friends. Im here with all nerdy. You have a lot of attention. Im here with no one knows who is me. You have a lot of beautiful and cool crush. Im here dating with myself only.




Did she ever look at you ?


Yes she did. When i get slipped by my clumsiness and all of my classmates laughing at me. What she did to me? No. She didnt laughing like all of them did at me. She just throw her face and walk away across me.




Did you ever greet her ?


Of course i did. When we are in freshman year, she just entering school after 6 month we are starting. She coming in late in half of year. And i remember she ever said to me that she like to did holiday in long time. At that time i said "Hei Yujinie, we are in same school. Long time no see. Lets go lunch together" she nodded. Not to me but to someone behind me. Beautiful creatures one called Kim Minjoo and just walking like she didnt see me.




Who you are for she ?


My answer is. Im her very best friends in her past tenses. And im just a little dust in her present tenses. I dont know but it was really happen. Time change all the things.







Rewind and stop it at that time. I want it, God.




"Yah Wonyoung, are you spacing out again?" Someone with smoothy cheeks coming to me with a bunch of fried chicken in her hand. She is Hitomi. Im shooked my head.



"No im not. What is that, Hii chan?" Im asking while pointing at the poor chicken who get dried because fried.



"I bought you this because you wont go out for lunch. Just take it or you will hungry in our last subject" Hitomi gave me a chicken while flashing her friendly smile. She is one from two my only friends.




Today i decide to stay in my desk. Im totally messed up and wont go out. Dont ask me why because no other reason except Ahn Yujin. We got bumped when about to entering class room lately. Im bowed to her as my apologizing but she, pretend like nothing happen and walking away.




"Wonyoung just flustered by her prince, thats why she wont go out with you Hii chan" theres my 2nd friends. Kim Chawon with twintailed hair holding a books in her chest. She like to spend her time in library. Sometimes me and Hii chan joining her but sometimes theres a time when we need doing anything just with ourself.



"Ahn Yujin?" Hitomi make it clear. While my 2nd friends Kim Chaewon nodded in sure.




Both of them assumed it. I have a big crush on Ahn Yujin. Im not deny it. They didnt know what really happen between us and i still kept it. I wont make it clear, because as long as you see. Theres nothing happen between us. No talk. No greet or even she give a smile to me. Im afraid to say that Ahn Yujin is my long time ago friends. Because it was sounds like my imagination who just speak up. Thats why im not mad at them when they tease me.




I may look gloomy because i rarely smile but im not. When im with them i feel comfort. Im smiling happy to looking how they spread their laughter cause of teasing me. Because im prefer a friends who keep loving me even they always tease me than a friends who complimenting me to excuse herself of forget me.




In the next week. Nothing happen still the same.




Today subject is sport. I dont feel that good because i just catch a cold. I choose to stay in class while reading some book. Theres empty class. I read my book while take a gaze to the yard. Looking all my classmate enjoy their short running. I didnt realize that i make a small smile. I scanning one by one. Theeres Chaewon, Hii chan and all. Ahn Yujin? Where is she. I cant find her. I know well their faces. I know she change her clothes too and joining them. But where she is now. Im sorry, but my mind still locked by her. I cant open it.




I still searching one by one. I left my book and standing beside the window. Is she going somewhere? Or she skip the sport class this day because she would meet with her Kim Minjoo?. I think its no. I know well that she like sport a lot when we are on elementary school. But who knows tho? Time is changing right?. She who keep avoiding me its one kind of time changing’s effect.




I sighed. Im give up to observing. Im back to my seat. When im about to open my left book, i got shocked. Someone just open the door roughly. Ahn Yujin. She is. Im about to greet her but she give me a die stare like i just stole her stuff. I cancelling my plan to asking. I just look at her.




She leaning herself in the desk. Burried her face in her arms. She sitting two seat space in front of me. I just can look at her from my place.




What happening? Is she alright? She look messed up? I really want to close with her. Calm her. Asking her what happening. But i have no courage. Its really hurt me to see her like this.




Not that long another one coming. I dont know what happen but i guess its their own problem. She waking up Yujin and pull Yujin’s wrist then drag her out from class. Yujin didnt complain with her action. Right. She is Kim Minjoo. Yujin’s one.




So they were fighting?. I shooked my head and back to focussing at my book.




Till the class ended. I didnt see her. The last time is she go out with Minjoo. Im stop thinking about her. Im hoping she can clear her problem with her Minjoo and have fun for tomorrow. I hate to look her in messy face.





The next day.




I meet her in school gate. She interlocking her arms while laughing ear to ear with Kim Minjoo. I feel a bit jealousy. But im relieved that finally she turn into her default. Even im not her reason. And thats should be me.




I pull my seat and leaning my head. Its not because my headache. I was healing and have enough sleep. Is just because too much scene in this morning. I cant handle it. I see Hii Chan and Chaewon give a hint to each other for give me a self space. They always like this.




The class starting my teacher  just entering the class. She is Ms Lee.




Ms. Lee just announcing that we have a clean up day. Because our school is large, all of student separated in a group.




I didnt worry too much. As long as im with only my Hii chan and my Chaewon. Im fine. Im good with all my classmates but i dont feel comfort to talk to. Im shy type of person.




"Kim Chaewon and Honda Hitomi. Back yard" Ms. Lee announcing the teammates and the place. Im shocking. Who is my partner then.



"Jang Wonyoung and ...





Ahn Yujin. School garden"




My heart cant stop beating so fast. I bite my lips as my expression of dont know what i feel. I take a glance on her. I see her. Sighed.




Maybe is hard to her to finally facing me up when she tried to always avoiding me. And im also sighed because of it.




Now we are in the school garden. Both of us. Me. Jang Wonyoung and her. Ahn Yujin. Im hoping for swing board to make my kindergarten stage come true.




But what is this.




Im working on wiping the trash under the tree while she only put some dry leave with her hand and playing with it, ignoring me.




Im collecting my courage. This is the right time for me to asking her all of things. Her action. Her arrogant things. Her ignorance towards me. Her best friends.




"Yujinnie" finally i called her name. Im ready to get scold.




She didnt answer me. Im walking closer.




"What are you doing there" Im still hold my self to snap her.




She didnt move and my long year anger that i keep suddenly pop out.




I pull her wrist make her standing infront of me. She looks like she got shocked. But im in anger mode still didnt care about her.




"What?" Its first words that coming from her from uncounted times fly.




Im start tearing. She looks like confusing.




"Where have you ve been? Why you pretend like you didnt know me? Are you really forget about me? Im your bestfriends, Yujin. I miss you. I miss the old of you. I miss the old of us. Why you do this to me? Whats my fault? Say that. Lets make it clear. Lets be friends like before. I miss you, Yujinnie"




Im emotionally let out all of things in my mind. Im asking while close my eyes. I didnt wanna look at her. Im too weak to staring at her.  And now Im crying while droopin my face. Its not that long. Im trying to lift my face and looking how her action after.




She is in front of me.








All of student coming and take her to school's nurse.




I dont know what happen. Im following her but got stopped by the nurse. I just standing in front of door when someone drag me into back school garden.




She slapped me.




Kim Minjoo.




"What are you ve done?" She scold me like wanna eat me.




As i know, Kim Minjoo is 3rd grade. And she is Yujin's special friends. Because she always hanging out with her. Kim Minjoo is top girl in the school. She only talking with her intern group and Ahn Yujin.




Im crying. Im apologizing. With no stop.




"They told me that you just snap her ?. Who you think you are?" Another scolding. Im stay still crying.



"Did you know how precious Yujin to me?" She asking in lower tone while crying. I shooked my head.



"I ask you who are you ?" She repeatedly in weak one.



"Im only Yujin's classmates. Jang Wonyoung" I really feel bad with what just happening. I droop my face.




Kim Minjoo who in madness turn her expression. She widden her eyes. She hold my shoulder.




"Who is your name again?" She ask twice.



"Wonyoung. Jang Wonyoung?" Im looking at her.



"Wonyoungie?" She call me with the name that Yujin give to me. How come she know? I wonder.



"Who are you in real?" She ask me another same question.



"Im her classmates. But she was my friends since kindergarten" Im answering while frightening that maybe she will getting jealous because i was on Yujin's past story.




When i trying to explaining. She hug me in sudden.




She crying hard.




"Finally i found you" she let go her hug. Pull me in the bench.




She told me all the things that i never know.




All i can do is shocking and crying.




After i heard everything from Minjoo. Now im running towards Yujin. I feel that this school going larger than before. I hate it because i didnt reach Yujin yet even i didnt stop to run.  While the records of her playing in my mind.




"Wonyoungie, its impossible for us to being apart. See, we like a lot of the same things. Believe me we were together forever".



"Wonyoungi, dont cry. Your math test soon will turn into 100. Ill acompany you to study. I will always cheer you up".



"Wonyoungie, happy birthday. This cutie bunny looks like you. Remember that you will give me present too because tomorrow is my birthday".



"Wonyoungie, its taste like my toothpaste. How come you like it. I think ill going throw up"



"Wonyoungie, I hate math. How come you got a high rank in that confusing subject. Im give up now".



"Wonyoungie, thanks for the gift. Anyway when was your birthday ? Im bit forget".



“Wonyoungie, ....”



“Wonyoungie, ....”




My tears flowing like a river.




Finally i reach her place. Im open the door. I look her, i look at the girl who just sitting while looking blanky at the wall. Im running and bumped her.




I hug her in tight.




"Yujinnie im sorry" Im crying and i cant let out my voice. I can only whispering.




I felt my shoulder wet. But i dont wanna look at it. I dont wanna lose the hug.




"Yujinnie im sorry to leave you"




I felt a pair of hand curling into my waist tighten.




"I dont know you, I dont know what i feel but i miss you. Dont leave me whoever you are" she whispering and crying.  She burried her face in my shoulder.




"I wont leave you. Im promise" I pull my self against her. I lift up her face. I kiss her forehead.




She pull me in her hug. Tightly.










Flashback in a while ago.




After we sitting in the bench and in the calm mood. She start to tell me something.




"You know what happen with Yujin?" She asking im shooked my head.



"She is my cousin" she reveal it. Wait. Cousin. My mistake marked start from here.



"Yujin is left by her parent when she was on her 1st middle schooler. She turn into a rough kids at the time. Her parents finally divorce when Yujin was on her 2nd grade of middle school. She look like a lost kids. I always going to her house but she said she was okay. She was lived with her mom when her dad left her dont know where. When she was 3rd grade her mom turn to left her with young men on her birthday.



 My family take her into our place in after she done middle school exam. She finaly back into fun girl and hyperactive.



Till i found her staring blanky when she is alone. Not only once but in a lot of time. I tell my parents. And we start worrying.



A month after when we plan to did holiday with her, she left home at the night. We searching everywhere but we found none. Till the police called my dad. Yujin got a car accident. We thought that we are gonna lose her. But she stay. She got an amnesia. Thats not too much scars on her. But her brain. Yujin still remember all the things except the memory about who is who?. She need almost a year to healing. Thats why she late to starting her high school day.  Even now, she still found it hard when remembering something. She will collapsed when she have too much thingkin and too much working. Thats why im protect her more than i protecting my self. Yujin in not good condition. I dont wanna lose her."




She telling me while crying. She telling me all of it clearly and now i cant stop blaming how selfish i am. All of her recording playing in my mind like they torture me.




"Wonyoungie" She then called my name in Yujin impersonate.




“The name that she called, everynight when she was asleep”













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Wizoneph #1
Chapter 5: I don't ship gyuri and saerom
I ship gyuri and jisun
Chapter 23: i would really love to read a prologue/series of wrost plan because the whole plot is really intresting to me and i like it
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maomaomin #4
Chapter 31: so soft…
welcome back:) i love u♡
Chapter 31: Love you. Can you make another Annyeongz fic? Your writing is so good and i really like it 😍😍
maomaomin #6
Chapter 30: I miss u ;(
Chapter 30: I love your stories :( you are one of my best author don't be rude to yourself tho and yeah love u too uwu
Chapter 30: i wish you will write more annyeongz stuff :(