
What If.

Underlined: Flashback.


Its extremely cold here on New York city. Sipping a glass of morning coffee looking through the window, i can see how hectic it was eventhough its just 7am. Put off the glass into the sink just to get washed when i remember, and heading to my bedroom take my bag and didnt forget my cap. Currently i like this style better that much. Simple outfit with jeans, white long tshirt, denim and white shoes. No one care with style.


"Good morning" the security of my appartment building greet me.


"Morning, have a nive day to you" i said while flexing the brighter smile of mine then walking to reach the parking area. There he was. My black SUV all ready to make a good trip. 


This is my second years i living my own live here. Being transfree university student and im successfully graduated three months ago on my 22 years old. Not that bad right?


"Morning Lee" I said put off my bag and my mask. Settling the things right in my desk.


"An, theres client for today meeting. Can you handle it for me?. I gotta go, my mom got hospitalized" He said hurriedly.


"Sure" i said. 


Lee Gohan is my workmates, he has Korean grandparents but he was born and raised at this city. He is an executive account while me, a content creative. We just have few worker here but all rounder aside of this is new born company. And one more, this company sometimes handling a high class brand like Gucci, Hermes, and all.


Reading all the brief that Lee's left it for me, i can see familiar name on it. "So she is here" im chuckles knowing that this world is so fkn small despite all bunch of countries exist.


"I need my second coffee" i get up to the coffee maker that well placed on the corner of our room. Then something flashing into my mind.




"Good job" Yujin shouting while give a standing applause to the model that done her job while she and her team recorded.


"How was it?" The model said walking while took off the leather jacket and left the white crop tee that well match on her shape.


"Its so hot here" She said pouting.


"You are great, never doubt that" Yujin said while her hand fixing the fringe on the  model's forehead.


"Wonyou, here is your drink" Yujin's team coming to the two while giving a freshing cold cola.


"Thankyou Junho" The model named Wonyoung said. 


"Did i do well?" Wonyoung asking the guy who was busy to fanning his self with hard paper. Wonyoung puppy eyes making the girl beside her giggled.


"If its not good, Yujin will cut you off immediately as girlfriend" Junho said.


"Miss perfect!" Wonyoung and Junho said in unison.


"Yahh, its not like that. I just like something proper and good" Yujin defending herself.


"Anyway, im curious" Junho said looking serious.


"How much you pay Wonyoung for every scene?" Junho was right. Wonyoung is high class red carpet model. She is being brand ambassador when she just 14, and imagine what achievement she got in her 18.


And looking at project that Yujin's take right now is kind of, low?. Make a school promotion with short movie advertisement. 


"You really wanna know?" Yujin asking playing with her eyebrows.

"Of course" Junho nodded.

"This" Yujin pulling in Wonyoung by her waist and give a short passionate kiss on the lips, enough to make Junho regret her question.

"Twas gross" Junho said covering his eyes with the paper on his hand. Then the couples laughing at Junho's antics.

"We can do much more on bedroom, if you still curious you can follow us after school's end" Yujin playfully saying.

"Im better going to church with my mom and dad. Wtf my eyes" Junho said then leaving the two alone.

"Uhm Yujin?" Wonyoung ask.

"Are we gonna did it after school's end?" Wonyoung ask innocently.


"As if you want it" Yujin said then give a wink and its made Wonyoung's face burning.

"I hate you" Wonyoung said hitting Yujin's arm and walking away.

"You always want more tho" Yujin a half shouting.









"Y yes what?" Im startled, how long ive been zoned out.


"You make a the coffee growing its root" my workmate said.


"Are you okay?" She ask.


"Im fine, thankyou for asking" I said while pouring the coffee into the cup.


"Uhm Lea?" 


"Yes?" Alea, another workmate who just printing some paper beside me stopping her way to look at me.


"What time the meeting be held?" Yujin ask.


"Around 2, whats wrong? Isn't Lee who should attending" Lea said back to her task.


"He come back home, something happened he said" I said, suddenly i feel so nervous.

"So you take that over?" Lea ask.


"Uh um"


"Wait, you look weird. What happens with you?" Lea scan me from up to toe.


"Did i? You should back to your things Alea" I said running away from interrogations.


Lea and i be friends since we were college, she is my first friend here that im pretty sure she can easily points out what happens in me. I share some stories with her, even though not as detail as who, where and when. Its just about how and what. 


"Why im being this way. Cmon Yujin. You can do this" I encourage myself. Take my thoughts behind and focus on the task i should ve done before the meeting started. Before i meet her. Again.




"Yujin, stop it" Wonyoung whines a half tears.

"No baby"





"Please...stop Yujin ahh" Wonyoung said almost in audible.

"Okay im sorry" Both panting hard, Yujin is on top of Wonyoung's.

"Im sorry, okay." Yujin said shed the tears that hanging on the corner of Wonyoung's eyes.

"I told you i dont like it when you tickled me like that" Wonyoung said pouting.

"Because you are too cute baby" Yujin's said squeezing Wonyoung's cheeks.

"Im hungry" Wonyoung said with baby voice. 

"Lets go downstairs, and order some food" Yujin said taking off the blanket from the two. 

"Carry me" Wonyoung said rosing her hands up, while Yujin fixing herself.

"No, you are not baby anymore" 

"You said im your baby" 

"Wonyou, im tired"

"My body sore too. Pweasee Yujinnie" Wonyoung last attempt.

"Fine! but please dress up first" Yujin said turning her face away. Her face reddened.




"Yujin, the meeting" Alea said.


"What?" I ask her.


"Its come early at 1 today, so better do lunch right now. Because i heard that the client have a tight schedule and you cant be late" She said.


"Tsk, wait a minute. I need to done my task first" I said looking at my wrist clock and its 12.15.


And Alea always right, its 12.46 and i just finish my task that its actually can be delayed due to the long deadline.

Maybe Alea really meant to be with Lee, to be honest. What a nice couple. The guy keep on bugging me, and the girl keep on rules.

I didnt make a time if i do lunch, so i choose to stay on the balcony while drinking my third coffee of the day.




"I think we have different path" 

"I guess so"

"Thanks for give me your time, thanks to always beside of me, I appreciate it a lot Wonyoung" 

"You too, see you Yujin"


Its hard, its hurt more. When everything look just good on the outside but otherwise on the inside.

Yujin and Wonyoung looks so inlove with each other. But at the end, just being love is not enough. 

How Wonyoung keep on struggling everyday to choose between her modeling activity or make a free time with Yujin.
How Wonyoung who keep on clinging into Yujin because she knew how much efforts she need to just refused the work order. 
How Wonyoung always thinking that give up in one choices is a good way when she really tired of it.


And at the other hand.


Theres Yujin who seems hard to choose what her skill leading into. 
Theres Yujin who keep on learning a new things that make her confused and forgot that she have another responsibility to take. 
Theres Yujin who always looking at how successful her girlfriend is and yet, she always have a free support from Wonyoung.


Like every Wonyoung leading Yujin's project theres always big achievement on Yujin's side but Yujin is not selfish and she knew that it is wrong even though Wonyoung gladly doing anything to help her girlfriend. 


It is right, something too good didnt always end up with good things too.


A year after their break up, Yujin let herself to be free. She is not gonna lie, that keeping close with Wonyoung its hurtfull. 

And so do with Wonyoung.

"Wonyoung, i think i will continues my study in New York" 

"Good for you Yujin" 

"Take care of yourself" 


Just then, they let it go. 




"So it was our concept of promotion in purpose to reach the target and thank you for the time" My last words after presentation. My mind is actually didnt right in its place. My nervousness to meet her again. My stomach who keep grumbling. And also, its Lee's task supposedly.


"Thats good mock up, and we are gladly to sign the contract" Mrs. Kim th client's manager said.


I let out the smile relieve, at least i ve done my task well until my eyes meet a pair of eyes that im longing into. 


"Good job" she mouthing and I could only giggling.


"Cute, as always" I thought 




Just another day of me enjoying the morning view of city with coffee in my hand. Everything going perfectly fine as long as im, An Yujin who handle it. 


"Hectic as usual huh?" I mumbled. Nothin can can change this human behaviour anyway. Peoples do need to feed their needs. Anything. No exception for me. 


I dont know but today i feel so lazy to going out from my home. My appartment i mean. Because now its so comfortable, its warm even summer still long time coming. When im at this state, i keep on thinking that im actually hate cold as much as i hate broccoli. I wonder how can i survive till this day. 


"An Yujin, you can do this" Its always been my spell that i said. I walk to the kitchen. Yeah, im lazy but im still not ready yet to get fired. You can call me im financially stable now, but i still like that place. Lee, Alea and the coffee maker on the corner of the room.


Put off the glass on the sink, i didnt realize that my lips curving upward.


"I didnt know that looking through sink make you this happy" 


Thats it. The reason. Her.


"I dont know, maybe i get used into the bunch of dirty dishes pile up in it. And now its just the glass i ve used" I said walking closer to the source. Source of warm feeling inside of me. Source of my happiness. 


"Good morning" i said giving a peck to her forehead with little messy hair and pink pastel silky one piece.


Not long ago, this first good morning will come out from my mouth into security of this building. But now?. Not anymore.


She is cute. Too cute.


"Mhhmm" She respons with rasphy voice and pulling my neck and snuggle into it. I bet, her soul didnt comeback yet to her body.


"Baby, i will be late" I said while caressing her back instead of push her away.

"What time you will back home?" She ask with mumbled.

"Maybe 5 as usual. Why hm?" I said.

"Im lonely without you" She said. She snuggle more and giving light kisses on my neck.

Oh how i really wanna stay for today and attack this girl all day long.


"I still need to looking for your final edit babe, how if they give wrong edit like zombie effect on your face. Huh?" I said.


"I dont care, im still pretty though" She said and theres no hint that she will let me go sooner.


"Ain't complaining. You are right. But..." I said pulling her off softly.


"I will make your last project looks as perfect as the model, baby" i said then she smiling.


"Today, they release the article right?" I ask and she nodded. 


"Go home early, we should to celebrate it" She asking giving peck on my lips. This taste never changing. My favorite taste. 


"Sure, baby" I said then pulling her in to savoring my favorite taste again and again.


I love my morning routine with her. I love everything about her. 




Todays News!

YSL being the last brand for Korean Model, Jang Wonyoung (21). Due to personal reason, the model choose retired from Model Industry at her top career. Some of peoples said that beside of she choose to focus on her clothing business,  she will also get engaged with her partner soon. Congratulations!




*** In case you miss me ***

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Wizoneph #1
Chapter 5: I don't ship gyuri and saerom
I ship gyuri and jisun
Chapter 23: i would really love to read a prologue/series of wrost plan because the whole plot is really intresting to me and i like it
Chapter 31: welcome back author nim, i misss you
maomaomin #4
Chapter 31: so soft…
welcome back:) i love u♡
Chapter 31: Love you. Can you make another Annyeongz fic? Your writing is so good and i really like it 😍😍
maomaomin #6
Chapter 30: I miss u ;(
Chapter 30: I love your stories :( you are one of my best author don't be rude to yourself tho and yeah love u too uwu
Chapter 30: i wish you will write more annyeongz stuff :(