What If : Pink in Grey

What If.

Sunday morning, the wind friendly blowing like whispering that was something good will coming into someone who just sitting in the window space. She flashing her eyes for a lot of times. She even rubbed her eyes. Is that a real? Or she just wake up yet from her satnight hibernation. Just like the sentence of the start words that written. The good news is really happening to her.


She jump into the floor. Running down in the stairs. Searching to someone who can answer her curriousity.


“Mom!!!” She shouted while keep running.


She going to the kitchen but she find none. Finally she bumped into an old yet men with glasses and news paper in his hand.


“Yujin, what are you doing. Are you high? Is still morning” Her dad teasing the girl. Her dad have a good sense of humour. Thats why he could raised a gag queen who have different vibes with her creatures. The cool and stunning girl.


“Dad, wheres mom?” Yujin still unsure that her dad can answering her curiousity.


“She just go to the store, to buy some fruit. What was happen?” Her dad while gulping his morning coffee.


“Ahh... Its will take a long time mom will coming back” Yujin grab the kitchen table seat and sitting beside her daddy.


“Whats wrong?” Her daddy still read the today news paper. Her dad is really like newspaper even she can survive the news through her smart phone.


“Dad, i dont think you know this but i hope you can answer my today question” Yujin smirking while her dad close the page and turn his gaze into her.


“Are you looking down on me? You should to. But at least dont make it so obvious?” Her dad scrumbling Yujin’s hair. Yujin laughing.


“Im sorry. Im a not too-good kids for you. Im just perfect. But did you know Dad, are we have a new neighborhood?” Yujin waiting and hoping her dad know the answer. Yujin understand well that her dad is a hard worker that only know about all the things in business line and . Thats why Yujin need her mommy who in charge in house-angel-keeping more than her dad right now.


“Sure, Mr. Jang and her family moving here today. See, i know it. Im not that bad to being your dad isnt?” Her dad give a smug face.


Yujin finally clapping her hand while standing.


“Wow, its the first time i give you standing applause dad” Yujin still in the bigger smile while her dad just shake her head looking how weird her daughter.


“Wait, how come you know? The name tho. Isnt you are such a ignorant in this simple things?” Yujin still disbelief that her dad was capable in another things.


“Did your moms told you yet? He is our old business partner. And your mommy now in charge for preparing the dinner to welcoming Mr. Jang family tonight” Her dad back into the newspaper.


“What” Yujin get up. “She didnt told me”


“Are you happy about that?” Her dad looking at her.


“Ofc i am. Okay ill prepare myself for tonight” Yujin running into her rooms.


“Its too early to dressed well. Its still morning” Her dad shouted from downstair.                 


Yujin, take a peek into the curtain. But all of Jang’s family was going inside the house and she saw nothing.


Yujin pushed herself into the bed.


“Its really good day, its been 17 years old i lived in here but beside of mine always have an empty. From the empty land turning into empty house building and finally theres family out there” Yujin talking to herself.


Yujin really care about this. Start from she was kids, she always looking at the building. She wonder who will be her neighbor and she even cursing to herself is that building have no one live in because they didnt wanna make a neighborhood with her. But now the answer is out.


Yujin table kitchen was prepared with all kind of food. Yujin’s mom an dad was prepare herself with simple tidy clothes and Yujin tho.


Jang’s family finally come in. Theres Jang’s mom and Jang’s dad. And the end who in the charge to close the line is Jang’s daughter.


Yujin glued while gawking. She didnt expect that Jang’s family have a daughter. Beautiful daughter. She thought that Mr. Jang is only moving with his wife or theres little kids from them. But she thought any wrong. Its such a rewards for her. Yujin waiting for neighbor and finally she get one and its look like they were in same age. Theres no words can describe how happy Yujin is.


Mr. Jang introduced all her family line. He said that he have first daughter but she lived in ia. Her named is Jang Gyuri. Yujin waiting for the introduction of the girl in front of her with pink dress and half curled brown hair. Yujin take a gaze while the girl just looking down.


“Is she that quiet or a shy person. Im not sure, but believe me she is so cute. And smells so good. Okay im being ert right now” Yujin thought to herself.


“And this one is my second daughter, Jang Wonyoung” Mr. Jang still in introduction while Yujin s mom and dad give a greet.


“Wonyoung such a beautiful name” Yujin’s mom complimenting while theres no response from the said girl. All of them looking at the girl. And Yujin did the same.


Mr. Jang clear his throat. “Wonyoung is quiet kids. She only talk if she want to but she is good listener and study tho” Mr. Jang trying to blend the vibes.


“She didnt response all of this?” Yujin thought to herself in second. Yujin really locked by the girl. Yujin following every moving of the girl who didnt give any move. Yujin get bored but she still in currious.


“Uncle, is good father. Im envious with Wonyoung. I never have a father who caring me like uncle do” All of the family spreading the laughter. Yujin is really good to handle the kind of situation. Yujin  take a peek of the girl. Theres still no response. Yujin sighed.


'“Is that Wonyoung will going to school?” Yujin’s mom questioning.


“We’re not decide yet, Wonyoung still in process to learning around” Mrs. Jang answering.


“Wonyoungie, what grade are you?” Yujin bravely talking for the first time to the girl. The girl only look up into Yujin.


“Her eyes is so beautiful” Yujin amazed.


“ She is in second grade” Mrs. Jang answering.


Wait is just her voice sounds so old or. No it was Mrs. Jang voice. Why she lookin at me but didnt answer my question” Yujin frowning.  



Seoul Senior High School.


“Yujin whats up” Theres Eunbi greeting the spacing ou girls in front of the food.


“Unnie” Yujin annoyed.


“Is lunch break but i guess that you still hanging in Math test paper” Chaeyeon who in same classmates as her.


“Wheres the two?” Yujin asking while her eyes searching fot two creatures who always stick in other one.


“Yuri in the rest room. Ofc Yena will always acompany her” Eunbi answering.


“Whats happen Yujin, you didnt look in a good mood” Chaeyeon asking.


“Ive new neighborhood” Yujin pouted.


“The empty house beside of yours? Its good news Yujin” Eunbi shooking Yujin’s body.


All of Yujins friends is ever stay over in Yujin’s house. And knew well Yujin. Eunbi and Yena is third grade. While Yuri is in the same grade as her.


“Its not that good. Their daughter really something” Yujin answering with no passion to life.


“What something?” Someone snapped for behind. Yujin turn the gaze. Eunbi and Chaeyeon chuckled.


“No- Nothing” Yujin stuttering.


There was Kim Minjoo. Yujin’s girlfriend. Minjoo with Yena and Yuri following her.


Kim Minjoo is Yujin’s girlfriends for a year. Kim Minjoo is celebrity student. She is MV model and Megazine model. Ahn Yujin is only a lucky one who can date with her.


Minjoo walk closer. Sitting beside her lover. Hug her.


“I miss you” Minjoo snuggling in Yujin shoulder.


 This scene is just usual. All of them is couple as well. The top  three of school couple.


“I miss you too” Yujin with left hand rubbing Minjoo back and the right hand on the fork, take a bite of her food.


“More than food?” Minjoo know Yujin well.


Yujin just laughing. 


Minjoo is not often seen in the school because of her schedule. Thats why she so clingy when she meet with Yujin.


“What something was?” Minjoo advance the conversation before. The rest of them just enjoying the food and talk with their couple.


“My new neighbor” Yujin answering while pulling herself from Minjoo arms.


“Is she handsome? No. Is she beautiful?” Minjoo questioning.


“Sounds like that” Yujin back to the food.


“But she is not that good. She is not friendly. She is so dark and quiet” Yujin commenting.


“So its out of your list isnt? Im relieved” Minjoo answering while scrumbling Yujin’s hair. All her friends just laughing.


“Ill going to Singapore for MV take, i leave you tomorrow till next week. I wont see you cheating on me” Minjoo warn the younger.


“Im not ready yet to got killed by your fans. So i said Yes” Yujin while pinching Minjoo’s cheeks.



Yujin home


Yujin peeking at her window.


Theres no different like before. Still like empty house building. But with a light. Really quiet. The neighborhood who she ever dreaming of to playing together is faded from her mind.



Seoul Senior High School.


The 5th of them walk in to the library together. Yujin, Chaeyeon, Eunbi, Yena and Yuri. They were heading on library  to reading some book for Yuri and advance the napping time for the rest. When they walk in they stopped by crowded student in a meter front of them.


“What happen?”  Yena asking.


Its so weird. The crowd just happen when theres a three things going. First, when Minjoo coming after she get her pic in cover megazine. Second, Yuri just covering new song on her channel and get a comment from the real singer. And the third is Eunbi choreograph for New Rookie group just reveal up. But of course its not the three of it. Because Minjoo is in skip day. Eunbi and Yuri is just with them.


“What the he**” Yujin mumbling.


“Whats wrong” Yuri and the rest looking at her. And turn to the place of crowd happening.


They saw a pretty tall girl. With skinny body. Long haired. Walk in like a red carpet model. And flash a i-dont-give-a-fck-with-all-of-this-sh*t stare too all of the crowd.


“My new neighbor” Yujin make the rest her friends shocking.


“Really? Just greet her if that so” Yena asking while pinched Yujin’s arms. While Yuri and Eunbi give alert because the girl that they saw can easily shoot their couple’s heart.


Yujin in stutter walking close to the girl. Yujin did her friends advice and of course she should to greet her because they are neighborhood.


“Hi Wonyoung, finally we are school-mate. Welcome. ” Yujin smiling friendly in awkward and still stuttering. The girl was only looking at her.


“Is she dont wanna answer my question in again? But now theres no Jang Aunty who backing her up. Wait, is she cant speak” Yujin thought while rubb her skirt.


“Who are you?” Wonyoung first words that Yujin ever heard but kicking her at the same time. All the student hold their laughter.


Yujin is not that famous but her ability to conquering Kim Minjoo is a big things that made her being an important part of school high level student’s lists. But now, she just droop her label in the lower level.


Wonyoung left the crowd and Yujin. Yujin come back to their friends and got caressed by all of them.


“So thats why you looks sad when finally you got a new neighbor” Chaeyeon and the rest easily get it.



It was a weeks. Yujin Yuri and Chaeyeon is now clasmates with Jang Wonyoung. Even so, they didnt talkin with each other. Wonyoung always by herself in everything. Wonyoung stuck in library when it comes to break time. In the first three days all of them trying to approach the said girls but they were give up. Wonyoung only give a died stare when they coming to her.


Minjoo was coming back to school. Back to her friends and her lovers Yujin. Now they are at the school lawn. The sixth of them.


“Yujin, she is cute right?” Minjoo teasing the younger.


“Not that cute, Minjoo nie” Yujin answering while clossing her eyes. Yujin head placed in Minjoo’laps. Eunbi Chaeyeon sharing food together while Yena and Yuri watching Youtube’s video.


“She is not cute because she just kick you” Eunbi teasing while feding  her lover.


“Not that case” Yujin hate to lose.


“Yujin, the teacher ask me to give a note for her tonight. She should to following the left lesson” Yuri join the conversation.


“Go ahead” Yujin ask.


“Your house is the nearest. You should to” Yuri reasoning.


“She will date with me tonight. Be nice with us please” Yena seduction.


“Ill date with My Minmin unnie too.” Yujin caressed Minjoo cheeks while Minjoo give a soft smile to her.


“Yujin, its a next day for us” Minjoo remaind her.


Yujin sighed. 



Jang’s house.


Yujin slowly knocking door. Mrs. Jang opened the door while give a hug.


“Come in” Mrs. Jang welcoming her.


Theres Mr. Jang who just watching tv in the couch greet her.


“Are you have dinner yet?” Mrs. Jang asking nicely.


“Im done, Aunty” Yujin while bowed.


“Are you here to give a tutor for Wonyoung?” Mr. Jang asking while pointing at the book that Yujin’s brought. Yujin nodded.


“She is in her room” Mr. Jang lead Yujin


“Yujin, Wonyoung is quiet and shy person. Dont take it too much if she ignore you sometimes” Mrs. Jang remaind her. Yujin give a smile.



Wonyoungs room.


Yujin finally land her as* into Wonyoung’s bed while looking around at all pinky rooms. The curtain tho.


“You really like pink isnt? Im the blue lovers one” Yujin greeting in weird.


“What the hell with this greeting words Yujin” Yujin cursed herself.


Wonyoung still in ignorant. She sitting in her study seat.


 “What is that?” Wonyoung pointing at the  note at Yujin’s hands. Yujin shooked her head.


“Ah this one. Mrs. Lee thaught me to give a note for you. Its your left lesson before you entering the school” Yujin give her book with flashing dimples.


Wonyoung open one by one page of the note. The latter looking in patiently.


“How come ill study with this note while myself cant even read this unreadable handwriting” Wonyoung sarcasm in pocker face. Yujin hold her anger.


“Wonyoungie, im here to help you. Can you be nice to me? I dont deserve that bad comment” Yujin frowning.


“I just being honest. Is that a matter for you” Wonyoung give a stare to Yujin. Yujin shooked her head in another time.


“Why this girl like this? I cant even arguing with her” Yujin thought while looking at the girl.


“Im not g*y like you. Stop staring at me” Wonyoung in eyes focused on the note but she have a good sense to observing.


“What the he** with this girl” Yujin cant hold her anger anymore but she still cant show it.


“What a matters to being g*y? We have a freedom to decide what we want” Yujin didnt covering her trueself.


“Nothing” Wonyoung simple answer.


“Just keep the note well. Ill leave it here. Give it back to me when you done it” Yujin had enough and get up from the bed.


“Yujin” Wonyoung calling. Its shocking. Its first time Wonyoung call her name. Yujin turn her head.


“Dont forget to close the door” Wonyoung asking without looking at the one she ask for.


Yujin annoying walking out the rooms and close the door.


“Never in my dream to meet this kind of girl. But its fine. At least finally she know my name” Yujin sighed.



Seoul Senior High School.


Wonyoung still unreachable state. All the sixth is going home together. While Yujin and Minjoo separated their way from their friends. Dating. In school uniform.



Not too much but luxurious restaurant.


Yujin and Minjoo have their dinner. They do conversation like couple do. Complimenting each other and talking about the random stuff.


“Happy anniversary Minjoo” Yujin say with a bright smile. Minjoo give a smile back.


It was their 1st anniversary. They did it.


“How was it? Are you happy with me?” Yujin asking.


“Ofc i do. I always do. Being with you is unforgetable things i ever have, Yujin” Minjoo while grabing Yujin’s hands.


“But  you didnt forget about it right?” Minjoo give a smile. Yujin nodded.


“At least we are happy together in one year. I dont think its enough but im enjoying this Minjoo-nie” Yujin showing the dimples.


“Im glad i can being your partner in this one year, Yujin. You are not perfect to me. So do i. But i really happy” Minjoo sudden in tears.


“No. We make a promises that we didnt put any tears in the end. Isnt?” Yujin caressed Minjoo tears.


“Dont worry, ill support you no matter what happen. You will fly high Minjoo. Im proud of my self to ever being part of your live. In a year” Yujin calming the older.


“Im sorry, Yujin. But we should to” Minjoo crying.


“I know it. But the times is coming. We cant break the rule. We will find someone who we deserve. Trust me” Yujin really left her dork side.



Yujin drive Minjoo home by taxi. Yujin kissed Minjoo forehead. And Minjoo kiss Yujin’s cheeks.


“Take care and see you” They waving hand.


Yujin push herself in the taxi seat. Crying.


“Im not tough enough to this. Minjoo thanks for being my side in one years. Ill support you no matter what we are” Yujin whispering to herself while wipping her tears.


Yujin and Minjoo end up their relationship. Their 1s anniversary is their last. Yujin and Minjoo starting the relationship with agreement at first. Yujin who lookin at Minjoo at the poor side, take Minjoo into hers. Minjoo is may full of star. Her popularity. Her rich family. But she is lonely. Yujin coming and drag her. Yujin promise  to always beside of her and finally confessing as a purpose to make Minjoo happy. Minjoo have only  a year left before she signing into the strict agency. At the time Minjoo accept Yujin confession and dating with Yujin in her one year left.


It was fair enough. They didnt break their own rule.



Seoul Senior High School.


Yujin and her friends was in the canteen corner. Theres Minjoo tho.


“You guys break up” Yena cant handle her voice make the rest of canteen visitor looking at them.


Yujin and Minjoo who sitting beside each other nodded. Like nothing happen. Even the tears was already gone.


“How come?” Eunbi widen her eyes.


“Me and Yujin is in a good. But our love-relationship not. I mean. I will bussier in the next day. I cant catch up with her like before. So we decide it” Minjoo explaining while Yujin nodded chewing her food.


“Its not too simple to break?” Yuri complain.


“It was the right decision guys. I know how its feels. But as long as Yujin and Minjoo can handle it well, why not?” Chaeyeon helping to explain.


“Its fine then. Both of you can freely choosing another target?” Yena breaking the emotion.


“Yujin is in her way. But im not. I ve got a strict agency” Minjoo pouted and pretending like she is crying. Yujin who beside of her caressed Minjoo’s back.


“Thats okay. After you finished your job in dont-know-year coming, ill find you someone that suit your taste” Yujin teasing Minjoo and the rest laughing.



Yujin’s house.


After dinner, Yujin walking out to store to buy some food. When she heading back home. She stopped. She walking across the mini park not that far from her house. She saw a long haired girl with grey hoodie that similar with the one that she wore right now. Matching suit. The girl’s figure looks so familiar. Yujin trying to approach her.


“Heii?” Yujin shocking the girl who staring blanky while sitting at the swing board. Wonyoung turn the gaze with her usual looks. Die stare.


“Are you spying me?” Wonyoung expresionless face.


“I just from store and i see you here” Yujin while showing her plastic bag. Theres an ice cream and cookies inside.


Wonyoung take the bag without permision. She found her treasure. Mint choco ice cream. She fastly opened.


“Did i was offering you yet?” Yujin asking.


“Is that needy?” Wonyoung enjoying the ice cream.


Yujin sighed while fixing the plastic bag. And place it beside of her. Yujin sit down in the grass beside the swing girl.


“You are 16th but looks like a baby eating an ice cream for the first time” Yujin smiling only look at the latter.


“What are you doing here?” Yujin ask  her.


“Im here to say hi for the wind” Wonyoung still in her ice cream.


“Can you talk to them?” Yujin asking in a joke.


“I did. I wait the wind coming with a good news. Ill catch them” Wonyoung answer in seriousness.


“Did you know when i catch the wind ill get fever later” Yujin pouted while looking at the point the younger lookin for. Clear night sky.


The younger giggled. Yujin take aback and looking at her.


“How can she turning into angel like that. I can life with it” Yujin thought. Wonyoung staring at her finished the mint choco.


“Whats wrong ?” Wonyoung asking.


“No-nothing” Yujin stuttering while looking back at the sky.


“Why you didnt talk?” Yujin have a chance to asking.


“I just dont want to” Simple answer she got.


“Why? Did you hate something?. I guess you didnt talk with your parents as well. Did you hate them?” Yujin shoot with a lot of question.


“Should i hate something first before i choose didnt talk to?” Wonyoung turn the question.


“Smart girl. You know, you make me confused since we first meet” Yujin honest.


“Just dont think about me then” Wonyoung another answer.


Yujin move herself in front of the girl and looking up into the girl who have a backlight because Yujin sitting under the girl. But Yujin can see Wonyoung’s face clear enough. Wonyoung stopped swinging the board.


“Can you move?” Wonyoung snapped.


“No. Till you giving me smile” Yujin teasing.


“Who are you asking me to?” Wonyoung annoying.


“Ahn Yujin. Your neighborhood” Yujin not wrong answer but ofc its not the right one.


Wonyoung feel annoying. She about to get up. But Yujin hand catch Wonyoung’s wrist and pull her back into the swing board.


“Can we being friends? I hate to see someone who alone” Yujin hoping.


Wonyoung who always lonely drag Yujin into the same feel that she felt with Minjoo before. But its has differences. Theres such a curriosity of Yujin about Wonyoung. Who is Wonyoung in real.


“We are classmate. Ofc we are friend. Isnt that enough?” Wonyoung really annoyed.


“Ofc no. Its different” Yujin stopped didnt know how to explaining.


“I dont wanna be friends its not because i hate it. I just dont want to. If you asking why? The answer is because i like this way since i was born. If you asking am i have a friends before? Ill answer theres only my parents and my sister that i have. Is this enough?” Yujin gawking at the Wonyoung answer.


“I think you are really close with your sister? Wheres your sister?”  Yujin asking.


“Yes we are. She is in ia with her girlfriends” Wonyoung in a good mood to answering all the question. Or she just give up because Yujin will always caught her everyehere she run away.


“Oh okay—Wait. Your sister is?” Yujin about to drooling.


“My sister is like you” Wonyoung answering while smirking. This is another expression that shown from expresionless girl.


“So you didnt hate me? Because im ga-?” Yujin cutted.


“Did i ever said that i hate it? Huh?” Wonyoung who in high level of annoyed give a anger look.


Yujin sweat falling down. She never look the girl who have a lot of gloomy inside like Wonyoung.


“Okay. Its my last question for tonight. Dont force yourself too hard” Yujin while trembling trying to get up and take the plastic back in the left hand. And the right hand grab Wonyoung’s wrist.


“Whats this is for?” Wonyoung complaining.


“Its was about midnight. Lets go home” Yujin pulled Wonyoung’s hand.


 No complaining like before.



Yujin’s room.


Yujin staring at the roof in her room. She smiling by herself. Wonyoung’s is really new things for her. She remember the day when she finally decide to be with Minjoo. Yujin knew clear the reason. Its not because Minjoo is a popular and beautiful one. But to make lonely Minjoo happy.


And for Wonyoung, Yujin really didnt know why she being this currious.The reason why she keep on track to fight for Wonyoung even she got a lot of bitter response.  To make Wonyoung happy? Yujin herself didnt thinking that Wonyoung looks frustrated. Wonyoung just like grey and black. Gloomy Wonyoung is only Wonyoung who want to become. Even Wonyoung looks so gloomy dark it doesnt mean that Wonyoung was in sadness.


Yujin have a lot kind of emotion when she with Wonyoung.


Even its clear enough to be seen that she fight for Wonyoung is to make herself happy. Yujin still didnt get it. Its first time for Yujin to have different feels like this.


The things that concerned Yujin the most is. How she can able to talk to Wonyoung without any border. Take Wonyoung into her worlds. Its sounds so amazing if she can exploring her worlds with someone who make her happy. The neighbohood that she waiting for so long is someone who she really want in her life.



“Why can she make my heart flustered when i see her eyes?” Yujin didnt against her feeling.



Seoul Senior High School.


The lunch break is begin. Yuri got drag by Yena and Chaeyeon running first going to Eunbi’s class. Theres only Yujin and some of her classmates left. And Jang Wonyoung who looking out at the window. No need to greet Yujin grab Wonyoung’s hands and pull her. Wonyoung shocking but she didnt do anything. Like scolding or complaining. She just following someone who pulling her.


Theres Eunbi Chaeyeon and Yena Yuri sitting in line of the canteen. Yujin put Wonyoung beside of them. The rest just looking with cluessly.


“Wait here. Ill take some food for us” Yujin flashing the dimples. The rest gawking and Wonyoung didnt know what to do. Yujin’s friends is still stranger to her.


Yena about to greet Wonyoung who just droop her face but got a stare from Eunbi. Eunbi know that words coming from Yena is messed up one.


“Hi Wonyoung, Im Eunbi. Yujin talk alot about you” Eunbi greet her. Its more better than Yena if she done it. Wonyoung looking up at Eunbi. She bowed.


“No need to use a polite way. We are Yujin’s friends” Eunbi while holding Wonyoung’s shoulder.


“This is Chaeyeon, Yena and Yuri” Eunbi pointing one by one of them. They give a smile and Wonyoung give another bowing. Its make the rest feels so awkward in the kind of circumtances.


“Dont worry, She didnt hate you. She just dont want to talk with annoying like y’all.” Yujin with holding a lot of food take a seat beside Wonyoung.


Wonyoung give a stare and the rest response with hopeless face.


“JK, Wonyoung still observe us. Just let her be” Yujin give a Wonyoung some food. And the latter take it.


Theres a lot of talk. But Wonyoung still. Observing.


Wonyoung walking home by herself not that long. Yujin running into her and walk beside her.


“Are you not tired?” Wonyoung speak in coldness.


“Ofc not. Ill always like this for you” Yujin give a dimples.


“I talk about you who just run. Are you didnt tired. You run everytime” Wonyoung eyes still in straight.


“Oh i think so. I like running. Its healthy” Yujin face palm.


“Wonyoungie lets go somewhere. Ill introduce you with someone” Yujin didnt wait the answer. She grab Wonyoung’s hands and run in the road.





Theres banner with. KIM MINJOO 1ST MEET AND GREET.


Yujin and Wonyoung waiting till the show ended. Yujin have promises to always supporting Minjoo. And this is the 1st time Minjoo in her new agency start her stage.


Minjoo just walk out with her manager. She stopped because she saw Yujin. Minjoo let her manager to the waiting room.


“Hei Yujin. You really coming” Minjoo greet first.


“Congratulation for your debut Minmin unnie” Yujin give a hug. Wonyoung just looking at the action.


Minjoo pull herself while looking at Yujin.


“So, the something is happen to you. Isnt that too fast?” Minjoo teasing the younger. Yujin blushing. Wonyoung cluelessly.


“No. I just take her to acompany me. But im looking into another chance tho” Yujin shyly. Minjoo chuckled.


“Take your time and have fun, Yujin. You are nice person” Minjoo give a smile while Yujin’s arms. Yujin nodded. Then they say goodbye to each other.



Yujin and Wonyoung walking. Theres still far from their home.


“Thanks Wonyoungie” Yujin broke the silence. The latter looking at her.


“Minjoo unnie is my ex-girlfriend” Yujin give un-needy information.


“Then?” Wonyoung back to look straight.


“You know, we can even dating people even theres no love between them” Yujin another information.


“Me and Minjoo unnie didnt love each other. But we support each other. Just like you in opposite” Yujin make the younger stop her feet.


“What do yo mean by that?” Wonyoung asking.


“You dont hate people but you didnt talk with  them. Isnt it the same meaning but in opposite ways?” Yujin looking at younger.


“Wonyoungie, your presence is mean to much for someone out there. Your family. Your friends and me” Yujin paused. Wonyoung still didnt get it.


“Your hello could change something. You didnt know it because you never try it. Dont worry ill with you” Yujin give a smile. Wonyoung who look like in crowded mind caugted up by Yujin.


“Lets go home” Yujin pull Wonyoung’s wrist.


Wonyoung give a deep looking behind and following the older.



Wonyoung room.


Wonyoung in denial stage. She need someone who really understand her. Her sister.






Gyul Unnie

Hei bby. Whats wrong? Did something happen to u? How about the new house?



Nothing. The house is nice tho. Unnie, may ask u?


Gyul Unnie

Ofc. What happen bby?



I ve new friends.


Gyul Unnie

Wait. What? Really? Is that Mr.Ahn daughter? Moms told me that the new neighbor have a same age kids with u.



U know that. Yes she is. Her name is Yujin.


Gyul Unnie

So what the matters bby?



She told me a things like the way you ve told me the same things. To open myself. Is that really i need to?


Gyul Unnie

Heii... Its all belong to u. I trust u. My bby girl will always did anything well. No need to worry mom, dad and unnie always in your side no matter what you decision bby. I guess she is nice girl.



Thanks unnie. I miss u


Gyul Unnie

I miss u too bby.



Yujin house.


Yujin just finished her breakfast. She prepare her shoes. She opened the door and got shocking. Wonyoung infront of her.


“Hei. I just about going to your house. Are you waiting too long?” Yujin greet her. The latter shooked her head. Wonyoung pull Yujin’s wrist. The latter gawking. 


They holding hand in the school way. Theres nothing conversation. They meet up with an old lady who just walk around with her puppy. Wonyoung give a stare to Yujin. Yujin didnt get the meaning.


“Good morning. Have a nice day” Wonyoung greet and bowing into the old lady and have return greeting.


Theres like a morning happines for Yujin. Yujin looking at the girl who hold her hand with proudly smile.


The day going like usual. For the lunch break Yujin draging Wonyoung with her into their group like before. But now the difference things is Wonyoung smilling when it comes into funny conversation.



Wonyoung’s house.


Yujin and Wonyoung now at Wonyoung’s rooms. They get an homework. And Yujin ask Wonyoung to studying together in hers and the latter agreed.


Yujin sitting at Wonyoung’s bed hugging a pillow. While Wonyoung in her study seat open the book.


“You look great today” Yujin complimenting. “Its different. And i see you with a lot of smile” Yujin another compliment.


“Thanks” Theres only answer from Wonyoung.


“You’ve try it. And im proud of you” Yujin proudly.


“Its feels so good. I just know it” Wonyoung stopped. “Its my first time to greet stranger. And about the smile tho” Wonyoung thinking something.


“Its your first time to smile?. Really?” Yujin widden her eyes.


“No. I mean. I have no plan to smile. But its appeared by itself. I just realize that i was smiling in a lot today” Wonyoung confusing.


Yujin throw the pillow. She draw herself closer and bent over beside the younger.


“Its good. You are getting used to it. Just enjoy it” Yujin advice in supportive tone. The younger look at her. And smiling.


“She smiling in this close. Im over” Yujin heartbeat in fast.


“Your smile is beautiful Wonyoungie” Yujin blurted her thought and she didnt realize it.Wonyoung throw a gaze and its a red pop out into Wonyoung’s pluffy cheeks.


Yujin stuttering. Both of them.


They did study in awkwardly.



Its been a month. Yujin and Wonyoung getting closer. They did movie, shopping, and have fun together. Wonyoung slowly turn into cheerful girl. Wonyoung joining at Yujin’s hang out group sometimes.Wonyoung’s parents gladly looking how was daughter turn be.



Seoul Senior High School.


The lesson has been finished. But  Chaeyeon, Yena and Yujin sitting in the garden waiting for Eunbi and Wonyoung acompany Yuri to the restroom.


“You like her its obvious” Yena louder voice.


“Shut up. I wont it heard” Yujin shyly clossed Yena’s mouth.


“But its true, You should confess her, Yujin” Chaeyeon in Yena’s side.


“She didnt like me” Yujin droop her face.


“But you should ve try it” Yena frowning.


“No. She look at me with disgusted face when i said that i ever date with Minjoo” Yujin tell the reason .


“I dont think that she is straight” Chaeyeon thinking hard.


“Me too. But im afraid if she refused me. She just starting comfort with us” Yujin another reason.


“But you like her” Yena uncontrolled tone.


“Yes i am. I like Wonyoung” Yujin annoyed answer with loud voice.


The three girl behind them stopped her feet. Chaeyeon found out and give a hint to turn over.


“Ill going home first” Wonyoung excuses herself.


The rest looking at each other while Yujin stayed at her place.


“Im sorry Yujin” Yena and Chaeyeon hug Yujin. Yujin tearing. She know that Wonyoung will leave her.



Yujin’s room.


It was 20.00 and hundred times Yujin take a peek in her curtain. Looking for Wonyoung. She about to explain but she has no courage to tell.


She grab her phone.

She texted Wonyoung.



Wonyoung, ill wait you in the mini park tonight. Please come.



Theres no reply and Yujin didnt wanna know the answer tho. She run to the park. Sitting at the bench. With black tshirt and ceckered outer.



Mini Park.


It was 3 hours she waiting for the girl who still showing her beauty yet. Yujin feels so cold. She was sneezing once in a minute.


“What are you doing here?”


Yujin shocked she get up and turn herself. She found a girl with yellow hoodie and tied hair.


“Hei” Yujin stutter greeting and sneezing.


“ I thought you wouldnt come” Yujin assuming. The younger just look at her.


“why i should to come?” Wonyoung looking confused.


“I text you to” Yujin answering while pull Wonyoung to take a seat with her.


“I dont bring a phone. I just going back from night walking with Gyuri-Unnie” Wonyoung pouted.


“What? Your unnie coming?” Yujin forget her plan.


“Yes she just coming. And i acompany her.Then i saw you here. Whats for?” Wonyoung strike.


“Uhm. About what just happening” Yujin’s cold turn to hot temperature.


“It was right. But please Wonyoungie. Even you dont feel the same way. I wont you to leave. We can still be friends right” Yujin hoping. The younger locked her eyes into her.


“I know you may disgusting because of me. But promise me. Ill never look at you in the kind of way” Yujin almost tearing.


Wonyoung who give no response in while finally take an action.


She kissed Yujin’s cheeks. Yujin glued.


“How dare you think like that?” Wonyoung smirking.


“Bu-But you just left me at school” Yujin disbelief.


“Its because its so sudden. And im so shy. Im sorry” Wonyoung droop her face but caught by Yujin’s hands.


“So?” Yujin waiting the answer. The younger nooded and smiling in blushing. Yujin pull her into her hug.


“Im so happy Wonyoungie” Yujin’s tears happily falls down.


“Thanks for change me into the better one, Yujinnie. Ilove you” Wonyoung whispering into Yujin’s ears.


They pulled off the hug.


“Iloveyou too Wonyoungie” Yujin stop it. They give a deep stare to each other.


“Can i kiss you?” Yujin sudden request make the younger smiling.


“No need to ask” Wonyoung closed her eyes. The older give her the soft one.


They ve interlocking arms while walking back to home.



They ve reach Wonyoung’s house.


“What time is it?” Someone snapped her.


“Is this Gyuri Unnie?” Yujin asking. The younger shooked her head.


“She is Saerom unnie, Gyuri unnie’s girlfriends” Wonyoung’s answer. Yujin bowed.


Not that long Gyuri coming up and introduce herself to Yujin.


“Wonyoung, you are lucky to have a neighborhood like her” Gyuri complimenting while the young couple blushing.







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Wizoneph #1
Chapter 5: I don't ship gyuri and saerom
I ship gyuri and jisun
Chapter 23: i would really love to read a prologue/series of wrost plan because the whole plot is really intresting to me and i like it
Chapter 31: welcome back author nim, i misss you
maomaomin #4
Chapter 31: so soft…
welcome back:) i love u♡
Chapter 31: Love you. Can you make another Annyeongz fic? Your writing is so good and i really like it 😍😍
maomaomin #6
Chapter 30: I miss u ;(
Chapter 30: I love your stories :( you are one of my best author don't be rude to yourself tho and yeah love u too uwu
Chapter 30: i wish you will write more annyeongz stuff :(