Chapter 8

Marriage Contract
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Hi !! I'm back,^^ sorry long time no update, I lost inspiration😔
does anyone still read this boring story??🤔







* First, we must maintain the privacy of one another.

*Second , we should not have like a married couple.

*Third ,this marriage is not more than one year.

"Is there anything you want to add?"

"Don't let anyone know about this agreement, besides us both"


"And also, we must know what each of us likes and dislikes"


"You PABBO , have you forgotten in front of my grandpa. We've been dating for more than a year. They will be suspicious if we don't know such things"

"Tsk ... don't say to me pabbo, pabbo" krys hissed dislike, he stared at Sooyeon sharply, which was only ignored by her.

 Krys likes and dislikes
 *likes meat
 *likes mangoes
 *likes sushi
 *Apple allergies but love it
 *Dont like pink

"Insects?" commented Sooyeon with raised eyebrows

"What? Insects are scary," Krys said shuddering in horror

 Sooyeon likes and dislikes
*don't like cucumbers
*really like sleep

"Don't look at me like that"

"How long can you sleep?"

"12 hours if I don't have a job" krys looked at her in disbelief
'weird girl'his though




In just three weeks, their wedding preparations were finished, thanks to Grandpa Jung and they only had to check the wedding dress.







At one of the famous nightclubs in Seoul, two men sit at the bar,
The first man with blonde hair turned sideways staring at his friend.

"You did not say about krys's marriage, to her right?"

"Aniyo, even though she is my sister, I prefer krys to marry another girl than her"

"Yeap and I'm grateful that the marriage is closed, if she finds out about krys who is getting married, I'm sure, she will fly from Germany to Korea tonight"

"Hope, she doesn't hear it from anywhere"


He put an empty glass on the bar, then he got off the bench and walked to the crowd of people who danced wildly.








Even though his marriage was only a few days away, he still had to continue working on his duties as a company leader who would later bequeathed to him.


"Come in" he said without turning his gaze from the papers he had to sign.

The door slowly opened, Sooyeon stepped into the room she had visited before when she signed the damn contract.

"Looks more comfortable during the day" he looked up from the paper.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, still sitting in his chair.

Sooyeon raised her hand to show what she was carrying.

"Eomma wants me to bring you lunch, and please don't assume I like doing this. I really don't like it" she said putting the hamper on the table in the krys room

Krys put down his pen, looked at his watch. 12: 39 pm. He was too late with his work to forget his lunch ... of course his stomach would grumble asking for food, krys walked towards sooyeon who was sitting and opening a hamper, there were three places, one for rice , and the other side dishes like, Kimchi, omelet, bulgogi and there are also Kimbab.

"you cook all this?" Krys asked, stuffing an omelet into his mouth

"No, the restaurant that made it" Sooyeon answered sarcastically, sooyeon sat beside krys just different benches.

"You're right, this is too good for you to make yourself," Krys began eating.

Sooyeon just rolled her eyes to hear krys's words.

"Eat quickly, I have to bring this hamper home"

"You don't eat?"

"Aniyo ..."

"Good, don't eat because I don't want to share it with you" Sooyeon looked at him expressionlessly and Krys continued to eat.

And a few moments later
"I am very full" krys leaned his body on the back of the sofa after he finished eating and sooyeon rearranged the hamper.

"Hey ... bring me something like this tomorrow, at which restaurant did you buy it?"

"Tomorrow the restaurant closes," said Sooyeon and began to walk away.

"Tomorrow again?"

"Still closed"

"What kind of restaurant is that always closed?"

Sooyeon did not respond

"Hey !!"

Sooyeon turns around

"What?"sooyeon said with lazy tone

"I will pick you up tomorrow, to check the wedding dress" Sooyeon did not answer and turned out to leave krys room.








"Ais ... why so long!" Krys grumbled in his sat waiting for Sooyeon to change her dress. They were doing a wedding dress check.



The curtain opened, Sooyeon stepped out.
Krys leaned over, folded his hands,watching sooyeon from top to toe with a serious look.

"This is the wedding dress that Mr. Jung wanted when he contacted us three weeks ago. Not too glamorous and not too fancy, classic and simple but elegant"
Krys stood, walking towards sooyeon.

"I like ... the dress ... it's beautiful but ..." Krys paused his words and brought his face closer to Sooyeon.

"Why is your cheek swollen?" Sooyeo

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zetyaffendy #1
Chapter 11: i miss this story.. hope authornim will continue
zetyaffendy #2
Chapter 11: i miss this story.. hope authornim will continue
Chapter 11: Sooyeon's change might be very reminiscent of Jisoo. Maybe that's why Krys is so angry?
Chapter 11: maybe that day is special for krys? about jisoo?
Chapter 11: What's make krys so angry though?
Chapter 10: Who is that girl? Ugh i'm so curious
Chapter 10: krys will fall in love with jess but i'm afraid with that girl to appear
Chapter 9: Can't wait to see Krys aegyo but for Jessica XD
Chapter 9: <3
Chapter 8: Welcome back author don't know how much i miss to read this.. eagerly waiting..huwaa.. it's like a dream.. please continue to update this cute and good story