Songs of the Duck-.

Never Been Kissed before!

Maki P.O.V

''Dangyunhaji...this could only happen to me.'' I mumbled looking out into the open beach where the guys were running around, 6-packs in full effect, I knew one thing, they had the attention of the entire female population, myself included.

It deeply , it was like heaven and hell at the same time, all of them shirtless, and I couldn't help but like my lips in lust.Stupid teenage hormones.

I saw Changmin dunking Jaejoong who sputtered out water , before resurfacing and glaring dangerously at the  maknae before splashing him with water, I sat under a huge umbrella as I eyed them all warily.

''Yunnie!'' He shouted as Changmin scrambled to get away from the leader.

I loved the beach, I just didn't like the open water.

I almost drowned when I was six, even with swimming classes in High School, it didn't help my fear. I was alright if the water reached my waist and I could feel the floor with my feet but I was scared to venture out into the deep where the guys were laughing boisterously.

'This .' I pouted behind my sun-glasses but then he approached.

''You looked lonely.'' was his response before sitting down beside me.

''I'm not lonely.'' I said trying to deny the rather obvious fact.

He smiled before giving me a yes-you-so-are- look. I sighed.

''Is it that obvious?'' I questioned.

''No...but I know how it feels sometimes.''

I shot him a curious glance. ''How so?''

''When I had first released my English album was I beyond excited that I had finally gotten to fulfil one of my dreams, but even after the success of it, I still missed my family...and to the extent when I first heard that the album was doing so well....I missed my brothers.'' He looked to the shore line where Yoochun had jumped on Yunho's back, while Changmin laughed, his eyes turning mismatched. Jaejoong looked on amongst them with a certain gentle fondness.

''I see what you mean.''

''But you're not alone now.'' I reminded him.

A quirk of his lips appeared. ''There it is?''

''Huh?'' he said confusedly.

''The shouldn't stop smiling  Xiah....'' I nudged him in the side  softly.

He laughed adorably, it was the first time I heard his famous hu kyuang kyuang laugh. I found myself laughing beside him.

''Now why are you really here?'' He said looking down at me.

''I'm afraid of open water.'' I admitted sheepishly.

''You can't swim.'' He clarified.

I nodded. ''It should be easy right...I can swim in pools...but just stepping out there is frightening.'' I took off my sunglasses pointing it towards the beach.

''Fear is only in your have to overcome it sometime...don't let it rule your life.'' He told me before grabbing my wrists.

''Woah...what are you doing?''

''Just trust me.''

I hastily diguarded my sarang, sunglasses and flipflops as I followed behind him with much trepidation.

''Look who decided to join us.'' Jaejoong teased padding out of the water approaching me.

''Let's get this over with .'' I mumbled to Junsu who led me into the sea.

Is it possible to turn the color of a firetruck?

Because I think I was turning the color of a firetruck.

We were far out and the water was already 7 feet deep if I had to guess.

The guys kept trying to coax me into some water games like 'chicken', but I was afraid to move.

I looked at Junsu who looking over to the other guys with a look of longing.

''You can go.'' I told him.

''You don't have to--'' ''Ani...I'm find here.''He said tightening his grip on my waist.

''Why don't you just shift me to someone else?'' I suggested.

His eyes seemed to brighten before he stirred us into the direction of Jae.

''Hyung....can you take over for a while....''He asked.

''Sure....toss her here..''He smiled.

''Yah! I'm not a package.'' I cried out defensively.

Then I was thrown ceremoniously into the arms of Youngwoong Jaejoong.

My legs instinctively flew around his waist as my arms curled themselves around his neck.

I could feel my face burning so I buried myself into his chest to avoid his gaze.

Our bodies moved rhythmically in the water, as small waves passed us by, I could feel his abs without having to touch them.

''So how come you're afraid of water?'' He asked after a moments silence.

''Bad childhood experience.'' I mumbled looking up at him.

''But do you feel better that you are actually trying to get over it?'' He asked, his lips looked so tentalizing.I swallowed hard.

''Umm....well....I want to try something.'' I told him curling my legs, his eyes widened.

''What are you doing?''

''Don't be rash!''

I need help up a hand. ''Chill ...I just want to see if I can do this.''

''Guys..'' I called out suddenly and they swam over.

''I need you to form a circle around me.'' I said giving them some instructions.

''My cousin once told me...if I'm  around people ....well...enough people...and they were to form a protective circle around me...they'd make sure I was I'm going to attempt it.''

Slow smiles spread around their faces as they joined found a circle around me and let go of Jaejoong completely.

I felt like I was sinking before a hand reached out and grabbed mines, my feet began paddling automatically, when I reached the surface, I saw the relieved face of Junsu.

''You alright?''

''Yeah...I'm wanna try it again.''

Then I submerged again.

I began using my arms as I remembered what my ole swim teacher used to instruct us, then I kicked my legs and smiled as I came up for air into the grinning faces of the guys.

They clapped before I spit water into the nearest person, which happened to Changmin.

He wiped his already wet hair from his face.

''Oppa....chu...'' I gave him a cute wink before pouting , then I swam away from him.

''Yah! Lee Maki'' He yelled swimming after me.

I laughed and scrambled my way to the shore, but curse his long legs.


I screamed as I was picked up by my waist and spun around.

He splashed me continuously until it broke out onto a water war.

The guys soon joined us.

Junsu, Yoochun and Me on one team.

Yunho, Jaejoong and Changmin against us.

This is how we spent the remainder of the hour.

Walking out of the water, I was satisfied as well as hungry.

I didn't realize how tired I was until I knocked into someone.

My head shook slightly as I tried to make out the blurred lines.

I looked up to see a guy slightly taller than me, he was built but rather pale, wore red board trunks that were lined in black and pink. Yet it looked really good on him, he had a white hat on  and pair of black sunglasses.

''Yah...agashi....gwenchana?'' He asked offering a hand to me.

I took it gratefully before bowing to him. ''Mianhe...for running into you.''

''It's no problem...'' he dismissed it by waving his hands.

''Maki....hyung says the food's ready!'' Changmin said jogging up to me.

The stranger smiled slowly upon seeing him though.

''No welcome hug for your hyung Min,...I'm offended.'' The joked before removing his glasses.

''Hee Hyung...'' Changmin gasped before pulling the older man into a hug.

My hands flew to my mouth in surprise before a grin broke on my face. ''Kim Heechul?''

He looked down at me.


''Anneyeoung haseyo...Lee Maki imnida....'' I said greeting him.

'' you're sunsaenim's goddaughter.'' He replied.

I nodded.

''Welcome back.''

He grinned. ''Kamsahmida.''

''Do you wanna join us for lunch...Jaejoong-ah made a lot?'' I asked.

Changmin nodded beside me eagerly.

''Jaejoong-ah?.... shouldn't you be using formal talk with him...since he's older than you.'' He questioned me, giving me one of his famous sarcastic smiles.

I smiled slyly. ''I refuse to call him oppa....unless he deserves it.''

His hand clasped my shoulder as he led us to the direction of the picnic.

''We're going to get along well kid.''

I grinned like a loon , it wasn't everyday one would encounter and befriend the diva of the Kpop world and the ultimate badass, Kim Heechul.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Tuesday I have school.

-anime cries-

Please don't forget to subscribe/comment/upvote my story.

Always Keep the Faith.

Welcome back Kim Heechul.



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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 15: This story is so amazing!!! I wish it will happen someday! Always keep the faith ❤️
2026 streak #2
Chapter 15: OMG!!! Amazing fanfic. I just loved reading it... You have done an awesome job and how I wish it was the truth!
Anyway, Always Keep The Faith and Hope To The End :)
The comments have awesome feedback! Great job!
Chapter 15: I got stupid smiling on my face and goosebumps until I wake up to the rude reality :(
Brb crying
Good job authornim :D
Chapter 11: Uwaaaa I'm scaredddd
Chapter 10: Oh dear you've done it now Shim Changmin.
*sobbing out*
Chapter 4: OMG, my feels.... I'm on the verge if sobbing right now...
Chapter 1: Omg, are you a narutard...? o.O
This is awesome! (btw r u ot5 Cassie too? hahaha)
Thanks for using my poster..Kamsahamnida! Good luck to your story, I hope it will have a lot of views and subscribers..Fighting!