All About Dong Bang Shin Ki 4

Never Been Kissed before!

No one's P.O.V

Maki groaned hoarsely, felt dry as the sahara, in fact her whole body felt tied down, she blinked open her eyes wearily as she looked from the pile of blankets that were on top of her, caging her in like a dangerous animal to the white room she was in.

'I'm in the hospital...why?'

Her brown eyes scanned the room slowly before they rested on the lone figure who was slumped awkwardly on a rather uncomfortable looking chair. She squinted further and discovered it was ...Changmin.

''Changmin Oppa.'' She voiced out loud.

Her voice echoed off the walls, drowning out the silence that came with an early morning as it was 4:00 a.m. Startled, Changmin uncharacteristically fell off the chair unto the cold marble floors in mess of limbs.

She laughed out loud before covering as her eyes creased into half moons.

'You stayed behind with me?'' She asked disbelievingly.

He nodded. ''Jaejoong hyung wanted to...but I volunteered instead.''

''Waeyo?'' She was a bit confused.

Wasn't she in a prank war with him?

As if reading her thoughts he spoke. ''I wanted to apologize for yesterday...I didn't know that  you would've stayed out so long...and gotten into this whole...situation.'' He said softly while bending down below beside her bed grasping hold of one of her hands.

Her eyes went wide before her face became expressionless. ''You--you...sent me that text from Heechul oppa's phone?'' She asked calmly as if to clarify.

''I see.'' She removed her hand from his, she leaned in closely to his face, he gulped fearing her reaction.

He didn't have to wait for it as he was hit a loud SMACK on the back of his head.



''IRREVOCABLY STUPID PABO!'' with every insult came a slap to the head.

He winced but took them, letting her vent her frustrations.

She exhaled deeply as she recovered her breath.

''I forgive you Oppa....but the next time you try something like that again...I'm going to put your bed on the roof.....arraseo?''

He nodded furiously.

''Did my samcheon come'?''

''Sunsaenim arrived just after we did...he was still in his pajamas but didn't care..'' He smiled as she grinned slowly.

''When can I get out of here?'' She asked immediately.

''I don't like hospitals.'' She scowled in disgust.

''I'll go find a nurse.'' He ran out of the room only to return for one of the nurses who was on her late shifts checking the wards and various patients in the ICU.

'' are you feeling?'' She asked checking her vitals.

''I feel fine.''

The nurse nodded... ''Dr.Kim will be here shortly.''

Changmin stepped outside the room and sent  a mass text to everyone.

''She's awake.~ Max''

His phone started to ring and he walked out further till he was by the elevators before answering.

''Yes hyung...she's fine.''

''No I'm good.''

''The doctor will be back soon...''

''Okay..I'll continue to watch her..''

''I'm hanging up.''

He shut his phone before walking back to the room where Dr.Kim stood explaing to an irate Maki that she couldn't leave her hospital room for 2 weeks.

''But---WHYYY?'' She whined, pouting slightly.

''You seemed to be suffering from PTSD, we want to run a few more tests, to make sure.'' He explained.

She huffed frustratedly.

''Fine.'' She said resigned.

'Two weeks.' the words kept repeating in her head consistently.

''I'M GOING CRAZY!'' She shouted just as he godfather walked into her room.

He chuckled. ''Maki-yah....gwenchana?''

She nodded reluctantly.

''Well...since you won't be able to chaperone the guys as originally you can plan their itinerary.'' He said handing her a clipboard.

She grabbed it wearily but the top caption caught her eye.

''AADBSK'' unconciously a smile began to form on her face.

''You're making season 4?'' She asked in disbelief.

''Yes...I think this trip will inspire more songs for the new album in light of the reunion.'' He replied.

''Before the concert?'' She looked at him confused.

''It will give Cassiopeia...more to look forward to.'' He answered.

Her smile widened.. ''This is awesome.''

''But what destination this time?'' She asked taping her pen against the clipboard.

''You choose....Australia or South Africa?''

''Well there's nothing like the land down under....but I've always liked the Cape of Good Hope.'' She shrugged.

She shifted in her bed and used on her feet to rest her hands on as she leaned on her elbows.

''Hmm......I think....Australia.''  She decided.

''Sounds you have to have at least  ten major destinations in between those, would be various games that the guys will decide themselves, amongst them restaurants/bar. It's after all their vacation.'' He replied.

She furrowed her eyebrows as she thought about some suitable places.

''Well....Great Barrier Reef....obviously...since the guys are practically fish in water...'' She wrote it down.

''...Hmmm....Oh...''She gasped then grinned slyly.

''Mindil Beach Sunset Market for the maknae....him and his bottomless pit for a stomache....'' She mumbled.

'''s rather scenic.... I remember that from a travel guide brochure....'' She put a smily face next to it.

''Barossa Valley..... a relaxing winery....'' She mused out loud.

''They'll have to go to Perth...West Australia......hopefully before Spring ends....the best flowers there...''

''I can't forget the animals....''

''So...Taronga Zoo.'' She added.

She craned her neck.

''Let's see...there's the Twelve Apostles ,a collection of limestone stacks by the Great Ocean Road in Victoria.''

''Can't forget Sea World Water Park & Resort..'' She jotted it down.

''The Melbourne Cricket Ground...hopefully it will have some soccer matches there....I'll have to check it out...or they can watch some local cricket..''

''It's sort of similar to baseball....sort of...''She digressed.

''They could probably check out a church  while they're at it...''

She put down. 'Hillsong Church' an an asterisk (*) next to it.

Lastly she pondered for the final destination having put some restaurants next to each destination she recalled from her last vacation there.

''Sydney Opera House it is.'' She added it last then handed the clipboard to her godfather, who had been steadily observing her.

''I'll get this to their manager and have him organize the schedules accordingly.'' She waved at him as he left.

She rubbed her hands again and felt herself getting tired as she layed back down.

'Maybe short nap will be good.'

Yunho walked out of his room as he looked at his phone stunned.

''Yunho?'' Jaejoong looked at the leader worriedly.

'' I just got off the phone with manager hyung...he says to get our suitcases packed  for tomorrow...''

''Why?'' They guys shouted.

''We're going to Austraila.'' He replied stunned.

''For what?'' Yoochun questioned.

''Filming.''He answered.

''Filming---Filming..what?'' Junsu asked.

''All About TVXQ Season 4.'' He smiled hesitantly.

''BWOH?'' Changmin shouted standing up.

''But--don't we have a concert to prepare for?'' Jaejoong asked confused.

''Mananger Hyung says it was Soo Man Sunsaenim's orders.'' Yunho replied shrugging.

''Well I guess ...we better get to packing.'' Jaejoong stood up and headed for his room, to get a head start, since he packed everthing...somethings that he didn't even need as well.

''I'm going to monitor him..'' Yunho announced following him.

Changmin shook his head as he walked to his head. 'Wait...what about Maki?'

''Hyung...what did he say about Maki?'' He asked out loud.

''She has to stay in the hospital for two weeks.'' Yunho shouted back.

It was followed by another shout.

''BUT I NEED IT!!'' from Jaejoong.

''NO YOU DON'T !''

The other members just ignored them as they continued to bicker like an old married couple.


I hope you all like this.

I'm sorry for not updating much, school and such.

I'll try to get these updates out in time.

Bare with me.

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Always Keep The Faith







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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 15: This story is so amazing!!! I wish it will happen someday! Always keep the faith ❤️
2035 streak #2
Chapter 15: OMG!!! Amazing fanfic. I just loved reading it... You have done an awesome job and how I wish it was the truth!
Anyway, Always Keep The Faith and Hope To The End :)
The comments have awesome feedback! Great job!
Chapter 15: I got stupid smiling on my face and goosebumps until I wake up to the rude reality :(
Brb crying
Good job authornim :D
Chapter 11: Uwaaaa I'm scaredddd
Chapter 10: Oh dear you've done it now Shim Changmin.
*sobbing out*
Chapter 4: OMG, my feels.... I'm on the verge if sobbing right now...
Chapter 1: Omg, are you a narutard...? o.O
This is awesome! (btw r u ot5 Cassie too? hahaha)
Thanks for using my poster..Kamsahamnida! Good luck to your story, I hope it will have a lot of views and subscribers..Fighting!