The Homme Fatale

Never Been Kissed before!

Maki's P.O.V

I slowly backed away from Jaejoong as he slowly approached, I raised my hands up slowly , ''Now Jae, let's be rational and talk about this.'' I quickly managed to dodge his hands and go to the far side of the room.

''Come here, donsaeng-ah.''he called out sickeningly sweet.

''Ha,Ha,'' I laughed sarcastically, ''Like that's going to happen.''

Then he jumped over the couch and made another attempt at grabbing me. I cartwheeled over to Junsu.

I gave a wide smile, ''I'm so sorry Oppa.''

He loooked confused , ''Sorry?-'' then I pushed him in the way of Jaejoong, as they both collided, I ran back to my room, grabbed my bag and snagged Yoochun's wrist.

''Just go with it Micky,'' I called out as he followed behind me.

We both ran down to the elevator just as Jaejong ran out of the loft, looking around frantically, spotting us, ''YAH LEE MAKI, PARK YOOCHUN, DO YOU WANT TO DIE?''

My eyes opened up wide as I turned to Micky, ''Run man run.''

The elevator dinged right on time as we entered, it closed just before Jae could reach.

I panted slightly, I glanced at Micky who only looked slightly breathless, but was grinning like a madman.

''So..'' he coyly approached me.

I edged closer to the corner of the elevator finding my reflection astounding, then he cornered me into his arms, both of them on either sides of my head as he leaned in closer.

''Hi?'' his gaze intensified, practically piercing my soul, I shut my eyes as he leaned in, then I felt the subtle brush of his lips on mine before he pulled away.

My knees nearly buckled due to him leaving me so breathless.

I fanned myself when I knew he wasn't looking but we both knew he was. He enjoyed making me nervous.

I cleared my throat slightly as we exited the elevator.

He followed me to the little grocery called 'Nam's.'

I grabbed a trolley as we entered and headed to the back isles where I knew the ice-cream were stored, I needed somethingn cold at the moment, since I wasn't near any showers, the ice-cream would have to do.

I found my favorite Rocky Road Ice-cream, added to pints to the cart. Then picked up some beef and various tuna that were neatly packaged.

I couldn't find the right words to say to him, even if I was tempted to kiss him again.

We got various vegetables, fruit,four different kinds of spaghetti, breakfast foods incleading assorted cereal, tons of rice, dairy products, some snacks which included Chocopie and then we reached the ramen isle.

Dozens upon Dozens of different kinds of Ramen. It was instant noodles all around.

While he walked ahead of me, I decided to admire his lean muscles which was incased in a black v-neck, he wore a black fedora , black skinny jeans and black shoes, his ray bun glasses was tucked into his shirt.

He scanned the different shelves, laughed at a few and looked at some with fondness.

I slowly approached him, as an idea sprung to mine.

If he wanted to play, then we'd play but with my rules.

I walked until I was right him and tiptoed right by his neck and blew slightly, I smirked as I sensed his shiver.

He turned around slowly then I struck.

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and tugged him down so we were eye level, then I gave the most toecurling kisses, like a woman possessed.

He dropped the four packs of ramen he was holding, my hands wound themselves automatically around his neck, he pulled me closer and I internally groaned as I felt his muscles and his fantastic abs. I felt heat pool at my belly, as he nipped at my earlobe playfully. Not wanting to let him win, I parted his lips with tongue and on his,I moaned slightly as one of his hands traced on my waist and the other was caressing my cheek.

I sighed in his kisses, we were like that for a while, kissing and not caring. It felt nice to be in his embrace.

Then we both relinquished our holds on each other,panting heavily, I turned to him ,''Just repaying you back from the elevator.''

I bent down to pick up the fallen instant noodles and so did he. He gave me a soft look I couldn't decipher and took the ramen from me, tossing them carelessly into the cart, adding about 4 more packs in case.

Then he grabbed my hand pulling me up.

''Jagiya, you don't know what you're doing.'' I whispered into my ear.

I smiled slowly in defense ,''Oh believe me, I so do...Yeobo.'' I whispered back seductively, giving him a kiss on the cheek as I grabbed the cart , walking to the check out isle.

Short Cuts are a .

With three grocery bags each, Yoochun and I decided to take a shortcut to get back to the loft.

Hopefully it would get us there back in time.

Hopefully Jaejoong had long since cooled off some.

Hopefully we didn't get robbed.

Hopefully I could start my Cassie Plans...soon.

But then it would be a 'what if,' instead of a 'maybe'.

''Yoochun?'' I glanced at him.

''Hmm...''he turned towards me.

''Why did you guys decide separate in the first place?''

He looked shock at my blant question, but his face looked pensive as he tried to formulate what to tell me.

''Well, it wasn't supposed to turn into this big mess, it was just supposed to be my hyungs, my donsaeng and I, escaping,''he started.

''Obviously , it didn't turn out that way,''he grinned wryly.

''It was our last concert together in the Tokyo Dome, that convinced me that S.M.Ent. didn't care about us, you know I have asthma right?''he asked, when I nodded, he continued, ''Well, the schedules had been piling on over the last few months,never a break, only Work, Work, Work.''he laughed bitterly.

''The stress that we had taken on, kept multiplying, sure we could play it off to our fans with a simple smile or laugh, but we'd be lying to ourselves, our bodies were beginning to break down, that's how Jaejoong hyyung go injured that one year, it was because of stress on his tendons , that caused the fracture in his leg, not the overbearing dance practices.''

''We complained, they ignored our pleas and added even more work, they said we had two records in the Guiness World of Records, one for the biggest fanbase, the other for having the most photos for an artist, what fans don't know is, the sweat , the tears and the amount of energy it took to having taken all those photos.''

I felt like crying as he spoke earnessly.

No wonder my godfather wanted to reunite them again, maybe it was for atonement, maybe he actually felt guilty. maybe just maybe.

He continued, ''The hate we had for SM began to just fester until Tokyo, the day of that concert, my body decided it had enough, my asthma was worse, I could barely  breathe, of course Yunho-hyung protested and said I shouldn't have to do the concert if my health was so bad, he could do my parts, but of course management wouldn't hear of it.''

''It was after our last showcase, I ended up in the emergency room, it wasn't reported, we didn't even change, we just all piled into the van and got me to the hospital. I was on the respirator for 5 hours that night, I decided I would quit.''

I looked at him wide-eyed, ''You wanted to quit?''

He shook his head, ''Mhmm, quit everything, the singing, my dream, everything, Junsu was the one to slap some sense into me, he knew how much I had wanted this, so we all decided to leave.''

''But the other two didn't?'' I questioned.

''Yunho and Changmin decided to stay back to look after the rest of our labelmates, they wouldn't leave the rest of the SM family and I don't blame them for it either, they were looking after the ones we worked with and treated like other siblings, but we couldn't look after all over them , SM had big plans, they narrowed down to our hyungs in SuperJunior, the one we couldn't save from their grips was reluctantly, Hankyung.'' he stared off into the distance as we continued to walk past various shopping plazas.

My eyebrows shot up at that, ''Sweet jesus,'' I murmered under my breath.


''So I'm guessing you were really surprised to having been called back then?'' I nudged him playfully.

He chuckled slightly, ''It's been a long three years, I just want to be back with my brothers.'' he sighed, shifting the bags to his other hand, he fixed his hat.

Bad idea.

It flew away with the strong winds, and then we heard.

The screams.

''OMO, is that PARK YOOCHUN?''






I looked at him scared, as dozen of teenage girls ran up to us, he flashed them a smile and then began signing various autographs, taking pictures, yet that seemed to gain more fans.

Word had spread.

There was a reason...he was called the ''Homme Fatale.'' for a reason. I just wish his saesangs weren't around. I could feel myself being tugged away from him as girls tried to get 'part' of the phenom that was Park Yoochun.

''MICKY?''I called above the growing crowd.

I could see him looking around frantically.

''Yoochun?'' I called again, cupping my hands over my mouth, he turned and spotted me, making his way through the crowds, gently easing girls out of the way, he grabbed my hand , ''Don't leave my side.''

I smiled.

Then we ran.

It took us five different short-cuts, 2 different roads, one train and a taxi to get back in front of the loft. Our clothes were ripped in various places,yet our groceries were safe.

I opened the door to the loft to see the guys playing Twister.

They saw us and gasped, ''What happened to you guys?''Yunho asked concernedly before grabbing the bags from my hand.

''Your saesangs,''I twitched then shivered.

Evil vultures.

They all shivered in unison at that, it would seem they hadn't forgotten how much of a scare their really obsessive fans can be.

''I'm going to shower,'' I said walking to my room.

I threw my bag on the bed and flopped on it. I kicked off my shoes and then began pulling at my clothes.

I yawned as I grabbed my fluffy towel, I walked into my bathroom and the nubs to fill the tub, I felt like a warm soothing bath would be just right about now.

I added a few bath salts, my honey-jazmine bath wash into the mix.

Then I sat back on my bed as the tub filled. It took about 10 minutes until I re-entered and eased myself into the tub.

I locked my door and slowly relaxed.

I don't know how long it was until I slowly fell asleep.

I didn't realize how long I was under, until I felt a pair of warm hands under me, scooping me out of the tub.

I sputtered water and coughed, ''What..the ...hell.''

I looked dazedly into the eyes of Jaejoong ,he grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me, ''ARE YOU CRAZY? WHY WERE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF?''

''Kill myself,'' I said slowly.

''I wasn't trying to kill myself, I fell asleep,'' I replied back annoyed.

His mouth formed a silent ''O''.

As I went to stand, my legs were numb because I couldn't feel them, seeing my distress, he scooped me up into his arms and carried me into my room.

He went back to my linen closet and got another towel, then he walked over to me and began trying my hair gently.

I sniffled slightly, ''Thanks.''

He remained silent until he was done.

''Change, then get back into bed, I'll make you some soup.'' he told me sternly.

Then he kissed my forehead, I could feel myself blushing.

He turned then walked back into the living.

What just happened here?

I ran a hand through my hair, why must my life be complicated?


I hope you all liked this update, it's going to have another update today, but of a different story.

Please vote/subscribe and comment if you love.

Always keep the faith....Cassiopeia.

Preview: It deeply , it was like heaven and hell at the same time, all of them shirtless, and I couldn't help but like my lips in lust.Stupid teenage hormones.




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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 15: This story is so amazing!!! I wish it will happen someday! Always keep the faith ❤️
2035 streak #2
Chapter 15: OMG!!! Amazing fanfic. I just loved reading it... You have done an awesome job and how I wish it was the truth!
Anyway, Always Keep The Faith and Hope To The End :)
The comments have awesome feedback! Great job!
Chapter 15: I got stupid smiling on my face and goosebumps until I wake up to the rude reality :(
Brb crying
Good job authornim :D
Chapter 11: Uwaaaa I'm scaredddd
Chapter 10: Oh dear you've done it now Shim Changmin.
*sobbing out*
Chapter 4: OMG, my feels.... I'm on the verge if sobbing right now...
Chapter 1: Omg, are you a narutard...? o.O
This is awesome! (btw r u ot5 Cassie too? hahaha)
Thanks for using my poster..Kamsahamnida! Good luck to your story, I hope it will have a lot of views and subscribers..Fighting!