TVXQ's Leader.

Never Been Kissed before!

No one's P.O.V

Yunho was scared, not scared was putting it too likely, he was terrified for the young woman that remained lifeless in his arms.

On hearing his call of distress, the other members filtered towards the entrance and gasped in shock as they saw the state of the young woman they had come to adore and think of like a sister.

''Hyung...what--'' Junsu stuttered as he dropped to his knees checking Maki's pulse that seemed weak.

Jaejoong followed his example and felt her forehead. ''Her temperature is to high, we need to get her too the hospital.'' He shouted out orders. grabbing his car keys and shrugging on his coat.

Yoochun grabbed the afghan off the couch and bundled Maki into it as they all followed the leader towards Jaejoong's car that was parked right in front of the loft.

''Yoochun call the hospital.'' Micky nodded as he followed his hyung out the door.

'' follow behind us.'' Junsu gave a tight nod as Changmin locked the loft.

No one saw the stricken and horrified expression on the maknae's face as he walked behind them in a daze.

Jaejoong hurriedly unlocked the doors as Yunho slide in the back with Maki in his lap coddled like a burrito. Yoochun was already speed dialing the hospital as Jaejoong fumbled with the keys, his hands clenched tightly around the keys as he finally got his hands to stop shaking.

Junsu and Changmin followed behind them in Junsu's black Aston Martin.

They arrived in the hospital in 15 minutes, considering Jaejoong was 20/mph over the speed limit which was 45.

The hospital staff of Seoul General was waiting outside prepped with a gurney and two nurses on stand by as the car screeched to a halt.

It was close to midnight when Lee Soo Man received a call from Seoul General.

He was blindly fumbling with his glasses as he the bedside light, as he blinked awat the sleep, paying in rapt attention to the doctor on the other end of the line.

''Is she okay?'' He asked in fear but his hands tightened around the quilt that lay in his lap.

''We are still running diagnostics on her right now but we think she suffered shock, we deduced that the bruises she had on her were the cause of her stress, which caused her whole body to shut down coupled with hypothermia made her black out.''

He froze. ''What---is she going to be okay?'' Beads of sweat began forming on the back of his neck.

No doubt he would  be receiving a call from her social worker in the morning, 'Cici' as she was nicknamed by Maki ,wasn't a person to bull around.

''We contacted the police, considering how her clothes was ripped when she arrived , it's being reported to Special Victims.''

He got up swiftly at the end of that sentence from his bed and began to  throw on his robe as he grabbed his car keys headed to his garage.

Yunho had his head is hands as he worried continuously.

''Excuse me?'' a voice interruped their thoughts as a nurse approached with a bundle in her hands.

''Yes?'' Junsu approached her as the nurse gave him the tarted clothes, with a cellphone on top of it.

''Kamsahmida.'' he bowed as she returned it politely before walking away.

''How could this have happened?'' Yunho asked voicing all of their thoughts.

''I thought she went out to get something....I didn't think this would've have happened.'' Jaejoong replied before starting another round of pacing.

''Who was the last person to call her....did she seem in a rush?'' Junsu questioned.

Changmin began to virtually sweat.

''Check her phone.'' Yoochun suggested walking over to Junsu , snatching up the mobile device.

Yoochun pressed a few buttons as he looked at her call log list.

''No recent calls....maybe a message.'' He voiced before looking at the inbox.

''Heechul?'' he mumbled.

''Did you know she was supposed to be meeting Heechul by Namsun Tower today?'' He questioned looking at the anxious faces.

''BWOH?'' Jaejoong yelled as he snatched the phone silently reading the message.

''So...what you're saying is....Heechul...didn't show up?''Yunho concluded.

''It seems that way...but you know Heechul Yunho...he's not that kind of person.''' Jaejoong argued.

Yunho sighed.

''We'll just have to wait to till she wakes up.''

''Or...we could call Heechul.'' Junsu replied before he spotted two police officers heading their way.

They stopped a nurse who pointed at their direction before they were approached by the Maki's doctor who talked with them for a while.

The officers approached them as they all stood up.

''Can we help you officers?'' Yunho asked them formally.

''Are you family of the victim?'' They questioned.

''Yes.'' The guys answered without a second thought.

''Really?'' They asked suspiciously as they looked around at the faces.

''We're her mothers-sisters-cousins-thrice-removed.'' Changmin answered smoothily, as he eyed his hyungs, daring them to come up with a better story.

Yoochun faked a smile and put a hand lovingly around Junsu. ''Right...''

''Neh...'' Junsu let out a small laugh as even Jaejoong played along before subtly nudging Yunho.

''Yes......yes..we are.'' Yunho said hesitantly albeit slowly.

Lee Soo Man burst through the hospital doors as he made his way to his goddaughters floor.

'I hope she's okay.'

She was his responsiblitly, and she helped him realize what mistakes he had made in his past, with sudden chances to correct them, he was thankful he listened.

Now she was practically in a coma from shock.

He spotted his hoobaes in front of her room as he approached them.

He couldn't blame them, she was put in charge of them not the other way of around.

They had schedules to take care off.

The officers approached him with a round of questioning as he answered all questions while the guys began coversing amongst themselves.

''She's awake.'' The doctor interrupted.

Their eyes snapped to the door.

''One at a time.'' The doctor continued. ''You don't want to over-whelm her.''

Lee Soo Man walked in cautiously, as her adjusted to the hospital lights.

''Samcheon?'' her voice was croaky.

He rushed to her side immediately.

''Maki-yah?'' He clasped one of her hands in both of his.

Her clammy cold hands soon warmed up in his.

''How'd I get here?''she asked looking up at him.

''The boys brought you in.''

''Oh.'' She mumbled.

''I'm guessing I reached home after all.....they were chasing me...they ripped my clothes....held me down...I thought...I couldn't escape....''She laughed bitterly.

''But somehow I used what little martial arts I remembered from movies and applied them....surprisingly they worked...I managed to run all the way from Namsun to home.'' She bit her lip from crying.

''Why didn't he come?''

''Waeyo?'' She said in a daze, her eyes were dilated as she spoke.

''I feel dirty all of a sudden.'' She started to rise out of her bed, but Soo Man was  up already gently pushing her down.

The sudden touch sparked the nights events replaying in her mind as she began to scream.

''Let me go!''

''Get away from me.''

The doctor entered the room,followed by a stream of nurses as Soo Man was promptly kicked out of the room.

Then it was silent again.

''Sunsaenim..what happened?'' Yunho asked him fearfully.

''I don't know...I just don't know.''He replied before sitting down in one of the open seats.

The guys traded glances before it landed on the room.

After 10 minutes the doctor exited.

''She's heavily medicated at the moment.... apparently touching her , has triggered the reason behind her shock... she's asleep.'' He informed them before walking away.

''Visiting hours are over.'' The nurses added as the guys began to protest.

She held up a hand.

''Only one of you can stay with her.'''

 They argued amongst themselves before Changmin volunteered, the guilt was over-bearing.

He gave a small wave to his hyungs as he promised to call them, they went home to get ready for their schedules and to bring some clothes for Maki and himself....

'What have I done.' He sat on the spare change next to the window adjacent to her bed as he ran a hand through his hair.


I hope you all liked this chapter. Please don't forget to comment/subscribe/upvote.

I have some updates for tomorrow. I am working on chillax.

Always Keep the Faith.




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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 15: This story is so amazing!!! I wish it will happen someday! Always keep the faith ❤️
2035 streak #2
Chapter 15: OMG!!! Amazing fanfic. I just loved reading it... You have done an awesome job and how I wish it was the truth!
Anyway, Always Keep The Faith and Hope To The End :)
The comments have awesome feedback! Great job!
Chapter 15: I got stupid smiling on my face and goosebumps until I wake up to the rude reality :(
Brb crying
Good job authornim :D
Chapter 11: Uwaaaa I'm scaredddd
Chapter 10: Oh dear you've done it now Shim Changmin.
*sobbing out*
Chapter 4: OMG, my feels.... I'm on the verge if sobbing right now...
Chapter 1: Omg, are you a narutard...? o.O
This is awesome! (btw r u ot5 Cassie too? hahaha)
Thanks for using my poster..Kamsahamnida! Good luck to your story, I hope it will have a lot of views and subscribers..Fighting!