Eomma of TVXQ ... the morning after.

Never Been Kissed before!

Maki's P.O.V

Through my drunken haze, though I was completely self aware, but I knew that look on his face, his eyes were narrowed into slits and he had a complete pissed of expression adorning his face. Honestly it scared me a bit, but I gave him a blank stare.


''Do you have any idea, how worried I was?'' he shouted.

 ''Didn't know you cared....Eomma,'' I mocked,  I pushed passed him but as I was walking around him,he grabbed my wrist, tugging me in front of him, he towered over but I didn't back down.

''Let go of me Jaejoong,''I said coldly, I cleared my throat, even if it felt like it was closing off due to the amount of alcohol I had consumed. I would regret this in the morning.

He scoffed, ''We promised your Uncle that we would watch you while he in return promised that you would somehow try to repair this rift amongst us,but how can you do that, if we don't know where you are.''

His grip tightened, I tugged further, ''Well excuse me for having a little fun Ahjussi.''

''Ya...''he yelled.

''Ow,''I whispered softly, rubbing my sensitive ears with my free hand.

I missed how his eyes softened, his grip loosened and he let go of my hand.

Sleep was calling me, my bedroom was mocking me, I really didn't want to continue arguing.

I sighed heavily, ''Can you just...argue with me later.''

His pale face shone, but his stance relaxed and he stepped aside allowing me to pass and go into my room.

''Night..'' I called out not caring if he answered.

The instant my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

I dreamed of my mom and when I first heard of DBSK, around when I was nine years old, my dad had been working and my a friend of my mother's had come from a trip.

The details were sketchy, but she describe the Namsun towers in Seoul as something completely spectacular, then she talked about the music, the KPOP.

My mom's friend, Akira, had light brown hair that passed her shoulders in soft waves, she lived in Hawaii originally but was my mom's roommated in College, they had both studied in Yale University.

Aunt Akira, I had called her, said there were five teenage guys, all with baby faces, they were adorable she had describe, she had been to one of their concerts and loved how they had harmonized.

She told me their name, ''Tohoshinki.''

I looked up everything about 'Tohoshinki' that day, and knew the equivalent of the name, ''Dong Bang Shin Ki,'' the next day.

I had heard of the fanclub, ''Cassiopeia.''

Mom had mentioned to Dad about my fangirlirling of the boys of TVXQ, so he had agreed to sign me up to their fanclub.

The following month I was carrying a pencil case with the pictures of the five , I had come to learn so much about, like a good book or an exam, my friends didn't understand, because they had never heard of KPOP before, but I just wanted one person to ask me, ''Who is DBSK?'', just so I could use my knowledge and impress them. To me, DBSK, wasn't just a boy-band to me anymore, they were my saviours, they were my older brother influences, they were my friends who I envisioned myself not meeting, because at the time it seemed like a distant, very distant future.

My dreams gradually turned into a musical, where I in the 'Balloons' video by DBSK, I was the one wearing the mini lion cub costume instead of the boy, I had a smile on my face and I was hugging Jaejoong.

I smiled sadly at that, because of how things changed.

I had a mission now though, I had to fix DBSK.

I had the one chance all Cassiopeia around the world couldn't have, that was to meet DBSK and do the impossible, save them from themselves and reunite the Rising Gods of the East.

Could I do it ?

''I am never drinking again,'' I groaned out loud, holding my head, the duvet was over my head to hide the sound rays, I carefully slide it down then hissed like a bat, my throat hurt and I smelled like rum.

I needed a bath, no matter the rum, I don't care whatever pirate said about it, it wasn't nice to be smelling like rum in the morning.

I stretched out like a cat before padding into my bathroom.

My eyebrows shot up as I viewed my complexion, I looked like the corpse bride sister, the grudge.

I immediately, opend the tap, feeling the water, I splashed water on my face before brushing my teeth.

After rinsing, flossing and gargling some mouthwash, I stripped and entered the shower.

I turned the dial to medium hot and sighed as I felt the water.

I hummed playfully, before singing some lyrics of one of my favorite song, ''If you're not ready to go home
Can I get a hell no
Cause we gonna go all night
Till we see the sunlight alright

So la da di da di we like to party
Dancing with Miley
Doing whatever we want
This is our house
This is our rules
And we can't stop
And we won't stop


Turning off the shower, I toweled off and walked to my closet. I looked around tapping my chin, ''Whatever will I wear?'' I thought wearily.

I grabbed a soft black and white stripped dress that stopped above my knees in a pencil patterned. It had a black belt and I grabbed a pair of red Louboutins and a black leather jacket.

I plugged in my hair dryer, I switched it on and felt the hot breeze.

When I finished my hair, I added a french barette, and brushed aside my fringe to the right.

I added some black eyeliner, mascara, link pink lipstick, slight pink blush and some  black eye shadow. I simply put on my watch and a gold ring in the shape of a 'moustache.' I loved the moustache ring.

I put on my black hoop earrings, grabbed my phone and exited the room.

My presence in the room, made things a littel awkward. I had to it up though and apologize.

I could feel their glances every few seconds, I ignored it though, I had headache so I needed to get some tylenol and some orange juice, which were surprinsgly waiting for me in the kitchen, including some toast and waffles. Attached to the glass of OJ was a yellow sticky note.

I grabbed it and read it out loud.

Feel Better~J.

I twitched, that arsehole, making me feel like a bigger douche with his kindness, I'm already feeling like crap, now he does nice things, making me feel uber crappy, because it has now served its purpose of throwing me off for the rest of the day. In chronological law, I would now have to apologize.

I sighed heavily before plopping myself close to the island and nibbling on some toast, I popped the two tylenol in then drank the OJ.

I couldn't help what I did next, I grabbed the cup and began clapping then the familiar lyrics popped in my head, ''I got my ticket for the long way ‘round
Two bottle ‘a whiskey for the wa , And I sure would like some sweet company ,And I’m leaving tomorrow, wha-do-ya say?..
.''I trailed off.
''Meeting.'' I suddenly called out from the kitchen.

''Arraseo.'' ''Deh'' I got back one after the other.

This was going to be like my first day of school again...great.

I plastered on the fakest most believable smile I got muster then exited the kitchen.

It was tense at first but I bit my lip before looking at them, ''I know this is going to be long and totally tedious...you all have your schedules even if you are in the process to sign the actual official contract....I don't want you guys to loose anymore of the already lost time...you guys were so close to each other before..''I began.

I looked at Changmin, ''When you guys first debuted, I had heard about it from an Aunt of mine, well one of my mom's college roommates, she said, KPOP has entrailed her, your music had interested her so much, that I had to find out , what was so special about them ...about Tohoshinki.''

I glanced at Jaejoong, to see him watching me blankly as he leaned against one of the love seats next to Junsu.

''This isn't going to be easy, to get you back to what you were once before...'' I continued as looked to the ground, finding my shoes very interesting.

Yunho had stilled but watched me under guarded eyes.

''I'm willing to try though,'' I finished weakly.

''If you'll have me,'' I added quickly.

''I can't speak for all of us...but I will be willing to give it my all, before I give up,'' Yoochun replied softly.

Changmin nodded to me as well, I looked at Junsu, who gave me a weary grin as he shook his head.

''I'll try as well.''

The power of Yoosu strikes again.

Three down, two to go.

It's now or never.

I looked pleadingly at Yunho, ''I'm in.''

We all turned to Jaejoong but he remained silent.

''Excuse us,'' I said turning to the guys before grabbing Jaejoong by the wrist and pulling him in the direction of the kitchen.

He didn't pull away while I had expected him too.

It was utterly disconcerting.

Not even a full 24 hours yet and he was already getting under my skin.

''What's the problem now?''' I looked at him, my heels were making me see eye level with him.

''Are you ready to apologize for the worry,'' he retorted.

''FINE!''I yelled throwing my hands up in surrender.

''I apologize for making you worry , for coming back totally late, no regards to your feelings or anyone elses, for being a complete baka and a very bad fan.''

''Fan?'' he looked at me sharply.

''Did you really think I wasn't?''

He shook his head.

''I am and forever will always be a Cassiopeia.'' I grinned.

His face slowly melted into a wide smile.

''Are you willing to try?'' I asked sheepishly.

He nodded, ''You can't have a TVXQ without it's Eomma ,now can you?''

Too true.

''Thank you for that by the way,'' I said.

His face dawned a knowing expression ,''No problem.''

''Call me Jaejoong Oppa.'' he requested.

I smiled, ''Not on your life.''

He pouted.

''Why not?'

''Omo...'' I walked out the kitchen with him trailing me.

''Jebal...Jebal...'' he kept saying please.

I glared at him playfully before sticking out my tongue, ''No.''

His face then gained mischievous look, I was too late to realize this as he scooped me up like a bag of potatoes on his shoulder.

I squealed as he twirled around me, ''Are you going to say it?'' he asked amongst my screams.

I huffed, ''Hell no.!''

Then he poked me in the ribs and I gave an undignified squeek.

''Does someone have tickles?'' he grinned like Cheshire.

Damn it.

Hello chingu-ah, I hope you all enjoyed this update. I deeply apologize for not updating sooner.

College has been an ever growin pain and it continues...sadly.

I ,however, am taking time to update my stories this week, while researching for an essay.

The next couple of Chapters will me Maki's interactions with the members individually.

Please review/vote/comment/subscribe to my story/channel.

Always Keep The Faith! ....Cassiopeia.

Preview: There was a reason...he was called the ''Homme Fatale.'' for a reason. I just wish his saesangs weren't around.



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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 15: This story is so amazing!!! I wish it will happen someday! Always keep the faith ❤️
2035 streak #2
Chapter 15: OMG!!! Amazing fanfic. I just loved reading it... You have done an awesome job and how I wish it was the truth!
Anyway, Always Keep The Faith and Hope To The End :)
The comments have awesome feedback! Great job!
Chapter 15: I got stupid smiling on my face and goosebumps until I wake up to the rude reality :(
Brb crying
Good job authornim :D
Chapter 11: Uwaaaa I'm scaredddd
Chapter 10: Oh dear you've done it now Shim Changmin.
*sobbing out*
Chapter 4: OMG, my feels.... I'm on the verge if sobbing right now...
Chapter 1: Omg, are you a narutard...? o.O
This is awesome! (btw r u ot5 Cassie too? hahaha)
Thanks for using my poster..Kamsahamnida! Good luck to your story, I hope it will have a lot of views and subscribers..Fighting!