Why funerals and.........a new life start?

Never Been Kissed before!

Please play this song for the whole chapter:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r63jNbCKAs

Narrator P.O.V

 ‘Maki it’s time to go ‘responded the voice of Cecile, a hand rested on her shoulder, snapping her out of her thoughts. She went to stand up but her feet seem frozen, her eyes puffy from crying, she tightened her grip on the chair before standing, ‘’Good bye Oto-san, Okaa-san,’ she whispered in the wind before following her social worker.

Walking down the rows of the graves, passing unfamiliar names, on perfect lawn grass, it had been only a couple of weeks, but the memories only ceased to invade her mind if she didn’t occupy herself.  

Maki Lee was like every other 17 year old Japanese- America girl her age except, she had just finished her last year of college early, though most teens her age wouldn’t finish all those years until they were in their late 20’s she was extraordinary, she had planned to make a mark on the world, equipped with a fast growing intelligence, she had a Master’s Degree in Business Management and a minor in Computer-Science.  

Her parents Aya  and Sasuke Lee, were extremely proud of their daughter, they encouraged her to pursue her dreams, though her mother wanted her daughter to socialize more and make friends, she understood her daughter’s goal and so she backed-off with the nagging. Her father always said she was different, she would make friends all in due time.

Their deaths hurt her much more than she would’ve like to have showed, she never liked crying or showing her emotions unless it was with her parents, they were her best friends, now they were gone. 

She continued to drag her feet, slowing her pace every few seconds,  a few more tears escaped her eyes,  when she glanced back they were  lowering the coffins, something in her snapped , she rushed back full speed, ignoring the calls of Cecile ,who turned back following her.

The grave diggers watched as she came closer, as if sensing what she was about to do ,one of the guys grabbed her ,preventing her from jumping into grave. ‘’Let me go, ‘she yelled, elbowing her holder, he grunted before tightening his grip.  

She squirmed uncomfortably, ‘’OTOU-SANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN,’ her heart –retching scream, made all those who had been leaving to their cars, shake their heads, ‘’what a painful thing for a girl like her to go through, ‘’ some of them thought.  

‘’OKA-SANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN,’’ her last scream and she felt her legs giving out on her; the grave diggers began filing the hole with dirt. She felt so weak, ‘Is this hell on earth,’ was her final thought before blacking out.  The guy holding her caught her by the waist, before glancing down at her in sympathy, Cecile ran up to them panting, ‘’Can you put her in my car please, I’m going to take her home,’’ she asked. He nodded following her out to a Silver Mazda.

Hours later Maki had regained consciousness, blinking open her swollen eyes, her gaze landed on the ceiling of her living room, a comforter had been placed on her, probably so she wouldn’t get cold. She didn’t have enough energy to care, she already felt numb.  

The door to the kitchen was suddenly thrown open, Cecile walked in with a tray setting on the coffee table, when she noticed Maki she immediately rushed to her, pulling her into an embrace, she  hugged her close, ‘Eating something okay honey , we have to see your lawyer in a few hours for the reading of the will ,’ she murmured before walking out.  

Maki sighed before fully sitting up, she still sat in her black dress, her make-up smeared, and hair knotted and belly grumbling.  After nibbling on some toast and bacon, then drinking some of her tea, she ventured into her shower, not even bothering to turn the hot water on.

After 20 minutes in the shower, she dried off then changed into black skinny jeans, red converse, white V-neck and a red leather jacket.  

She spent the rest of her morning watching reruns of home-movies, while eating a tub of cookies n cream ice-cream.

Cecile arrived around 2:00 p.m. to pick her up, sliding into the passenger, she buckled her seat belt.

They arrived in front of a 3 –story building, Maki gazed at the monstrous establishment, shading her eyes with her left hand, because of the glare of the sun reflecting on the building window panes.

Walking into the lobby, they passed the receptionist who was busy answering calls and writing appointments.

Cecile Joseph, nicknamed ‘’Cici’’ was a Latin-American, with a fiery temper and a love for kids. She had bonded with Maki, when she came upon her case.  Cecile was 5’10, tan skinned and very curvaceous.

Cici knocked on the door, before entering, Maki following her begrudgingly.  When Cici shook hands with her lawyer, she took the time to analyze him, 6’1, dark brown hair wavy, slick suit and a nameplate that read ‘’Takashi Tatsuya.’’

She broke out of her reverie once he extended his hand to her; she reluctantly shook it before following Cici and sitting down in one of the two red leather chairs in the room.  

He started reading:’’ This is the last will and testament of Sasuke Jun and Aya Jae Lee, we being in sound body and mind, bequeath our only daughter Maki May Lee, our entire estate and holdings, which she will inherit once she legally turns 18, until such time, her guardianship will go to a friend of the family’s and Maki’s godfather Lee Soo Man. ‘’

‘’What Godfather? ‘’she shouted before running out of the room.

Cici blinked, ‘’who is the godfather of hers? What does he do? Where does he live? She rapidly fired questions.  

He sighed before slumping on his chair, days like these were always tough, he had done research on the guy, the results were staggering, and the guy was one of the most influential in the entertainment industry in Asia.

He reached into the bottom of his desk drawer and pulled out a file before sliding it over to Cici who grabbed it and started flipping through pages like crazy. Her eyes widened before flickering over to his, as if knowing what she’s thinking, he nodded.  

‘Thank you for your time,’ she said before rushing out of the room, swearing rapidly in Spanish.

When she reached outside the building she saw Maki leaning her head on the dashboard in the car, her shoulders shaking in her seat. Cici stowed her pace before opening the door and pulling Maki into another hug, Maki squeezed her tightly, whimpering. 'I don't wanna go,' she whispered.

48 hours later  found Maki in JFK airport , ‘’Flight 183 to Seoul ,South Korean is now boarding , all passengers please head to the main gate, ‘’ the voice on the tele-com echoed before repeating several times.

The house had been boarded up, furniture boxed up and doors locked securely.

Maki turned  towards Cici who came to see her off , ‘’This is a colleague of mine, she works in one of the branches of Seoul, if you need to contact me, just go by her okay,’ she whispered handing Maki a business card, which she stuffed safely into her pocket. They hugged for a few minutes before breaking the connection.

‘Bye amore ‘

‘Bye Cici,’ she replied before walking to the gate her bags had already been transferred to the plane. She just clutched her carry-on in her left hand.

Maki P.O.V

I never thought I would see Namsun Towers before today, but here I am nearly ten thousand feet in the air, on a 747 heading to the nearest airport to see a godfather I never knew I had. Never once had I given thought to who my godparents were. They skipped all my major accomplishments so why should I bother? No presents on my birthdays, no postcards on summer vacations? No nothing!!!

So after trying to, and I mean really trying to cope with the fact I had no living relatives, my only source of warmth was my music.

The sound of DBSK’s ‘’Picture of You,’’ filled my ear buds.They always calmed me, why did they have to disband, stupid lawsuit , being a Cassie kind of with just two out 5 representing TVXQ, I still supported them all, Cassiopeia till the end.

  I am pretty much a loner, I hate crowds. I hate attention. I may know how to do karate to defend myself and technically all types of sports considering, my dad allowed me to try out.  I always tried hard enough, always accomplished my goals, because I worked for it, never without any help. I just wanted to be me, a person whom could make her mark on the world.

I had no time to think about the inner conflict I was fighting within myself. I had to get a fresh start, before I could sink into an abyss of angst with no one to pull me out of it.

Introducing characters for this chapter :

Maki May Lee (17)

~ has a rapidly growing intelligence/ diverse in languages / Masters in Business Management and Minor in Computer Science

- knows Martial arts/ very moody/ sarcastic/ can be happy ,when she feel like it

Cecile ''Cici'' Joseph (25)

~Maki social-case worker

-fiery temper/loves kids/can be over-protective/ curses in Spanish when she's pissed off

Takashi Tatsuya (27)

~Maki family lawyer

- straightforward/ has connections all over the world/ very informative , has a crush on Cici.

Hope you guys liked the first chapter, I will be posting later again when I am no longer in bloody pain, for all you females, you know what I am talking about, the first few days are the worst. -_-

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 15: This story is so amazing!!! I wish it will happen someday! Always keep the faith ❤️
2026 streak #2
Chapter 15: OMG!!! Amazing fanfic. I just loved reading it... You have done an awesome job and how I wish it was the truth!
Anyway, Always Keep The Faith and Hope To The End :)
The comments have awesome feedback! Great job!
Chapter 15: I got stupid smiling on my face and goosebumps until I wake up to the rude reality :(
Brb crying
Good job authornim :D
Chapter 11: Uwaaaa I'm scaredddd
Chapter 10: Oh dear you've done it now Shim Changmin.
*sobbing out*
Chapter 4: OMG, my feels.... I'm on the verge if sobbing right now...
Chapter 1: Omg, are you a narutard...? o.O
This is awesome! (btw r u ot5 Cassie too? hahaha)
Thanks for using my poster..Kamsahamnida! Good luck to your story, I hope it will have a lot of views and subscribers..Fighting!