
What If


"Last night.. do you remember what you told me last night?"

Baekhyun asked that morning.


"I do. I asked you to help me."

Chanyeol sound desperate but Baekhyun can't understand a bit of what he's saying.


"You're getting married Chanyeol. Do you still know that? And you're only here to settle things down with me. We're supposed to end things up!"

Chanyeol didn't reply for a long time. They just sat there in silence.


"What if.. we stop this..




and continue everything at the same time?"


Baekhyun froze at Chanyeol's question. What is he thinking really? He's making it more hard for Baekhyun. He's making him want to say yes when he's supposed to say no. He's making him want to agree with him when he shouldn't. If Minseok was here, Chanyeol will be punched and hopefully come back to his right senses. If this feeling of Chanyeol was just pity, he couldn't let him do what he wants. Even if it favors Baekhyun.


"You know I wanted to say yes right now but I'll tell you, no. Even if you felt more like my Chanyeol right now, I would still say no. There's someone waiting for you Chanyeol. Don't you know how painful it is to wait? Don't you know how much it breaks your heart whenever a day ends and that someone you're waiting didn't show up? Do you know?"


Chanyeol didn't response again.

"Don't you know how much I really wanted to say yes to you right now but I can't. I'm not sure if your willingness is true or if you're just pitying me. I don't know what's going on in your mind."


His heart sank deeper when he heard all Baekhyun's doubt. He doesn't know either. But it hurts more when Baekhyun doesn't believe him at the very least.


"When I first came here, my intention was to just talk to you about our marriage. Because I don't want Kyungsoo to doubt me. I then came to realize it was still blurred, my real intention I mean. Did I come here because of Kyungsoo or because of me? Do you think I don't have questions about what happened? That how come I didn't know about our marriage? That I can't remember a single thing? When I'm with you I felt different and tons of familiarity. Things I didn't experienced while I'm with Kyungsoo. All I'm saying is that, I might be your Chanyeol or not, just give me a chance and help me remember."


Baekhyun was staring at him the whole time and his sincerity was there. Disguised as tears at the corner of his eyes. It must've been hard for him too. To have such tangled thoughts about what's real and true in his life.


He gave up. His heart was tired of carrying such pain and it doubled when Chanyeol spoke out his feelings.


"What about Kyungsoo?"

That's all he could ask.

"I don't know. I'll see. I'm confused, don't ask me right now."







"Are you.. sleeping?"

The sun was high but Baekhyun was locked in his room, trying to think all through. And there's Chanyeol, meddling it in a good way.

"No." He replied softly.

"Can I come in?"


Baekhyun sat up from his bed and let Chanyeol in. Chanyeol walked towards him and sat beside him. Though that wasn't just the thing he wanted to do. He reached out for Baekhyun and hugged him tightly.


"Thank you." He murmured in between Baekhyun's soft and fluffy hair.

"For what?"

"For everything."

"I didn't do anything though."

"Can I ask you a favor Baek?"

"What is it?"

"Let's just forget about anything else for a while. There's only the two of us right now. Just think of it like that."

"Can I ask something?"

Chanyeol hummed and Baekhyun heard his heartbeats on his chest.

"For how long? For how long will we do that?"


Chanyeol painfully sighed as he wanted to say forever but he knows Baekhyun wouldn't accept that. So he just came up with..


"Who knows.."




Baekhyun looked up at him and he gave him a sincere smile and kissed his forehead. He never felt so warm in his life than now. He felt like meeting Baekhyun and all opened up another life for him. He never have any regrets right now. Well, the thought of Kyungsoo made him uneasy but he'll think of the consequences later on. Chanyeol just want to focus on Baekhyun. And probably getting his memories back.






They stayed like that for the whole day. Cuddling and making up for the time they lost and Chanyeol had forgotten.





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ashkhen #1
Chapter 23: Just finished reading the rest of the chapters and Baekhyun got the closure he needed. Did Baek and Yifan somehow ended up being together in the end?
Chapter 22: Thank you for giving my baek hopeful ending, i am just so soft for my baekhyunee😍
Vampirella77 #3
Chapter 21: Welcome back 😊😊😊
Chapter 20: Poor baek, waited so long for nothing i hope he meet someone
Beau1996 1372 streak #5
Chapter 20: Wow - the gaps have been filled in but still sad 😢! I don't want Baek to be alone but I don't want Chan and Soo to part either!!
Vampirella77 #6
Chapter 20: So chanyeol will stay with Kyungsoo and leave baekhyun? This is sad. Anyway, thank you for this Update 👍
loyalb #7
Chapter 19: I for no reason at all thought about this angsty story a few days ago and I really wasn't expecting you to update but I'm glad you did
Beau1996 1372 streak #8
Chapter 19: So Chan knows what's been happening?
Beau1996 1372 streak #9
Chapter 18: What is Kyungsoo going to say??