
What If




Six months passed since Baekhyun visited Chanyeol and Kyungsoo at the hospital and haven't heard from both of them since. He's assuming they already flew abroad for Chanyeol's treatment. And he could only wish for a possible outcome of the treatment. 


One day when he arrived home, he received an email. 


"Hi Baekhyun. This is Kyungsoo.


I found your email online and was hoping you'd get this message. I was actually trying to contact you but I couldn't reach you for some reason I don't know. There's so much I wanted to tell you about what had happened these past few weeks. I guess I'll start about how's Chanyeol's doing. 


It's not good. The treatment didn't go well that we could only settle for some maintenance medicine the doctors prescribed. We'd do that for the rest of our lives. And I'd have to be prepared for his seizures and amnesia attacks. I'm not sure how to deal with that but I'd do anything for Chanyeol. 


It just hurts me that most of the time, he couldn't remember me. What hurts the most is that he calls me by your name. I was left with no choice but to play along so that he wouldn't have seizures. There I realized how much he treasures you. I wouldn't blame him, you're a wonderful person. And you practically saved him before his accident. 


Okay this is getting longer, but I have to actually tell you something important. Last week when Chanyeol's still himself, he proposed again and all the doubts of him loving you more than me jumped out of me. He still loves me afterall. I said yes again and we're planning to get married as soon as this weekend. It'll be a civil wedding and just a few will be invited. We want it to be solemn. 


You'd wonder why we'd get married at this time of our struggle. He said that it's something he wanted to do before his condition worsen. He wanted to finish whatever he started back before he had this condition. 


The thing that I wanted to discuss is, you're invited to our wedding Baekhyun. As someone who had a past with my fiancee, I'd still like you to be present because you helped us a lot during our struggle. And I know it would mean so much to Chanyeol. I just hope he doesn't get any attacks when he sees you though. I bet it won't, so please tell me what you think about it. 


That's all, Baekhyun. 

Reply to me when you can. 

Thank you. 






Baekhyun didn't know what to reply after reading his message. It's been a while and he kinda moved on with all that. He's not sure if he's willing to go back to it and remember everything again. The pain, he doesn't want to feel it again. It's not Chanyeol's fault nor his fault but he still needed to heal from all that. Chanyeol will always be a part of his life but he wanted it to be just that, he want his life to move forward. That's what's he's been doing the past months. He's finally feeling happy with his life. 


He got up from his chair and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of wine. Baekhyun needs to think it all through. Part of him still wanted to see how they're doing, how Chanyeol's doing, mainly. The other part of him just wanted to live peacefully, without remembering all the things that happened when Chanyeol disappeared from his life up to showing up suddenly but with a new life. It still hurts him a little because after Chanyeol's explanation about everything, he couldn't blame anyone. It's not anyone's fault that he's still hurt until now. But what can he do, nothing. 


"First love can really you up huh."

Baekhyun mumbled to himself. He doesn't know how to heal from Chanyeol but he need to do it. 


He went back to his laptop and started typing. 



"This is Baekhyun. Got your message and the invitation as well Kyungsoo. 


It's nice to hear from you. It saddens me to hear that Chanyeol's treatment didn't go well, I hope you find enough strength not to give up on him. 


And I'm glad to hear about your wedding and how it's finally happening. I have to apologize for the cause of delay back then because of our marriage but it's all settled now, you can marry Chanyeol without any problem. I'm happy for you both, truly. You deserve each other and brings out the best in each other. I hope one day I'll find something like that again. 


As much as I wanted to go to the ceremony, I'm not available at the said date. I have a very important appointment set in advance on that date, it's not gonna be easy rescheduling that, so I think it's impossible for me to attend. Plus, just as you said, I might trigger Chanyeol's condition so I won't risk all that. Just let him know that I wish you all the best on your wedding.


Maybe someday, I'll be able to visit you. When the time is right. 

Until then, Kyungsoo. 

Thank you. 






Baekhyun hit send and sipped wine. 


"Cheers to moving on."











- Wedding Day



Baekhyun blinked and he found himself standing at the far back of Chanyeol and Kyungsoo's wedding reception. He wore a hat and sunglasses so that the two wouldn't recognize him. It's a stupid idea to come but his heart still screams Chanyeol's name and begs him to see him for the last time. It's hard to battle against your heart so he's where he is right now. Stupidly looking at the newly wed. They look happy. Chanyeol is happy. He could say that. His heart felt a pang when he saw how happy Chanyeol is, he couldn't help but wonder what if he's the one standing right beside Chanyeol. Maybe he'd be happier? Or not. No one will know. 


Before he could notice anything except Chanyeol, a tear rolled down from his cheek. He immediately wiped it and turned his back away. Baekhyun walked away but before he open the door he muffled goodbye to Chanyeol. 


He went out of the venue while crying, he hates himself for being pathetic. He was sure he moved on a little bit but seeing Chanyeol again just reminded him how much he means to Baekhyun. Chanyeol's been his everything and now he lost him forever. But a part of him is at peace, know Chanyeol is in good hands. Kyungsoo is perfect for Chanyeol. He wouldn't question that anymore. Baekhyun wiped his tears and entered his car. He drove far away until he noticed himself driving to where he lost Chanyeol. 



When he arrived at the beach, there's so much thought going on in his mind. Lots of what if's and could've been's. No one could answer it all for him now. He needed to let it all behind now. Baekhyun stood there, watching the ocean and feeling the ocean breeze with closed eyes. That moment is perfect. He felt like he's leaving all memories with Chanyeol to where he fist left Baekhyun. This place is where Chanyeol disappeared. It is only right that this is the place that Baekhyun wants to drop all of Chanyeol's memories. He wanted this place to be the last place he'd think of Chanyeol. 


Baekhyun's tears keep rolling down while eyes closed, as he remembers all of Chanyeol's smiles in his head. It all felt faded now. It hurts but it doesn't feel real anymore to him. Maybe he's that desperate to move on quickly. 


"Need a tissue or something?" 


Baekhyun got startled when someone suddenly talked beside him. He opened his eyes and saw a tall guy. A little bit taller than Chanyeol. The guy is handing him a piece of tissue. To probably wipe off his tears. 


"Ah, thanks." Baekhyun grabbed it and wiped his tears immediately. He's embarrassed that someone saw him crying while having his moment. 


"I know I'm a stranger but mind asking if you're okay?" The man asked. 


"I'm not crying if I'm okay, am I?" 


"You're right, sorry." 


Baekhyun felt rude for sounding y with a stranger who just happen to worry about him. 


"No.. Sorry, I sound rude just now. Well, I'm not okay. My great love just got married today. That's it."


"That explains the tears. Mine left me here, so I guess our love wasn't all that great."


"Yours left you?" Baekhyun asked. He could tell the man is lonely too, from his eyes. 


"Yes, he just stopped listening to me then one day, he's gone. This is the last place I saw him." The stranger explained. Baekhyun felt his sadness. 


"Love didn't work well with us huh." 


"Hmm." The man nodded. 



They both stood there, looking out in the ocean. Probably lost in their own thoughts. Breathing in more deeply every now and then. 


"My name's Baekhyun, by the way. What's yours?" 


Baekhyun tuned to the man and offered a handshake. The man looked at his hand and smiled. 


"My name is Wu Yifan." 










- End - 

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ashkhen #1
Chapter 23: Just finished reading the rest of the chapters and Baekhyun got the closure he needed. Did Baek and Yifan somehow ended up being together in the end?
Chapter 22: Thank you for giving my baek hopeful ending, i am just so soft for my baekhyunee😍
Vampirella77 #3
Chapter 21: Welcome back 😊😊😊
Chapter 20: Poor baek, waited so long for nothing i hope he meet someone
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 20: Wow - the gaps have been filled in but still sad 😢! I don't want Baek to be alone but I don't want Chan and Soo to part either!!
Vampirella77 #6
Chapter 20: So chanyeol will stay with Kyungsoo and leave baekhyun? This is sad. Anyway, thank you for this Update 👍
loyalb #7
Chapter 19: I for no reason at all thought about this angsty story a few days ago and I really wasn't expecting you to update but I'm glad you did
Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 19: So Chan knows what's been happening?
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 18: What is Kyungsoo going to say??