
What If

(I'll try to make it long this time n___n)










"What do you mean you can't?! Search hard enough will you?"

Baekhyun was hysterical at that moment and he could only ask questions that no one could answer. He wants to shout at them all, even at the recuers for not searching hard enough. It's near midnight and the light at the sea side was so bright and a couple of people he couldn't recognize at all gathered around.

They were all gossiping, murmuring things that might or might not be true.

"It's impossible that he's still be alive.."

"At a time like this, he would be dead.."

"Poor guy.."


He lose his sanity right there and then. Baekhyun tried very hard not to cry while he's waiting for Chanyeol to come back. He wasn't crying, just worried sick.


Hours passed, still no sign. The rescuers seemed to get lessen every hour, Baekhyun would just roll his eyes and sigh. Useless pieces of trash. If only he knew how to swim, he'll be the right diving under, searching for Chanyeol or if ever there's an island at the other side and Chanyeol got trapped there. But they say there's no more island, they said there's no sign of him everywhere. They all said he wasn't coming back. They were all lying.


After two days of searching, they stopped, only Baekhyun was left. Sitting at the sea side, waiting patiently. Afraid that he won't see Chanyeol's come back with his own eyes and prove them all wrong. Hw waited for the sun to set. He waited for the moon to shine. He waited for the sun to rise. He repeats all this for countless days. He already rented the inn they're staying at and the owner just let him be.


Someone would just bring him food and all the stuffs he need because they know he won't move there for the rest of the day. They know Baekhyun literally lived there but they can't let him have a tent there to stay in. He was pitiful in their eyes after a month. Baekhyun already knows what they're thinking of him and he doesn't care. Explaining himself in front of them won't make Chanyeol back. Its just a waste of saliva and time. He wasn't in the mood to even depend himself after all that had happened.

"He won't do this.."

I'm sorry..

After a few weeks of roaming around the island, searching by himself, trying to find things that could be connected with Chanyeol, he found something.

A written phrase on a stone. Chanyeol's handwriting. It says I'm sorry.

He wasn't crying, just confused. Why is Chanyeol saying sorry? Why is he gone right now? Why is he doing this? Are those words even for Baekhyun? He couldn't tell.

What's his reason to leave Baekhyun just like that?

Dragging him for a vacation and then leave him behind after saying sorry? What's that supposed to mean?


He grabbed stones after stones and angrily but painfully throw it at the sea. He wasn't sure now whether he got lost or ran away. If Chanyeol was missing or he went away from Baekhyun. If Chanyeol was sick and tired of him and just decided to leave him right there without explaining why.




He wasn't sure if Chanyeol even loved him. Different kinds of assumptions ruined his mind. He's near to believing that Chanyeol really left him but his heart won and just thought of Chanyeol's understandable reason for his disappearance when he gets back. Forgetting how broken his heart was, Baekhyyn continued waiting. Waiting and waiting until he doesn't know when. Years passed and he doesn't lose hope for them. He believed Chanyeol so much that his hopes hasn't went down even just for a bit. Those time he knew, he was totally whipped and only for Chanyeol he'll love someone this much. Much more than himself.

Minseok keeps arranging dates for Baekhyun for years too. Baekhyun would just smile and say..

"Don't you know I'm still married right?"

And Minseok shrugged in dismay. He knew, Chanyeol won't comeback ever again that's why Baekhyun must find another partner that will help him forget things. But Baekhyun was stubborn and deserves tons of smack.

"Why don't you move out Baek? I mean, your work is very far now. Aren't you tired of commuting?"
Minseok once asked him.

"It's tiring honestly. I should really move out but I won't. You know my reason hyung. You know it well."

Minseok sighed. "That Chanyeol might come back here soon? And you're afraid that you're not here to greet him welcome."

Baekhyun thinned his lips and bitterly smiled. Everything that he do now had reasons. And that reasons always leads to Chanyeol.







Chanyeol will come back. He's sure of it.







(Alright I failed. I couldn't make it any longer than the usual, I'm sorry. I'll find inspiration or motivation to make it longer though. Hehe thank you for still reading guys :*)




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ashkhen #1
Chapter 23: Just finished reading the rest of the chapters and Baekhyun got the closure he needed. Did Baek and Yifan somehow ended up being together in the end?
Chapter 22: Thank you for giving my baek hopeful ending, i am just so soft for my baekhyunee😍
Vampirella77 #3
Chapter 21: Welcome back 😊😊😊
Chapter 20: Poor baek, waited so long for nothing i hope he meet someone
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 20: Wow - the gaps have been filled in but still sad 😢! I don't want Baek to be alone but I don't want Chan and Soo to part either!!
Vampirella77 #6
Chapter 20: So chanyeol will stay with Kyungsoo and leave baekhyun? This is sad. Anyway, thank you for this Update 👍
loyalb #7
Chapter 19: I for no reason at all thought about this angsty story a few days ago and I really wasn't expecting you to update but I'm glad you did
Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 19: So Chan knows what's been happening?
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 18: What is Kyungsoo going to say??