
What If


So early in the morning and Chanyeol is running a very important errand. He didn't ask for anyone's help about this. It felt like it's very personal but not that personal. Chanyeol just don't want to interrupt his friends into something like this. They'll maybe get mad or something. Especially Kyungsoo's friends. They might strangle him for not knowing that he's already married and had the guts to marry Kyungsoo? 


"So how do we start?"

Chanyeol asked calmly.

"You told me you don't know him right?" Mr. Jung asked.


"Yes, I don't."


"You first need to meet him and you talk things out so that the process of annulment will start."


"Annulment? Was that really necessary? I mean we can just talk and sign something like a contract that says our marriage is void. Can't we just do that?"


"Mr. Park, there's no such thing as easy like signing papers when it comes to marriage. This is a serious matter and we can't just make the marriage dull when it's been three years that it happened and was made."


"I was just.. suggesting. And you know it's kind of a hassle for me and for my fiancee."


"I understand. If you want to end this quick, start moving."


"Where does he live again?"


"It says here Bucheon. I'll hand you a copy of your marriage contract and all of his files so that it would be easy for you. And from that, it's all up to you."


"Okay. Thank you Mr. Jung. I'll be back soon."












 "Kyungsoo, I'm heading to Bucheon right now. I'm going to meet Baekhyun. The one I'm married with in the paper. I'll ask him everything. If you ever hear this, call back. Please don't ignore me."

The beep ended and Chanyeol threw his phone to the passenger seat next to him. The almost twenty minutes of drive to Bucheon seemed like a month. And he doesn't know why his heart became heavy when he's nearing. 


Oh crap. He forgot. He don't know the actual address of that Baekhyun, like the exact address. Maybe someone here knew him right?


"Good morning, uh do you know any Byun Baekhyun here?"

He stopped the car and randomly asked anyone he passed by. Chanyeol decided to walk and asked stupidly for someone he doesn't even know what looked like. He spent half an hour searching and asking but no one seemed to know this Baekhyun guy. Maybe he's not that known, or worst he already moved somewhere. 




A voice called him from behind and he snapped back to see who called. A small man with a chubby cheeks came to view with eyes so wide. 


"Excuse me? How do you know me?" 


"You're Park Chanyeol. Baekhyun's husband."




"How do you know-- who are you again?"


"I thought it's just rumours, but I think it's true now."


Chanyeol wasn't sure about what the guy's talking about. He narrowed his brows in confusion and tried hard to understand his words but he just can't. 


"What are you talking about? Where does this Baekhyun live? And who are you?"


"I'm Minseok. Baekhyun's friend. And he lived blocks from here. I can walk you there."

Minseok smiled and Chanyeol did too. A small smile at first because he still can't catch up what's happening. 


"You really don't remember anything?" Minseok asked from his front. 


"Was there anything to remember about? I mean, you must've mistaken me with someone else. I'm sure I didn't marry anyone in my whole entire life."


"What are you talking about?"


"I need to talk to Baekhyun so that I'll know what happened."


"Whatever it is, please take it slow. Baekhyun's still having a hard time coping with your sudden disappearance."


"I disappeared?"


Minseok stopped walking and Chanyeol slumped his shoulders down. 


"Ask Baekhyun yourself."


He pointed a gate to Chanyeol and it might be Baekhyun's home. After that, he walked away. He's kind of weird in his own way. 

Chanyeol called from outside. After few minutes, the door opened and revealed a black haired guy with porcelain skin it almost shined. It's whiter than Kyungsoo's. And his eyes was Kyungsoo's opposite too. Though the thinness of his eyes went wider when they made and eye contact. It's as if he's going to cry. And Chanyeol was right. The guy cried while running into him, hugging him like he found his lost husband for years. Or it must be real. Chanyeol don't know why but a tear fell from his eyes too. Heart clenching like it did while he's on his way here. 


It's unusual. It's not normal. 


"I-I've missed you.."


It's just words but Chanyeol wanted to say it back. He can feel the guy's pain and sorrow of waiting. 


"I-I'm sorry but.. are you Byun Baekhyun?"


The guy's grip on his waist loosened and the sobs stopped. He slowly and directly searched for Chanyeol's eyes. His eyes represents confusion. 


"I.. I'm sorry. You must've forgotten about me. Yes, I'm Byun Baekhyun."

He wiped his tears with the back of his hand and forced a sweet smile. But Chanyeol can still the pain behind. 


"I need to talk to you about something."


"Sure. Uh, please come in." 

Baekhyun avoided an eye contact after that awkward question Chanyeol threw. How stupid. He entered the house and Chanyeol followed. The house was big enough for three people. It's more like for a small family and the ambiance is very comfortable and familiar. Chanyeol don't know but everything seemed so familiar in here.


His eyes wandered around and he saw various and plenty of picture frames. 












Of him and Baekhyun.




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ashkhen #1
Chapter 23: Just finished reading the rest of the chapters and Baekhyun got the closure he needed. Did Baek and Yifan somehow ended up being together in the end?
Chapter 22: Thank you for giving my baek hopeful ending, i am just so soft for my baekhyunee😍
Vampirella77 #3
Chapter 21: Welcome back 😊😊😊
Chapter 20: Poor baek, waited so long for nothing i hope he meet someone
Beau1996 1372 streak #5
Chapter 20: Wow - the gaps have been filled in but still sad 😢! I don't want Baek to be alone but I don't want Chan and Soo to part either!!
Vampirella77 #6
Chapter 20: So chanyeol will stay with Kyungsoo and leave baekhyun? This is sad. Anyway, thank you for this Update 👍
loyalb #7
Chapter 19: I for no reason at all thought about this angsty story a few days ago and I really wasn't expecting you to update but I'm glad you did
Beau1996 1372 streak #8
Chapter 19: So Chan knows what's been happening?
Beau1996 1372 streak #9
Chapter 18: What is Kyungsoo going to say??