
What If



"Byun Baekhyun." 


The very moment when their eyes met, all types of pain Baekhyun went through came rushing in like a whirlwind. It's suffocatingly painful and his mind went black as his body frozen into place. He didn't know what to say or do or react. He just suddenly don't know what's reality. Since he's been living his life denying reality and building up his broken into pieces fantasy. 


Why is he here? Did Chanyeol want to see Baekhyun? Why would Kyungsoo grant his husband's request of seeing his ex anyway? Kyungsoo wasn't dumb to do that. Baekhyun was sure. He didn't know this guy but he thinks he wasn't stupid enough to meet with the man who nearly ruin the relationship of him and Chanyeol. Or maybe he didn't know that part. That part when Chanyeol was almost his when he still belongs to Kyungsoo. 


"How can I help you?" 

He took all his courage to ask that simple question. Baekhyun just couldn't stop thinking that Kyungsoo is that someone else he wish he was. The one whose with Chanyeol right now and till the end.


"I need to tell you something."















Baekhyun let Kyungsoo inside his apartment even though his mind was about to burst from countless of questions he had. He wanted to ask first and all but he sees Kyungsoo's eyes that he has something needed to be said first. And Baekhyun somewhat felt that, he was the only one Kyungsoo trust about it. 


"What is it that you're going to tell me?" 


"Chanyeol.. It's about my husband." 

Baekhyun's heart literally paused at the sudden mention of Chanyeol and Kyungsoo's way of saying that he owns Chanyeol. 'My husband.' 
His heart hurts more now and he could just wait for what is it that Kyungsoo wanted to tell him. 


"He's been a little forgetful nowadays, he even forget me." 


He didn't know what to say. He just didn't know. Although his mind was still full of questions.


"But what's bothering me is that, he's always looking for you. He gets angry at me when I say I'm his husband. He always insisted that he already had one and his name is Byun Baekhyun." 

Baekhyun kept silent, his fist clenched and heart and mind throbbing from that unusual information Kyungsoo said. 


"That's when I realized, something must've happened back then. Am I right Baekhyun?" 


Kyungsoo was searching for Baekhyun's gaze. And Baekhyun couldn't avoid it and just stare back at him like he's been caught on act. 


"Yes, there is. But I stopped it as soon as we even started. We both knew it was wrong." 


"I'm glad you made that right choice." 


It was right but it wasn't good for Baekhyun.


"But I'm just so flustered right now at this situation and immediately searched for you and run to you." 


"You think I know the answer?" 


"No. I think you're the answer." 


"I can't understand you. At this moment you should've gone to a doctor to check him up, not me. I can't be any help Kyungsoo."


Please stop dragging me into the world I'm still trying to get lose to. 

"I already went to a doctor. Chanyeol's showing symptoms of dementia. His memories are mixed up right now and he doesn't know what's real and not. He mistook everything he has now as something that he never wanted. The doctor said that it might be early on-set Alzheimers disease." 


Baekhyun's mind literally went blank. Ever since Kyungsoo showed up, he was feeling all sorts of uncertainties and nervousness he never felt before. He knew something was uo but wasn't really expecting it to be that almost severe. Was it severe? But Kyungsoo's true intention was still a blur to him. He needs to know what he wants from him. 


"I'm.. sorry to hear that. Is he okay?" 


"He's normal since yesterday until now. But the day before yesterday made me come uo with a decision to look for you. He was hysterically looking for you. Saying I was fooling him and all sorts. That's why I'm here, asking you to help me." 



Why me...





What happened to you Chanyeol?
















Kyungso came back the next day, discussing to Baekhyun what happened to Chanyeol from the start. Everything. Baekhyun wasn't sure if this whole situation he's in was the punishment he deserve after that? He was questioning what did he do wrong to deserve this and Chanyeol too. Why does fate always brings him to Chanyeol. Why is it always Chanyeol. 


Sometimes at the middle of Kyungsoo's discussions, he was tempted to reject everything. Tell him everything about what's he's feeling about it first. That it hurts him to go back to the life he ran away from. But seeing Kyungsoo so eager to heal and do everything to Chanyeol melted his heart. He knew that Chanyeol was in the right hands. At some times, he came to think that rejecting Kyungsoo's favor just because of his personal feelings was so so selfish. He didn't think of what Kyungsoo was feeling from the start.


"Are you okay with this?" 


"I'd do anything for Chanyeol, be it someone he wants or anything he wants. I'll do." 

He cried that night. Realizing how much braver Kyungsoo was than him. And he didn't have the heart to ever think of rejecting him. If he was in Kyungsoo's place, he wasn't sure if he'll consider his husband's ex to be the one to help them. There must be some other way to not tolerate him. But Kyungsoo was obviously stressed and doesn't know what to do. He remember Chanyeol telling .him that he was the only person Kyungsoo has. It pains him a lot. He was hurting and bleeding and drowning and crying all at once. 


"Kyungsoo, will you be okay?"


"I'll be strong for Chanyeol." 



His mind asked him if he'll be okay.







He answered, I'm doing this for Chanyeol so I should be fine. 








(Hello, I know I'm including a serious illness as a plot twist here and I'm going to apologize if I'm not able to elaborate or explain it clearly since I just read it somewhere and just did some quick research so yeah. I'm sorry :))





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ashkhen #1
Chapter 23: Just finished reading the rest of the chapters and Baekhyun got the closure he needed. Did Baek and Yifan somehow ended up being together in the end?
Chapter 22: Thank you for giving my baek hopeful ending, i am just so soft for my baekhyunee😍
Vampirella77 #3
Chapter 21: Welcome back 😊😊😊
Chapter 20: Poor baek, waited so long for nothing i hope he meet someone
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 20: Wow - the gaps have been filled in but still sad 😢! I don't want Baek to be alone but I don't want Chan and Soo to part either!!
Vampirella77 #6
Chapter 20: So chanyeol will stay with Kyungsoo and leave baekhyun? This is sad. Anyway, thank you for this Update 👍
loyalb #7
Chapter 19: I for no reason at all thought about this angsty story a few days ago and I really wasn't expecting you to update but I'm glad you did
Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 19: So Chan knows what's been happening?
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 18: What is Kyungsoo going to say??