Part 2

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AN: I've decided to go with smaller more frequent updates rather than just one large update that might take a month or two to complete. I hope no one minds! I don't really expect this fic to have more than five or six parts. Thanks so much for reading and giving feedback!




                Tiffany wakes up in an unfamiliar room. After sitting up and looking around more she remembers where she’s at; Hyoyeon’s room. Tiffany and Sunny had managed to stay mostly sober last night, and as a result had ended up taking care of their wasted friends. Tiffany had ended up looking after Hyoyeon for the most part. Currently she’s still asleep beside Tiffany, but there’s no telling how long that will last. But, what Tiffany does know is there’s going to be a lot of vomiting and groaning today. She stands up from the bed carefully before making sure Hyoyeon has something close to her to puke in if necessary. Sure enough there’s a trash can nearby.

                Tiffany makes her way to her own room. She knows there’s probably at least one person passed out in there, but she wants to get a fresh change of clothes so she can shower before everyone wakes up and starts fighting over the bathroom. When she opens the room door she’s surprised to see only Yuri asleep in the bed. If Tiffany remembers right, Sunny had been the one looking after her when things started getting wild. Regardless, she gathers her clothes and goes to the bathroom to shower.


                When Tiffany steps out of the bathroom she’s surprised to find Sunny, and a girl she knows as Seohyun sitting in the living room. A wide grin spreads across Tiffany’s lips as soon as she sees the red head. Last night had been nice; simple, but nice. They had mostly talked while holding hands, then there was one moment around the end where Sunny had rested her head on Tiffany’s shoulder. Just remembering the whole thing makes Tiffany’s heart speed up. She knows they’re stupid things for someone her age to get worked up over, but being that close to someone she is genuinely attracted to is such a change of pace for her.

                When Sunny see’s Tiffany she grins, “Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?”

                Tiffany’s heart feels like it’s going to leap out of her chest from the compliment, but there’s also a bit of anxiety. She spares a nervous glance at Seohyun fearing that there will be disgust evident on the woman’s face, but instead there’s only a smile.

                “Uh, good morning. I slept alright once Hyoyeon settled down. What about you two?” Tiffany asks as she sits down beside Sunny.

                Sunny surprises Tiffany by scooting even closer to her, “I slept pretty well. Yuri’s not too difficult to deal with. Seohyun on the other hand…”

                Seohyun laughs, “Yoona gets wild when she drinks. I only got a few hours of sleep.”

                Tiffany’s confused by the statement, but doesn’t say so; it’s a bit of a double entendre. “So where were you guys earlier? I didn’t see you when I first woke up.”

                Sunny smiles, “We had the same idea as you. We went to our cabin to shower before the hangover crowd gets up and moving.” She pauses, “Hey Tiffany, would you want to go for a walk? You know, spend some time together before everyone’s awake?”

                The thought makes Tiffany nervous, but an excited type of nervous, “That sounds nice. Will you be alright by yourself, Seohyun?”

                Seohyun smiles and nods, “Of course. You two go have fun. I’ll text Sunny if I need you back here for any reason.” With that, Sunny takes Tiffany’s hand in her own and stands.

                Once outside Tiffany turns to Sunny, “Any reason you walked to go for a walk?”

                Sunny grins, “Just like I said; I wanted some alone time with you before everyone else is up. Have you ever seen the lake?”

                “No. Taeyeon told me it’s really pretty, though.”

                Sunny nods, “It is. That’s where I wanted to head to, if that’s alright?”

                Tiffany nods; she had been anxious to see the lake since they had arrived, but her friends had had other plans.

                The walk to the lake is way more than pleasant. Tiffany mostly smiles to herself as Sunny swings their arms back and forth awhile humming happily. In a little less than ten minutes they arrive; looking out on a beautiful, large, lake. The two sit on a bench near the bank and for the first few minutes it’s silent as they watch people on the other side fishing.

                After minutes of silence Sunny asks, “Do you like it?”

                Tiffany smiles, “Yeah… it’s really pretty.”

                Another comfortable silence sets in as the two look out onto the water. Tiffany almost feels entranced while watching the gentle waves lapping at the bank. It’s the feeling of Sunny draping an arm over her shoulders that breaks the trance.

                “Is this alright?”, Sunny asks.

                Tiffany can’t help but smile, “Yeah. I’ve uh… I’ve always liked the feeling of having someone’s arm around my shoulders. It…  makes me feel protected and stuff?”

                Sunny chuckles, “That’s good. I like protecting my girl.”

                Tiffany’s whole body flushes with giddy warmth. She doesn’t know how to respond; she’s not even sure she can respond. She swallows back her nervousness and rests her head on Sunny’s shoulder. The feeling is so… perfect. She had done this many times with her ex, but she had never felt this excited and lightheaded about it. Of course it also felt physically different. Nichkhun had strong, broad shoulders, and heavier, more muscular arms. Sunny is much smaller, delicate, but still stable feeling. And her arm rests lightly on Tiffany’s shoulders while still making her feel secure.

                Almost as if reading her mind, Sunny asks, “What was it like? Being with a guy for years when you really didn’t want to be?”

                Tiffany sighs, “I don’t know… Sometimes it was really difficult, others it was easy. He was perfect, really, but… Alright, think of it this way. Do you have any really good guy friends? Like a guy you really trust, and care about, who has always been there for you?”

                “Yeah. I have a couple of guy friends like that.”

                “Okay. Now imagine that they’re in love with you, but you still only see them as your friend. The easy part is you can tell them almost anything, going on dates just feels they hanging out, and cuddling is usually alright. But the hard part is when he kisses you, when he looks into your eyes and tells you how he’ll never love anyone more than he loves you. When he whispers things in your ear that are supposed to be sweet, but they just make you uncomfortable. The worst is being physically intimate. No matter how many times we had been together it never felt… completely right. Even when I would close my eyes and just let my imagination go wild with thoughts of women.”

                Tiffany sighs before continuing, “For him, I could always go through the motions, and act how I knew I was supposed to. But… he never made my heart race, or gave me butterflies…” She chuckles bitterly, “Hell, I think you just putting your arm around me made me feel more excited than with him ever did.”

                Sunny sighs, “God… I can’t imagine living like that. From the very moment I knew my uality I just told everyone, and nothing went wrong. This may be wrong for me to say, but I think you should at least open up to your friends. Sooyoung and Hyoyeon don’t know, right?” Tiffany nods, “I think they’d be fine with it. Pretty sure Yuri hit on both of them last night and they weren’t pissy about it.”

                Tiffany laughs, “They were also drunk. I don’t know… I might tell them. Maybe not today, but probably before we leave.”

                “I guess that means I should keep my distance when they’re around, huh?”

                Tiffany hadn’t thought about it that way. But Sunny had a point; they couldn’t be close to each other like this without her friends suspecting something. “I… I guess… we could still sit by each other but…”

                “But no touching?”

                Tiffany nods sadly. “No touching.”

                Sunny sighs, “Such a complicated girl…”

                Without warning Sunny shifts; making Tiffany lift up her head. Her breath is taken away when she sees Sunny’s face bare centimeters from her own. Tiffany can hear the nervousness in Sunny’s voice when she asks: “Can I kiss you?”

                The words cause Tiffany to unconsciously hold her breath. A faint voice in her head tells her it’s too soon for that; she’s known this woman for less than two days. But that doesn’t matter to her. She’s opened up to this woman more in the past 24 hours than she has to most of her friends.

                Fearing that her voice won’t be stable enough to say yes, Tiffany only nods her head. That makes Sunny smile. Her free hand rises to Tiffany’s cheek and she moves in closer. Instinctively, Tiffany closes her eyes as she leans forward.

                When their lips meet Tiffany almost gasps, but holds it in dreading that it might cause Sunny to pull away. The kiss feels unlike anything she’s ever felt. Sunny’s lips are just so fundamentally different from what Tiffany is used to; soft, full, supple. But it’s not just the lips themselves… it’s the gentle, but firm pressure behind them.

                When Sunny pulls away with a smile, Tiffany finds herself disappointed that it didn’t last longer. It was just a drawn out peck on the lips, but it still made her heart race. Overwhelmed with the need for more, Tiffany takes the initiative and moves in for a second kiss. Sunny responds instantly; welcoming back Tiffany’s lips without hesitation.

                Tiffany is the one that pulls away this time; only because she knows if they keep their lips together much longer she’ll want to further the kiss. She lets out a breath that she didn’t even know she was holding in, “Wow…”

                Sunny laughs, “I’ve gotta say, even though they were just little kisses, that felt really good.”

                Tiffany finds herself a little out of breath, and also speechless. “really good” is such an understatement of how it felt for her. It was her first kiss with a woman. Hell, in her eyes it is her first kiss period. She wants to put her overwhelming emotions into words, but when she tries to all that fumbles from is, “I… I like your lips.” She immediately feels like an idiot, and covers her face with her hands.

                Sunny chuckles, “You’re so cute… So you liked that, huh?”

                Tiffany takes her hands away from her face, “Ye-yeah. I liked it a lot actually.”

                The wide, genuine grin that stretches across Sunny’s lips makes Tiffany’s heart flutter. She’s debating on leaning in for another kiss, when Sunny’s phone vibrates.

                “It’s Seohyun. Everyone is starting to wake up now, and the situation isn’t looking good.” She turns to Tiffany with a regretful look, “So I guess that means no more kisses for the rest of the day, huh?”

                Just knowing that her want for more kissing is mutual makes Tiffany feel ridiculously giddy. “Well… I wouldn’t mind another before we go back.”

                Sunny wastes no time; she goes in for another right away, almost startling Tiffany with her eagerness. The feeling of their lips meeting again is just as amazing as before. Afterwards, the two look at each other with faint smiles on their lips. Though it was just another simple peck, Tiffany can’t help but release a drawn out, dreamy, sigh.

                Sunny smiles as she stands, “I honestly don’t know how you could get any cuter.”

                The words cause Tiffany to blush. She wants to return the favor and give Sunny a compliment; but she has no clue what to say. She doesn’t really have any experience in complimenting other women in a romantic sense. Even if she did, what would she pick to comment on? She thinks everything about Sunny is amazing… There’s just no way she can articulate her feelings without sounding like a blubbering idiot.



                Tiffany sits on the living room couch with Taeyeon; enjoying the peace and quiet. The day had been a little hectic. The half of the women who weren’t throwing up and miserable spent their day caring for the ones who were. By now, 7 in the afternoon, everyone has recovered. And as a thank you for taking care of them Sooyoung and Hyoyeon are making dinner while Taeyeon and Tiffany relax.

                “So you and Sunny are getting along pretty well?” Taeyeon asks. Up until now she hadn’t had a moment alone with Tiffany to ask. But now that Sunny and her friends had left for their own cabin, and their other two vacation mates are cooking, now is the perfect time.

                Tiffany grins at the red head’s name, “Yeah. I think we’re just going to get to know each other and then go from there…” Tiffany pauses, “Before everyone else woke up we went for a walk… We kissed some.”

                Taeyeon beams with excitement for her friend, “Fany! That’s great! What kind of kisses are we talking about?”

                “Just a few little lip touches. It wasn’t anything too intense.” Tiffany knows she’s underplaying how amazing the experience was for her, but she doesn’t want to gush over the situation too much.

                “Now wait a second, who’s been touching lips with you?” Hyoyeon asks as she comes out of the kitchen, followed by Sooyoung.

                Tiffany’s blood runs cold. She’s not ready for them to find out yet, and especially not by eavesdropping. But Taeyeon elbows her; encouraging her to tell them the truth. A million thoughts are running through Tiffany’s head. All thoughts that she’s already mulled over hundreds of times: the pros and cons of telling them.

                After many long seconds of tense silence as her friends look at her expectantly, Tiffany finally sighs in defeat. “Uh… Sunny…” To Tiffany’s surprise neither or her friends seem off put by the news; they both simply smile.

                Sooyoung plops down beside Tiffany on the couch and puts her arm around her, “Do you like her?” Still a bit in shock, Tiffany only nods. “That’s good. We were kind of worried about you, ya know? We didn’t think you’d ever come out and find someone who really made you happy.”

                Tiffany is utterly confused, “You knew? How? I mean, I dated a guy and…”

                Sooyoung continues smiling, “You did, but it was obvious you weren’t happy with him. I don’t think we totally saw it until last night. You were all close to that girl. Smiling, giggly, leaning on each other. I figured something was going on, but I didn’t really put it together until Hyoyeon mentioned that Sunny liked women.” Sooyoung gives Tiffany a comfortable hug, “I’m happy for you.”

                Hyoyeon walks close and leans down to hug Tiffany, “I am, too. You didn’t need to be so afraid to tell us.”

                Tiffany is overwhelmed with relief. After all the stress, and questioning of whether she’d ever come out to anyone, she is finally being accepted. It’s all just too much. Happy tears fill her eyes before streaming down her cheeks, and she finds herself surrounded by her friends as they say comforting things and hug her.

                Finally, everything seems to be falling into place for Tiffany. At the moment it doesn’t matter that her family is still clueless, and there will be many more uality related struggles down the road. Right now it just matters that her friends know, and they’re supportive.

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Fire_trek 351 streak #1
Chapter 8: Ugh so beautiful and fluffy, l honestly love this. I wish we could have have gotten an epilogue but this was good enough. When Tiffany said that Sunny felt like home my heart honestly fluttered, they are so cute and sweet and I hate that it’s over! But my head canon of them being together and live happily ever after will have to do. Thank you for this fic author nim!
Fire_trek 351 streak #2
Chapter 7: See, all Sunny wants is a relationship! She wants you mentally, emotionally and your whole heart, it’s not just about . Even though, let’s be real, it wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen. I’m surprised she wasn’t more upset about the confession, she really is an evolved, mature adult because that couldn’t have been me lol I hope she gets to sleep with her(in the same bed, people, get your minds out of the gutter!)
Fire_trek 351 streak #3
Chapter 6: Jessica! Listen! I love you, you’re my girl but if you don’t get your hands and lips off of Tiffany I’ll come into this fic and strangle you myself.. sorry if that was aggressive but no one gets in between me and my 2ny! Damn Jeti, Jessica always gets Tiffany in these fics. Let Sunny get a chance sometimes. Just thinking of Sunny.. oh no what will happen when she finds out..
Fire_trek 351 streak #4
Chapter 5: Oh man why do I feel like Jessica is going to be a problem in the future? And why is Tiffany so nervous with being with Sunny? They don’t have to do anything that she’s not ready for and I think that Tiffany knows that. I’m happy that they’re sharing a room, more time to be together before the vacation ends and all. These two make my heart happy
Fire_trek 351 streak #5
Chapter 4: Their progression in their relationship is so darn cute. And we’ll, hello Jessica, I love you but don’t try to take Tiffany from Sunny, ok? Now I’m afraid to read the next chapters. What if they end up together? Only one way to find out *proceeds to the next chapter*
Fire_trek 351 streak #6
Chapter 3: It’s okay if it was short, it was still perfect. I love Tiffany being nervous(I would be too) I mean it’s Sunny in her red bikini from “party”. Drools 🤤
Fire_trek 351 streak #7
Chapter 2: Of course the girls would be supportive, they’re real friends! Sunny and Tiffany are so adorable it’s crazy, they finally kissed. When Sunny told Tiffany that she doesn’t know how she could get any cuter I was like same!
Fire_trek 351 streak #8
Chapter 1: First off I love the way you write, it’s very natural. Second this is so cute! Tiffany bring a panicked gay is adorable and Sunny being the perceptive little devil she is, is amazing.
Chapter 8: Very cute story ^^ I enjoyed every moment of it & read it in one go :D Thanks for writing!
ld2nybl #10
Chapter 8: Awww you're back! They just so cute omg my 2by feeling