Part 3

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                “Tiffaaannny. Time to wake uuuuppp”, Sooyoung says musically as she roughly pushes her sleeping friend.

                Tiffany groans, “But whhyy… We’re on vacation, can’t I sleep in?”

                “Nope. You gotta get up and have fun. It’s mandatory. We’re going to hang out by the lake today with the other girls.” Sooyoung pauses, “Sunny will be there, and I’m betting she’ll be in a bikini.”

                That immediately wakes Tiffany, and she sits up in bed with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks. She playfully throws her pillow at Sooyoung, “Hey! What do you think I am? Some kind of ert!?”

                Sooyoung laughs as she stands up from the bed. “I never said that, buuut you did wake up pretty fast when I mentioned that there would be a girl in a bikini.” Tiffany glares at her, but she ignores it, “Come on. Put on your swimsuit. We’re meeting them in half an hour.”



                Tiffany can feel her heart racing as she walks down to the lake with her friends. She’s so mixed up in how she feels; mostly excited and scared. She hates to admit it, but she’s eager to see Sunny in a bathing suit. Hell, who wouldn’t be hyped to see their crush half ? But she’s also nervous about Sunny seeing her body.

                Tiffany’s always been confident about her appearance, but deep down there’s fear that Sunny won’t like what she sees. The only thing Tiffany could think of to lessen her fear, without seeming suspicious, was to put on a pair of jean short shorts over her bikini bottoms. But her top half is only covered by a, not exactly conservative, bikini top. All of her other friends hadn’t even bothered putting anything over their bathing suits. After all, what was the point if they were just going to swim right away?

                They’re really close to the lake now; Tiffany can see the four bikini clad women in the distance. Even from this far away she can still pick out Sunny. The short girl is in a bright red bikini that just about matches her hair. Tiffany gulps back the nervous lump in .

                “How are you feeling?”, Taeyeon asks.

                Tiffany chuckles uneasily, “Scared about Sunny seeing me. But also… Well… Would I sound like a ert if I said I’m really excited to see her in a bathing suit?”

                Taeyeon smiles, “Hey, I’m not judging.”

                “I am”, Hyoyeon says jokingly, “Never knew you were such a dirty , Fany.”

                Tiffany laughs, “You’re one to talk. Remember that time in high school when you snuck into the boys’ locker room?”

                “Landed you a week’s suspension and detention for the rest of the semester.” Sooyoung barely manages to say it between her giggles.

                “Shhhh. You guys weren’t supposed to remember that.” Hyoyeon says with a smile, “Totally worth it by the way.”

                Sooyoung offers Tiffany a comforting smile, “I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you. I bet Sunny’s just as anxious as you are about the same things. And I highly doubt she’ll be disappointed when she sees you.” She pauses, “Well she might be disappointed that you’re wearing shorts over your bikini bottoms.”

                Tiffany can’t help but grin. After all this time spent worrying about what her friends would think of her uality, here they are talking to her about her crush. She barely has any time to appreciate the feeling; all their talking had distracted her and now they’ve reached their destination.

                Taeyeon, Sooyoung, and Hyoyeon, scatter away from Tiffany as soon as they reach the sand of the lake. Tiffany would almost bet they did it on purpose, so she has nowhere to hide from Sunny. But there’s no time to be mad at her friends; Sunny is grinning and walking towards her.

                Tiffany is stunned; Sunny is incredibly gorgeous. It’s not just her looks but the confident way she’s carrying herself. Her arms rest to her sides not even attempting to hide anything. Tiffany scans Sunny as discreetly as possible. Her infectious grin makes Tiffany want to smile back and greet her warmly, but the fit, and well-proportioned body attached to that smile makes her stand stock still. Her eyes linger too long on Sunny’s cleavage as devious thoughts run through her head.

                “Wow, you aren’t even trying to be subtle.” Sunny says teasingly.

                Tiffany swallows back her nervousness and smiles, “Uh… I’m really sorry. You’re just… Goddamn you’re so stunning.”

                Sunny’s smile widens, “You’re amazingly gorgeous, yourself. But I do think you’d look better if you weren’t trying to hide from me.”

                At first Tiffany isn’t sure what she means, but then she realizes. She had unconsciously crossed her arms over her chest. A little reluctantly, she uncrosses her arms and lets them rest at her sides. Tiffany’s amazed to see Sunny’s normal coolness falter as her eyes dart around; trying to absorb as much of Tiffany’s body as she can.

                Tiffany laughs, “And you were giving me a hard time about not being subtle.”

                Sunny smiles as her eyes once again meet Tiffany’s, “What’s there to be subtle about? We know how we feel about each other. Which means both of our brains are probably thinking the same, not so pure thoughts, am I right?” Reluctantly, Tiffany nods. Sunny chuckles, “I thought so. Anyway, did you open up to your friends last night?”

                Tiffany grins, “I did! Sooyoung and Hyoyeon are both perfectly fine with it.”

                Almost as soon as the words leave Tiffany’s mouth, Sunny’s arm is around her waist. “Perfect. I don’t have to keep my distance then.” Tiffany feels her cheeks heat up immediately at the feeling of Sunny’s hand on her bare waist. Not to mention the fact that their barely clothed bodies are so close.

                Sunny’s hand drops back down to her side, “I’m sorry. That was a little presumptuous of me… Is it alright if I put my arm around you? Are you comfortable with that?”

                Tiffany smiles, “Yeah. I really like it, don’t worry.”

                Sunny’s arm goes back to its original position around Tiffany’s waist, “You just seemed a little freaked out so I wasn’t sure.”

                Tiffany chuckles, “I’m just… Just a little nervous.”

                Sunny kisses Tiffany’s cheek, “Don’t be. I’m not too scary.”

                Flustered, all Tiffany can think to say is, “So uh, are you ready to swim?”



AN: Sorry for the wait and the super short update!

Originally I had over 2,000 words written for this chaper, but due to some computer issues I lost that and was just left with what I saved externally T-T I figured I'd just post what I have and give you guys a status update. I don't know when the next update will be, but there will be one! Losing a lot story progress just kind of broke my spirit. 

Remember to always back up your files, kids! You never know when you'll lose them!

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Fire_trek 351 streak #1
Chapter 8: Ugh so beautiful and fluffy, l honestly love this. I wish we could have have gotten an epilogue but this was good enough. When Tiffany said that Sunny felt like home my heart honestly fluttered, they are so cute and sweet and I hate that it’s over! But my head canon of them being together and live happily ever after will have to do. Thank you for this fic author nim!
Fire_trek 351 streak #2
Chapter 7: See, all Sunny wants is a relationship! She wants you mentally, emotionally and your whole heart, it’s not just about . Even though, let’s be real, it wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen. I’m surprised she wasn’t more upset about the confession, she really is an evolved, mature adult because that couldn’t have been me lol I hope she gets to sleep with her(in the same bed, people, get your minds out of the gutter!)
Fire_trek 351 streak #3
Chapter 6: Jessica! Listen! I love you, you’re my girl but if you don’t get your hands and lips off of Tiffany I’ll come into this fic and strangle you myself.. sorry if that was aggressive but no one gets in between me and my 2ny! Damn Jeti, Jessica always gets Tiffany in these fics. Let Sunny get a chance sometimes. Just thinking of Sunny.. oh no what will happen when she finds out..
Fire_trek 351 streak #4
Chapter 5: Oh man why do I feel like Jessica is going to be a problem in the future? And why is Tiffany so nervous with being with Sunny? They don’t have to do anything that she’s not ready for and I think that Tiffany knows that. I’m happy that they’re sharing a room, more time to be together before the vacation ends and all. These two make my heart happy
Fire_trek 351 streak #5
Chapter 4: Their progression in their relationship is so darn cute. And we’ll, hello Jessica, I love you but don’t try to take Tiffany from Sunny, ok? Now I’m afraid to read the next chapters. What if they end up together? Only one way to find out *proceeds to the next chapter*
Fire_trek 351 streak #6
Chapter 3: It’s okay if it was short, it was still perfect. I love Tiffany being nervous(I would be too) I mean it’s Sunny in her red bikini from “party”. Drools 🤤
Fire_trek 351 streak #7
Chapter 2: Of course the girls would be supportive, they’re real friends! Sunny and Tiffany are so adorable it’s crazy, they finally kissed. When Sunny told Tiffany that she doesn’t know how she could get any cuter I was like same!
Fire_trek 351 streak #8
Chapter 1: First off I love the way you write, it’s very natural. Second this is so cute! Tiffany bring a panicked gay is adorable and Sunny being the perceptive little devil she is, is amazing.
Chapter 8: Very cute story ^^ I enjoyed every moment of it & read it in one go :D Thanks for writing!
ld2nybl #10
Chapter 8: Awww you're back! They just so cute omg my 2by feeling