Part 4

Clear View

                Tiffany and Sunny were only in the water ten minutes before deciding to climb out and onto a jetty that left some distance between them and their friends. The two sit on the edge with their feet dangling in the water.

                Sunny once again puts her arm around Tiffany’s waist. “Jessica is going to be coming later today and staying with us for the rest of the week.” Sunny says plainly.

                The news makes Tiffany feel uneasy, but she tries not to show it. “Why?”

                “Because we’re all still friends. Honestly, I don’t mind it. Jessica’s fun to have around. I just thought you would want to know beforehand.”

                “She’s not going to be mad, is she?” Tiffany asks with genuine concern.

                “I honestly don’t know. If she is I don’t think she’ll show it.” Sunny sighs, “I think she might be hurt if anything. Even though we broke things off because we weren’t in love anymore… I think it still might hurt her to see me with my arm around another girl. I’d be kind of hurt if I saw her doing the same thing.”

                “I don’t get it. You said you didn’t love her anymore, so why does it matter?”

                “Wouldn’t you be a little hurt if you saw your ex with someone else?”

                Tiffany nods. She hates to admit it, but she would. Despite her never feeling anything more than friendship towards him, it would sting to see that he had fallen for someone else.

                “It’s still not that big of a deal though, and I don’t think she’ll give you a hard time. If anything I think she’ll be focused on Yuri.”


                Sunny grins, “Those two have been crushing on each other for a long time. Even while we were dating I could see how she felt about Yuri.”

                “Doesn’t that bother you? You know, with Yuri being your friend and Jessica being your ex?”

                Sunny chuckles, “Why would it? I’m actually pretty glad. I still want Jessica to be happy, of course, and I know Yuri will take good care of her.”

                “I hadn’t thought about it that way…” Tiffany rests her head on Sunny’s shoulder and lets a comfortable silence take over.

                There’s at least five minutes of peaceful quiet before Tiffany says, “Sunny, when we first started talking at the party, and you volunteered to introduce me to Yuri… What would have happened if I had said yes?”

                “I would have introduced you to her like I said. But I knew you would say no.”

                “How could you have known that?”

                “Because I could tell you were more interested in me. Coming over to sit by me and being all nervous… I was just trying to get you to say what you wanted outright.”

                Tiffany chuckles, “Wow, I was that obvious?”

                Sunny smiles, “A little bit. But that was a good thing. I don’t think you would have told me how you felt without some prodding, and I wouldn’t have known to encourage without you being so obvious.”

                Tiffany only hums in acknowledgement, then silence sets in again. It’s not exactly awkward, but it’s still far from being comfortable. Inwardly Tiffany is debating initiating a kiss. With her friends in the know, and a comfortable distance away, she can’t think of any reason why she shouldn’t. Except she doesn’t know if Sunny would want that. Even if she was fine with it yesterday, maybe she’s changed her mind.

                Before Tiffany can worry any more about the subject, Sunny turns to her, “You liked yesterday, right? It wasn’t strange for you or anything?”

                Tiffany grins; knowing exactly what Sunny’s referring to, “I liked it a lot, and it wasn’t strange at all. Just… exciting.”

                That makes Sunny smile, “I’m glad to hear that. Sooo you wouldn’t have any problem doing it again?”

                Tiffany’s heart speeds up, “No… of course not. I was just about to ask if-“, Sunny’s lips cut her sentence short. Tiffany doesn’t mind the interruption at all. She only follows along as Sunny plants a series of kisses on her lips. They’re slow, lingering, gentle, and Tiffany doesn’t ever want them to stop.

                A minute in and the kisses have sped up; becoming more needy than gentle. Tiffany can feel what this is leading to, and she’s ready for it. However, she doesn’t quite have the guts to turn their chaste closed mouth kisses into something more. To give Sunny the hint, Tiffany moves her shaking hands that were previously holding onto the edge of the jetty. She puts one on Sunny’s bare waist, while the other goes to her cheek.

                Sunny pulls away with a knowing smile. She places a gentle kiss on Tiffany’s neck before returning to ; this time with slightly parted lips. Tiffany can feel her body shaking with nervousness; nonetheless she knows that this is what she wants.

                As their lips meet again, Sunny’s hands find their way to Tiffany’s neck and her bare side. With caution their lips part further and Tiffany gasps lightly when she feels Sunny’s tongue graze against her own. They graze again, this time with more purpose and less caution.

                Before Tiffany’s passion clouded brain can even catch up with what’s happening, the two women are in a full on make out session. Feeling bold, Tiffany moves the hand the was on Sunny’s cheek to the back of her head, almost as if to hold her in place.

                Tiffany’s clueless as to how long their kissing has gone on for. 5 minutes? 10? She doesn’t know. All she knows is she’s more worked up than she’s ever been. Her fingers are digging into Sunny’s waist, and she can feel Sunny’s fingers doing the same.  Their lips are moving together hungrily with many heavy breaths, and small needy sounds mixed in.

                Before Tiffany can process what’s happening, she feels herself being pushed forward, then splashing into the water. In absolute disbelief and shock she looks up to see Sooyoung and Yuri laughing. Immediately her blood begins to boil with rage. Before she has a chance to yell at them she sees Sunny climbing back onto the jetty; cussing the screaming at them the whole way.

                Tiffany wouldn’t have though the small woman physically capable of it, but she watches as Sunny pushes Yuri and Sooyoung off the jetty. Once the two are in the water Sunny stops her yelling and lets out a frustrated sigh.

                She turns her attention to, the very stunned, Tiffany and smiles, “Those two think they’re so hilarious.” She bends down and helps Tiffany back onto the jetty. Once they’re both standing, Sunny tucks Tiffany’s wet hair out of her face and behind her ear. “You alright? You look a little… dazed.”

                Tiffany gives her a reassuring smile, “I’m fine. I guess I am kind of dazed. I mean from Soo and Yuri but also from you. Before we were interrupted I was really… I was really enjoying that.”

                Sunny chuckles, “I was, too. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a kiss like that.”

                Before Tiffany can say anything more Sooyoung and Yuri are back on the jetty; still as giggly as ever.

                “You two were really going at it!” Sooyoung says before laughing.

                Sunny rolls her eyes, “Oh, shut up. Like you’ve never made out with anyone before. Did you two just come over here to ruin our fun?”

                Yuri grins, “Well that and to tell you we’re going back to the cabin to meet up with Jessica.”

                Tiffany tenses at the news, but Sunny seems unfazed. “Alright, let’s get heading that way.”



                The group of eight makes their way to the cabin, with Sunny and Tiffany lagging a bit behind. “Are you nervous?” Sunny asks as she wraps her arm around Tiffany’s waist.

                “A little… I don’t want her to hate me or anything.” Tiffany says plainly. It’s not a lie, but it’s not the entire truth either. Though Sunny says her romantic feelings for Jessica are gone, she can’t help but doubt that. Even if they are, who’s to say that those feelings won’t come back? Especially when spending time together in such a peaceful, romantic, place.

                Tiffany knows her jealousy is unwarranted for more than just one reason. After all, if Sunny and Jessica do decide to get back together, who is she to stand in their way? She’s only known Sunny for about three days; Jessica’s known her for at least four years. Regardless of all the logic, the thought of Sunny rekindling her love with her ex still makes Tiffany stressed. Even if it’s only been three days, she cares more for Sunny than she’d like to admit.

                “She won’t. Jessica’s just not that type of person. She might be a little hurt, but other than that I’m sure everything will be fine.” Sunny pauses, “Actually, I think you two would get along really well if you gave it a chance.”

                Tiffany only shrugs; there’s nothing left to say.



                Once the group is within sight of the cabin, they see that there’s a car there that wasn’t before.

                “Looks like she beat us here.” Yuri says before breaking out into an excited run for the car.

                Sunny chuckles, “She’s not even trying to hide how hyped she is to see Sica. I’d almost bet that they’ll be dating by the time we leave this place.”

                “And that really doesn’t bother?”, Tiffany asks.

                “Like I said before, if Jessica’s going to date anyone I’d rather she date Yuri. I think they’re good for each other.” Sunny says with a smile.

                Tiffany is going to say something else, but all is forgotten as soon as she sees the woman that steps out from the car and hugs Yuri. “God… She’s gorgeous…” She says in awe.

                Sunny chuckles and lightly elbows her, “You’re not planning on dumping me to the side to chase after her, are you?”

                Tiffany quickly pulls herself together, “Of course not. But she’s… wow.”

                “You’re so cute. Try not to drool over her too much.” Sunny says playfully before kissing her cheek then walking forward to talk to Jessica.

                Tiffany watches them silently from a distance. They greet each other warmly enough; smiling, saying hi, and then hugging. The whole scene makes Tiffany less nervous than she thought it would. Even though Sunny is only bikini clad Jessica’s eyes don’t wander and their hug isn’t too drawn out or touchy.

                “So uh, you and Sunny are getting pretty close, huh?” Taeyeon says, startling Tiffany who hadn’t even noticed Taeyeon had come to stand by her.

                “I think so… But it’s only been a few days…”

                “That doesn’t really matter. It’s how you’re feeling that does. So, how are you feeling?”

                Tiffany sighs, “I don’t know. I like her a lot but…”

                “But?”, Taeyeon asks.

                “But there are a lot of things. I don’t know what I mean to her. This could just be a weeklong fling for her. It could be for me, too… I mean I don’t really want it to be but, maybe it would be better that way. After all, this has been my first real experience with a woman.”

                “Shouldn’t that make what’s going on with you two all the more special?”

                “Not really… I mean it could have been any woman who’s into women that showed up here. If I would have met Jessica first, or even if I had just met Yuri without Sunny being here, or literally any other woman. Sunny was just at the right place at the right time.”

                Taeyeon stares at the ground in consideration before looking back up at Tiffany, “Do you really believe it could have been anyone?” Tiffany nods and that makes Taeyeon grin, “You must not think much of Sunny then.”

                Tiffany’s absolutely offended by the statement, “What the hell are you trying to say? I think Sunny’s amazing.”

                Taeyeon smiles, “Exactly. You see more in her than just some pretty face who showed up at the right time. Think about it, what was it that drew you to her, and made you open up? It has to be more than just the convenience of her being gay and here. Like, her personality, how she treats you, and just everything. Try to think about it a little more.” With that, Taeyeon pats her on the back before leaving to stand with everyone else who has now gathered around Jessica.

                Tiffany sighs, not knowing how to deal with what she’s feeling, and really not wanting to join the rest of her friends. Regardless, she pushes herself to socialize.

                Once she’s in the midst of her friends Tiffany see’s that Taeyeon, Sooyoung, and Hyoyeon are introducing themselves to Jessica. She seems friendly enough; greeting the three girls with a smile and handshake.

                After introductions are made Jessica pulls out a duffle bag from her car, “Hey, would anyone want to help me with-“, She cuts her sentence short when she sees Tiffany. “Oh, hi. I didn’t see you back there.” She drops her bag and stands in front of Tiffany with her hand outstretched. “I’m Jessica. Sorry I almost missed you.”

                Tiffany’s a little transfixed; Jessica’s even more beautiful up close, and her voice is musical. Regardless, she forces herself to respond. “Oh uh, it’s fine. I’m Tiffany.” She takes Jessica’s hand in her own.

                With a smile, Jessica looks her directly in the eyes and shakes her hand, “It’s nice to meet you, Tiffany.”

                Once again, Tiffany is lost in how gorgeous Jessica is. It takes everything she has to just get out a, “You, too.” Even then it comes out too quiet for Tiffany’s liking.

                Jessica’s friendly smile turns into a knowing smirk as the handshake ends. Tiffany’s heart speeds up when she sees Jessica’s eyes scanning every inch of her barely clothed body. Their eyes meet again, this time Jessica’s are sparkling with impish playfulness. Just before she turns back around, she spares Tiffany’s body a final glance accompanied by a suggestive lip bite and sigh.

                Tiffany is left stunned as Jessica grabs her duffle bag and asks for help with carrying her other bag like their whole exchange didn’t even happen. Tiffany’s also dumbfounded that the exchange even happened in the first place.

                As everyone else heads into the cabin Sunny turns around and walks towards Tiffany. “So, what do you think of her?”

                Tiffany can’t help but chuckle, “She seems nice, but I think I might have given her the wrong impression.”

                “Oh?” Sunny says curiously.

                “Yeah… I think she might have been flirting with me.”

                Sunny grins, “You did sound a little nervous when you were talking to her. She probably did get the wrong impression. I wouldn’t worry about it too much though.”

                “I was nervous. She’s… she’s really something…”

                “Oh no, don’t tell me you’re crushing on her.” Sunny says it jokingly, but Tiffany can hear real worry beneath the playfulness.

                Tiffany smiles, “And what if I am?” She says teasingly.

                “Then I’m going to be all sad and mopey. No one wants to see that.” Sunny says with an exaggerated frown.

                Tiffany laughs, “Don’t worry, you’re my main crush.” It takes Tiffany a second to work up the courage, but nonetheless she emphasizes the statement by giving Sunny a quick kiss on the lips.

                The quickness of the kiss makes Sunny giggle. “You don’t have to be so coy about it. You know I like kissing you.”

                With that said, Sunny gives her a more lingering kiss that Tiffany thinks is going to escalate into something akin to what happened when they were at the lake. That is until she hears Hyoyeon yelling at them, “Hey! No time for making out now! We’ve got to go to the store!”

               Tiffany pulls away with a bright blush on her face, “I thought we already had everything we needed.” She yells back.

               Hyoyeon walks to them, “Nope, we’re having a cookout. So keep your tongue in your mouth, and lets go get some actual clothes on. Me and you are taking a trip to town.” She says as she links arms with Tiffany and begins to pull her away.

              “I’ll see you later, Sunny!”, Tiffany says as Hyoyeon continues to drag her along.

              Sunny only grins and waves goodbye before walking into the cabin.

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Fire_trek 351 streak #1
Chapter 8: Ugh so beautiful and fluffy, l honestly love this. I wish we could have have gotten an epilogue but this was good enough. When Tiffany said that Sunny felt like home my heart honestly fluttered, they are so cute and sweet and I hate that it’s over! But my head canon of them being together and live happily ever after will have to do. Thank you for this fic author nim!
Fire_trek 351 streak #2
Chapter 7: See, all Sunny wants is a relationship! She wants you mentally, emotionally and your whole heart, it’s not just about . Even though, let’s be real, it wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen. I’m surprised she wasn’t more upset about the confession, she really is an evolved, mature adult because that couldn’t have been me lol I hope she gets to sleep with her(in the same bed, people, get your minds out of the gutter!)
Fire_trek 351 streak #3
Chapter 6: Jessica! Listen! I love you, you’re my girl but if you don’t get your hands and lips off of Tiffany I’ll come into this fic and strangle you myself.. sorry if that was aggressive but no one gets in between me and my 2ny! Damn Jeti, Jessica always gets Tiffany in these fics. Let Sunny get a chance sometimes. Just thinking of Sunny.. oh no what will happen when she finds out..
Fire_trek 351 streak #4
Chapter 5: Oh man why do I feel like Jessica is going to be a problem in the future? And why is Tiffany so nervous with being with Sunny? They don’t have to do anything that she’s not ready for and I think that Tiffany knows that. I’m happy that they’re sharing a room, more time to be together before the vacation ends and all. These two make my heart happy
Fire_trek 351 streak #5
Chapter 4: Their progression in their relationship is so darn cute. And we’ll, hello Jessica, I love you but don’t try to take Tiffany from Sunny, ok? Now I’m afraid to read the next chapters. What if they end up together? Only one way to find out *proceeds to the next chapter*
Fire_trek 351 streak #6
Chapter 3: It’s okay if it was short, it was still perfect. I love Tiffany being nervous(I would be too) I mean it’s Sunny in her red bikini from “party”. Drools 🤤
Fire_trek 351 streak #7
Chapter 2: Of course the girls would be supportive, they’re real friends! Sunny and Tiffany are so adorable it’s crazy, they finally kissed. When Sunny told Tiffany that she doesn’t know how she could get any cuter I was like same!
Fire_trek 351 streak #8
Chapter 1: First off I love the way you write, it’s very natural. Second this is so cute! Tiffany bring a panicked gay is adorable and Sunny being the perceptive little devil she is, is amazing.
Chapter 8: Very cute story ^^ I enjoyed every moment of it & read it in one go :D Thanks for writing!
ld2nybl #10
Chapter 8: Awww you're back! They just so cute omg my 2by feeling