Part 1

Clear View

Tiffany sits on the porch swing by herself; just breathing in the fresh air and basking in the peaceful atmosphere. She’s had a rough month, and this week getaway with her friends is going to finally cleanse her of all the crap she’s dealt with. Her, Taeyeon, Hyoyeon, and Sooyoung are just going to enjoy a stress free summer week at Taeyeon’s parents’ cabin. Secluded, drama free, just what she needs to clear her head. Even at her age, sometimes a friendly sleep over is much needed.

                Sooyoung peeks her head out of the door, “Hey Fany, are you done unpacking?”

                Tiffany smiles, “Yeah. Got done a few minute ago. Why?”

                Sooyoung steps out of the cabin and shuts the door behind her. “I need to run to the store to get food. Also need to stop by the liquor store. Wanna tag along?”

                Tiffany simply nods and stands. Someone needs to go with Soo to make sure she doesn’t buy a bunch of junk food. The thought of the last time she put Sooyoung in charge of getting food makes her grin. Even though she’s thin, she can put away junk food like a world class competitive eater.



                After grocery shopping the two end up at the liquor store. Tiffany grimaces at all the expensive booze. Even though they have a good chunk of change to spend, they’re trying to stretch it. After all, buying one or two expensive bottles isn’t going to do the four of them much good in the way of getting wasted all week.

                Soo pulls a bottle down from a shelf,  $16 for 50% alcohol… what do you think?”

                Tiffany looks. Unflavored vodka, good with just about anything. “Get it.”  She says with a grin; her basket is already full of bottles. A grand total of 5 nice sized glass bottles. A variety of vodka, whiskey, and more. Not to mention the selection of beer that’s waiting for them in the trunk of Soo’s car. None of them are going to remember this week.

                Tiffany turns to walk to the checkout when her smile disappears from her lips. It’s the girl that walks in. She’s absolutely gorgeous. The shoulder length bright red hair catches Tiffany’s attention first, then the girl’s legs. Tiffany guesses that the girl is just above five feet, but the short shorts she’s wearing make her legs look long and gorgeous. The black tank top the girl has on cuts low and shows off a chest that’s large compared to the girl’s petite figure. Tiffany is in awe of this woman’s body; what’s worse is she hasn’t even gotten a good look of her face yet!

                Tiffany’s jolted back to reality when Sooyoung nudges her arm, “Ready to go?” She simply nods in response.

                From beside them there’s a chuckle, “Party?” a playful voice asks. Tiffany thinks Sooyoung is about to tell the person to piss off until she gets a good look at them. It’s a woman. She’s gorgeous to say the least, but not exactly Tiffany’s type. From the look of her shorts and crop top she’s looking for party favors as well.

                Seeing that she’s not just some guy looking to get laid, Sooyoung smiles. “Oh yeah! We’re partying all week!”

                That makes her beam happily, “Us, too! We’ve been here a couple of days already, rented a cabin out by Clear View.”

                “That’s where we’re staying!” Sooyoung says thoughtlessly. Tiffany can’t help but shake her head internally. Guy or not, for all they know this chick could be a serial killer, and here Soo is telling her where they’re staying.

                “That's awesome!” she turns around, “Hey Sunny! These girls are staying at Clear View, too!”

                Tiffany’s heart nearly stops beating when she sees the red headed woman start walking their way. What’s even more heart stopping is her gorgeous face. Her most noticeable features are her full lips, and flawless grin. “Sunny definitely fits…” Tiffany thinks.

                Sunny looks both Tiffany and Sooyoung up and down but continues to smile. “That’s awesome. How long do you guys plan on staying?”

                Tiffany feels like hiding behind one of the shelves of liquor. She’s usually at least a little confident; she thinks of herself as slightly above average looks wise. Next to Sooyoung though… next to Soo she knows she looks duller than dull. Even after almost 10 years of being friends the tall, and gorgeous woman, she still feels inadequate in these situations.

                “Five days starting today. Four of us got some time off work for a little vacation.” Sooyoung explains.

                Sunny smiles, “Hey, same with us! We came here yesterday and are planning to stay four more days. Aside from me and Yuri” Sunny motions to the girl beside her, “There’s two more of us sharing a one bedroom cabin, but it’s still so much better than being stuck at home.”

                Tiffany can almost feel Sooyoung fighting back the urge to offer up some space in their luxurious 4 bedroom cabin for them. She thinks the only thing stopping Soo is the fact that it’s Taeyeon’s parents' cabin and not her own. Instead she says “Why don’t we exchange info? We could meet up and party together.”

                Both women smile and Yuri says, “That sounds great!” with that, Tiffany watches Soo and Yuri trade phone numbers. Tiffany is staring at them; trying to avoid meeting the eyes of the gorgeous red head that is only a yard across from her. Just once she spares a glance; craving to indulge in the sight of this woman that she barely knows. Her heart nearly stops in her chest when she sees Sunny looking at her with a warm smile. Tiffany freezes for a few seconds before she forces her brain to respond. Hoping to leave a good impression, Tiffany gives Sunny her biggest, most heart melting smile, accompanied by a small wave.

                To Tiffany’s surprise Sunny’s smile actually widens before she asks, “We don’t even know your names.”

                It’s phrased in a statement, but it’s definitely a question, and Tiffany knows it’s directed toward her. “Uh, well… I’m Tiffany and that’s Sooyoung.”

                Sunny nods in acknowledgement and looks like she’s about to say something before Yuri unknowingly interrupts, “We better get to buying and then head out. I hope we can meet up again!” With that, Yuri turns away and disappears behind the shelves of booze.  Sunny gives a small goodbye nod before following after her friend.

                Sooyoung and Tiffany don’t speak of the encounter until they have checked out and are in the car; safely out of earshot of Yuri and Sunny.

                “What do you think of those two?” Sooyoung asks as she begins to drive back.

                Tiffany smiles; thinking of briefly meeting the woman she now knows as Sunny. “I think they seem nice. Are we really going to meet up with them?”

                Sooyoung shrugs, “If Taeyeon and Hyoyeon don’t have a problem with it, I don’t see why not. I don’t think they would. After all, the more the merrier, right?” Tiffany only nods. An awkward silence sets in for a few seconds before Sooyoung interrupts it, “I was kinda thinking you thought something was off about them. You were really quiet.”

                Was she that obvious? Then again, Sooyoung is one of her closest friends; she always knows when something is wrong.

                “Really? I didn’t mean to be. I guess I was just too caught up thinking about tonight”. Tiffany lies. She feels bad for it, she really does. After all these years no one knows. No one knows she’s gay.

                Sooyoung nods, then smiles, “Remember, before we get too drunk, you promised to tell us what happened with you and Nichkhun.”

                Tiffany’s whole body goes cold. She had put off telling them for almost a week now, thinking maybe she could come up with a realistic lie rather than straight out telling them that she didn’t like men. They had been dating for nearly three years, and Nichkhun was the picture of perfection. Every girl’s dream. Every straight girl any way. He treated her like a queen, he’s handsome, kind, wealthy, and he really did only have eyes for her, ever since high school.

                Tiffany admits that she loves him. He was probably one of her best friends; but nothing more than that. She could always tolerate the physical things; closing her eyes and picturing whatever gorgeous woman had passed by her that day. She thought she could live the rest of her life like that, because Nichkhun really was ideal, and her parents loved him. But when he proposed she had to turn him down and end everything.

                Tiffany’s heart still aches when she remembers his crushed expression after she said no. He had cried, and yelled. Two things she had never seen him do. He wanted to know why, asking if there was someone else; needing answers. Tiffany understood, he had a right to know… but she just couldn’t tell him.

                Being the gentleman he is, he let her stay in their apartment while he moved back in with his parents. Tiffany knows it isn’t fair. Nothing is. She dragged him along for years, making him happy with all her lies, and making him believe they were going to share their lives together… then she turns away from him, without even giving him an explanation.

                All of her friends seemed just as confused. After all, Tiffany had never once said a bad thing about him. They had asked thousands of times for her reasoning. She had finally satiated them by saying she’d tell them while they were at the cabin. And now she’s staring out the car window and chewing on her lip; hoping for any explanation, other than the actual one, to come to mind.



                By the time she gets back to the cabin Tiffany’s thoughts have drifted from her dilemma to the woman she just met at the liquor store. As her and her friends carry in groceries, her mind races. She’s torn between wanting to see her again and not wanting to embarrass herself in front of the red head.

                “So we met these girls in town that said they were staying here, too.” Sooyoung says as they all gather in the kitchen to put up groceries. “There’s four of them too, I guess. I told them we could all hang out. I mean, if you guys are alright with that.”

                Hyoyeon and Taeyeon shrug. Taeyeon adds, “We have plenty of room to party here. As long as they don’t wreck the place, I think it would be nice to have more people over.”

                Hearing that makes Sooyoung grin, “What night then? They said they would be here all week, too.”

                Hyoyeon smiles ,“Why not tonight then? If we get to know them now, we might be able to do some stuff with them later in the week, too.”

                Tiffany swallows nervously. Tonight. She was hoping she would have a little bit longer to mentally prepare herself to see Sunny again.

                “Are you alright, Fany?”, Taeyeon asks with obvious concern.

                Tiffany hadn’t even realized she was spacing out. Regardless of her worries, Tiffany puts on a smile, “Yeah, fine.” Seeming satisfied with that answer, Taeyeon gets back to putting things up and Tiffany joins in. “Maybe it won’t be so bad… “,Tiffany thinks to herself. “Maybe Sunny won’t go anywhere near me and, and my friends will forget about me telling them about Nichkhun…”. That’s the best case scenario for her, but she doubts it’ll be that easy. Besides a large part of her wants to do nothing but talk to Sunny and get to know her… among other things.



                It’s 7pm when the other girls show up; Yuri and Sunny carrying a cooler, follow by two girls that have to be Seohyun and Yoona. As soon as Sunny enters her field of vision Tiffany’s heart starts to race. Her friends greet the other girls warmly and introductions are given. She goes through the actions as politely as possible, but when all is said and done, and Sunny’s eyes meet her own Tiffany dashes to the kitchen to hide.

                Once in the kitchen, where she can’t be seen, Tiffany leans her back against the counter and sighs. She absolutely hates being like this. She loves socializing, hell she’d even go as far as saying she thrives on social situations. Laughing, making people smile, making new friends; those things are probably her forte. Yet here she is cowering in the kitchen like a painfully shy introvert.

                When was the last time a girl had made her feel like this? Had made her want to run and hide rather than making her want to stay and make friends? She honestly couldn’t remember.

                “Is everything alright, Fany?”, Taeyeon asks as she enters the kitchen.

                Tiffany can’t help but smile. Taeyeon; her closest friend. The two were nearly opposites, but somehow they fit together perfectly. Out of all of her friends it’s Taeyeon that Tiffany had gotten the closest to admitting her uality to. The quiet girl seemed to always sense when something is off with Tiffany.

                “I uh… It’s nothing.” Tiffany stutters. Usually she’s quite a bit better at lying… but the thought of telling Taeyeon the truth is ghosting around in her head. Taeyeon, who she’s known for years, would never reject her for her uality… right? It’s a question Tiffany has asked herself way too many times to count. But for some reason, tonight she’s thinking about it even more.

                Taeyeon leans up against the counter beside her and smiles, “Man, something really is bothering you… Is it the other girls? Did you not want them to come over?”

                For a moment Tiffany thinks of just going with that, but then decides not to. Taeyeon’s the type who would kick them all out if Tiffany said she hadn’t wanted them to come over. That thought makes her want to grin. Taeyeon really does care about her.

                “Tiffany? Come on… don’t just leave me here all worried.” Taeyeon whines.

                Tiffany chuckles and meets her friend’s eyes; she sees nothing but concern in them. Taeyeon… she can trust her right? If there’s anyone who won’t react badly to Tiffany’s real issue it has to be Taeyeon.

                Tiffany sighs, “Taeyeon… There’s… there’s something I really need to get off my chest…” She doesn’t break eye contact as she speaks, “I’m… I’m gay.”

                Taeyeon’s expression is filled with surprise but from what Tiffany can see there’s no disgust present. “But… You dated Nichkhun for years…”

                “I knew I had to date some guy so people wouldn’t know… He was the best option. He really did treat me well and everything but… but in the end nothing can make up for the fact that I’m really not attracted to him. That’s why I ended things. Please Tae, tell me you don’t hate me.”

                To Tiffany’s surprise Taeyeon actually smiles, “I’m only angry that you didn’t tell me sooner. Have you told anyone else?”

                Tiffany grins back; way more than relieved, “No. I’ve just told you. I don’t know how everyone else would feel about it.”

                Taeyeon chuckles, “There’s no way Sooyoung and Hyoyeon wouldn’t accept you, and I think your family would be supportive too.” Taeyeon pauses, “Is that what made you run in here? Afraid we would ask about what happened with Nichkhun?”

                Tiffany shakes her head a bit hesitantly, “Uh… not really… It’s one of the girls that came over. I kinda…”

                Taeyeon’s eyes light up with excitement as she understands what Tiffany is trying to articulate, “Oh my god… You’re crushing on one of them! Who is it!?”

                Tiffany can’t help but laugh at her friend’s eagerness, “Well… It’s Sunny. The red head.”

                “Oooohhh. I thought it might be her. She’s super pretty.”

                “Yeah… She really is…”

                Taeyeon grins from ear to ear, “Why are you in here then!? Go talk to her!”

                Tiffany laughs and playfully nudges her friend, “You know it isn’t that easy. She makes me feel all shy and stuff. Plus I doubt she even likes girls.”

                “That’s the thing. You don’t know what she likes. You gotta talk to her to find out! Even if she is straight, you’re prettier than you give yourself credit for, I bet you could talk her into an experimental one night stand.”

                “Kim Taeyeon!”, Tiffany gasps as she pushes her friend.

                Taeyeon only laughs, “C’mon, Fany. Get out there and talk to her. At least find out if she likes women or not.” She pauses, “Uhm, have you ever… done anything with another girl?”

                Tiffany shakes her head, “No…”

                Taeyeon shrugs, “Oh well, it doesn’t matter. Now’s your time! Get out there and get the girl!”, With that, Taeyeon gives her a full plastic cup of some alcohol and juice mix before nearly pushing her out of the kitchen.

                Feeling encouraged, Tiffany nods resolutely before walking back into the living room. “At least find out if she even likes girls.” Tiffany repeats her friend’s words over in her head.

                Her confidence only lasts until Sunny is once again in her sight. She’s sitting on the couch with plenty of space beside her as she talks to Hyoyeon who is in a chair nearby. Tiffany’s body tenses and all she wants to do is run back into the kitchen, but she feels a familiar hand on her shoulder. Turning, she sees Taeyeon smiling at her encouragingly. Knowing that the older girl isn’t going to leave her alone about it, Tiffany takes a deep breath and prepares herself.

                Tiffany’s heart feels like it’s about to jump out of her chest as she sits beside Sunny. Well, kind of beside Sunny… She’s sitting on the other side of the couch with a whole cushion of space between them. The red head doesn’t even notice her. Tiffany almost yelps in surprise when she receives a solid slap on the upper arm. Looking up she sees Taeyeon, who is giving her a disapproving glare.

                Tiffany sighs in defeat and does the only thing there is to do; scoot closer to Sunny. Tiffany gathers up enough courage to leave a casual two feet of space between them. Taeyeon sits on the opposite side of Tiffany; practically hugging the arm rest. Close enough to give Tiffany an excuse for being nearer to the red head, but far away enough to not disturb any conversation. Tiffany inwardly thanks her friend for knowing exactly what to do.

                Almost as if commanded to, Hyoyeon gets up from her chair and walks towards the kitchen. Tiffany prepares herself for what she knows is going to happen next.

                Sunny turns to her and smiles, “Oh hey, Tiffany, right? I was hoping I’d get a chance to actually talk to you. Sorry our conversation got cut short at the liquor store.”

                The warm greeting actually makes Tiffany even more nervous. Obviously this woman is hoping to have a riveting conversation, and Tiffany is almost positive that she won’t be able to give her that. “Uh, yeah… we really didn’t get to talk before. So… uhm… what do you do when you aren’t on vacation?” It’s a broad topic that Tiffany hopes will give her insight into the woman’s life.

                Luckily for Tiffany, Sunny opens up without any problems. Telling about how her and the other three girls she came here with are models just trying to get away for a bit. She talks about her love of singing and dancing, how she’s thinking about taking college classes even after all this time. She talks about her cat and what a loveable it is. By the end of Sunny talking Tiffany’s loosened up dramatically; feeling almost like she’s known this girl for months.

                Sunny chuckles, “God, you must be so sick of hearing me talk by now. Anyway, what brings you guys here?”

                Tiffany can’t help but widen her smile. She thinks she could listen to Sunny all night. “Well, we planned the trip a while ago. Just a bit of a vacation. It’s rare that all of us get to spend time together like this now a days.”

                Sunny nods, “I understand that. Hyoyeon said you also just broke up with your boyfriend, it must be good to get away from all that.” Tiffany freezes for a second and Sunny notices. “Oh man, I’m really sorry if you didn’t want it brought up I-“

                How flustered Sunny is makes Tiffany laugh in spite of herself, “No, no, it’s fine. Hyoyeon just has such a big mouth sometimes.”

                Sunny’s smile returns to her lips, “I know all about that. Yuri is the same way. She just brought it up because I told her about me getting out of a relationship recently. We ended it just two weeks ago after four years together.”

                Tiffany masks her excitement at the news of Sunny being single, “Oh wow… How have you been dealing with it?”

                To Tiffany’s surprise Sunny continues to smile, “It actually isn’t that big of a deal. We just kind of… fell out of love. We mutually agree to just part ways.” She pauses, “Sooo, if you don’t mind talking about it, what happen with you and your boyfriend?” Tiffany’s nervous to answer, and Sunny must notice because she puts a comforting hand on Tiffany’s arm and says, “We can talk about something else.”

                Tiffany sighs in relief, “Yeah… It’s still kind of a tender subject.” She pauses, “So how do you just fall out of love with someone?”

                Sunny shrugs, “It just kind of happened, and I didn’t even realize it for a while. We didn’t want to spend much time with each other anymore, even talking felt like a chore, physical things felt  even more like a chore. I think I felt it more than Jessica did. She seemed a little reluctant to let go.”

                “Wait you lost me… who’s Jessica?”

                Sunny smiles, “My ex. The one that I’m talking about.”

                Tiffany feels the world practically fall out from underneath of her. Jessica… her ex… Sunny isn’t straight!

                Tiffany feels herself grinning, and all she can manage to get out is, “Ohh…”

                Sunny smiles back, “Ohh?”

                Tiffany struggles to find the right words, “I… I mean… I guess I just wasn’t thinking that your ex would be a woman.”

                “Ah, I see. Yeah, all my ex’s are. I don’t much care for men.”, Sunny says casually. How easily she says it astounds Tiffany; she’d never be able to do that. “Does that bother you?”

                Tiffany hadn’t even realized that she should probably say something. The news of Sunny’s uality had caught her so off guard, “No! Not at all!” Tiffany pauses, swallowing back the lump in . Should she tell Sunny? Obviously this woman wouldn’t judge her for it, and Tiffany knew she wasn’t going to get anywhere with the red head if she kept quiet… But what if Sunny told someone?

                Tiffany sighs, “Actually I… I uh…”

                Sunny smiles and stops her, scooting a little closer so she can talk quietly, “Like women but aren’t out yet?”

                Tiffany feels like her heart is going to stop. It’s not just the less than foot of distance that’s between them; it’s the understanding in Sunny’s voice. “Ye-yeah…”

                That makes Sunny’s grin widen, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. Soooo… is that what ended you and your boyfriend?”, Tiffany nods. “Have your sights set on a lady?”

                Tiffany can feel her cheeks instantly becoming red. There’s no way that she can just outright say that, at the moment, Sunny’s the only woman she’s really set on. “Well… not really.”

                “So it wasn’t you wanting to be with a certain girl that ended things?”

                Tiffany shakes her head, “No. He proposed and I just couldn’t lead him on any more. I didn’t even tell the poor guy why I was breaking up with him… He really did care about me… He always treated me well but…”

                Sunny smiles understandingly, “It’s alright. Try not to dwell on it too much. You did what you had to to make yourself happy. If he really is as good as you say he is, I think he’d understand that.” Tiffany only nods. It’s quiet for a few minutes before Sunny asks, “So, have you told anyone?”

                Tiffany knows immediately what she’s talking about, “Just Taeyeon, and now you.”

                Sunny seems amused by the answer, “I understand you telling your friend, but why tell me?”

                Tiffany’s nervous to answer, “Uh… well… I mean… It’s not like you… like you were going to freak out or something. Not after saying you’re gay, too”

                Sunny nods, but there’s a devious smile on her lips that says she suspects something beyond that. “So, have you been with another girl before?”

                The question makes Tiffany freeze, but after seconds of silence she finally gives an embarrassed, “No…”

                She receives an understanding nod from Sunny, “Don’t worry, it’s not that big of a deal. I know it can be hard to find lady loving women, especially ones that you’re actually attracted to. If you’re interested I could set you up with Yuri? She’s bi.” That surprises Tiffany, and she’s debating on saying yes because, after all, Yuri is really attractive and Sunny is volunteering to take care of the difficult part of things. But if she does say yes that will automatically ruin any chance she has with Sunny.

                After a drawn out silence Sunny chuckles, “I take it she’s not your type and you don’t want to say it?”

                Tiffany smiles good naturedly, “Ye-yeah. She is really pretty though!”

                Sunny nods with a smile, “It’s alright. What is your type then?”

                Tiffany bites the corner of her bottom lip, debating on flat out telling Sunny that she is her type. Instead all she can manage is a shrug.

                That makes the red head chuckle, “Come on now, you have to know. Think anyone here is cute?”

                Despite all the chances she’s been given to reveal how she feels towards Sunny, Tiffany knows this time has to be it. It’s just too perfect of an opportunity. She swallows the lump in and looks Sunny straight in the eyes, “Actually I uh… I’ve kind of had my eyes on you since we met.”

                Sunny’s grin widens and she glances at the ground bashfully, “I was hoping that was the case…” She looks up and gives Tiffany a playful nudge with her elbow, “Took you long enough to get that out.”

                Tiffany can feel her cheeks heat up as she blushes, “You were hoping… ? So… you uh…”

                “I think you’re drop dead gorgeous, and from what I’ve seen you have a cute personality to match.” Sunny says with a smile.

                Those are the exact words that Tiffany has wanted to hear since the second she had seen Sunny. Suddenly she’s light headed and too excited; nothing seems impossible now. She could kiss this girl right here and now if she wanted; invite her to the bedroom even. However, underneath the excitement, Tiffany knows she won’t do those things.

                “Are you alright?”, Sunny asks in a concerned tone.

                Tiffany smiles shyly, “Uh, yeah. Just… nervous. I’ve never really had a girl return my feelings before.” She chuckles, “I’m not totally sure about how things should go now that everything is out in the open.”

                Sunny smiles, “I understand that feeling. Well, it’s really all up to you. I’m single and not necessarily looking for a girlfriend, but that could change.” Tiffany nearly jumps in surprise when she feels Sunny link their fingers together; leaving their hands resting low on Tiffany’s thigh. The red head continues, “So, we could either sneak away to a bedroom and make this a one night stand, or we could stay out here and talk some more. Then see where things go.”

                Tiffany chews on her bottom lip nervously. Sunny had spoken so forwardly; clearly she has at least some experience with these types of situations. Tiffany, however, is even more confused than before. It would be so simple to make this just last for the night. To finally experience what it’s like to physically be with a girl, and also have some experience for when she does get her first girlfriend. On the other hand she likes Sunny; really likes Sunny.

                Tiffany smiles, “I’d like it if we could just talk for tonight.”, The way she sees things she’ll have at least five days to determine if Sunny really is girlfriend material, and for Sunny to do the same with her.

                Sunny nods and narrows the distance between them; leaving only inches of space, “I think that sounds like a plan.” She pauses and smiles, “Your friend on the other side of the couch is grinning like an idiot.”

                Tiffany chuckles, “That’s Taeyeon. I told her that I liked you before we started talking.”

                “Could you tell her all is well? I don’t know how much longer I can take her staring at us.” Sunny says teasingly.

                Tiffany only smiles before turning to Taeyeon and simply nodding. Taeyeon grins widely before nodding back, then standing up and distancing herself from the couch.

                Tiffany turns back to Sunny and sighs contently. She can’t remember ever feeling this childishly excited. Of course she’s had quite a few crushes on women before, but to know that the feeling is mutual? It’s amazing. All at once she doesn’t care if her friends question how cozily her and Sunny are sat together. All she cares about is learning more about this wonderful woman.




AN: Posted just before Valentine's Day ends :D It might be a while before the 2nd part is up.

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Fire_trek 351 streak #1
Chapter 8: Ugh so beautiful and fluffy, l honestly love this. I wish we could have have gotten an epilogue but this was good enough. When Tiffany said that Sunny felt like home my heart honestly fluttered, they are so cute and sweet and I hate that it’s over! But my head canon of them being together and live happily ever after will have to do. Thank you for this fic author nim!
Fire_trek 351 streak #2
Chapter 7: See, all Sunny wants is a relationship! She wants you mentally, emotionally and your whole heart, it’s not just about . Even though, let’s be real, it wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen. I’m surprised she wasn’t more upset about the confession, she really is an evolved, mature adult because that couldn’t have been me lol I hope she gets to sleep with her(in the same bed, people, get your minds out of the gutter!)
Fire_trek 351 streak #3
Chapter 6: Jessica! Listen! I love you, you’re my girl but if you don’t get your hands and lips off of Tiffany I’ll come into this fic and strangle you myself.. sorry if that was aggressive but no one gets in between me and my 2ny! Damn Jeti, Jessica always gets Tiffany in these fics. Let Sunny get a chance sometimes. Just thinking of Sunny.. oh no what will happen when she finds out..
Fire_trek 351 streak #4
Chapter 5: Oh man why do I feel like Jessica is going to be a problem in the future? And why is Tiffany so nervous with being with Sunny? They don’t have to do anything that she’s not ready for and I think that Tiffany knows that. I’m happy that they’re sharing a room, more time to be together before the vacation ends and all. These two make my heart happy
Fire_trek 351 streak #5
Chapter 4: Their progression in their relationship is so darn cute. And we’ll, hello Jessica, I love you but don’t try to take Tiffany from Sunny, ok? Now I’m afraid to read the next chapters. What if they end up together? Only one way to find out *proceeds to the next chapter*
Fire_trek 351 streak #6
Chapter 3: It’s okay if it was short, it was still perfect. I love Tiffany being nervous(I would be too) I mean it’s Sunny in her red bikini from “party”. Drools 🤤
Fire_trek 351 streak #7
Chapter 2: Of course the girls would be supportive, they’re real friends! Sunny and Tiffany are so adorable it’s crazy, they finally kissed. When Sunny told Tiffany that she doesn’t know how she could get any cuter I was like same!
Fire_trek 351 streak #8
Chapter 1: First off I love the way you write, it’s very natural. Second this is so cute! Tiffany bring a panicked gay is adorable and Sunny being the perceptive little devil she is, is amazing.
Chapter 8: Very cute story ^^ I enjoyed every moment of it & read it in one go :D Thanks for writing!
ld2nybl #10
Chapter 8: Awww you're back! They just so cute omg my 2by feeling