Angles Arms.

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“We have three gestational sacs. Which means, you’re having three babies in one go.” YoonA grinned from ear to ear. She was happy to deliver the joyful news to the couple.


“Oh god,” Tiffany gasped in shock. “Three babies? I’m having triplets?!”


“Holy shh-”


“Babe, don’t swear in front of the babies!”


“Sugar…” Taeyeon changed her cursed word right away. “Three?!”


The universe precisely knew how to mess with Taeyeon. The three oval patterns on the screen were clear evidence of what kind of live she’d be living for the next nine months ahead. She was not an obstetrician but she had enough knowledge about this matter. 


“Babe, triplets! Oh my god! They’re going to be so cute!” Tiffany squeezed Taeyeon’s hand excitedly. Her eyes formed the perfect crescent shape indicating how ecstatic she was by YoonA’s statement. She shortened their distance then gave Taeyeon a soft kiss on her lips. “I love you.”


“I love you.” Taeyeon returned the kiss.


YoonA let the couple to hear their babies’ heartbeat. It wasn’t that strong since they were still so tiny but it was enough to make the parents to be incredibly happy. Taeyeon had listened so many types of heartbeats in her live but nothing could beat those that she was listening now.


They were beyond beautiful.


And she didn’t dare to imagine if one of those hearts stop beating. 


Tiffany was busy talking animatedly to YoonA to notice the forceful smile Taeyeon had on her face. Multiple pregnancies associated with a higher rate of neonatal morbidity and mortality, paralleling the increased risk of preterm delivery, low birth weight, and other associated high-risk morbidities. So frankly, Taeyeon was far from relieved at the moment.


YoonA made a DVD and printed the paper as documentary for the couple. She prescribed all supplements Tiffany needed and informed them about what to do and not to do and every signs that they had to be aware. After the consultation session was done, Tiffany excused herself to the toilet inside YoonA’s practice room.


“Taeyeon unnie, try to be more relax. If I don’t know you very well, I’d say you’re not happy about this.” YoonA spoke lowly even though Tiffany couldn’t hear their conversation.


“Yoong, you know exactly how dangerous multiple pregnancy is. I can end up lose them all.” Taeyeon sighed wearily. All of sudden her energy oozed out of her.


“Hey, I’ll be with you guys in every step of the way, okay? If something happen, we’ll figure something out.” The obstetrician patted Taeyeon’s arm supportively. “Now show her some blissful spirit otherwise you’ll end up sleeping on the couch for being an ungrateful partner.” YoonA whispered the last part at the same time Tiffany walked out of the toilet.


“What are you guys talking about?” Tiffany cheerfully linked her arm to Taeyeon’s.


“Oh nothing, just work stuff.” YoonA replied smoothly. “Anything else I can help?”


“As the matter of fact, yes. Come to our house for dinner this weekend, I want to thank you properly. I’ll ask SeoHyun personally to accompany you. What do you say?”


“But you’re not cooking, though. No heavy physical activity, remember?” Taeyeon interjected.


“Cooking is not heavy at all.”


“Yes it is, babe.”




“It’s a no.” Taeyeon stated calmly but the determined voice was loud enough for Tiffany to understand that she wasn’t down to any argument.         


“We’ll order something nice, then. How’s that sound?”


“I’ll definitely come.” YoonA smiled amusedly.


“Oh! Let’s go picnic on Sunday!” The pregnant lady suddenly voiced her idea. “All of us! I’ll call Yuri first.” She rummaged her bag to get her phone and dialed the tan doctor’s number right away.


Taeyeon and YoonA exchanged a delicate glance.


“Just do whatever she wants.” Yoong mouthed slowly earning a weak nod from Taeyeon.


“Yuri’s in.” Tiffany declared.


“I’m in too.”


“Well, me too. Whatever make you happy, babe.” Taeyeon set a quick peck on Tiffany’s temple. “We shouldn’t keep Yoong any longer. She has other patients.”


They bid their goodbye with a warm hug. Before parted from Taeyeon, YoonA managed to whisper “don’t ever argue with pregnant lady. It gets you nowhere.” Taeyeon was certain as hell that advice would come in handy in the future.




Yoon Bora at feeling. Personally for her, there was a reason why she preferred alone. She was that kind of person who got easily bored with the same old love. Love was exciting at the beginning.


Correction: only at the beginning.


“She was the Casanova in this hospital.”




“She probably had banged half of female population here.”




A nod confirmed her question.


“They just willingly gave it to her?”


“Have you seen her?” The other resident shook her head. “No human in their right mind would reject her at all cost. She’s too attractive to pass on.”


“Did she make a move on you?”


“Surgical resident is a big no for her. Maybe it’s her way to keep her dignity. But she changed after she got married. Her wife is ridiculously pretty and y, I tell you. She’s smart, a lawyer. Perfect.”


Bora didn’t reply. She was engaged with her mind. It had been a while since this powerful feeling came by. Maybe, it was just a silly crush – a harmless crush, so she claimed – or she hoped so. To her defense, it wasn’t just her who felt that way towards Kim Taeyeon.


Oh yes, she observed her attending very well. Physically speaking, Kim Taeyeon was flawless, she was short but that was that – the only flaw, maybe – wait no, that was not a flaw actually, she was cute. In intelligence aspect, she was brilliant at what she did. Yoon Bora believed that the firm unbreakable look on the outside was just a mask to hide her true soft soul inside.


“Sunmi-ah, you go ahead to the cafeteria. I have to give my case to Doctor Kim first.”


“Oh? Sure.”


Bora turned to the right wing where Taeyeon’s office was located.


Honestly, her feeling started as a crush but whom was she kidding? The more she worked with Kim Taeyeon, the more her feeling grew. It started to worry her. She caught herself thinking about Kim Taeyeon every hour of every day, imagining them together having a good time. Her infatuation developed in no time.


She was well aware to the fact that Kim Taeyeon was a married woman – to her old friend, no less.


She breathed in and out a few times to calm her nerves down. She had to get over whatever feeling she felt for Taeyeon as fast as possible. It was getting out of hands and it drove her nuts.


She knocked on Doctor Kim’s door. She thought the person she was looking for wasn’t there, but she heard a soft voice asking her to come in instead. She carefully pushed the wooden door. She felt her heart dropped when she saw Tiffany in there.


The universe was obviously trying to warn her.




“H – hey, Tiff.” She welcomed the other girl in an awkward hug. “What are you doing here?”


“Taeyeon needs to recheck her patient before we go home so I wait for her here.” She cheerfully spoke. “Are you looking for her?”


“Not exactly,” She chuckled dryly. “I just stop by to put this on her desk.” She mentioned the thick paper she was holding.


“Okay. Hey, so… we’re going on picnic this Sunday. Do you want to join us?” Tiffany pulled Bora to sit on the couch.


And pour more salt to my bleeding wound? No, thanks.


“Yuri, Sunny, SeoHyun, YoonA, Hyoyeon and her husband also my friends Jessica and Sooyoung will be there too.” Tiffany continued her blabber.


“They’re all my attending, Tiff.” Bora rolled her eyes. “It’s going to be really awkward. I’m sorry but I don’t think I can go.”


“Well, how about coffee sometime?”




“Wait, I don’t think coffee is good for my babies. Let’s just meet at a normal diner.”    


“Excuse me? Babies?” Bora increased her brows.


“Yeah,” Tiffany blushed sheepishly. “I’m pregnant.”


“Oh,” for some vague and crazy reason, her heart sank deeper. “With Taeyeon?”


“Of course with her, silly! We’re having three babies!”


“C – congratulations.”


“Thanks!” Tiffany’s mood was unbelievably high and nothing could smack it down. Not even Bora’s fake, unenthusiastic, halfhearted respond.


“Babe, I’m done. Lets go home.“ Taeyeon bargained into the room as she put her phone inside her pocket.


“Doctor Kim.” Bora quickly stood up and bowed at her attending.


“Doctor Yoon?”


“I just - my paper - you,” she rambled incoherently.


“Give it to me,” Taeyeon reached out as Bora handed her case report to her. “Prepare it well, Doctor Yoon. This is your last join case. Don’t mess it up.”


“Of course, Doc. I better take my leave,” She bowed again to Taeyeon and hesitantly hugged Tiffany goodbye.


“Call me!” Tiffany shouted right after she was out of the office. Bora was grateful she managed to hide her red eyes.


Well, there was a reason why a crush called a crush. It was the most painful thing you could ever endure in your life other than someone breaking your heart.




Tiffany enjoyed her pregnancy wholeheartedly.


In the first trimester she had to endure terrible morning sickness, light headed, not to mention her nose became very sensitive to every smell. The only food she desired was pizza with a lot of Tabasco sauce. That was quite contradicted with her sensitive nose but that was the truth. Although her stomach size was bigger than the usual single gestation since she had three babies developing inside her, she was far from healthy. Tiffany said she was fine but her wife didn’t buy it. So Taeyeon took Tiffany to YoonA to hear her opinion about this.


“Please don’t take it personally, okay? This is Doctor Im speaking and what you’re going to hear is a professional suggestion.”


Tiffany’s grip on Taeyeon’s hand hardened.


“For you and your babies better health, I suggest terminating one of them.”


The stillness in the quiet room was deafening. Taeyeon’s shoulder slumped hopelessly at YoonA’s advice. Her heart was breaking into pieces. The world seemed to stop spinning at the moment.  


“No.” Tiffany said with tears overflowed on her cheeks. “No! I’m not giving up my babies!” She shook her head fiercely, refusing the idea. “Taeyeon, I’m not giving up my babies! No!”


Taeyeon quickly enveloped Tiffany and soothed her back softly. She let her wife sobbed in her arms and desperately held back her own tears. She stared at YoonA with unreadable expression. Her opinion was not unreasonable, Taeyeon knew that. Tiffany’s weight didn’t increase accordingly due to the constant vomit and loss of appetite. She forced herself to eat but it was useless because she ended up throwing it all out.       




“This is not open for discussion.” Tiffany wiped away her tears. Her voice was weak but firm. “I’m not going to give them up for whatever reason.”


They settled with more drugs and multivitamin to support Tiffany’s pregnancy. Taeyeon poured all her attention to Tiffany only. She took a leave from work to take care of her better. A week after their appointment with YoonA, Tiffany’s parents came for a visit. Magically, Tiffany’s physical condition increased steadily. Taeyeon wasn’t sure what exactly her mother in law was doing but Tiffany became more relax and her frequency of vomiting decreased.


“What do you mean?”


“It’s only been two weeks since your mom arrived and you’re already getting better. I can’t help but wonder if I didn’t do the right thing.”


“Don’t say that,” Tiffany frowned. “You’ve done everything for me, babe. Can we just be grateful?”




Tiffany dared to say her strength improved when she entered the fifteenth weeks. The perpetual nausea gradually stopped. She could eat everything she desired. In fact, she ate a lot. She was hungry all the time, especially in the middle of the night. It caused Taeyeon to run back and forth to the twenty-four hours diner at their apartment complex to buy food. Sometimes she desired the specific sweet and sour pork at the certain Chinese restaurant that located an hour away from their house.  


Out of question, her body was changing drastically. Her super model figure turned to be an overweight elephant, in her own words. Despite of that, Tiffany never really complained. The memory of hearing her babies’ tiny heartbeat was enough for her to carry on.


“I want them, I beg for them. Why would I make a fuss about it? This is nothing to compare to what I will get.” She said when her friends in pregnancy club asking about her experience. Most of those pregnant ladies expressed their annoyance over the uncomfortable feeling because everything about them was changing.


Taeyeon tried her best to maintain her behavior since Tiffany’s boundary to deal with her was naturally decreased. Tiffany already had a lot on her plate at the moment, the least Taeyeon could do was minimalizing her irritating habits. There were nights when Taeyeon had to sleep on the couch because Tiffany needed all the bed for herself or Taeyeon was just being really annoying and Tiffany just couldn’t stand her.  




Taeyeon put her car key on its place as she proceeded her way to the living room. The TV was on but there was no sign of Tiffany.


“Babe?” She called her wife.


“Hey, you’re home already?” Tifany walked out from the kitchen with a small coconut on her hand. She the liquid from the straws, enjoying every drops of it.


“Yeah, I’m done for the day.” She pecked Tiffany’s lips softly. “You drink a lot of that Thailand coconut recently.”


Tiffany silently offered the fruit to Taeyeon. She actually didn’t fancy coconut water in cold weather. It made her pee a lot. But well, don’t argue with pregnant lady and just do whatever she wants.


“Taste good.” Taeyeon smiled. “So, how’s your day?” She put her arm around Tiffany’s shoulder.


“Let’s see… I bought the additional bed and I visited the wallpaper store, they gave me the booklet. We can go through that later.” She paused a bit. “That’s it.”


“You bought the additional bed?” Taeyeon increased her brow.


“Yes. Like I said, they’re not going to sleep on babies bunks before they at least one year old.” Tiffany took Taeyeon’s hand and led her to the spare bedroom. “I thought you agree with that.”


“Yeah, I agree. But I also thought that we agree to wait on buying the bed.” Taeyeon subtly reminded her wife.


“The bed is nice, okay? It’s on sale and this one is the only one left. I have to fight with this lady to get it and of course as you can see yourself, I won. So it’s double win for me.” Tiffany opened the door and let Taeyeon in to take a look at the brand new single bed she just bought. “See? Nice, right?”


“Umm… yes.” Taeyeon answered hesitantly. Despite the well-known brand printed on it, the color of the matrass was pink and who the hell would sleep on a pink bed?


Tiffany sighed at the unenthusiastic respond. “We can return it if you don’t like. Or I can sell it again or whatever.”


“Okay… I don’t like it.” She eyed her wife for a moment before a smug smirk formed upon the latter’s lips.


“You’ll get used to it. I like it.” Tiffany shrugged easily then walked out of the room.


Taeyeon suppressed a groan then followed her wife. She was probably overreacted. The mattress will be covered by sheet anyway so she won’t see its pink color. But still… since she was the one who’d be sleeping on that additional bed for a year, she thought she could choose it by herself.


“Guess not.” She mumbled quietly.


Tiffany wasn’t keen to be apart from their newborns in early age. She didn’t feel safe. Besides, she wanted both Taeyeon and her to bond with the babies in every way possible. Taeyeon, of course, agreed with the idea. That was why she gave her consent to add more bed in their bedroom.


But not a pink bed.  


That night, they busied themselves choosing the right color for the babies’ room. Yes, they’d sleep with them but playroom was a must.


“No pink, babe. We don’t know their gender yet and we won’t know till they’re born, remember?”


“It’s just too pretty.” Tiffany looked at the ‘pale violet red’- it was what written on the paper but obviously Taeyeon only acknowledged it as pink.


“Boys don’t like pink.”


“Who says our babies will be boys?” Tiffany looked at her accusingly. “Did you ask Yoong about it?”


“No.” Taeyeon shook her head. “I want it to be a surprise as much as you want. I’m just stating a fact; boys don’t like pink.”


“You can’t generalize them, Tae. It’s just you who doesn’t like it. My babies will love pink whether they’re boys or girls.”




“But we can’t decide it yet because that’s up to them so we can settle to the neutral color for now.” Tiffany finished her sentence first before Taeyeon argued.  


“Thank you.” Taeyeon sighed, relieved. She kissed Tiffany’s temple then focused on the booklet back.


Babies’ necessity shopping was tiring but very much fun. Since they decided to wait regarding their gender, they had to buy everything in neutral color. Needless to say, there were soft pink goods simply because Tiffany couldn’t resist and Taeyeon couldn’t disagree, but thankfully it wasn’t that many. 


Taeyeon rested her chin on Tiffany’s shoulder. She back hugged her wife at the doorway, both were staring at the decorated playing room.


“They’re going to be here soon,” Tiffany said dreamily. “Our perfect little family.”


“Yeah, our perfect little family.” She planted a kiss on Tiffany’s neck lovingly.




“Dad, can we change car for a couple of months once my kids are born?”


“Huh? Why?”


“I don’t feel safe if they ride in my car. It’s too small.”


“But your car is strong enough, Taeyeon-ah.” Mr. Hwang took a seat beside her as he set a tray full of food on the table. Her parents in law traveled back and forth to Seoul and US for the sake of their daughters and grandkids.


“Still…” Taeyeon tossed one dumpling in . “I talk to Fany to trade in her car, she agrees with it but she insists we change it to pink Range Rover and I’m like… dads, Range Rover is a tough, big, sporty car. The color can not be pink.” She spoke as a matter of fact. “I’ll bring it up again when her hormone back to normal which may not happen before the babies are born.”


“Well, sure. You can use mine.” Both of older guys laughed.


They chit chat while eating tasty dim sum. Taeyeon groaned loudly when her father dragged her out to the field.


“Remind me again please, dads, why are we here?” Taeyeon was bored to death.


“Because Tiffany forbids you to join her pregnancy club?” Her father narrowed his eyes to measure the distance of the hole then swung his golf club.


“What did you do exactly, Taeyeon-ah?” Mr. Hwang asked her with an amused expression.


“I didn’t do anything. I merely told them about pregnancy from medical perspective,” she answered. “Apparently, they didn’t really appreciate it.”


Taeyeon was telling the truth. She just left the fact that she constantly threw boring scientific statement – it was more like arguing, really – every time their coach opened and in Tiffany’s opinion, Taeyeon ruined the fun and enigma of pregnancy for all club members.


“There are many options to deliver our baby. One of the way is water birth–”


“The safety of that procedure is not scientifically proven.” Taeyeon raised her hand as she spoke loudly, interrupting the middle-aged woman.


“It has been widely reported that water delivery decreased the pain because the warmth of the water may produce a sedative effect, and the mother can adjust to comfortable position.” The woman was pissed. It wasn’t the first time Taeyeon cut her off and made her look like a moron in front of the participants.


“But in case you forget, the baby needs oxygen as soon as he’s out of his mom’s womb.”


“The baby lives inside the amniotic sac for nine months!”


“Well he doesn’t breath at that time. When he’s out, his lungs are going to expand and he needs the oxygen to keep him alive. Can you imagine yourself to breath under the water?”


And the debate went on and on.




“I appreciate it, sweetheart, I really do.” Tiffany had both of her hands on Taeyeon’s head.




“You’re terrifying all those pregnant ladies,” Tiffany stated softly. “You are the smartest person I’ve ever known and I totally understand what you’re trying to do but I don’t think you should join my class anymore.”




“That’s okay, really. Besides, you can have two hours off for yourself. Play game or something.”  


“I’ll shut up from now on. I swear I’m not going to say anything even though your coach is totally wrong and illogical.”


“It’s still no, babe. Now, lets sleep.”


When most of the club members accompanied by their significant other, Tiffany had her moms to tag along and she couldn’t be happier. They shared their knowledge and experienced. It was worth a listen.


Nearing the end of the second trimester, Taeyeon’s anxiety regarding the babies increased. Their weights were below normal. It made Taeyeon stressed out. Tiffany was calmer as usual and accepted it positively. She had read a lot about multiple pregnancy. It was normal for triplets to have lower weight since they had to share the nutrients and everything.


The thing was, Tiffany went to pregnancy club, read many pregnancy blogs and books where everything was unicorn and rainbow while Taeyeon finished William’s obstetric textbook in a month. It was basically heaven and hell. Tiffany didn’t know about it, obviously, otherwise she’d be really mad at her wife. Taeyeon was only filling more gasoline to the fire. She was already anxious without knowing every tiny part of complication that might happen to her wife yet she still scrutinized the info.    


“Unnie,” YoonA sighed at the sight of cardiothoracic surgeon inside the Ob-Gyn department library.




“You really should stop coming here.” YoonA snatched the thick book and swiftly put it in its place.


“Hey! I’m reading that!”


“What are you doing?” The taller doctor folded her arms, looking at her disapprovingly.


“Reading the book you just rob.”


 “You’re supposed to enjoy Tiffany’s pregnancy,” she said as a matter of fact.


“This is the way I’m enjoying it, okay?”


“Then stop calling me every time you feel like a symptom appear when it’s clearly nothing.” YoonA shook her head as she took a seat across Taeyeon. “I get it, alright? I get it that it’s scary for you. But look at her, look at your wife. Look how happy she is now. Knowing one thing or two is fine but if you explore the whole thing and then get terrified about it…” YoonA took Taeyeon’s hand in her and patted I softly. “Picture yourself as a parent to be, Taeyeon unnie. You are not a doctor for Tiffany; she has me for that rule. She needs her wife, her partner. This is your moment, forget all of that s

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smilebyul #1
Chapter 10: This is too beautiful i am crying
575 streak #2
Chapter 33: 🌷🤍
randompersonhere1 #3
here i am cause i miss taeny
mieayambakar #4
Chapter 28: People always say this "When in love, u always blind to see other things".. By read this story, it make me think, if u want the relationship long lasting, talked whatever it is with ur love
Seeing tiffany at taeyeon's concert yesterday🥹..i miss them so much so here i am after finishing Home
taeloveny #6
Chapter 33: here i am,,
re reading this beautiful story all over again^^
pengsooshii #7
Chapter 33: I love this story😭 The writing is soo beautiful.
12345678_xx #8
Still my favorite
czankx #9
Chapter 33: I've been in AFF since 2013, and why just why did i find this story just now?! Uggh.. Everything is beautifully written it keeps me on my feet, i really like long TaeNy story with content.. This is just so good.. One of the best TaeNy stories ive read, definitely in my top ten
btcrules27 #10
Chapter 33: Wow. Just wow. 👏👏👏👏👏 I just literally said “wow” while literally clapping 👏👏👏👏👏 thank you 😭