New Place.

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Tiffany called Taeyeon’s dad regarding the apartment address. Both of them have never visited the house since the day their parents mentioned it to them.


By the time Taeyeon pulled the car over to the fine area, she couldn’t help but amazed. “Babe, are you sure this is the place?”


“Yeah, GPS says so.” Tiffany rechecked the direction to make sure they weren’t at the wrong location.


“Alright.” Taeyeon unfasten her seatbelt then Tiffany followed. “Let’s get inside. Dad said he had informed the guard.”


Tiffany linked her arm to Taeyeon’s all the way to their new apartment complex. They chat a bit with the friendly guard for the sake of politeness.


“This way, please.” The guard led the couple to the luxury door and smiled. “I believe you have the passcode?”


“Thanks.” Taeyeon nodded a little. “Shall we?” She asked her wife.


Taeyeon punched the passcode then the guard opened the door for them. “Welcome, Ms. Kim and Ms. Hwang.”


They walked forward as they look around. The guard gave them some space so he just stood by the door in case they needed anything. The two women couldn’t believe what they saw before their eyes. They exchanged a glance.




“This is too much.”


“Absolutely.” Taeyeon agreed. “Should we cancel or?”


“Let’s just call dad back.” Tiffany searched Taeyeon’s father number on her phone and waited for him to pick the call.


“Hello, darling!”


“Hey dad, we need to talk to you about the house, if you have time?” Tiffany heard Taeyeon’s mom asking her husband who is that? Then there was a long pause.


“Honey!” It was Taeyeon’s mom. “Have you seen the house?”


“Yeah, about that–”


“Don’t even think to give it back to us. It’s not going to happen.” The old woman cut her off.


“But mom, this is too much. We can’t accept it.” Tiffany said softly, she didn’t want to offend her mother in law.


“Nonsense! That house is beautiful, isn’t it?”


“Yes, but–”


“No buts.” She spoke sternly. “We only have two daughters. It is not a sin to spoil you both a bit more. We have to waste our money on something.”




“Let me talk to her.” Taeyeon asked for the phone. “Mom, it’s me.”


“Oh honey, if Tiffany can’t change my mind then you shouldn’t even try.” Her mom laughed whole-heartedly making Taeyeon face-palmed. “Anyway, your father and I will go to Osaka this weekend. Do you want something?”


“Lego Star Wars limited edition,” She mumbled. She hated it when her mom using authority and coaxed her to something she couldn’t refuse. “And the Prison Island.” Taeyeon added quickly.


Tiffany gave her an incredulous look and took the phone that Taeyeon offered back. “Very helpful.” She glared at her other half.


“My dear, it’s a present from us. It’s never too much. I’ll help you shopping and arranging cause obviously you can’t rely on Taeyeon for this,” she giggled. “Try to call your other mom, see if she’s free so we can get more hands.”


Tiffany sighed subtly. There was no way they could run from it. “Thank you, mom. I definitely will call her later.”


“Great! Oh, do you want something from Japan?”


“No thanks, mom. I’m good.”


“Okay then. Go look around so you can start consider stuff you want to buy. Call me often, darling. I love you! Tell Taeyeon I love her, too! Dad says he loves you both! Bye!”


“We love you too, mom and dad.” Tiffany ended the call with a smile. She was lucky to have such a lovely parents in law like them and not the scary, trying so hard to sabotage their kid’s wedding like those in soap opera she liked to watch.


“We have no choice.”


“Well if that’s the case… welcome home, love.”






“Morning report is done but I need all attending to stay.” The chief of surgery turned off the microphone as he took out a folder from his bag. The residents made a beeline to go out from the conference room.


“What does he want to talk about?” Yuri sat beside Sunny.


“I don’t know.” The shortest replied whilst typing on her phone.


“He’s your uncle.” Yuri said as a matter of fact.


“Yeah, uncle. Which means I don’t live with him.”


The general surgeon shrugged it off. She turned to Taeyeon then she saw SeoHyun walked into the room with a cup of coffee in her hand. The tan doctor grimaced in disgust at the sight of the words that written on the cup.


“I never know my sister is such a yucky love sick.” She mumbled to no one.




“Look at that crap.” Yuri pointed the cup she was talking about to Taeyoen. “Have a good day, my baby!” She read out loud for Taeyeon to hear. “I mean it’s disgusting, right?” She looked at Taeyeon as if she was seeking for Taeyeon’s approval. 


“Or it’s just you jealous of what she has.” Taeyeon rolled her eyes.


“Wh – what?” She couldn’t believe her ears. “So you think it’s cute?”


“I didn’t say that.”


“That is exactly what you’re saying!”


“Yul, people do the stupidest thing when they’re in love and it’s bound to happen for the other pathetic lonely people to snicker and say bad things about it.”


“Oh, so now you say I’m pathetic?” Yuri folded her arms, irritated. “What a good friend you are.”


“Well then stop sticking your nose to YoonA’s happy dating live and get your own girl. Stop moping around, you’re too good to be single.”


“There’s nothing wrong being a single. I’m alone but that doesn’t mean that I’m lonely. I’m happy.”


“I know. I say this because I know you and I love you.” Taeyeon sighed. “I was single for almost what? Five – six years before I met Fany? All I’m saying, it’s nice to have someone again, okay? Our work is stressful, so try to find a way to ventilate the pressure, Yul. It’s been long enough.”


“May I have your attention, please?” The chief began the meeting. “As you all know the fire in Dong-A University Hospital caused a terrible damage. It is not possible for them to continue their service as a hospital let alone to teach their interns and residents. So half of them will join us and I hope you can work with them as a team.”


“Uh, sir?” An orthopedic surgeon raised his hand.


“Yes, Doctor Ahn?”


“Why so sudden?”  


“We don’t have a choice. Some of residents are in their fifth year and it affects them in the worst possible way. The higher up asks me personally to take them in. I’m sorry for the inconvenience but I believe in all of you. Any other question? No one? Okay, I’ll distribute your new schedule right away.”


“So… more teaching hours, how fun does that sound?” Yuri spoke sarcastically as she received her schedule.


“Soonkyu-ya,” Taeyeon nudged her friend. “Date Yuri.”




“Go date Kwon Yuri so she can stop being cynical about everything. Also, I can’t have lunch with you guys today. I have appointment with Yoong.” Taeyeon grabbed her paper then casually leaving her shocked friend behind.


“What did she say?”


“I’m not going to da

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smilebyul #1
Chapter 10: This is too beautiful i am crying
575 streak #2
Chapter 33: 🌷🤍
randompersonhere1 #3
here i am cause i miss taeny
mieayambakar #4
Chapter 28: People always say this "When in love, u always blind to see other things".. By read this story, it make me think, if u want the relationship long lasting, talked whatever it is with ur love
Seeing tiffany at taeyeon's concert yesterday🥹..i miss them so much so here i am after finishing Home
taeloveny #6
Chapter 33: here i am,,
re reading this beautiful story all over again^^
pengsooshii #7
Chapter 33: I love this story😭 The writing is soo beautiful.
12345678_xx #8
Still my favorite
czankx #9
Chapter 33: I've been in AFF since 2013, and why just why did i find this story just now?! Uggh.. Everything is beautifully written it keeps me on my feet, i really like long TaeNy story with content.. This is just so good.. One of the best TaeNy stories ive read, definitely in my top ten
btcrules27 #10
Chapter 33: Wow. Just wow. 👏👏👏👏👏 I just literally said “wow” while literally clapping 👏👏👏👏👏 thank you 😭