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The triplets easily attracted people’s attention. Not only because they were triplets, but also they wore the same outfits from head to toe. They had stopped using the same dress long ago. However, they thought it’d be fun to do it once in a while. The three of them were wearing white T-shirt with black printed number on the front and back, denim jeans and black snapback. Aorta got 1st, Artery 2nd, and Venous 3rd.


“We get economy while you guys seat at the first class again, right?” Artery peeked the electronic tickets on Taeyeon’s phone.


“You want the first class?” Taeyeon asked casually.


“Yes!” He nodded eagerly.


“Then work for it, boy. This seat is expensive as heaven. You will not get one from begging. Make money first then buy it on your own, alright?”


“I should’ve known.” He mumbled under his breath.


Tiffany patted his back, laughing at his cute sulk.


The check-in process took a while. When they were done with it, they waited their flight at a coffee shop. Artery, of course, couldn’t sit around without doing anything. He wanted to wander around.


“Let’s go.” Venous put her book on the table and took her wallet from her backpack. “I want to sight seeing, too. Aorta, are you coming?”


“Nah. I’ll stay. You guys go ahead.”


“Off we go, Ve!”


The two siblings walked around the big airport. They entered a few shops, looking at merchandises but not buying anything. A certain sport store caught Artery’s eyes. Without thinking much, he walked in and observed the shoes on display.


He had a great deal of shoes in his drawer. He saved it all from elementary school till now. He didn’t wear them often. It was just for hobby.


“Anything you like?”


Artery picked the dominant red-orange colored with slight black line on the sides with sparkling eyes. He really liked the design. He looked for the price and gasped at the numbers. He didn’t expect it to be cheap, but it got him surprised nevertheless. Quietly, he put the shoe back on its place dejectedly.


“Let’s go.”


“You don’t want to try it?”


“I don’t have money.” He shrugged.


Venous rolled her eyes when her brother walked passed her. She pulled his shirt preventing him to get out from the store. “Sit.”


She took the shoe Artery looked before and searched for its size. Afterwards, she called the salesman and asked for a 40.


“What are you doing?” Artery whispered in panic. “I can’t buy it. You’re troubling him!”


“It’s his job.” She replied calmly. “At least you’ve tried it on your feet.”


“Here you go, kid.”


Artery smiled nervously as he held the charming shoes. Slowly, he put it on. It fit her feet perfectly. Too bad I can’t have it, he thought.


“Stand up and walk.” Venous ordered. Artery did as he told. “How does it feel? Comfortable?”


“Yeah.” He couldn’t help but grin. He made a few more steps before removed it. He sighed inwardly and handed it back to the salesman. “Thank you.”


“We’ll purchase that one, please.” Venous smiled at the man.


“Wh – what?”


“Right away, Miss.”


“Venous, that shoes are expensive as hell! I told you I don’t have money!” Artery spoke frantically. “What the hell are you doing?!”


“You’re lucky Aorta is not here to slap your head for cursing.” Venous waved her hand nonchalantly as she made her way to the casher.


“Yah! Venous! Yah!” Artery hissed, following his sister. “They’re going to kick our –”


“Artery, shut up.” Her glare instantly made Artery stop.


“It would be 199.000 won, Miss.”


The young girl withdrew a card from her wallet and gave it to the man. After the payment process was complete, he handed over the paper bag.


Venous looked at Artery and signaled him to take it. Flustered, he carefully received his brand new shoes.


“Thank you. Have a good day!” The salesman bowed slightly.


“Did you ju – just buy me this?” Artery stuttered. “H – how did you have so much money?”


“Unlike you, I saved my allowance, I won prizes from those Olympiads I participated.”


“Thank you!” Artery hugged his sister tightly, surprising Venous and some people around them. He spoiled her with kisses, not minding people’s stare. “I love you! You’re the best, baby sis!”


“Get off me!” Venous laughed at his antics.


“Nope.” He kept kissing her.


“I’m going to punch you.” She said, still giggling.


“Fine, fine.” He wrapped his arm around Venous’ shoulders. “Why are you so nice to me?”


“Don’t question it and don’t get used to it. You owe me, Artery.”


“With what?”


“Your report next semester. Don’t waste my time for nothing.”


Artery pecked her cheek. “You got it, captain! But I can do better without you yelling at my face, though.”


They had begun the lessons even though it was holiday time. Venous didn’t have the patience to wait any longer because Artery’s report was really horrible it irked her so bad.


“You sleep if I don’t yell.”


“I sleep if I’m sleepy.” He corrected her.


“You really want to argue with me?”


“On second thought, no. I don’t.”


“Good. Let’s go back. We’re boarding soon.”     




“I have the best sister in the world!” Artery spoke proudly in front of his mothers and brother. “She bought me this!”


“What is that?” Aorta furrowed his brows. “Artery gets shoes and I don’t?” He sulked at his sister.


“You didn’t want to come with us.”


Aorta pursed his lips with sad puppy eyes.


“You want to go now? We can take a look again.”


“You’re buying?” Aorta was practically jumped on his seat.


“Yeah.” Venous rolled her eyes.


“Will the offer still stand in Hong Kong? If so, I’ll look for it there.”




“Wooho!” Aorta wrapped Venous into his embrace and kissed the top her head repeatedly. “I love you! I love you!”


“You two only love me when I buy you things?”


“You know I also love you when you don’t yell through the lessons.” He joked. 


“You both need it.”


Taeyeon squeezed Tiffany’s hand on her lap, feeling proud of how far their children had become. They could depend in each other. They’d always get each other’s back. Venous had earned money since she was young from many scientific Olympiads she won. Her parents kept the cash but never used it. When the triplets had reached their age to open a bank account for student and as Taeyeon and Tiffany felt they were responsible enough, Tiffany gradually – still not all – transferred it to Venous’ account. As expected, Venous was really careful on spending money. She wanted to use it for her college tuition. Tiffany gave the kids allowance once in a month. They can use it on anything positive they wanted. Aorta was so much better than Artery on this matter. He tried to save his allowance regularly, when the second born usually ran out of money on the third week and secretly, without his parents knowing, begged his siblings’ for lunch money.


The announcer announced that the passengers for flight to Hong Kong to board to the aircraft. T

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smilebyul #1
Chapter 10: This is too beautiful i am crying
575 streak #2
Chapter 33: 🌷🤍
randompersonhere1 #3
here i am cause i miss taeny
mieayambakar #4
Chapter 28: People always say this "When in love, u always blind to see other things".. By read this story, it make me think, if u want the relationship long lasting, talked whatever it is with ur love
Seeing tiffany at taeyeon's concert yesterday🥹..i miss them so much so here i am after finishing Home
taeloveny #6
Chapter 33: here i am,,
re reading this beautiful story all over again^^
pengsooshii #7
Chapter 33: I love this story😭 The writing is soo beautiful.
12345678_xx #8
Still my favorite
czankx #9
Chapter 33: I've been in AFF since 2013, and why just why did i find this story just now?! Uggh.. Everything is beautifully written it keeps me on my feet, i really like long TaeNy story with content.. This is just so good.. One of the best TaeNy stories ive read, definitely in my top ten
btcrules27 #10
Chapter 33: Wow. Just wow. 👏👏👏👏👏 I just literally said “wow” while literally clapping 👏👏👏👏👏 thank you 😭