Talk Talk

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“Why do you look so confuse?”


Taeyeon shoved the salad into and grimaced. She was not a big fan of grass. The thing was, the whole family had to eat vegan stuff for one day in a week. For a better health, Aorta said. Good reason, although not very enjoyable. Knowing everyone would object, the oldest boy decided to make a lunch box exclusively for vegan day for the family members. Taeyeon would cheat every once in a while but recently she had tried to bear it harder.


“My daughter got her first period this morning.”


“I don’t see why you must be so confused, though. You’re an Ob-gyn. It’s your expertise.”


“She bang on our door at dawn, crying out of the blue, saying she’s dying because there’s so much bleeding.”


The cardio surgeon lifted her eyebrow. “Hyorin said that? Like… for real?”


“Yeah.” Yoona sighed. “It took us two hours to calm her down. She demanded explanation on how on earth did it happen to her. Seohyun gave an illustration but it never reached a point. It made me confuse, too, actually. So I tried to do the speaking then I ended up explained it in the most specific way which made her even terrified.”


“What did you say?”


“Nothing much, honestly.” Yoona avoided Taeyeon’s eyes.




“The menstrual cycle, it’s not much.” She insisted.


“Start from ovarian cycle which consist follicular phase, ovulation, lut–”


“Okay, so it’s too much. You don’t have to point it out like that.” The younger woman sulked. “I just don’t know how to explain it, okay? It’s the basic physiology of female reproductive system. It’s constantly in my brain. I’m a doctor–”


“Talk to her like how you talk to your patients. You don’t have to explain the process, Yoong. As long as she understands that she’s not dying and the process is normal, it’s enough.”


Yonna only heaved a deep breath. “How did you do it? You’ve done it, right?”


“We’ve started it way before they reached the age, Yoong. It was around when they were eight, I guess? It was not my idea, it was Fany’s. We discussed about it and we agreed to introduce the whole um… how do I say it? Human anatomy and its nature – especially the reproductive system. We want them to understand themselves, to explore more, to feel comfortable about their soul and body. It was not a big talk. We just explained the difference between boys and girls in general but we didn’t restrict it. We let them wonder. Aorta and Artery were dumbstruck during it, meanwhile Venous asked a lot of questions because that’s just how she is. Over the years, little by little the talk grows more and deeper. When Venous got her first period, she calmly spoke to us saying ‘I think I have my period. What do I do now?’”




“Yeah. Then a few months later, Artery came to Tiffany, I was not at home that time… he said that he’s sorry for peeing on the bed but in the brighter side, it didn’t smell like pee. Tiffany laughed really hard when she told me that.”


Yonna laughed along. “He’s so cute! What about Aorta?”


“He didn’t tell us straight after. Probably around two months after.”


“What did he say?”


“We were watching Miss Universe, right... when it showed the bikini photo shoot, he uncomfortably looked away. As always, Artery made a joke and he replied very seriously ‘I’m a full-grown man.’ It got us perplexed, afterwards he whispered ‘I have to keep my eyes from beautiful women because they’re beautiful and I do not want to think weird stuff.’ Then Artery said ‘you get wet dream seeing them?’ Aorta’s answer was a very quiet ‘yes.’”


“That one is so polite.” Yonna shook her head in amusement. “He’s probably the politest guy I’ve ever known and he’s just what? Fifteen, right?”


Taeyeon nodded as she chewed the food. “Tiffany and me, we don’t want any awkwardness between the kids and us. talk can be very sensitive and embarrassing. I have my moment, too.”


“I bet Tiffany did most of it.”


“Correct.” Taeyeon winked. “But I sit through. I can bear it. The kids have it tougher than me.”


“Thanks, Taeyeon unnie.” Yoona smiled genuinely.


“For what?”


“For inspiring me. I learn a lot from you and Tiffany. Seohyun and I don’t discuss this topic a lot. But it’s our responsibility to prepare them.”


“Yeah, it is.” Taeyeon squeezed Yoona’s shoulder. “Take your time to learn, too.”


“Will do, unnie.”




“No, Seohyun. I can’t go to Bangkok next week. We’re going to Hong Kong.” Taeyeon closed the door behind her. “Look, I’ve–”


“Just take your family with you, unnie. All you have to do is show up and present it. I’ve done the paper. You know this at the back of your head.”


“That is the reason I can’t go. The last time I brought my kids to Sydney for that symposium, they didn’t talk to me for days!”




“I told them it was a vacation when I barely spent time with them. The four of them strolled the city and I stuck at the conference.”


Seohyun sighed at the end of the phone. “Can you like… postpone the trip?”


“I’ve bought the ticket, Seohyun-ah. I can’t refund it. The kids have school after this vacation. Call Do or Jonwoo. Ask them.”


“Okay, then. Thanks, unnie.”


“Alright. Sorry, Seohyun-ah.”


Taeyeon hung up.


“We’re going to Hong Kong?!”


“What? Say who?” Taeyeon shrugged off her backpack. She sat beside Tiffany and kissed her.


“Welcome home.” She smiled sweetly.


“You did!” Artery spoke eagerly. “You're a terrible liar!”


Taeyeon pulled a face. “Give me Aorta, Artery and Venous’ report.”


Artery’s face fell. Venous and Aorta lightly went to their respective room to get their momma’s order.


“Before you complain, that A– was given by that annoying English teacher I once talked about. I'm very fluent in English. Frankly, I don’t deserve this. Just because I'm smarter than him, he can’t do this. I will take this matter to the headmaster–”


“No, sweetheart, don’t.” Taeyeon didn’t have to look twice. She didn’t even notice that minus if her daughter didn’t mention it.


“Why not?” She demanded.


“We don’t have to win in everything. He’s way older than you. There’s this thing called respect. It’s an A–, it’s fine. You’ve worked very well. Come here, give me a kiss.”


She did as she told.


“Let’s see Aorta’s… well, not bad.” There were plenty of As and a few Bs, no C. “Can you work on this B minus?”


He groaned. “I hate history. It’s more like a lullaby than a subject to learn.”


“Hang in there, buddy. Kiss.”


Their tradition never changed over the years. Kids were often embarrassed when their parents kiss them, thinking it was not cool and childish. Aorta and Venous had their moment, too. They once protested when their mothers kissed them in public. But as Artery explained that time, “We love each other. Why would the two of you make a big fuss about it? We’re lucky enough that till this day, we’re still as close as ever. Don’t you guys see other’s family? Do you want to be like that?”

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smilebyul #1
Chapter 10: This is too beautiful i am crying
575 streak #2
Chapter 33: 🌷🤍
randompersonhere1 #3
here i am cause i miss taeny
mieayambakar #4
Chapter 28: People always say this "When in love, u always blind to see other things".. By read this story, it make me think, if u want the relationship long lasting, talked whatever it is with ur love
Seeing tiffany at taeyeon's concert yesterday🥹..i miss them so much so here i am after finishing Home
taeloveny #6
Chapter 33: here i am,,
re reading this beautiful story all over again^^
pengsooshii #7
Chapter 33: I love this story😭 The writing is soo beautiful.
12345678_xx #8
Still my favorite
czankx #9
Chapter 33: I've been in AFF since 2013, and why just why did i find this story just now?! Uggh.. Everything is beautifully written it keeps me on my feet, i really like long TaeNy story with content.. This is just so good.. One of the best TaeNy stories ive read, definitely in my top ten
btcrules27 #10
Chapter 33: Wow. Just wow. 👏👏👏👏👏 I just literally said “wow” while literally clapping 👏👏👏👏👏 thank you 😭