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Small smiles, lazy tugs and gentle touches gave a thick serenity atmosphere inside the dim room. It was dark and quiet outside. The sun had not risen, the people were still asleep, and the city had not started the day. The two women were lost in each other eyes. Their breath was getting slower and steadier since they came down from the high.


“People always call Paris is the city of love but for me, here… Amsterdam gives this… you know gentler, calmer feeling.”


“Every city is the city of love if you were present. Paris will just be Paris and Amsterdam will just be Amsterdam if I were there without you.”


The corner of Taeyeon’s lips pulled upward. “Why?”


“Isn’t it obvious?”


“I want to hear it.”


“There’s only one reason, you. Heaven is just heaven if you were not there. What’s the point? My happiness can’t stand alone without you.”


“So should I have to go to hell, you’d follow me?”


Tiffany shrugged nonchalantly. “Why not? At least we’ll be burnt together.”


The shorter woman chuckled before reattached their lips together. The tips of her fingertips traced her lady’s body so tenderly. She was afraid that somehow her touch would break her. That was how much she treasured Tiffany.


“We’ve come so far, Tae. I wouldn’t have imagined to have this kind of happiness before I met you.”


“At some point I despise whoever made us apart for so long. I was 29 when I met you. Should you were there way before that, my happiness could’ve started sooner.”


Tiffany smiled and caressed Taeyeon’s chin gently. “You wouldn’t like the younger version of me. And you were so caught up with the problems you had back at that time. We probably wouldn’t survive. We met just at the right time. I had made peace with myself and somehow you had, too.”


“But I was a total jerk to you.”


Tiffany shrugged. “It would have been nice if you didn’t try so hard to resist but I also was not a saint. I agreed so I didn’t have to face people who were after me, remember? So basically, I wanted to shield under that fake commitment. I’m just happy our story didn’t go south and we managed to sail to the right direction.”


“Yeah, me too.”






The other two didn’t answer the second born. They were completely absorbed with their food.




“What, Artery? Meal time means shut up time.” Venous commented while enjoying her fish.


“Have you ever wondered about the donor? Our donor?” He emphasized the certain word making the two stopped chewing.


Venous rolled her eyes but turned her head to her brother nevertheless. “Why did you ask?”


He shrugged. “I was just wondering. That’s just a random thought. Have you?”


Venous glanced at the other side of the table. Aorta was still focus on his food. He didn’t seem to mind the conversation.


“I doubt you have not. You’re Venous. You’re curious about everything, right?”


“Why did you always have weird idea in your brain?”


“Why did you always reply my question with another question? Besides, out of the three of us, I am the one in charge in creativity.”


The youngest sighed. She’d be lying if she said she had never thought about it. However, she always shrugged it off. She didn’t want to ask her moms because it was not that important and she didn’t want to hurt their feeling. Her momma and mommy were more than enough. Their family consisted five members. Not more, not less.


“Ve,” Artery nudged her.


“I don’t think this is a good idea.”


“Why not?”


“We will hurt moms’ feelings. We’ll make them feel like they are not enough. What good will it do anyway?”


“Look, I don’t mean anything mean, alright? I’m just curious. I only want to see this… this man.” He hesitantly said. “It doesn’t mean I want him in my life or anything. Moms don’t have to know.”


“How are we going to do that?”


“You’re the brain.” He stated as a matter of fact. “You figure it out.”


Venous bit her lower lip. Technically, it was possible. She could do it easily. She looked up and locked eyes with Artery. They both shared the same agreement. Now, there was only one thing left to do.


Artery and Venous turned to Aorta. The oldest lifted up his face as he felt eyes on him.




“Well?” The two pressed.




“We need you to vote. Are you in favor? Or…”


“Why does it matter? You two already decide the same thing.”


“Your vote is worth five times than ours.” Venous said before she drank the rest of the water in her glass.




“You’re the boss!” The two shouted simultaneously. They were annoyed because Aorta kept asking rhetorical question.


“If you say no then we’ll abort this mission. We can go ahead only with your approval.” Artery explained for the clueless Aorta.


“Because my vote is worth five times than yours?” He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. The other two nodded easily but very seriously. “Does it apply all the time?”


“Of course!”


“Then how come I always lose and the two of you always get away?”


“Because Venous is very persuasive and I… well, you have a very soft spot for me, so…”


Aorta blinked rapidly. All this time he thought that they were equal. Voting was always worth the same. Venous and Artery gave him this power without him realizing.


“Why are you so surprise? Look Aorta, when it comes to big decision, we rely on you because you’re our captain. We only get what we want in something trivial.” Venous stood up and brought her plate to the sink.


“So what do you say, captain?”


“I say… no.” He shook his head. “What we have now is amazing. I don’t want to risk it and cause a problem. Venous is right. We’ll hurt moms’ feeling because of this. They’re the best parents anyone could ask for. We don’t need to know. Curiosity is okay, Artery. I have thought about this briefly before but that’s that. I don’t think we should do anything about it. If moms talk about this then maybe we’ll know but if they never bring it up then we shall not question it.”


“Cool.” Artery nodded understandingly. “Case closed.”


“Deal.” Venous commented. She glanced at the clock then flicked her tongue. “Artery, you’re up for dishes today. Do it quickly so we can video call moms.”


“Wanna change schedule, Aorta?”


“I made that schedule. You’re doing it.”


Aorta left the plate on the table making Artery groaned.






Twelve years later.


Aorta cleared his throat and wet his lips before he started reading the card he held.


“Okay, I’ll begin. First question: When was your first date? With who? If you date in high school, why didn’t you tell us?” He chuckled and shook his head. “This must be momma’s question.” He looked at the camera. “My first date was… uhm, when I was a sophomore in high school. Her name is Yewon. I actually told mommy about this. Sorry mommy, this is the moment of truth. And I uh… I didn’t tell you, momma, because I was afraid you’d be angry with me. I know you are very protective because you love us so much but that time I really liked this girl and mommy said it’s okay, so…”


“Moving on to question number two: Will you still make me free food even when I am the richest person on earth? Yes, Artery, I will.” He put the card on the floor then rolled his eyes. “If your answer is yes, then please make me Kobe beef steak seasoned with your original recipe. I love you, big bro.” He narrowed his eyes to the camera. “Do you even have any idea how expensive that beef is?” He shook his head and went to the next card only to let out another sigh. “Promise is a promise,” he read. “That’s the third card. We agree on one person one card, Artery. You rebel, fine, I’ll cook it for you.”


“I swear if it’s you again, Artery…” He whispered to himself. “Oh. I know I have been a terrible sister for you and Artery…” Aorta frowned as he read further, “for that additional class after school, for always making both of you do whatever I want, for calling you at the most improper time when I was all alone in the States, I really am sorry. There’s a big chance I will keep doing it in the future.” Aorta laughed out loud at this part. “But I need you to know that I will never ask for other brothers (not that I can do that anyway). And I love you. I guess I have no question whatsoever to you. I know the answers to all my questions.” Aorta smiled. “Alright, Venous, I love you, too.”


“Now this one is the last.

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smilebyul #1
Chapter 10: This is too beautiful i am crying
575 streak #2
Chapter 33: 🌷🤍
randompersonhere1 #3
here i am cause i miss taeny
mieayambakar #4
Chapter 28: People always say this "When in love, u always blind to see other things".. By read this story, it make me think, if u want the relationship long lasting, talked whatever it is with ur love
Seeing tiffany at taeyeon's concert yesterday🥹..i miss them so much so here i am after finishing Home
taeloveny #6
Chapter 33: here i am,,
re reading this beautiful story all over again^^
pengsooshii #7
Chapter 33: I love this story😭 The writing is soo beautiful.
12345678_xx #8
Still my favorite
czankx #9
Chapter 33: I've been in AFF since 2013, and why just why did i find this story just now?! Uggh.. Everything is beautifully written it keeps me on my feet, i really like long TaeNy story with content.. This is just so good.. One of the best TaeNy stories ive read, definitely in my top ten
btcrules27 #10
Chapter 33: Wow. Just wow. 👏👏👏👏👏 I just literally said “wow” while literally clapping 👏👏👏👏👏 thank you 😭