Of Girlfriends and Girl Friends: Part Two

Never Ending

Miyoung breathed deeply, she honestly thought this couldn't happen any sooner. The two drawled words sounded like venom to her. She should have known the girl was coming tonight. This party was hers, but they still need to keep up political appearances. It was inevitable. Leana and Felia eyed the girl curiously, having never met her before. Eunji on the other hand looked ready to pounce on her prey; which in this case is the anonymous girl.


Miyoung turned to the girl, her platonic smile in place, "fancy seeing you here".


"Oh, I was just stopping by to say happy birthday, you seem to be enjoying your night", the girl eyed Miyoung and her friends, giving off a superior aura and never bothering to smile or look friendly, "please do continue, while it lasts anyway".

"Don't do something stupid, Haebin", Miyoung warned, keeping her calm facade. But she knew, she knew never to take light of what the woman said. It was a threat, and Miyoung knew that.


"I am hurt, how can you possibly think that I would do idiotic things tp ruin your night, cousin?" Haebin feigned hurt, placing a manicured hand over her chest to emphasize her words. Miyoung mutely scoffed, and placed her hands on her hips. "Oh, don't act like you don't know, Haebin, but mark my words, you're not going to do anything night. You wouldn't want my father to be disappointed in you, would you?"


Haebin glared at Miyoung, but as fast as it drew into her face, it was replaced by a mocking gaze, "well, I wouldn't be so worried, at least I'm not the one complaining, running to dear daddy all the time". Miyoung's eyes hardened, she did not just go there. Apparently, she did.


Haebin smirked victoriously when Miyoung didn't say anything. Fanning herself, she looked around, her voice dripping with malice, "whatever? This party is such a bore".


"I wonder why people even bother to attend", she mumbled in a dreamy, mocking tone. Miyoung rolled her eyes yet the smile persisted to stay on her lips, "because it's their choice? If you're here to waste my time with your incessant talking, I suggest you leave, Haebin. As I recall, you were never on the guest list to begin with". From other people's point of view, it would seem like two friends conversing a very interesting and light topic, but the moment you actually listen, you'd wonder what exactly had happened. And that, my dears, are what Veana and Felia were thinking.


"I wouldn't miss this for the world, you're turning twenty, too". Miyoung didn't get to say her thoughts as Haebin had started to leave, not even bothering to say anything else. Eunji growled, "that vixen, I really can't wait to get my hands on her skinny little neck! Forget age difference, she's so annoying!"


"Ignore her, Eunji. As long as she doesn't try to do anything, we'll be civil.. for now", Miyoung said, suggestively wiggling her eyebrows. Felia laughed at her gesture, "I like how you're thinking, I heard stuff about that Haebin, I don't like how sh's acting like that. I can't believe she's your cousin; you're both nothing alike!"


"Whatt kind of cousin does that anyway?" The girls looked at each other, "Lee Haebin".



"Naive little cousin", Lee Haebin smirked, sipping on her wine, She was standing alone, eyes never sitting quiet, always swerving here and there to look for a certain someone. Her search was halted to to a stop when she spotted her intended target. Choi Minho. He was talking to his four friends, Kibum, Jonghyun, Jinki and Taemin. She promptly made her way to him with purpose springing her step, her hips swayed smoothly, catching one too many attention.


"Minho oppa", she called, slowing to a stop in front of him. Minho smiled, it looked forced but she didn't mind it, wrapping her arms around his unoccupied arm, "Haebin noona! When did you arrive?"


"I just arrived, did I miss anything?" MInho gkanced at his friends, a silent plea of help. Kibum stepped up, "hello Haebin, nice of you to drop by".


"You know, you're older than Minho, I don't think calling him 'oppa' is appropriate, he's your dongsaeng", Jonghyun added, disgusted that she was his age, not to mention. Taemin rolled his eyes, "noona, you really need to stop pestering MInho hyung, he's apparently preoccupied with someone else already. ."


Haebin pretended to be oblivious,ignoring Taemin's last comment, "pestering? Am I pestering you, Minho? What do you mean 'preoccupied with someone else?'" Minho gently pushed her arms away, "sorry noona, I'm with Miyoung now". He tried to think of a more gentle way to break it up to her but he knew he had to be blunt. Haebin looked hurt and close to tears, "Miyoung? Are you serious?"


Miho looked around, "look, noona, let's talk outside, okay? Don't cause a scene". Jinki and the others nodded to him, mouthing that they will cover for him at the mean time. Haebin nodded, "alright". inside, she was cheering loudly. Her plan was going great.


The tall man ushered her out of the ballroom to a secluded hall and turned to look at the older woman, "noona, I don't know how you feel about me, but I really love Miyoung, please don't... Please stop whatever you're doing, noona. I mean it, I've always only looked at you as a respectable and amazing friend, you're always there whenever I needed a girl friend to talk to and care for me like the older sister I never had, noona". He stood a respectable amount of feet away from her, not trusting her to keep her hands to herself.


What? This.. This was not what she expected to happen! He- no! Haebin fought back from bursting out.


"I can never look at you as something more than a friend, or a sibling. Please understand that, Haebin noona", Minho explained, "it's been like that ever since we met, I thought you would understand when I actually started telling you that I liked MIyoung".


"Why? Why do you like her? Why do you love her? Tell me why!" Haebin stiffened her stance, anger seething out of her. "It's always her, everyone adores her, what about me? Why can't I have the spotlight for once?"


"Noona", Minho trailed off, softening up. He knew she was insecure of herself. That was the only reason she was like this, He took a step forward but didn't do anything else. "You know that not everyone is perfect, so is MIyoung, ao are you, but my feelings have nothing to do with that, I just... In someone else's eyes, you're always in hhe spotlight, you just need to let him show up, and forget about me".


Haebin stared at him with glassy eyes, her tears threatening to spill at every blink she made. "I'm sorry noona, I have to go". Without waiting for a response, MInho fled the scene. Haebin bit her lip in pure frustration as she was left alone.


"You know, what Minho said was true", someone said softly, his voice startling Haebin. She turned around to face the man, not bothering to dab at her tears or aything, "Jinki sunbae? W-what are you doing here? How long were you standing there?"


"Why don't you come back inside, Haebin-ah?" Onew said instead, his voice gentle and soothing. He walked closer to her. Haebin only stood still as he neared, snifling. "S-sunbae", Haebin choked out, throwing her arms around his waist as he stopped in front of her.


"Come, let's get inside, abeonim wanted to talk to you about something", Jinki said. He leaned back to clear out the tears on Haebin's face before taking her hand in his, "let's go?" Haebin sniffed and gave a nod.




Eunji grinned widely at the scree, "last night was awesome! Besides Haebin showing up, of course.”


“Yeah, but all that dancing and drinking got me sore all over and this headache won’t go away”, Miyoung groaned, she honestly thought this couldn't get any worse. She and the girls had ditched the party right after the cake was served and there was barely any guests left. It was around 11:00pm by that time. When the boys would ask where they were going, all they got was, “girls night out!” They knew not to say anything against it.


The girls weren’t home until it was well into the wee hours of the morning.


Currently, our lovely Shin mistress was curled up in her bed Skyping the girls. The curtains were drawn and the air conditioner was at full blast. A maid had brought up her favorite snacks, aspirin and tea to calm her headache and pretty much left her alone. Felia was texting someone, as shown on the screen where Felia’s face should show up. “Tell me about it! Hey, I got something for you, so why do’t all of you head to my house later at lunch?”


“Can’t it wait till tomorrow? I’m so tired”, Leana whined. Everyone was apparently still in their beds yet it’s already ten in the morning. “We have classes tomorrow, don’t we? It can’t wait till tomorrow”, Felia reasoned, “and I know you’ll love it!”

“I might be a bit late for that, Chunhee oppa wanted to see me for a bit”, Eunji said, “which reminds me, I have to get ready, see you girls later!” Her window turned black and they knew she was offline. “What do you say Miyoung-ah? Will you come later?” Felia said to her next.

“Of course, when this headache clears up properly”, the girl said. “Alright! I’ll go get ready then, Leana, you too! Bye girls”, and with a wave, Felia went offline. MIyoung shook her head, “bye Leana, seems like we have to get ready as well”.


“Bye Mi”, she said curtly, Miyoung waved it off. The girl was known for getting grumpy from a hangover anyway. She placed her laptop aside and sat at the edge of her bed, stretching and working the soreness out of her. She drank a little of the warm tea and munched on the snacks, filling her empty stomache before taking a shower, aspirin forgotten. The cold shower jumped her back into sense and made her feel more refreshed. Even the headache had subsided at one point.

Since she was getting ready to meet the girls at Felia’s, she decided to wear something simple, looking like she was ready to head out and shop any minute now and still look like she was planning to stay home all day. It consisted of le pink singlet, wool overshirt that she could take off as soon as she reached Felia’s and white jeans that was rolled up at the ends neatly, To complete the look she only had on brown loafers. She was feeling lazy anyway. The girls most probably wouldn’t mind, too. Miyoung blow dried her hair and combed through her dark tresses, going back into her room and cleaned up what mess she could before taking the tray of tea and snacks back into the kitchen. The maids were quick to usher her out and do their work. Miyoung made a point to eat the aspirin before anything. She sighed and trudged to the dining room, a maid serving ball-like doughnuts and warm milk, the girl had a sweet tooth and everyone knew that fact. No one could deny that her daily intake of sweets were worrisome, but her healthy phisique and medical checkups every half a year showed no signs for plummeting to any illness.


“Where is father and mother?” The maid that was just about to leave stopped in her tracks, turning to the girl and bowing slightly, “Master and Lady Shin left to have breakfast outside, is there anything else, Miyoung-ssi?”


Miyoung gave a nod and offered a smile, “I will be out to Felia’s for lunch and I might stay there until dinner time. Tell that to father and mother when they return”.


The maid nodded and left the dining room to continue with her duties. MIyoung was left to finish the sweets alone. As she recounted last night's events, her face turned to different dark shades of red.. "I'm Choi Minho's girlfriend?!"

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Chapter 7: Waaah, I know it's been a very long time since this was updated, but this was so enjoyable to read! I would love to see what happens with the Teen Top boys if you ever continue writing this, hehwe.