Shin Miyoung

Never Ending


"How did you end up bringing Shin Gyo Suk's only daughter to HQ?" CAP, or Bang Min Soo, asked L.Joe. You and Chunji had just left a few minutes ago.


"I bumped into her, one of them saw and I didn't want her to be collateral damage, didn't realize she'd be some hot shot", L.Joe said easily, maintaining his monotonous voice.


"She's pretty", Niel commented, not looking up from the laptop still.


"Yeah, I agree with Niel hyung, if I can't have her I wonder if she has friends I could hook up with", Ricky voiced out cheerily.


Niel scoffed and trew a sift cushion at Ricky, "as if".


"Are you saying I can't get some? Hyung, I'm not the one stuck to the laptop and being a nerd 24/7", Ricky growled.


"At least I have brains and are using them, you idiot", Niel shot back, swatting Ricky away when he tried hitting him with a cushion of his own.


"Whatever it is, now she's our business, especially since she has ties with Chunji and Beast saw you interact", CAP said.


L.Joe bore his eyes into the doors that you and Chunji used to leave, "hn". This will be very interesting, L.Joe thought to himself.


"Niel, get information on Shin Mi Young, I want it by tonight", CAP continued, making his way out the door.


"Shin Mi Young's data coming right up", Niel said sarcastically, getting up with his laptop in hand. "See you guys later", and he too, left the premises.


Not a few minutes later, Changjo entered the room, "where'd everyone go?"


"You just missed them", Ricky laughed, standing up and walking to the maknae, "gotta go, finally got some field work!"


"I'll come with", Changjo invited himself, oddly. He turned to L.Joe, "what about you, hyung?"


"I'm sticking around, there's something I need to discuss with CAP hyung", L.Joe said.


"Suit yourself", Changjo and Ricky quickly left after that.






"Niel?" CAP called out just as the door clicked open and Niel stepped in.


"Got 'em babies right here", Niel waved two thick envelope and wiggled his eyebrows, placing it on CAP's desk. He sat at one of the available chairs. L.Joe and Chunji were already seated in the room as well. The only missing people were Changjo and Ricky, apparently still not back from the field work earlier.


CAP ignored the disturbing sight and tugged one of the yellow envelopes closer, unsealing it and pulling out its contents. There was a mini album of pictures and some disks labeled with various titles. He opened the other envelope and revealed a folder.


"What's all that?" "Shin Mi Young's profile", CAP answered easily. "What're you doing with her stuff? It's private!" Chunji growled, getting in his offensive mode. L.Joe raised a brow at the scene, Chunji was ever rarely like this. There must be something you had on him to make him react like that. That's just an assumption though.


"Relax, I only went through the basic things", Niel tutted, passing L.Joe and Chunji a copy of the file CAP just received.


Chunji flipped the file open and read through it quickly, slowly calming himself down when he deemed the file as acceptable. He looked up at CAP, "why do you want information on her?"


"In case something happens, the Shin family do not really have enemies and we're somewhat putting your friend in danger thanks to L.Joe here. We're up against Beast so she needs all the protection she needs, doesn't she?" CAP explained, his eyes taking in the information served before him.


L.Joe had been silent the whole time, not particularly reading your records, he was truthfully staring at your pictures. Even if he saw you in the flesh a few hours prior, he couldn't help feel captivated by your looks again. He would admit you were pretty, beautiful and cute even. He just doesn't express anything he thinks, nor did he have any sort of friendship with you to know your true self. If CAP had Niel search your records, he was going to need to start finding a way to talk to you to keep the awkwardness away, he may not seem like it, but he can never stand awkward situations. He could handle girls on their periods or whatever, but not that.


Neil on the other hand had read through the files as he sorted the data so he was silently watching his friends read. Chunji placed his copy of the file face down on the coffee table, "I know about all this, what are we going to do exactly?"


"Yet to be decided, update Ricky and Changjo about this as well, and don't forget to attend the event tomorrow, we'll need a reason to be in contact with her", CAP said, keeping all of the files he had in a safe place before all of them stood up, "see you guys tomorrow, I'm turning in for the night".






"How deep did you dig on her?" Chunji asked, a threat behind his calm and collected posture and tone.


Niel placed his prototype gadgets on an empty table near him and turned around to face his expected visitor, Lee Chun Hee. "Hello there blondie, didn't expect to see you down here, whaddya need?"


"Don't play clueless, how much do you know, geek?" Chunji rolled his eyes, travelling deeper into the vast room where his friend was holing up inside even when it was cornering midnight.


"Deep enough, and I know enough of what she went through, I won't tell a soul", Niel finally said. "She's a very interesting woman".


"And she's off limits, can you search about SHINee for me? The five guy group, especially that Choi Minho, think there's something fishy about him", Chunji requested, staring at the blueprints of the new things Niel was working on.


"More digging, yay me", Niel cheered sarcastically,"you know, I should really get extra for all this digging up, my prototypes need to be tested and I haven't even started on it at all".


Chunji rolled his eyes, "drama queen, get an assistant if you're so desperate to finish it quickly".


"When the perfect person comes", Niel sighed. "My babies aren't toys that are easily tweaked, you know".


"Later", Chunji waved, leaving Neil to his own devices.

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Chapter 7: Waaah, I know it's been a very long time since this was updated, but this was so enjoyable to read! I would love to see what happens with the Teen Top boys if you ever continue writing this, hehwe.