Teen Top

Never Ending

"Hey Miyoungie, let's grab something to eat first, I'm starving", Kim Eun Ji, your best friend, suggested. "Alright, but seriously, didn't you eat before meeting up with me?" You agreed, changing the direction you were walking to.


"I don't know if you called having salad as 'eating', you know how much I eat in a day- oooh, let's go check that store out later", Eun Ji pointed to a store across the street excitedly. You nod. "And do you know if there's a theme for the party? I don't want us to be looking like sore thumbs tomorrow".


You shook your head at your friend, "no, appa said there's no theme, so don't worry about that- oof!"


"Cool, because there's this dress that I know would look good on you-" Eun Ji continued, walking ahead and not realizing that you were lagging.


"Are you okay?" The person you bumped into asked, holding you by the elbows an arm's length away from his body.


"Ah, y-yes", you stuttered, momentarily shocked.

"Yah! Bastard! I got you now!" Someone shouted, you looked up to the source of shouting when the guy randomly pulled you into a car.


"Hey! Why did you do that?!" You exclaimed, glaring at the man next to you, your sore wrist tucked close to your chest. The car started moving.


You realized that Eun Ji wasn't with you and you slightly panicked, a panicked Eun Ji was never good news.






"Miyoungie? Why are you so quiet- Miyoung? Miyoung!" Eun Ji turned around to see you weren't there. She started to become a little worried and started retracing her steps, calling out your name and tiptoeing in hopes of seeing you.

Eun Ji even asked around but her search bore no fruit. It's been half an hour and you didn't even pick up your phone.


"Where did she go?" She asked herself, pulling out her cellphone in panic. Numbers were punched in before Eun Ji brought the phone to her ear, not a second later, the line connected, "oppa! Help me!"






"M-Miyoung-ah", you heard Chunji say, your eyes landed on his and you gasped, "oppa? Wh-what?"


"Hyung, you know her?"


"Yah, why is she here, L.Joe?" Chunji stood up from the couch and walked over to you, inspecting your body, "you're not hurt, right? What happened? Eun Ji called me and panicked, I was just going to look for you".


"I'm fine, I- Eun Ji!" You quickly grabbed your phone and realized how many missed calls there was from said girl. You were about to call her back but Chunji stopped you, "she's fine, I sent a chauffeur to send her home".


You sighed, "at least she's okay". Your posture relaxed some and you turned your attention to other four men in the room. "Sorry for intruding, I'm Shin Mi Young", you slightly bowed your head, hiding your face for a second. The men nodded and gave you ther own greeting, though they didn't say a word. You were used to it, though.


You noted that one incredibly tall man was sitting at the farthest from you, the chair angled to face everyone. He was busy with something in his laptop but he was able to catch what you said and threw a charming smile.


The one next to him looked like the youngest, though you sensed that he wasn't but you brushed it off. He was obviously interested and very curious of you.


L.Joe was leaning against the armrest on the opposite couch, studying you with his piercing eyes. You remembered why you were here in the first place. You really felt like scowling but thought against it.


The man who had been eerily silent ever since you entered the room regarded you with his eyes, his expression was very serious but his eyes betrayed the amusement he was feeling.


Chunji sheepishly smiled and introduced the men to you, "Miyoung-ah, these are my friends and colleagues, Niel, Ricky, L.Joe and CAP hyung".


You blinked. You've heard of them before! There's no doubt! The only thing is you had no idea where.


"Miyoung-ssi, are you single?" Ricky asked, grinning at Chunji's glare. You naively nodded your head, "will all of you be coming tomorrow evening with Chunji oppa?"


All of them, to your surprise, looked over to CAP. He nodded, "sure, it's your company's anniversary, we'll be honored to attend". The man smiled, this time it reached his eyes.


"That's wonderful! I'll look forward to meeting all of you formally tomorrow", you chirped, eyes sparkling. CAP nodded as well, "as do we".


You turned to Chunji at that point, "Chunji oppa can you drive me to Eun Ji's? I still have to go shopping for a dress with her".


Chunji nodded and waved to his friends before waiting for you at the door, "dresses, right, no event without a new dress for you two, see you guys later".

You rolled your eyes, flashing a charming smile to the four men, "see you tomorrow, everyone".


As soon as you turned around and walked away with Chunji, he started ranting, "why do you have to get a dress a day before the event anyway? It's so troublesome, don't you find it very frustrating? And who will you bring as a date? I bet it's that Minho guy you like so much..."

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Chapter 7: Waaah, I know it's been a very long time since this was updated, but this was so enjoyable to read! I would love to see what happens with the Teen Top boys if you ever continue writing this, hehwe.