Of Girlfriends and Girl Friends; Part One.

Never Ending


The musicians performing earlier that night stepped down from the stage, taking their well deserved break. You were at the foot of the small set of stairs leading to the said stage with Minho, clueless. When the stage was cleared off, the MC stepped out to stand behind the podium and adjusted his microphone for a minute. "That was a lovely performance by SM Orchestra, accompanying us since the beginning of the night. Ladies and gentlemen. As you're all enjoying the night, please welcome our very own Choi Minho with a song specially for Shin Miyoung", the MC's voice boomed into the speakers, catching the attention of interested parties.  You looked at the man beside you, surprise and curiousity gracing your innocent expression, "Minho oppa?"


He nodded and leaned in to whisper to you cheekily, "be sure to listen, it's just for you, Miyoung-ah". You blushed and nodded, lost for words. How could you not? Your all time crush had just went and said that! And he made a song for you? That's just another great thing! You knew he was a sports freak but his music skills are amazing, you especially couldn't wait for his rap parts, those were your favorite parts in all of his composed songs. The short, and fast notes of words somehow stringing together yet still making sense to the audience and still able to send over the deep messages they intended to convey. Just the thought of it brings tingles down your spine.


You unconsciously held your breath as the first few beats of the song played out through the massive speakers. Your attention was solely focused on Minho as he looked at you at the corner of his eyes, his tongue shyly flicking out to wet his dry lips. 


First time I saw you, damn, thought I couldn't stop,

Wanted you by my side,

No I didn't wanna let you go,

Been keeping it in my heart,

For a long while, yup,

but I'm too afraid to try.


Girl you got that beautiful, long black hair,

So beautiful and so damn rare,

Your eyes, nose, lips? Man,

They're a masterpiece of God,

Makes me forget how to breathe (every time)

Your charming laugh, they're music to my ears,

But that's not all you got, yeah (Don't we all know that?)


You blinked, cupping your face to hide away the fact that your jaws slacked. Was this reality? Is this actually happening right now? To you? This must be a dream! If it was, you'll never want to wake up from this slumber ever. Minho was making his way towards you as he paused between verses, never losing eye contact with you. He stood close to you as he stopped walking and smiled, the microphone brought to his lips again.


Girl I ain't gonna lie,

You're so perfect to my eyes,

You're so beautiful , you're so fine girl,

Caught me by surprise,

Would really love to make you mine.


'Make you mine' huh? Don't worry oppa, I'm all yours, you thought shamelessly, blushing at the erted meaning of that statement. Minho sang the lines in a very seductive tone, too so he wasn't helping in any way at all. He lifted a hand to your face and grazed your face with the back of his hand lightly, making you feel more more aware of the proximity of your closeness. You suddenly wondered if there were underage children present. All this mushy lines are so going to make them annoy their parents to answer what Minho meant and some other outrageous questions that kids could think of from this song itself. Minho moved his hand to trace down to your arm and end up holding your hand.


Get ready set let's go,

I'm ready to make you mine,

Now at your doorstep,

Ready to give you my heart,

But then a guys gets the door,

All that came to me was,

"damn I was too late" right

But you were right there saying

"Hey oppa let's meet my best friend" Hi


Well that's over now,

It's now or never,

Not gonna back out now,

I'm already yours,

So will you be mine?

Pretty please with cherries on top?

Seriously can't believe I said that aloud


You let out a laugh, you remembered the scene very well. The thing was, it was way back when! So doesn't mean he's been having feelings for you since then? Oh my, what a situation. Minho had let go of your hand by then, making gestures with his hands, being goofy as he rapped.


Right here, everyone's looking me,

Wondering if I'm a lovesick pup,

But I only got my eyes on you,

Though I can't blame them cause it's true,

Nothing's going to stop me now cause I'm on a roll!


Hey yeah I'm trapped,

Trapped in this cage you call L-O-V-E -love,

You got me wrapped around your finger,

Just a snap of your fingers and I'll be there,

But I doubt you know that anyway,

What did you do to me?

What'd you do to me, Miyoung-ah?


First time I saw you, damn, thought I couldn't stop,

Wanted you by my side,

No don't wanna let you go,

Been keeping it in my heart,

For a long while, yup,

but I'm too afraid to try. 


Well that's over now,

It's now or never,

Not gonna back out now,

I'm already yours,

So will you be mine?


Slowly towards the end, Minho made his way back to you and held your hands as he spoke the lines. The music faded in the background and you were once again captivated by his intense gaze. The crowd was applauding, making you barely hear Minho's  softspoken question, "so what do you say, Miyoung-ah? Will you be my girlfriend?"


You hesitated, calming your nerves. The crowd had settled down as well, awaiting your response. You smiled before nodding, "yes, I'll be your girlfriend, oppa".


"Yes!" Minho cheered, pulling you into a hug. You laughed at the childish act, the crowd cheering alongside Minho.






In the middle of the chattering crowd, seated at a table with only girls, Miyoung smiled. "Were you surprised? It's like, the highlight of tonight!" Eunji cheered, "I knew he was going to perform- but a confession?! Miyoung, you're so lucky today".


The two of them were pulled aside from the company of the guys by her closest friends in university to have more girl talks. She had to agree, she had been somewhat neglecting her friends for over a month now because of tonight and she was certainly going to make up for it at a certain degree.


"It was so romantic, not even Doojoon oppa can compare", Leana said, referring to her boyfriend. The man always looked cold and unreachable, but he was a real sweetheart when you get close to him. Of course, no one of the four has met him directly besides Leana herself. "Or Minwoo oppa for that, but he's still my brother", Felia chimed. All of the girls laughed and agreed, talking more and more about the past month everyone was too busy preparing for their exams and also for tonight.


Leana was a very shy girl but the moment Miyoung and Eunji cracked her the first month they met as freshmen, she became a lively and daring girl. No longer was she pushed around by bullies of any sort. During that time, Doojoon was already her boyfriend. The change was a good thing, too for Doojoon was one who can't stand bullies. Funny, because he was a bully himself back in his days in school.


Felia was a spoiled little sister, but individually, she was a strong girl and very smart too. Who else would she be if not the role model for the whole campus and the valedictorian of her year? Minwoo is her one and only brother and news spread fast, earning her quite the unneeded attention. Was she just as what Minwoo acts like? Or is she the total opposite of him? Well, obviously it was the latter. No one can compare to the two powerful siblings, they really excel in whatever they do in life. Quite literally.


"Girls, they're all different in their unique way, isn't that why you love them? Don't tell me you fell for Minho oppa too!" The girls laughed. It has just been barely an hour and Miyoung was already acting possessive of her newly attained boyfriend.


"As if, dear, he's all yours. I think he made that pretty clear during his performance." Miyoung blushed brightly.


"Did any of you record the whole thing?" No one nodded, they were too immersed in listening to Minho's voice and watching Miyoung's reaction to even think of recording it.


"Maybe, well anyway, that's not the-" "Hello, friend."




Sorry for the late update, I had problems with the text and I had fo redo everything! I'm juggling this with my exams, wth three days left to go. But I'll surely see you on the next update.


Anyway, did you like the song? I wrote it myself with a little lines used from somewhere, someone. Why don't you guys which line belongs to what song and who it came from? Think of it as something to do while you wait for the next update.




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Chapter 7: Waaah, I know it's been a very long time since this was updated, but this was so enjoyable to read! I would love to see what happens with the Teen Top boys if you ever continue writing this, hehwe.