Shin Corp.'s 22nd Anniversary Dinner... Or Not?

Never Ending


We humbly invite you to our company's 22nd Anniversary Dinner event on May 21st, 2004. Held at Suam Arts Centre's Ballroom from 6:00pm to 10:00pm.



-is what was drafted when Miyoung saw it before the distribution. However, the invitation that was really sent to the expecting guests were actually-



We humbly invite you to Shin Miyoung's upcoming 20th birthday on the 21st of May, 2004. The event will take place as follows;-


Venue: Ballroom, Suam Arts Centre.

Time: 8:00pm to 10:00pm.

Date: 21st May, 2004.


We appreciate your attendance, and hope to hear from you soon.


Yours truly, Shin Gyo Suk & Shin Ju Nam.



It was planned by Eun Ji; Chunji and some others helped but the idea was from your father.


He had originally wanted to do this earlier on your sweet sixteenth birthday but he hadn't wanted you to be pulled into his world of business at the of your teenage years. Now that you were twenty, he thought that the time was better and the world would see it as a 'coming out' party. Suitors would probably be knocking on your doorstep very soon, but Shin Gyo Suk knew that marriage was a choice he would never take away from you. Ever.


He called Eun Ji and your mother to help plan it all around Christmas the previous year. Eun Ji was brilliantly shocked, she had always thought your father was a man who only thought of work day in, day out. It took her quite a while to get used to it, but she was happy your dad was indeed a soft man at heart.


One thing she knew, you were going to love this surprise.


The decorations and invitations were all covered, replies had been received just a month before, now it was only for the real gig to go down. Everyone had caught on the surprise and they always implied the event as 'Shin Corp.'s 22nd Anniversary' near you, no one managed to slip out the surprise, thankfully.


Guests were gathering at the prestigious art centre and were waiting for the real important person of the day to arrive, you.






You didn't want to be late but Eun Ji kept lagging and made you wait for her to finish fixing you up. You didn't understand why you couldn't leave with Minho, your date for the event and wait her there instead of going alone. Even Eun Ji was with Chunji. Or why you had to wear a dress more 'eye catching' than anyone as Eun Ji mentioned.


"Alright I'm done", said Eun Ji, she stepped away from you with a very satisfied grin.


You took a deep breath and walked to view yourself in the mirror and smiled, "thanks Eun Ji, you work like magic!"


"I know, I know, just call me your fairy godsister and we're all good", Eun Ji laughed, "but let's hurry now, everyone's going to adore you". "Oppa, get the car ready!" Eun Ji said from across the hall, getting Chunji's attention.






"Where's Miyoung?" Your mother asked, almost all of the guests have arrived, Eun Ji and Chunji had just slipped inside wearing cheeky grins.


"She's here", Chunji told. "And she looks gorgeous", Eun Ji added.






"My lady", Minho grinned, extending his arm for you to hook yours with. "Sir", you addressed him, giggling.


"You look stunning", your long time crush complimented, "happy birthday".


"Thank you", and the two of you walked steadily to the ballroom. You were talking about what you were going to once you're out of university animatedly with Minho occasionally giving some ideas to help. One of the security men guarding the door whispered to his walkie while you passed him and you heard an announcement being made from inside the ballroom. The double doors opened as you and Minho entered.


You realized quite a few things; one, everyone was looking at you, clapping. You saw your parents standing with Eun Ji and Chunji, watching you from their table near the stage. Minho ushered you to continue walking to your designated table when everyone started singing the happy birthday song. You walked by with a huge smile, you felt so touched, and embarrassed. As soon as you reached your table, the song ended and everyone was cheering for you.


There was loud chattering now, everyone talking just about you. You were so beautiful and simply stunning in the dress that Eun Ji had made you wear. “You look beautiful, child”, says your father. You blushed, “thank you, appa”. Your father patted your shoulder and promptly took up the stage when it was time for his speech, smiling to the audience.


"May I have your attention, everyone?" Your father said into the microphone. The guests quickly settled down, seated and giving him their attention, leaving you to sit down with your friends, Minho not leaving your side. You noticed the rest of Minho's closest friends sitting at a table nearby. They waved hello.


“Did you like the surprise?” Chunji whispered, leaning closer to your left slightly. You nodded happily, “very much”. “You better, this is your father’s idea after all”, your mother smiled warmly across you. “Really?” Your eyes widened, Appa...? “Yeah, and we helped, there's more”, Eun Ji added. You looked at the stage where your father stood, amazed. It was all his idea?


"Thank you, thank you everyone for coming here. I know that today is the Shin Corporation's Anniversary, the 22nd in fact, but this day was also the day were my one and only beautiful daughter, Shin Miyoung was born to my wife and I". He eyed all of the guests, his gaze lingered on you and your mother, you could feel the love that he felt and you somehow start to understand why your father had always worked hard, it was all for you.


You felt a hand squeeze yours and looked to your right, Minho was there to smile back. You rolled your eyes. "She was a miracle, our miracle. We were so happy to know that we have a child in our family. In the hardships to building my company, she was given to us and it was the one thought that pushed us to where we are today", your father continued.


"But it was all for our Miyoung, we could not have done it without her". "There's so many things that I would like to say, but it seems like time would not allow me. Enough said, it has been twenty years since she has graced us with her lovely presence, our Miyoung. I hope you know how special you are to me and your mother", your father smiled. "Thank you dear and happy birthday".


Took the name Suam Arts Centre from Boys Over Flowers, not sure if it's a real place.. Thank for subscribing guys! It really keeps me going ^-^ See you on the next chapter, that might take a while because my finals are right around the corner.

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Chapter 7: Waaah, I know it's been a very long time since this was updated, but this was so enjoyable to read! I would love to see what happens with the Teen Top boys if you ever continue writing this, hehwe.