Chapter 6

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Short update. I hope you enjoy this.


Minji POV


I put my headset and heard carefully the song that Mino gave me. I looked around and see how glamour people here. Well, I don’t think I really suit to be here. Most of people wear heels and here I am wearing sneakers.

“Minji!” Finally she comes. I am getting tired of waiting for her here with people looked at me weirdly. Well, it’s not like I care about that.

“Unnie, this is the camera that you want,” I said to Chaerin unnie who just came. Today she attended fashion show here, she forgot to bring her camera so she wanted to borrow mine since my house well actually Jungkook’s house is near.

“Thanks Minji. You really help me a lot. Don’t you want to come in?” Chaerin unnie asked then I just shook my head.

“Nah. I’ll pass. I am standing here waiting for you is enough to tell me that I am not suited to be here,” I said and make her laugh.

“You are suited to be anywhere you want, Minji,” Chaerin unnie said. Well, she is the most confident girl that I’ve known in this world, so I am not surprised that she thinks that way. But I am not like her. Speak of suited, I looked at a girl who looked unsuited for this fashion show. She wore many layer and hat and glasses. Although I am not a fashionable girl I could tell that she looked strange. Well, who am I to judge her.

“Come on Minji, let’s come in. I’ll give the camera to you later after this show finish and I’ll take the memory,” Chaerin unnie said.

“You are just being lazy to bring my camera back, right?” I said and made Chaerin unnie laughed and nodded.

“In exchange I’ll give you FT Island’s ticket concert. You want to know about that band better to write lyrics right?”

Well, it’s not like I need it, but since I am here, I should just see how other world enjoy their life.

“A cup of coffee is fine,” I said then make Chairin unnie nodded in agreement.



“Excuse me,” said a weird girl that I saw earlier. She walked through people to her seat, I guess. When she walked pass me, she stopped and freeze when she saw me. I am not sure why. I have heard somewhere before that I have scary face but I don’t know that I can make a weird girl stopped and looked at me weirdly. Wait. I know her.

“Seungyeon-ssi?” I asked. She covered her face then continue to walk to her seat. I kept looking at her back until she finally sat not far from me.

“Is that Seungyeon unnie?” Chaerin unnie asked me.

“I think so,” I said then looked at my booklet.

“It must be so hard to her,” she said and looked at her booklet again.

“What’s so hard?”

“Don’t you know anything? I think you are her housemate,” Chaerin unnie said. Well, she knew everything about my current condition. She is my best friend since we were in high school. He knew everything about me, about Seungyoon, Mino, ang my housemates.

“It’s not like I talk friendly to them,” I said and just made her laugh.

“Hey, Minji, Mino has forgave you, right?” Right. But he is not my reason of my current condition. It’s right that when Mino blamed me it made me realize that indeed Seungyoon’s accidents is my fault. But when Mino forgave me it didn’t mean that I didn’t contribute to Seungyoon’s death.

“You know, that her creation was stolen,” Chaerin unnie said.

“What?” I asked since I didn’t hear clearly what she said earlier.

“Seungyeon’s creation was stolen. Well, everyone knows that those are her creation,” Chaerin unnie said and pointed at the booklet. I looked again in booklet and it reminded me to her clothes and how she always lend her clothes to Baro.

“If everyone knows, then why?”

“You know what, both of you and me know this really well. We worked in creative industry. There is no parameter how good and bad is. And there is no any standard if that was yours. At least you named it as yours. Sometimes you will create something from other people work and you can get away easily and said it as your inspiration. And the thing is Seungyeon is not a big or a famous designer. No one besides her colleague know about her creation. This could be her change to make her signature to her works. I bet it will be difficult for her in the future, because her next creation will

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Chapter 7: Me: Hehehehe here again I am..
Author: what for?
Me: just want you know, I'm still waiting.. Kkkkkk ^,~
Don't delete this fanfic, pleaaaase. Once again, don't think about it. Don't you dare.
Just take your time as much as you want.
*sorry English is not my 1st language *
BisaBacaTapiGakBisaNulis T,T
hailey7349 #2
Chapter 6: Thanks so much for the update. Awesome writing as usual. Will be waiting for more
Nurindri #3
Chapter 6: Yeay,,update...!
Thank you soooo much author for update the story!!!
can not wait for other interactions between them and other problems ...! continue your great working author!!!!

Waiting for the next chapter!!
Nurindri #4
Chapter 6: Yeay,,update...!
Thank you soooo much author for update the story!!!
can not wait for other interactions between them and other problems ...! continue your great working author!!!!

Waiting for the next chapter!!
Nurindri #5
Chapter 5:!
I like this story
Chapter 5: Cool story... Can't wait for next chapter :)...
Chapter 5: can u be my omma to minji-ah hahaha
vivivivr #8
Chapter 5: yay update! uh uh is minji ready to open herself up? haha anyway, i suggest to use 1 pov per chapter (or use 3rd pov) because it's confusing for me. and i'm excited for ft island's comeback!!!
vivivivr #9
Chapter 4: uwaaah, i just found this story hihi. you are so good. i feel all the character.
are you gong minji? XD