Chapter 4

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{a/n} another short update. I am really sorry T.T I'll try to write and finish my stories between my tight schedule.

Seolhyun POV

I walked back from groceries to house when I met Jungkook talked with his friends. Thet are all girls. Well, he is pretty don juan, well, actually don juan wanna be. I bet he just tried to flirt them. I walked while eat my ice cream and decided to ignore them.

“Trust me. Artists leave in my house. Lee Hongki! Why don’t you believe me?” Jungkook said. I can hear clearly he talked, half yelled, to the girls. The girls just giggled.

“Jungkook!” someone called him. I looked at the source of voice. I could see Minji unnie walked to the crowded. “Help Hongki-ssi,” Minji unnie whispered to me when she walked pass me. I looked back and see Hongki-ssi stood behind the electric poles. I looked at Minji unnie who hold Jungkook’s shoulder, then looked back at Hongki who signaling me to come to him.

“Could you please bring my guitar case? It’s a bit suspicious if a man walked with guitar case,” he said.

“Why did you go home with Minji unnie?” I asked while squinted my eyes.

“Damn. I live with another person who know me,” he mumbled loud enough to me to hear.

“FYI. I don’t care who you are. I am aware of your band renowned. Your band is player, isn’t it? Will you hurt Minji unnie?” I said and cross my arms.

“Hah? Is it about Minji?” I nodded proudly.

“Are you her bodyguard or something?”

“I am her fan,” i said and suddenly his expression change.

“Her fan? Is she famous?” he asked and made me laugh. Suddenly he covered my mouth and dragged me to hide behind the pole. It made my ice cream fall down from my grab.

“Yah! Don’t be so loud or your idol’s attempt to save me will be failed,” he whispered. I nodded my head and understand about what he meant. He released me and I pouted when I looked at my ice cream.

“I lose my ice cream,” I said.

“I’ll buy it for you later. Help me to get out from them first. Although I didn’t know why Minji-ssi asked me to aware of them. It’s not like they knew me,” he said and looked at the group.

“She knew?” I asked while widened my eyes. It’s really amazing. How can Minji unnie knew that they were talking about Hongki when she couldn’t hear them? So she really could describe about people in her book not only because she writes well, but because she really knew.

“You believe in her?” I asked again.

“Well, she read everything in her surrounding like a book. So yeah. By the way, let’s go out from here and let’s talk about your idol?” he said. I squinted my eyes again while feeling supicious.

“Why do you want to know about her?” he rolled her eyes. He showed me a bundled of paper that he held from the beginning.

“She would write a song for my band to this drama. I just came back from work with her since both of us work together. I don’t want to know about your idol. I just want to know about your idol’s work. I just knew that she is a writer today,” Hongki-ssi said.  Minji unnie writes a song? She is fiction writer, and she will write song?

“Give me that guitar. I will walked first, and you can sneakily walk later behind tall grass,” I said. He smirked then give me his guitar. When I walk pass the group I can see Jungkook frowned while the girls laugh happily. So Minji unnie. She has pretty smile.


5 minutes before Minji POV

I looked at jungkook who talked with a bunch of girls. I looked at how desperate Jungkook’s expression and how’s the girls laughed at him. From a far, I looked Seolhyun who looked at Jungkook when she walked pass them. They must talking about something.

“Hongki-ssi. They must know about you. Be aware. I’ll tell Seolhyun to help you,” I said and leave him before he could say anything.

“Jungkook,” I called Jungkook when I am sure Hongki had hidden. Jungkook looked at me weirdly. I couldn’t blame him. We haven’t met before. I just knew him by the name and picture from his house. “Help, Hongki-ssi,” I whispered to her. I didn’t want Hongki be in trouble when he was worked with me in a project.

“Why are you still here? It’s night already, let’s go back home,” I said. He frowned and looked a bit panic. Seems he nervous if I said we lived at the same house. Wait, it’s a bit weird. I think he wanted to show off about Hongki lived in his place. Then, living with stranger is normal, right? After all Hongki is stranger for him.

“Hey, Imo and Samchon asked me to visit you,” I said and made his eye widened. Seems, I am right, he didn’t wanted me to say that I rent room in his house.

“You are his cousin?” a girl asked to me. I nodded while place my hand on Jungkook’s shoulder.

“is it true that he knew Hongki?” another girl asked me. I looked at him frowning. I sighed and looked at the girls.

“I am

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Chapter 7: Me: Hehehehe here again I am..
Author: what for?
Me: just want you know, I'm still waiting.. Kkkkkk ^,~
Don't delete this fanfic, pleaaaase. Once again, don't think about it. Don't you dare.
Just take your time as much as you want.
*sorry English is not my 1st language *
BisaBacaTapiGakBisaNulis T,T
hailey7349 #2
Chapter 6: Thanks so much for the update. Awesome writing as usual. Will be waiting for more
Nurindri #3
Chapter 6: Yeay,,update...!
Thank you soooo much author for update the story!!!
can not wait for other interactions between them and other problems ...! continue your great working author!!!!

Waiting for the next chapter!!
Nurindri #4
Chapter 6: Yeay,,update...!
Thank you soooo much author for update the story!!!
can not wait for other interactions between them and other problems ...! continue your great working author!!!!

Waiting for the next chapter!!
Nurindri #5
Chapter 5:!
I like this story
Chapter 5: Cool story... Can't wait for next chapter :)...
Chapter 5: can u be my omma to minji-ah hahaha
vivivivr #8
Chapter 5: yay update! uh uh is minji ready to open herself up? haha anyway, i suggest to use 1 pov per chapter (or use 3rd pov) because it's confusing for me. and i'm excited for ft island's comeback!!!
vivivivr #9
Chapter 4: uwaaah, i just found this story hihi. you are so good. i feel all the character.
are you gong minji? XD