to the god of water we go

looking for gods

Luhan P.O.V.

"Any idea where Seunghyun might be?" Tao asked, and Sehun thought he might be in his temple too.

Jiyong took off a necklace from underneath his shirt, took off the shell that was on it and spun it around. Instead of stopping, it kept on turning.

"His temple has been destroyed. This shell is supposed to point towards it, but it has nowhere to point to. Luhan, since he created it, there might be a mental connection. Could you try?" I nodded and picked up the shell.

I concentrated and in my mind I could see a thin, blue thread and followed it. After a while I reached a big blue light and touched it.

I saw a building and went inside. It was a museum. In one of the main rooms hung a painting with Seunghyun in it, but he turned and looked right at me before the connection left, and I opened my eyes.

"He's... Locked up in a painting somehow. It's in a museum, but I don't know in what city it is."

"That's easy. Misonia only has one city. Let's go." Jiyong awnsered, and the group left the protection on the cave.

Once outside, Jiyong lead them to the south. "We're in the north of Misonia now. It's the area with mountains and my temple. South has the city and the beach, where Seunghyun had his temple on a small peninsula. The west had a huge forest that contained the temple of the earth god. In the east has a small canyon where the wind god had his temple, and behond the canyon is the temple of the god of light. Our joined temple was in the hills between my temple and the city, but a little more to the east from where we go." Jiyong explained as the mountains around us got smaller and smaller.

We were about to move on after a small break when Kyungsoo croutched, holding his hand to the ground, telling us people were coming.

Within seconds the tan, redhaired man entered the area lighted by Jiyong's fire. "I told you I'd come back." He said with a smirk.

Jiyong seemed shocked when he saw the man that had attacked us. His shock soon turned into a mixture of anger and sadness though. "Uhm... You know him Jiyong?" Suho asked, and Jiyong replied that the man used to be the priest of the light god.

"Anyway, since I'm not very pleased with how everything ended last time, I brought someone a little more powerful." The man posessed by the shadow said.

Next to him, another man stepped out of the shadows. He had platinum white hair and just as much eyeliner as Baekhyun, only it looked manlier on him.

What surprised me the most was that his eyes weren't completely black like the other two posessed we've met.

There was a big amount of purple flowing through his eyes. It's shape and position was similar to that of a normal iris, but it didn't have clear borders. Tendrils of purple moved out of the ring both on the inside and outside while black invaded the purple as well.

"Jiyong is that your priest?" Lay asked. "Yeah, that's my priest Ravi, and eventhough he's posessed, he can probably still use his magic. Also, because they're priests, I can't hurt them. I'll try to help, but the only thing I can do is protect you from Ravi's magic."

That was when the two posessed ones attacked. Jiyong tried to protect us, but there was only so much he could do against the black magic.

I had just thrown a small boulder at Ravi, when I heard Sehun scream. I turned around and saw him being held up in the air by another posessed one.

This one would have been handsome if he didn't have a big scar covering the left side of his face. He was smirking evily, but the effect was ruined by the dimple that it created.

I couldn't hold back the chuckle created by the sight of someone smirkings so evily with an extremely cute dimple.

The guy threw Sehun to the ground and glared at me. I didn't notice the amount of trouble I'd gotten myself into until black smoke surrounded me and held me tight.

It clawed at my mouth, so I tried to keep it shut, but after a while the black smoke managed to pull my mouth open and I felt a cold substance flying into me.

My head exploded in pain, and a creepy voice filled my head. It told me to give up. That strugling wasn't worth it.

The more I resisted, the worse my pain in my head. It felt like it was going to explode.

Suddenly my vision went black for a moment as the pain left, being replaced by a numb feeling. When I could see again, everything around me looked much brighter. I could see much further that I could before.

I saw sehun standing over me, and my hand shot out, my telekinesis throwing him a few meters away. Wait, I didn't do that! How did that happen?!

I was completley confused about how that happened until the creepy voice came back and said:

"You're mine now."

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Chapter 10: Welcome back author-nim!
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 9: where is baek when you need it~
Chapter 9: Omg! I know who said that! Love the update!
Chapter 8: Plz update.
pitchblackcloud #5
This seems interesting! Can't wait to read more! c:
Chapter 4: seems cool. omg
theperfnerd #7
Chapter 1: I will read this definitely very very soon because big bang and exo in one story!!!!