breaking free

looking for gods

A/N: double update! don't forget to read the previous chapter!


Kai P.O.V.

Kyungsoo. My cute, tiny Kyungsoo. If I could just touch your soft skin, even for just a second. I hate these cages. My power is teleportation for the gods' sakes! (A/N: plural of god's sake, since there are, like, five of them...) How do people expect me to stay in one place?!

Suddenly there came a lot of shuffeling from the other side of the room. Luhan-hyung and Sehun must have woken up. "While the two of you were unconcious, Jiyong has been looking for a way to get us out of here.

Oh! He's found something! A spell to deactivate all magic in a room!" How is this guy so hyperactive all the time?

When Chanyeol finally stopped talking and finished chanting the spell, we stared at eachother. Did it work?

"Gege, my head hurts." "T-Tao?" Kris-hyung stared at our panda eyed member in disbelief. He was finally awake! Then the spell must have worked!

I imagimed Kyungsoo's cell and snapped my fingers to pull myself through a vortex. When I arrived, I slowly opened my eyes. Was I really next to him?

He was there. Right in front of me. I slowly lifted my hand to his cheek. When we touched, the familiar yet long gone electricity ran up my arm and I leaned my fore head against his.

"Hyung, I love you. I love you so, so much. I l-" Suddenly his lips mere on mine, and his arms were around my neck. His lips moved against mine and I returned the kiss without a second thought as I slipped my hands underneath his shirt and let them roam over his back.

Someone cleared his throath and Kyungsoo pulled back. "We have to leave, you all coming?" Suho asked and I hugged Kyungsoo tighter before teleporting us out of his cage.

"We need food and water. Suho, Lay, you two are suited the best for water. Kyungsoo, Kai, can you get the food?" Kyungsoo agreed while I used my sixth sense, to see places behond my position, ad teleported us to what looked loke a foodstorage.

D.O. warned me not to take more then we could carry and we stuffed some bags laying around with food.

When we teleported back to the group, we noticed they were in trouble. They were surrounded by armed guards. Luhan was on the ground in the middle, blood oozing out of his wound.

Kyungsoo raised his hand and a thick stone wall protected our members. When the guards turned towards us, I realized it was a bad idea to stay standing and teleported Kyungsoo and myself to the other side of the wall, before looking for Lay and Suho. They were already on their way back so I only had to teleport a small distance.

"Lay! Quick, heal Luhan! He's wounded!" Sehun cried out once he saw the healer. When he was done, Kris asked Kyunggie if he could make the wall move and my love did just that. After a while we finally reached the exit and we stepped out into a dark, freezing desert.

Baekhyun quickly created a light, but it didn't make it any better. The gound was made of grey sand, not the brown earth we saw before coming here. There were no plants except for dark thorny bushes.

Suho took the book out of his back and asked what had happened to the world. The awnser was quite depressing: "This is what happens after a thoussand years of shadow reign. Without fire to warm people, water to live from, light to brighten the world, good air to breathe and earth to grow food on. This is what a godless world looks like.


Lay shivered. "I'm scared..." Jiyong replied that because he had unicorn powers, he was more sensitive to the pure evil that the shadow had pumped into this world.

"So, where do we go now?" Bright red letters appeared on the book: Ask the dragon and the phoenix. They will know where to find me.

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Chapter 10: Welcome back author-nim!
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 9: where is baek when you need it~
Chapter 9: Omg! I know who said that! Love the update!
Chapter 8: Plz update.
pitchblackcloud #5
This seems interesting! Can't wait to read more! c:
Chapter 4: seems cool. omg
theperfnerd #7
Chapter 1: I will read this definitely very very soon because big bang and exo in one story!!!!