Jiyong's temple

looking for gods

Tao P.O.V.

I curled up into Kris as I tried to catch my breath after nearly being choked to death. "We should get going. You heard what the redhaired one said. They're comming back." Suho told us.

When all of us had recovered enough to contenue, which was one hour later, we contenued to walk towards Jiyong's temple.

Lay had asked Jiyong via the book what had attacked us and according to Jiyong they were humas possesed by the shadow. That would explain why the boy suddenly changed so much. The shadow wasn't in control before.

The trip through the mountains was hard. Up high it was almost impossible to breathe. We had to take many breaks because we all got tired easily, so our progress was extremely slow.

After 4,5 hours we finally arrived at a half collapsed cave entrance. The cave was once beautifully decorated, but large pieces had broken off and lied all over the floor.

We went inside, Baekhyun still upfront with the light. On the cave walls hung torches but they had burned out.

After a short walk we entered a small room. I shivered, it was even colder inside the temple. Chanyeol lit a fire to warm us up, but it was very small. "Sorry guys, this is all I can do." Chanyeol apologized. He looked tired. Whenever we were resting he had to make a fire to keep us warm. It had drained him.

In the middle of the room we had entered stood a stone altar, but it had broken into two pieces, beheading the dragon shown on it. Kris gege seemed quite sad seeing the beheaded dragon, so I gave his hand a soft squeeze, hoping it would comfort him.

Connected to the small room were four tunnels: the one we came from, one on the right, one half hidden on the left and a huge, decorated one in the middle. We first checked the right tunnel to see if anything was hiding, but there were only some old, broken beds.

Behind the hidden tunnel on the left laid a more interesting room. There was a huge bookcase filled with books, but some laid on the floor, ripped to pieces. Next to the cracked fireplace laid various cauldrons and on the wall hang multiple shelves with potion ingredients on them. In one of the cornes stood a luxurious bed, but it was covered by a thick layer of dust. On the dark wooden desk that stood in the room laid a pile of paper sniplets. With the idea they might be important we took them with us and left the small room.

The main tunnel used to be even more beautiful than the entrance, but now it looked like it could collapse any moment. The flickering light of Chanyeol's small fire made the cracks and holes in the walls look even more threathening and a shiver ran up my spine.

I had the feeling the end of the tunnel was near when suddenly a big, scary face appeared out of the darkness in front of us.

I let out a manly yelp. Okay, a not so manly yelp. It was a dragon. He was almost as big as the tunnel and he had big, sharp spikes along his spine. His scales were a dark red and his yellow reptile eyes glared at us. I hid behind Kris gege, hoping it didn't see me, when Kris stepped towards the beast.

"Kris, what the hell are you doing?" Xiumin asked but my gege didn't reply and kept on walking towards the monster, his hands up to show he meant no harm, but not breaking eyecontact. He stopped a meter in front of the dragon and didn't move when the dragon sniffed up his scent. He reached out with his right hand, the one with his mark and dropped his left one. When the dragon closed his eyes, Kris laid his hand on the dragon's snout and petted it softly, making the animal make pleased sounds. Kris signaled for the dragon to go towards the exit and it listened.

"Guys, close your mouths, you will catch flies." I closed my mouth, realising it had opened somewhere during Kris's feat. I looked to where the dragon had run and noticed the exit of the tunnel was right in front of us.

We entered a huge room with a ceiling so high that the weak light couldn't reach it. In the room stood a few big wooden tables with chairs. At the back of the room stood a big, yet humble throne made out of stone. On it sat Jiyong, looking exactly the same as in the book, but his hands were chained to the armrests of his throne. Curled up at his feet laid the dragon we met earlier.

"Hello guys, welcome to what used to be my wonderful temple."

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Chapter 10: Welcome back author-nim!
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 9: where is baek when you need it~
Chapter 9: Omg! I know who said that! Love the update!
Chapter 8: Plz update.
pitchblackcloud #5
This seems interesting! Can't wait to read more! c:
Chapter 4: seems cool. omg
theperfnerd #7
Chapter 1: I will read this definitely very very soon because big bang and exo in one story!!!!