trouble on the road

looking for gods

Chen P.O.V.

"So... Where do we have to go?" My cute baozi asked. Kris and Chanyeol closed their ehes in concentration and after a few seconds they pointed in the same direction.

Since we had no better idea we went that way. Baekhyun walked up front, lighting the way, together with Chanyeol for directions.

"How far is it?! My feet hurt!" Luhan complained. "We've only been walking for three hours ge!" Tao yelled back. "We'll enter the mountains in 1,5 hour. I think it's best to rest then." Kyungsoo informed us. Jongin had put him down not too long ago. The tan guy had carried his boyfriend since the smaller was tired after pulling up the gigantic wall that saved us back in our prison building.

After 1,5 hour Luhan nagging our heads off and Sehun kissing him to shut him up we finally reched the mountains. We sat down and chanyeol made a fire becauss it was freezing cold.

"How far is it? Do we have to walk far after this?" Suho asked. "It's not very far. Maybe an hour of walking? But we're in the mountains now so it will probably take us about 3,5 hours."

Xiuminnie climbed into my lap and rested his head on my shoulder. After a few moments he let out soft snores and I felt his warm breath on my neck. It took away my fright of seeing him dead again. We were far away from that horrible place. He was right here. Right next to me, perfectly healthy and not leaving any time soon.

Suddenly I heard footsteps on my left. A young guy, about 18 years old, walked towards us. His eyes were hidden by shadows, but he was shivering because of the cold. His clothes were thin and ripped in multiple places. A gash in his shirt showed a part of his chest and you could count his ribs with ease.

"C-c-could I s-sit b-by your f-f-fire?" We all agreed that he could and he sat down close to the fire, his shivering frame slowly warming up. We offered him some food, but he denied. Up close it was visible how hard life must have been for him. His skin was ghostly pale. His cheeks were hollow and his lips dry and chapped.

"What are you doing out here in the cold? Shouldn't you stay inside?" The boy's posture changed. His back straightened and his shoulders pulled back. He seemed like a whole different person almost. "I was looking for you."

He raised his head and we could finally see his eyes. They were pitch black. No eye white, no iris, just black. An evil grin slid on his face and thick black shadows swirled around him as he started his attack.

Suho realized what was happening just in time to pull Lay out of the path of the shadow that was about to impale our healer. I heard a high pitched yelp from Tao who was being strangled by a rather tan, red haired guy who apeared out of thin air. Just like the first attacker, his eyes were pitch black. I rushed over to help, but Kris handles the situation by punching the guy in the face.

Suddenly something pulled on my ankle, making me fall to the ground. It were shadows. They slowly made their way up my leg and no matter how hard I tugged on the dark, rope-like matter, it didn't loosen it's grip. I tried everything, even shot it with lightning, but I couldn't get away.

The shadows had already reached my waist when I heard a panicked scream: "Chen! Help!" It was Xiumin. The first attacker held him up by his neck. Anger made my blood boil and my vision turned red. Nobody touched my baozi.

Lightning shot out of my hand, hitting the attacker straight in his chest. "No! Hyuk!" The red haired guy screamed and for a second his eyes seemed normal. When he turned to us they were black though. Must have been a trick of the light.

"You will pay for this. You're not rid of us." With tose words he picked up his, now unconcious, companion, Hyunk he called him, and dissapeared in the darkness.


A/N: And VIXX enters the story! 

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Chapter 10: Welcome back author-nim!
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 9: where is baek when you need it~
Chapter 9: Omg! I know who said that! Love the update!
Chapter 8: Plz update.
pitchblackcloud #5
This seems interesting! Can't wait to read more! c:
Chapter 4: seems cool. omg
theperfnerd #7
Chapter 1: I will read this definitely very very soon because big bang and exo in one story!!!!