A Bad Day .

You're Different

Important author's note at the bottom after reading this chapter.


I woke up knowing Geeyin is in jail. I walked to my window and opened it to breath in the fresh air. I had a sigh of relief and smiled. The sun was out and the sky was clear. I knew it would be a good day...

I got dressed and made some breakfast before meeting with Taehyung out in the hall. I looked in the mirror right next to my door. I wasn't satisfied with the way I looked so I quickly on some makeup before leaving. As I took a last look at myself, I nodded and left my dorm.

"Took you long enough," Taehyung said.

"Yeah. I put some makeup on," I said.

Taehyung smiled, "You don't need makeup to look more beautiful than you really are."

We got into the car and drove to a very nice Filipino restaurant. I wasn't really hungry but I was okay. Taehyung ordered his food and I order mine.

"So how are you feeling?" he asked.

I shrugged and then smiled. "I feel very relieved that all of this happened."

"I feel the same way. I barely slept at night knowing Geeyin wasn't locked up. I didn't know if she would come after me or you. I stayed up a lot just to see if Geeyin was outside watching," he said.

I smiled because he was so worried about his and my safety. "Thanks Taehyung. I appreciate your concern," I said with a smile.

As we talked some more and ate our food, I noticed a girl staring at Taehyung. I looked at him and he was just eating. I looked back at the girl but she was gone.

"Was that girl even real?" I whispered to myself.

"What was that?" Taehyung asked.

I shook my head. "I didn't say anything."

"Um okay..."

We left the restaurant and started walking around the town. Both Taehyung and I were happy to be out in the open. A lot of people started to recognize us and started to greet us.

"Minri! Taehyung! I love you both! You two are the cutest couple!" one girl yelled.

I looked Taehyung. "You hear that? We're the cutest couple," I said with a smile.

He chuckled. "What that girl said is true though. You can't argue with that," he said.

I turned and saw the same girl from the restaurant. I started to think that she can be associated with Geeyin. Maybe Geeyin wanted revenge for putting her in jail.

I tugged on Taehyung's arm. "Babe... Can we go back home?" I asked.

"Why?" he asked. He looked stunned by the sudden question.

"I... I just want to go home," I said.

"But we've waited weeks to go out without supervision to make sure you were safe."

"But I don't feel safe..."

Taehyung sighed and gently held my chin. "Baby, I promise that I'll protect you no matter what. So just enjoy this day without any stress, please. I wanted to make this day special for you."

I looked into Taehyung's eyes and smiled. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe I'm just over exaggerating."

Taehyung shrugged. He firmly held my hand and we begun walking again. I felt relieved for a while. We kept walking until we reached a mall. We put on some sunglasses then entered the mall hoping no one would notice us. Unfortunately someone blew our cover. We were then surrounded by a crowd of people chanting our names.

"Excuse me everyone! Minri and I are here to enjoy a day without worry after what we've been through. I would like to ask if you all could back away and give us some space. Especially for Minri since she hasn't fully healed from her head injury. Thank you!" Taehyung announced. He gave me a smile of reassurance.

The fans did what Taehyung asked and we went from store to store. After an hour, the crowd faded away into their own lives. Taehyung and I were at a clothing store and we went to the sections of our own gender. I was looking at a dress then looked up to see Taehyung talking to a girl. I ignored it because I thought she was a fan just wanting a picture or something. Then I froze. I noticed the same strawberry printed skirt and black combat boots. I looked back at Taehyung and she was kissing my boyfriend. Kim Taehyung. Their faces separated and she walked away. I looked away and shook my head.

"That didn't happen," I whispered to myself. "Yeah... It didn't... Please let it be my imagination." Then I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Minri? Are you okay?" I heard. I turned around to see Taehyung's face an inch away from mine. "Babe?"

"Um, yeah. I'm fine. I thought I dropped something but I guessed I imagined it," I said. I played off about what I saw; or what I thought I saw. He didn't seem like anything happened, so it probably didn't happen.

"Okay. Well it's getting late. Do you want to go home?" he asked. I shrugged then nodded my head. He then took my hand and intertwined my hand with his.

We took a taxi back to the dorms. When we got to our dorms, we stood in front of each other.

"I hope you had a good day," Taehyung said.

I forcibly put on a smile and said, "Yeah! I did."

"That's great to hear. I haven't had this much fun with you in a while. Let's go out some more in the future."

"Yeah. Let's do it again."

He smiled and kissed my forehead. He walked into his dorm and left me in the hallway. I stared at the door before going into my dorm. I took off my shoes and threw my jacket on the floor out of frustration. I didn't understand what happened. I was completely confused. Maybe I was daydreaming about what happened. I couldn't get the memory of Taehyung kissing that girl out of my head. I sat on my couch and wondered if it was real, or if it was just a hallucination from paranoia.

Two hours passed and I still wondered. I sat still before ruffling my hair out of frustration. I couldn't fight the feeling that Taehyung basically cheated on me. I quickly grabbed my phone and called Jungkook.

"Hello?" Jungkook greeted.

"Jungkook! Are you with V?" I asked.

"Not at this moment... And did you just address your boyfriend by his stage name?"

"I... Yeah..."

"Woah... You never called him by his stage name. This must be really serious. What happened? Do you need me to come over?"

"Yes please," I whispered.

"Okay. I'll be right there." He then hung up and I heard a knock on my door.

I opened it and Jungkook burst through the door. He sat on my couch and patted on the empty seat, so I could next to him.

I sat then said, "I think Taehyung cheated on me."

"Are you sure, Minri? You could have just saw someone else that looked like him," Jungkook said.

"I'm sure. I'm really sure."

"Well, okay. Tell me what happened."

"I was looking at a dress and then saw Taehyung kissing another girl. The weird part was that girl followed us everywhere today! I knew that girl was trouble, but Taehyung said I was just paranoid because the incident with Geeyin."

Jungkook sighed. "Minri, please don't be mad when I tell you this."

"Tell me what? What is it, Jungkook?"

"Before you and Taehyung ever met, he had the bad boy but silly imaged. He would look so happy and silly on camera, but he was the bad boy in person. So when fans get the chance, Taehyung would always make out with fans," he explained. "When he met you, he stopped all of that. He was so focused on getting you to be his that he ignored all the fans that wanted to taste him. I guess he actually didn't stop..."

"Why did you just tell me this now?" I asked him. "Why didn't anyone tell me this until this happened?" 

I stood up, and paced back and forth. I was really hoping that my eyes played a trick on me, but it was all real.

"Do you want me to talk to him?"

"No. I'll talk to him," I said.

Jungkook nodded. "I'm really sorry, Minri. We all thought he stopped because it looked like he only wanted you."

"It's fine. You can go now."


"I want to be alone."

Jungkook sighed before leaving. A tear fell from my eye before I bursted into tears. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to break up with him again, but he did cheat on me. I love Taehyung, but is it time that we should actually seperate? First Geeyin and now this? What's next? Taehyung having with another girl?

I sighed and wiped my tears. "What should I do?"


Hey guys! AGAIN! Sorry for a really late update.

As you all know, I've been focusing on school way more than this story. I mean, I have a life too.

But I'll be graduating at the end of this month and I really need to be studying hard. 

I don't know the next time I'll update because my schedule is bipolar. So hopefully I will have enough time to write another chapter soon for all of you.

ALSO I wanted you all to give me suggestions about what Minri should do with Taehyung. I want you all to put yourself in her point of view and comment below about what you would do.

Thank you all for staying with me and I'll be looking forward to your opinions. :)

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PennyB912 #1
Chapter 38: Cute story! Thank you for sharing!!
xoxo_devilia #2
Chapter 38: <3 Omo this was so goood!!! PLEASE UPDATE :D
btslover1111 #3
Chapter 38: OMG feelsss everywhere!!! Minri you betta say yes! Say yes Say yes cause I need to know! And please update soon!! Had a great time reading! ^_^
Chapter 38: Minri such a luck girl! Say yes please ... V damns so cool. Urghh..... melted.
but, how about nana? Hope you still update this ff. I took 7 hour and 30 minute to read this ...
Chapter 38: OH my Gosh V....Daebak! Happy Guy!
xiumin120801 #7
Chapter 38: So this is the end? Omgggg Minri you better marry him!!!!! Taehyung, you're the luckiest man in the world whoooooa