True Love .

You're Different

I calmed down eventually. But my anxiety grew due to my decision. I knew who I wanted and I'm not going to let him slip through my hand again.

I was in the elevator pacing back and forth. Wondering how I will tell Jungkook that my heart belongs with Taehyung. That it always belonged to Taehyung.

The elevator stopped and opened it's doors. I felt strange. I don't know how Jungkook will react to this. He'll probably think that I led him on. I didn't want that to happen.

"I might lose him as a friend," I told myself. I took a deep breath, "But you got yourself in this situation. Now you will be the one to end it."

"End what?" I heard. I flinched and saw Namjoon.

"W-What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Well I guarded the elevator making sure nobody went up there and made sure you came down. But what are you looking to end? Who will you might lose?"

I froze. I stared at him making sure eye contact would not break. "Can you keep a secret? Keep it until I fix this problem?" I asked.

"Of course I can. Anything for you."

I nodded and turned away. I thought about if I should trust him but he never did anything to betray me. He was always trying to protect me.

"Any day now," he said.

I faced him, "I thought I was in love with Jungkook but I'm actually in love with Taehyung. I was always in love with Taehyung. It was just what he did made me blind to see that. Jungkook kissed me because he thought I was in love with him, but I now realize I'm not. And I have to tell him that."

Namjoon seemed impressed. "Go on. Go clear up things and be happy with V," he said.

I smiled widely and ran down the hall. I went to BTS' dorm to speak with Jungkook.

Suga opened the door, "Well isn't it the Ice Princess."

"Ice Princess?" I asked.

"Ice Princess but our very own Mulan."

I was confused, "How am I like Mulan? I am nothing like her nor have I ever done anything like her."

"I was talking about how you're very independent and chooses what's right," he said. He stepped away, "Jungkook is in his room. Go tell him how you really feel."

"How do you know?"

"Because I can see true love."

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have stopped Jungkook from kissing me."

"The thing is, both you and Taehyung need to realize it. That you two can't love anyone else. That you two were made for each other," Suga said. "So go and tell Jungkook. He'll be heartbroken but he will honor your wishes."

I nodded and walked to his bedroom door. "Jungkook, it's me. Minri," I called out.

The door swung open and Jungkook smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"To talk. Can we talk alone?" 

"Yeah. Of course. Come in," he gestured me to go inside his room. 

I walked inside while he closed and locked the door. I sat down on his bed and he followed.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asked.

I took a deep breath and exhaled. "I'm in love with Taehyung."

He became dumbfounded. "W-What? I thought you loved me," he claimed.

"No. No. I nevered loved you. Well not more than a friend," I said. I looked at him. "I thought I was in love with you but I actually love Taehyung. I've always loved Taehyung."

The gleam in his eyes was caused by a broken heart. I didn't want to hurt him, but it was the only thing I could do to make me and Taehyung work. 

"I respect you coming to me and telling me this. Instead of one of the guys telling me. That's all I ever got. The guys telling me the truth while the person hiding the secret, was caught without them telling me," he said. "Thank you for making this less hard for me to let you go. To let yourself be happy with my hyung."

I smiled and nodded. I could see how hurt he was but I knew he was happy. Telling someone something directly is better than their friends telling them about it. It'll just hurt more than ever. And you will have a hard time letting go because the person couldn't tell you it themselves.

"I know it hurts, but I want you to find the woman that will love you forever. That will give you her world and will do anything for you. You deserve to be happy," I told him.

"You do too. So go and be with Taehyung," Jungkook said with a wide smile.

I left the dorm and entered mine. Taehyung wasn't there, only a note from him.

"I know you love Jungkook. I'm sorry I kept you away from him. You deserve someone that wouldn't hurt you. Real love. True love. -Taehyunggie" I read out loud.

My heart broke. Where the hell could he have gone? Why did he leave me? Why didn't he wait for me? Then the most important question popped into my mind.

"How did he know about me and Jungkook?" I grounded my teeth together and a tear fell.

I ran outside my dorm and called for him. I knew where he would be so I ran to the dance room.

I looked through the windows and saw him hugging his legs in a corner of the room. I opened the door and looked at him like he was insane.

"How can you say that?" I asked. I walked towards him and asked him the same question again.

"Because I know you two kissed," he said.

"We kissed but that made me realize that there's nothing. I don't feel nothing. When I kiss you, my heart feels like it's bursting into a thousand pieces."


I smiled, "Really."

He stood up and hugged me. I smiled at the reflection in the mirror. The smile on my face was genuine. There was no doubt that Taehyung is my soulmate.

"Minri," Taehyung said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I love you." 

I smiled so hard that the smile could be plastered on my face forever. "I love you too, oppa," I said.

"Oppa? Hmm... I think I can get used to that." Taehyung picked me up and spun me around.

He kissed me and that was when I stopped thinking that he was my soulmate... I knew that he was my soulmate all along.

He is my true love.

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PennyB912 #1
Chapter 38: Cute story! Thank you for sharing!!
xoxo_devilia #2
Chapter 38: <3 Omo this was so goood!!! PLEASE UPDATE :D
btslover1111 #3
Chapter 38: OMG feelsss everywhere!!! Minri you betta say yes! Say yes Say yes cause I need to know! And please update soon!! Had a great time reading! ^_^
Chapter 38: Minri such a luck girl! Say yes please ... V damns so cool. Urghh..... melted.
but, how about nana? Hope you still update this ff. I took 7 hour and 30 minute to read this ...
Chapter 38: OH my Gosh V....Daebak! Happy Guy!
xiumin120801 #7
Chapter 38: So this is the end? Omgggg Minri you better marry him!!!!! Taehyung, you're the luckiest man in the world whoooooa