
Open Your Heart

Jessica groaned and moved to her side when the bright, hot sun came to her face. She lazily rubbed her eyes and stretched. She slowly opened her eyes and noticed she wasnt in her own room. She wanted to get up but her head was spinning too much. 

" What the hell happened.. " She said to herself. She groaned and tried to get up, but her head kept spinning everytime she moved. Instead, she just looked around at the unfamiliar room. She noticed a cup of glass at the side table fill with yellow liquid. She looked at the note that was beside it.

Here's a cup of medicine for your head. My sister made it for you when she found you in my room. You probably have a massive headache from yesterday, so drink it up and go downstairs!

Jessica forced her body to move over to look at the note again. She flipped it over but there was no name on it. She slowly sat up and debated whether she should drink it. She drank it anyway since she just wanted to get rid of her headache.

She sat still on the bed, just staring at the wall with no exprssion. After a few minutes of sitting there, she finally forced her body off the bed with a loud groan. She used the wall around the house to support her from walking around. She slowly walked downstairs to hear Donghae's voice.

" Aniyo, she's still sleeping. " Donghae said. She peeked behind the wall to see him on the phone in the kitchen." Do you wanna pick her up now or later? .... Just do it later then, I'll take care of her.... I wont, dont worry.... Yes, alright, bu- " 

" Who's that?" Jessica asked as she lazily sat down on the chair.

Donghae turned around to see Jessica who looked, well.. Horrible. Her make up was messed up, her hair was tangled and her eyes looked red. " Afternoon, lazy head. " He laughed.

Jessica glared at him. " I asked who is that." 

" Its Hyoyeon. She's lecturing me about how I should take care of you. " He laughed and gave the phone to Jessica.

" Hello?" She lazily said.


"  Are you done?" Jessica rolled her eyes.

Hyoyeon sighed. " No, Im not done, but you're lucky I cant talk. Im coming there in an hour after my dance practice okay?"

"  Yeah, arasso arasso.. Bye. " Jessica said and hung up.

" She sounds like a mom. " Donghae laughed as he gave a bowl of soup to Jessica.

" Thanks.. " She smiled. " So tell me.. Did I do something stupid?" She said as she ate.

Donghae frowned. " You dont remember?"

" Uhm.. Last thing I remember was yelling at Hyoyeon for telling me not to drink. " She rested her chin on her palm.

" Oh.. " Donghae said in a disappointed voice. He turned around to the frying pan and cut the grill cheese he made for Jessica in pieces. The truth is Donghae actually thought they were together. He even made a heart-shaped grill cheese for her, yes it was cheesy but he wanted to show Jessica that he'll change for her, but I guess thats not going going to happened. 

" So, did I do anything stupid?" She asked again.

" Uh.. Well, you were stubborn, annoying, uh.. " He forced a smile.  " You were very loud too, and - "

" I said did I do something stupid not what was I like. " 

" Fine.. Well, you yelled, danced.. and said some stuff. " He awkwardly said.

" Like what stuff?" 

That you love me.. He thought. Nothing, like how you fell for this player. " He said without thinking. 

" What?! What do you mean?" Jessica paniced. Did I confess to him already? She thought.

Dongahe cleared his throat, " Y-yeah, you f-fell for this guy on the dance floor. I guess you were too drunk and just fell on him. " 

" Dont tell me I kissed him.. " Jessica blocked her ears.

" No you uh didnt, you didnt. " He frowned.  Donghae was a bit disappointed. this made him think that Jessica didnt know what she was doing, which meant the kiss.  " I actually pulled that guy off you since he couldnt get enough of you. " He forced a smirk. 

" What was he doing..?" She slowly asked.

" Lets just say, he was trying to touch you in some places. " He answered as Jessica gasped and her eyes went big. " But dont worry! Like I said, I pulled him off you. " He smiled. 

" So is that why you have a bruise?" She pointed at the purple bruise on the corner of his mouth. 

" Dont worry about it. " He smiled.

" Im sorry, I didnt mean for that to happened to you. " She frowned and felt guilty. 

" I said dont worry about it. Plus the guy was getting in my nerves. " 

" What happened to the guy? " 

Donghae frowned once again. " Why do you care so much about him?" He hissed.

Jessica was surprised at his sudden attitude. " I was just asking.. " She quietly said. 

" Well, I beat the crap out of him. " Donghae said but he was still frowning at her and was quite jealous of the guy. He didnt even know who he was but he hated that guy. 

" Good, he deserved it then. " She smiled as she ate her food.

Donghae suddenly smiled at her response. " Good, I thought you had a crush on him."

" Oh please, I dont even remember what he looked like. " She laughed as Donghae laughed as well.

He stopped laughing when a sudden question came to his mind. " So.. Why did you drink so much?" He slowly asked.

 Because I hate that you're a player. She thought.  " Uh.. because uh.. Its a club? You know the drinks, the dancing.. It was too tempting. " She said. 

" Oh.. " He was disappointed once again. 

" Yeah.. But the I didnt really rem- remember.. I - " She started trailing off.

" You okay?" He asked.

" N-nothing.. My headache's coming back.. " She groaned.

" I guess the medicine worn off.. " He slightly laughed. " First time drinking this much huh?" 

 " Yeah.. Oh my gosh, I feel so bad. Arrrrgh, I regret this.. " She kept groaning. " I wish I didnt dri.. " She couldnt finish her sentence and immediantly ran to the sink. She tucked her hair behind her ears and threw up.

Donghae immediantly got off his chair. He quickly took a glass of water and ran to her. He held her hair and patted her back. " Dont worry, hungovers pass by quickly. You just need some sleep. " He comforted her as she kept gagging after puking. " I'll get some advil. " He said and went to the cabinet next to the fridge. 

" Thanks.. " She spoke once she sat back down on the chair.

" Here, after you take this, get some sleep. " He gave her the advil. " You'll feel much better when you wake up. " He smiled as she smiled back. Since he didnt want her falling down, he supported her upstairs and to his room. 

" Thanks. " She smiled once he tucked her in, " You'll make a good doctor one day. " She said as she closed her eyes, which Donghae smiled at her. 


Donghae groaned when the doorbell kept going. He lazily got off the couch and stomped to the door. He opened the door to be greeted by the couple. 

" Hey fishy. " Eunhyuk smiled and let himself enter in with Hyoyeon.

" Where's Sica? " She asked.

" She went back to sleep, she still has a big hangover though. " Donghae said in a sad tone. " She also puked in the sink after ea- "

" WHAT? DONGHAE, DID YOU GET HER PREGNET?!" Hyoyeon immediantly yelled at him. She was about to charge at him, who hid behind the couch, but Eunhyuk stopped her.

" Relax! I didnt do anything to her!" Dongahe waved his hands around. " And if I did.. " Once he said that Hyoyeon was ready to attack him again but Eunhyuk stopped her. " Im not saying I did! But if I did, its not all going to happen in one day, Hyoyeon. Gosh.. "

" He's right. " Eunhyuk laughed. " If they did it, wouldnt Jessica uh.. whats that word.. Uhm.. Develope and puke in like 2 weeks or something?" 

Hyoyeon calmed down a bit. " Fine, but if she does puke later on and I find out she's pregnent, I will hunt you down. " She threatened him and went upstairs. 

" Woah.. I didnt know your girlfriend was like that.. " Donghae said surprised.

" When it comes to Jessica, she'll become a mom. " Eunhyuk laughed and sat on the couch. 

" A mom? more like witch.. " Donghae mummblec causing his bestfriend to him.

" Yah, thats my girl you're talking about. " He playfully glared at him.


Hours later, Jessica woke up feeling much better. She smiled as she stretched and went downstairs to see her bestfriend, Eunhyuk and Donghae watching a scary movie. She quietly went to them, not wanting to disturb them. 

When Donghae turned to his right, he scream at the top of his lungs, causing Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk to scream. " AHHHHH, WHAT THE AHHHH. " He screamed and literally ran to the other side of the living room followed by Eunhyuk, who was dragging Hyoyeon behind him.

" AHHH WHAT? WHAT?" Eunhyuk yelled, behind Donghae.

" YAH! WHAT THE HELL? " Jessica blocked her ears.

All 3 sighed in relief and sat back down on the couch. " Not to offend you, but uh.. You look horrible.. " Eunhyuk honestly said, causing him to get by Jessica. 

Its true, Jessica looked horrible. Like I said, her make up was messed up, she had dark circles around her eyes, her whole face bloated and  her hair was all tangled. But what made her scary is that she always looks like she has a blank expression with a deadly glare. 

" She's hungover, oppa, what do you expect?" Hyoyeon laughed. " You feeling better?" She asked her.

" Yeah, all I need was a little sleep. " Jessica smiled.

" Little? Its 5:50. " Donghae laughed as she stuck her tongue at him.

" So what are we watching?" Jessica asked.

" The grudge 3. We just finished The grudge 1 and 2. " Eunhyuk answered.

" Scary movie marathon? You guys have guts. " Jessica mummbled and started closing her eyes when the scary music started coming from the movie. 

Donghae smiled at her cuteness. Through out the whole movie, he wasnt even watching it, but he was watching Jessica. He found it cute how she would always do a sudden pop move when the scary parts pop out and how she blocks her eyes and squeals everytime. 

After the movie, the friends just hung out for a bit before Hyoyeon and Jessica decided to leave. Eunhyuk decided to sleepover and give his car to Hyoyeon since they only brought one car. 

" Bye, oppa. " Hyoyeon hugged Eunhyuk and kissed his cheek.

" Wheres mine?" Donghae turned his face to Hyoyeon, waiting for a kiss on the cheek. 

" Here. " Eunhyuk slapped his face causing him to glare at him.

' Bye!" The girls laughed and left the house.

" Thanks again, Donghae!" Jessica smiled before entering the car. 

Donghae smiled and waved before closing the door. 

" So tell me what happened yesterday. I noticed you had some eye there on Jessica. " Eunhyuk said as Donghae sat beside him on the couch. 

" Nothing happened, she just fell asleep on my bed and thats it. " Donghae said and continued to watch TV.

" So let me guess uh.. Something good happened but yet something bad happened at the same time. " 

" Why would you say that?"

" Cause when I talked this morning, you seem happy but then when I came over, you seem down. " He said. He waited for Donghae's reply but he stayed quiet. " So let me guess, uh.. she probably did something that she would never do.. so uh.. she kissed you?" He joked. 

Eunhyuk stopped laughing when Donghae stayed quiet and continued to watch TV. He gasped when he saw Donghae's ears turned red. " DID SHE REALLY KISSED YOU? LIKE ON THE LIPS?"  He yelled.

" Theres no point in talking about it okay? " Donghae said, avoiding eye contact. " She doesnt remember so why should I?" 

Eunhyuk smirked at the side, " You like her, dont you?" 

" She doesnt like me back so why should I?" Donghae kept being stubborn.

Eunhyuk gasped. " You dont like her, but you love her!" He playfully nudged Donghae, " Fishy has fallen!" 

" Shut up, will you?" 

" To be honest, when I heard you got punched for a girl, I didnt really believe it but Wooow! If I knew she was Jessica, I would've believed it just like that!" He snapped his fingers and smiled.

" Who told you?"

" Joon. He said didnt really remember the girl, so I found it hard to believe. " He laughed. " So what else happened? " He asked but he stayed quiet. | Come on! Tell me!" He kept shaking him.

" FIne! " He eventually said. " But nothing happened, we just talked in the car, went to my house, then she just kissed me. " 

" You know, " Eunhyuk started whispering, " I heard that if a girl kissed you while she's drunk, it means she likes someone because she wanted to kiss the guy she likes."

" Why are you whispering..?" 

" I dont know.. " He stopped whispering.  " But anyways, I think Jessica likes someone though! Even Hyoyeon said she changed, like she's happier and stuff. " 

I've fallen for a player..  Jessica's voice appeared in Donghae's head. " Do you think she would like me?" He asked.

" Maybe, you never know. " Eunhyuk answered. " Why dont you ask her."

" Ask her? She's wont admit it even if its true. " He scoffed.

" Or maybe you're afraid to know. " His bestfriend smirked.

" Its just so frustating though I mean.. Like.. For a second I actually thought we were you know.. together.. But  after she asked what happened yesterday.. I dont know.. I just felt so down.. like my whole day was ruin just because of that. " Donghae said with his head down.

" Finally! You know how it feels when you get rejected. " Eunhyuk laughed.

" Im serious, man! " Donghae glared at Eunhyuk, " I really hate this feeling.. Why did she have to drink so much.. Aish.. " He scratched his head in frustation and dropped down on the couch, groaning as Eunhyuk started laughing. 




Good chapter? Bad chapter? Anyways, tell me what you think! I did a fast update right? :) Aha

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it’s been so long since i last read this xD
njemus #2
Chapter 30: Make a sequel open your heart please author-nim..
njemus #3
Chapter 31: Please make another haesica story..
kpoplover009 #4
I'll love it more if it have ended with hyohyuk's wedding scene or something like jessica and donghae having a baby...a look at the future....but I love it anyway...!!!
amiisiltya #5
Chapter 31: It so good. I love it.
julhyuk #6
Chapter 30: Jungkook and you story :D
Chapter 30: I love the ending but... i have a cliffhanger here, your last scene.. is it haesica's "making baby time?" LoL