Was it acting?

Open Your Heart

" Morning, people. " Jessica limped out of the tent and stretched her arms. 

" Its almost lunch time. " Lee Joon said.

" Fine, good afternoon, people. " She gave Lee Joon a small glare and limped to the picnic table. " So whats for lunch?" She smiled.

" BBQ and fried rice kimichi. " Hyoyeon smiled as she cooked.

" Its a good thing we have someone here who can cook. " Eunhyuk kissed Hyoyeon's cheek. 

" Yah yah, get a room! " Everyone yelled at the couple. 

" You guys are just jealous. " Eunhyuk stuck his tongue at them.

" So wheres Tiffany and Donghae?" Jessica looked around.

" Getting some firewood. " Eunhyuk answered. Jessica suddenly cleared and sat straight.

" D-didnt we get firewood yesterday?" She awkwardly asked.

" It was finished this morning. We just love fire. " Lee Joon laughed.

Hyoyeon gave Jessica a teasing smile and wiggled her eyebrows at her. " Jealous?" She mouthed as Jessica glared at her.

" We're baaaaack!" Tiffany cheerfully sang followed by Donghae carrying wood. 

" Afternoon Sica. " Donghae laughed at her, who still had a bed hair.

" Is your ankle okay?" Tiffany asked.

" Yeah, dont worry about me. " Jessica smiled as she got food.

" So what should we do today?" Donghae excitedly asked.

" Swimming? " Joon suggested. " The weather is pretty hot. "

" Sure but Jessica is- " Jessica interuppted Donghae.

" I told you Im fine, " She smiled, " Plus just because Im injured does not mean I cant do anything. "

" You sure, Sica?" Hyoyeon asked.

" Yes, I told you. " She got annoyed, " This injured ankle is not going to stop me from having fun. " She smiled. Everyone finally took it as a yes for her.

Hours later, everyone got ready and went to the beach. Everyone immiadantly jumped into the water while Jessica rested at the sand.

" Thought you said you're gonna have fun. " Donghae laughed and shook his head as all the water from his hair went on Jessica.

" Yah, can you not do it here. " Jessica glared at him as she turned her body, lying on her stomach. 

" Oops. " He grinned like a child. 

" Why are you even here? Are you already done swimming?" She said without looking at him.

" Nope, still going to swim. How about you? You said that you're not letting your ankle stop you from doing fin stuff. "

" I am doing something fun."

" You're lying here on the beach. "

" Its called tanning, Donghae. "

" You're tanning with a shirt on?" 

" Im trying to have some peace here so please go back to the water. "

Donghae sighed, " Alright, suit yourself. " He shrugged and went running to the water to the group. 

" Aish, why him?" She mummbled to herself as she rolled over, lying on her back. She decided to close her eyes and tried to relax. Jessica noticed that the heat from the sun disappeared. She opened her eyes and saw a body blocking it, " Donghae, seriously, go away. " She said. 

" I think you got the wrong the person. " The guy gave her flirty laugh. The guy moved over, revealling his handsome face. He had dirty blonde hair and was tall as hell. He had perfect abs and a perfect smile, but of course, nothing caught Jessica's attention. " My name's Kris. " He flashed her a cute smile. She could see him checking her out from head to toe, but his attention went to her legs and her slightly revealled stomach since her shirt was short.

" Nice name. " She codly said, " I can just have some time alone?"

Kris smiled and sat beside Jessica, scoffed. " It seems impossible to leave such a pretty girl out here alone. " He flirted.

" You know the quote the ' Nothing is impossble' ?" She asked him, " Why dont we see if thats a good advice. " She coldly smiled and turned her body away from him. 

" So whats your name?" Kris tried again.

" Like you would remember anyway. " She mummbled. " If I tell you my name would you go away?" She slightly sat up, using her elbows to support her. As she sat up, her loose shirt fell from the side, revealling her shoulder and part of her collar bone which caught Kris's attention.

" uh... Aniyo. " He smiled, " But if you tell your name, I'll tell my number. " He smiled as Jessica forced a smile.

On the other side there was the group who was playing around in the water. Until something caught Donghae's attention. The scene of Jessica smiling at some random guy who was obviously trying to hit on her.

" Thanks. " Donghae heard Jessica giggled at the guy as he came towards them.

" Its my pleasure. " Kris gave her a piece of napkin. Donghae saw him wink at Jessica that caused him to glare at him, clenching his fist. " See you around. " He smiled at Jessica as he left.

" Bye. " Jessica gave him a flirty giggle.

" Yah, yah, who was that?" Donghae walked towards Jessica who's expression changed.

" I dont know, uh... Kris?" Jessica read the napkin.

" Let me see that. " He harshly took the napkin away from her. " His number? " He raised his eyebrow at her as she nodded. " And dont tell me you gave him your number. " 

" Like I would, I just wanted that guy away. " She smirked. " Oh and by the way, you might recieve some random call tonight. " She layed back.

" What..? Did you tell him my number?"

" I might've. " 

" Wait.. did you memorize my number?" He smiled at her.

She scoffed, " And so what if I did? I memorize other people's number. " 

" Aniyo, nothing I was just asking. " He grinned and sat beside her.

" Why did you even go back here? I thought you were going swimming, Didnt you just go to the water like 5 minutes ago?" 

" You ask so many questions. " He layed back, He put both his hands behind his head and relaxed, " I just came here cause I was bored. "

" Bored? Didnt you say that lying down here isnt fun?" She turned her head to look at him.

" Its called tanning, Jessica " He imitated her and flashed her a prince like smile. 

Jessica rolled her eyes, turned her head away and closed her eyes. She suddenly got surprised when she felt a sudden weight on her. She open her eyes and saw Donghae slightly on top of her. She swore she could feel his bare skin or should she say, his toned abs on her stomach. She could feel her whole body getting hot when she started having those thoughts. She immediantly pushd him off and sat up.

"Yah! What the hell are you doing?" She yelled at him.

Donghae was surprised her reaction but laughed afterwards. " I was just reaching for the sunscreen beside you. " He pointed at the sunscreen that was next to Jessica on the other side. " Why? Did you think that I- "

" Aniyo! " She yelled in a high pitched voice causng DOnghae to laugh at her. She then cleared . " Like I would. " She glared at him. 

He smirked at her and went closer to her, making her lean back. " Well, I would. " He said in a husky voice. " Want me too? We are in a vacation. " He whispered in her ear, making Jessica shiver at his hot breath on her ear.

" Y-Yah! " She stuttered but tried to act cold. She pushed him away and struggled to get up because of her ankle. 

Donghae smiled at her reaction. He quickly got up and led a head to Jessica, but she stuck her tongue at him as she shook her head. Donghae found it cute and chuckled. He watched Jessica slowly but yet struggling to get up with a smirk. She slowly got up and started limping to the water.

" What are you doing?" He asked, following her.

" Going to sleep, what do you think?" She rolled her eyes at him as she sarcastically answered him. She then started to take off her shirt, reavealling her bikini body. She wore a pink two piece, revealling her abs as well. She looked back at Donghae, who was blankly staring at her body, making her smirk. She threw her shirt at his face, making him get back to his senses. 

" Im going to the water, stay there if you want. " She said and started walking.

" You cant even walk properly, how would you even swim?" He asked, holding her shirt but still staring at her body.

" I didnt say Im going swimming. " She said without looking at him and continued to walk away from him. 

Donghae admired her body before getting back to his senses. He smirked at her back, turned around and started walking to their spot. When he was about to lay back, he noticed that basically all the guys in the beach were looking at her. All of them were droolling and couldnt stop staring at her, but what got worst is that Hyoyeon and Tiffany started swimming up to Jessica who was sitting in the water. Now all 3 hot, y, young girls were gathered together in one place with just bikinies on.

Donghae straighten his back as he watched the boys drooling at them. He clenched his fists and glared at 3 boys were walking towards them. " Aish, stupid Eunhyuk cant even protect his own girlfriend. " He mummbled. He got up and started walking to them. He made eye contact with the same guy who tried to flirt with Jessica back then; Kris. Kris and Donghae glared at eachother and literally started running to the girls, followed by the 2 guys that was with Kris. 

He ran with all his might but it was no use since one of Kris' friends threw a beach ball at him. He managed to get his balance before he fell but lost the race to the guys. 

" Hey. " Kris smiled at the 3 girls.

" Hi. " Tiffany gave them her eye smile while Hyoyeon just smiled at them.

Jessica turned around and rolled her eyes. " Hey. " She forced a smile. 

" I didnt know you had friends with you. " Kris smiled at Hyoyeon and Tiffany. " These are my friends by the way. " He pointed at the guys beside him who was damn cute.

" My name's Kai. " He flashed a smile at them.

" And my name's Luhan. " He cutely smiled at them.

" Annyeong, Im Tiffany. " She waved at them.

" And Im Hyoyeon. " She smiled. 

" So, my friends and I are having a party at my beach house tonight, you guys wanna come?" Kris asked. He was about to sit beside Jessica when a oud and annoying voice popped out. 

" JESSICAAAAA~~~" All 6 turned around and saw Donghae walking to them. The sun shined on him, making him look like a god in the beach. His abs showed perfectly without him flexing. 

Tiffany and Hyoyeon nudged Jessica, which she ignored. She looked at the girls in the back who was, checking him out. She obviously got jealous and turned away. 

Kris glared at Donghae who just smiled at him and turned to the girls. " Hyoyeon, Tiffany. Eunhyuk and Joon are calling you. " He said.

" No, they're not. " Hyoyeon said who turned around and saw Eunhyuk and Joon passing the football around. 

" Yes, they are. " Donghae gave the 2 girls a just-go-with-it look.  

Tiffany and Hyoyeon shrugged and followed him. They waved and smiled at the 3 guys and left them. 

Kai and Luhan frowned and left without any words. " Well, looks like your friends are disappointed. " Jessica smirked.

" Yeah, they were ex- " Kris was interuppted by Donghae.

" Jessica cant talk right now, Sorry. " He said and carried Jessica bridal style and started walking away.

" Y-yah! What the hell?!" She yelled and started kicking her feet.

" Cant you see that Jessica doesnt want you?" Kris said and stopped Donghae by putting a hand on his shoulder.

Donghae gently let Jessica down and turned around to Kris with a pissed off face. " I just dont want her wasting her time." 

Kris slyly laughed and walked towards Donghae and leaned in his ear, " How about we make a deal; I'll have her for tonight and maybe, just maybe, if Im done with her, I'll return her to you. Then you can- " Before he could finish his sentence, he felt a big, strong force on his cheek. Donghae punched him." What the hell?!" 

" Donghae!" Jessica yelled and limped to his side, trying to calm him down.

" She isnt that kind of girl!" Donghae yelled at him, " But you? You're probably some lifeless je- " He stopped when Kris tackled him down. Kris managed to land a hard punch on his cheek, but with his anger, Donghae managed to roll over and immediantly got off him, not wanting to cause more trouble, but Kris wanted to win. Everyone's attention started going to the two boys.

" Omo! Guys! Stop!" Jessica tried to get Kris off him but she was too weak. " Aish! JOON! EUNHYUK!" She yelled as loud as she can, getting everyone's attention in the beach. 

Eunhyuk and Joon immediantly looked at Jessica and saw Donghae and some random guy fighting on the ground. The two immediantly started swimming to them followed by Hyoyeon and Tiffany.

Luckily, people from the beach started seperating the two guys. " YOU, MAN!" Kris yelled at Donghae, who was getting hold back by his friends.

" Yah! Kris, calm do- " Kai was interuppted by Donghae's loud voice.


" DONGHAE!" Jessica's voice made Donghae come to his senses. " What the hell is wrong with you?!"

" Jessica.. " He looked at her face. She was obviously hurt by the looks of her eyes, but he didnt know why. He was about to speak when Eunhyuk came.

" Yah! You okay?' Eunhyuk came rushing beside him, but Donghae ignored him, still wondering why Jessica looked so hurt. 

Kris harshly took his arms away from his friends and wiped the blood from his mouth. " You.. You bet- " He started but was stopped by Kai.

" Lets just go, we're not getting in this mess again. " Kai walked away, glaring at Donghae, followed by Luhan. 

" You're lucky. " Kris gave Donghae his death glare and purposely bumped him on the shoulder as he passed by him. 

Being her bestfriend, Hyoyeon noticed Jessica's sad eyes before Jessica turned around and walked away. 

So the whole group had to go back to their camping ground since the life guard suggested Donghae to leave the beach. As soon as they went home, Tiffany ended up taking care of Donghae's wounds as everyone prepared for dinner, but for Jessica, she kept ignoring Donghae, which made him wonder. After, Tiffany took care of his wounds, Eunhyuk came to talk to him.

" So, wanna tell me whats wrong?" Eunhyuk said as he sat beside Donghae  on the grass.

" Just look at my face, that can answer your question. " Donghae pointed to his purple bruise on his cheek and the corner of his lips. 

" I meant why you did that. " 

" The guy just annoys me. I cant even tolerate it when someone says his name. " 

Eunhyuk laughed, " Is my little fishy jealous?" 

" And what makes you think that I would be jealous?"

" I know you, Donghae. You can tolerate with anybody in this world even if they're annoying by simply ignoring them. But why couldnt you ignore the guy? Because you're jealous that he was making moves on Jessica. " Eunhyuk smiled at him which he thought was creepy. 

" Oh please, I wasnt jealous. The guy was just annoying, everything he did was. "

" Really? Well, in Jessica's perspective it didnt sound like it. " 

" What?"

" I talked to Jessica while you were with Tiffany. She said that all he did was whisper to you and you just punched him after. " He said but Donghae kept his head down. " Im guessing what he said to you was something about Jessica being some kind of girl?" He asked.

" How did y- "

" She also told me that after you punched him, you said something like, ' She's not that kind of girl' "Eunhyuk said as Donghae avoided eye contact with him. " Yah, do you like Jessica?" He suddenly asked, which caught Donghae's attention. 

Donghae of course played it cool and leaned back against the chair, " I've been your bestfriend for years, Eunhyuk. I dont think there's no point asking me that. "

" People do change, Donghae. So whats the answer? Yes? No?" 

" No, I dont like her. " He simply said. " Am I really good at acting?" He joked which Eunhyuk frowned to. 

" Was it really acting or was it just you?" He asked but Donghae had no time to answer.

" Oppa! Donghae! " They heard Hyoyeon's voice. " Dinner's ready!" 

Eunhyuk nodded and smiled at Hyoyeon and turned to Donghae. " Like I said, I know you. I dont think it was acting. " He smiled at his bestfriend before going to the group, leaving Donghae blankly staring at the moon as the question ran around in his head.

During dinner, Jessica couldnt stop staring at Donghae, well his wounds actually. She couldnt stop her mind from worrying, even when she sees that smile. It was a different smile for her, Donghae's smile, it didnt seem.. real, like the one back in the woods. 

" Dont worry, he'll be okay, its not like its a broken bone. " Tiffany smiled at her.

" Who says I was worried?"

" Stop playing hard to get. " Hyoyeon laughed.

Jessica gave up on her act. " Why does he have to be such a stubborn jerk?" She said in frustation.

" So was that the reason why you looked pissed back at the beach? " Hyoyeon asked,

" Awwweh! You care for Donghae!" Tiffany as Jessica glared at both at them before getting up to throw away her plate.

Since Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk wanted to sleep together for the last night, Jessica and Tiffany were stuck with Joon and Donghae. They would've slept in the middle room of the tent but all four wanted privacy since the middle room was like an entrance.They decided to put a pillow between the girls and boys, so they wont pass the line; which was Jessica's rules. 

So one hour passed and everyone is asleep, well except Donghae. He would pop his head up and look at Jessica who is under her sleeping bag with a small light on.

Wanting to play a joke on her, he gently and slowly lifted up the sleeping bag. Expecting her usual death glare, he instead saw her angelic face, sleeping soundly with a book covering and a light beside her. He admired her fair, smooth skin but his gaze ended up on her small, soft lips. 

Donghae smiled at her as he carefully took the book and light away from her and onto the side. Before lying down again, he took one last look at Jessica. He closed his eyes but then the question started coming in his head. 

Was that acting? Or was it just me? He thought.





Sorry! Long Update! I admit its getting kinda boring but I'll try and make the next one better! Hope you like this one!

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it’s been so long since i last read this xD
njemus #2
Chapter 30: Make a sequel open your heart please author-nim..
njemus #3
Chapter 31: Please make another haesica story..
kpoplover009 #4
I'll love it more if it have ended with hyohyuk's wedding scene or something like jessica and donghae having a baby...a look at the future....but I love it anyway...!!!
amiisiltya #5
Chapter 31: It so good. I love it.
julhyuk #6
Chapter 30: Jungkook and you story :D
Chapter 30: I love the ending but... i have a cliffhanger here, your last scene.. is it haesica's "making baby time?" LoL