3 Years later.

Open Your Heart

" Well, if it isnt Lee Hyukjae. " Jessica glared at the man who entered her house with Hyoyeon by her side. 

Eunhyuk forced a smile and turned to Hyoyeon to kiss her on the cheeks. " I'll see you tomorrow... Bye Jessica... Oh, A-and, thanks again for g-giving me another chance. " He forced a kind smile and started walking towards the door.

" Whats up with him? I expected him to be happy not depressed. " Jessica whispered to her bestfriend's ear who was watching her boyfriend walking towards his car. 

" Jessica.. " Hyoyeon called her with a sad tone and slowly turned to her bestfriend. 

" What? " Jessica tilted her head. " You guys are scaring me.. " 

" Jessica.. D-Dongae's gone.. " She let her words out.

Jessica felt her heart pound harder. " W-what are you talking about? Gone? D-do you mean ... D-dead? " She slowly asked. 

" Aniyo.. I mean he's gone to another place... He moved to China.We dont know when he's coming back. " 

" Oh, " Jessica felt her heart break into pieces. " Well, okay then. " She forced a scoff and laughed.

" You're not even sad? "

" Why would I be? I'm glad he's gone. At least, I wont get to see his face. "  She said and clenched onto her jeans, which was obvious to Hyoyeon.

" Jessica, you- "

" I-I'll be in m- my room. " She stuttered and left with a smile, not even letting Hyoyeon talk. Once she turned around from Hyoyeon, her smile turned into a frown. 

She walked upstairs her room and closed the door. She walked up to her bed with a black expression as the words ran in her head; He moved to China. We dont know when he's coming back. She was obviously heart broken. 

She had mixed emotions right now. She felt guilty for yelling at him, angry for loving him, sad because of he left. She didnt know what else to do. She clenched onto her bed sheet and let her tears out. The first tears she's held ever since the break up; she finally let them out. 

Jessica admitted she wanted him back now, but it was too late. She cant have him anymore. She slapped herself for thinking like that, for admiting that, but she still let her tears out.She was angry at herself right now; she regretted loving him, she regretted everything that happened between them,but now, she wants him back?

 She sniffed and took out her phone from her pocket. She stared at the name, ' Fishy ' on her contacts, along with Donghae's picture in it. She stared at it for a few moments and looke up to her mirror. 

You made me like this, Donghae. I swear I will never forgive you. I will never love you again.. Not again. Jessica thought clenched onto her phone. She wiped her tears and pressed a few buttons. You dont deserve my tears. She thought and clicked the button. 

She had finally deleted him from her phone; the first step to deleting someone in your life. 


" Yah, you okay? " Hyoyeon asked, nudging her bestfriend who was zoning out for a few moments. 

" Y-yeah, I-im fine. " Jessica forced a smile and wiped her small tears. 

" You're thinking about it, right? "

" About what? Im just tired, I havent been in a plane for a while. " Jessica forced a laugh.

Hyoyeon rolled her eyes, " Theres no point in asking. " She mummbled and continued to play games on her phone. 

" So where's the monkey anyway? " Jessica asked realizing the seat next to Hyoyeon was empty. 

" He's in the washroom. " Hyoyeon answered not taking her eyes off her game.

" Speaking of washrooms, I need to pee. " Jessica said and stood up. As soon as she stood up she groan as she stretched her arms, getting everyone's attention. 

" Yah, Sica! " Hyoyeon whispered at her bestfriend and pulled her back down the sit. 

" Where's the other washroom? " She ignored Hyoyeon. 

" Over there. " Hyoyeon laughed and pointed to the one in the front. 

Jessica nodded and stood up. Before she left Hyoyeon, she messed up Hyoyeon's hair and left with a smirk. 

" Yah. " Hyoyeon frowned and fixed her hair. 


" Oh my god~~ " Jessica said in english as she yawned, blocking her eyes from the sunset. 

" Woah, long time no see, Korea. " Eunhyuk said as he looked outside as soon as they exited the airport. 

" I missed this place. " Hyoyeon smiled, admiring the view. 

" I wanna go back to California. " Jessica whined, getting the couple to roll their eyes at her. " Krystal better not be late. " She kept whined and sat on their luggages with both her palms on her chin. 

" Speaking of Krystal, I cant wait to meet her boyfriend! " Hyoyeon clapped. 

" Boyfriend? not yet. I still need to approve of him. " Jessica pointed out. 

" They've been together for 3 years, I dont think Krystal would need your approval. " Eunhyuk laughed.

" Yah, shut it, monkey. " Jessica glared at him. " You're lucky, you're dating Hyoyeon a.k.a my bestfriend. " 

" Dating? you mean marrying. " Eunhyuk smiled and pulled Hyoyeon by the waist as Hyoyeon proudly nodded, pointing at the gold ring on her left hand. 

" I still cant believe you guys are engaged.  " Jessica said, " Well actually, I still cant believe that I couldnt believe that you 2 would get married. " She pointed out. 

Hyoyeon giggled as Eunhyuk confusely looked at Jessica. " What? " He tilted his head. 

" And I cant believe Hyoyeon fell for a stupid monkey. " Jessica mummbled under her breath then smiled at Eunhyuk. 

Eunhyuk opened to say something but he was cut off by a familiar voice. 

" UNNNNNNNNIE~~~~ " A girl said from behind Eunhyuk. 

Eunhyuk turned around to see Krystal running to them with open arms and a big wide smile on her face. 

" KRYSTAAAAAAAAL!!!! " Jessica yelled with a smile and pushed Eunhyuk to the side and caught her sister in her arms. 

" Yah, what about me? " Hyoyeon said from the side who had her arms crossed. 

" HYO UNNNNIE~~~ " Krystal yelled and took her by the arm and let her join the girl group hug. 

The 3 girls jumped for joy as they hugged, not caring if they got everyone's attention. 

" I have to admit, " Krystal started as they let go of each other, " I miss you guys. " 

" I'd say thats offensive but I'll have to admit that as well. " Jessica smiled at her sister. 

" Oh! Anways! Where's the lover boy?? " Hyoyeon excitedly asked Krystal.

" He's coming, he's coming! " The younger girl eagerly said. " I cant wait for you guys to meet him! " 

" I can. " Jessica mummbled.

" Oh come on, Unnie! At least be proud of me! " Krystal frowned.

" Im not saying Im disappointed in you." Jessica pointed out. "  Im just saying you're too young to have a boyfriend right now. " Jessica's lecture started. 

" Too young? Excuse me, unnie, you were the one who had a boyfriend in 10th grade. " Krystal said with a tone. 

" Exactly, and you remember how that ended? " Jessica said, " I just dont want you trusting boys too easily. "

" Unnie, we all know he wont hurt me. " 

" No we dont. He doesnt even know if he'll hurt you. "

" You dont even know him! "  Krystal started getting annoyed of her sister. 

Jessica crossed her arms. " Dont you yell at me. " 

" Well, you're the one talking bad about a person you havent even met! " 

" Yah, guys, not now. We ju- " Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk tried to calm the sisters down but Jessica spoke. 

" Im not talking bad about him, Im just trying to protect you. I dont want you jumping into relationships too fast. " 

" I've been his friend ever since high school started, I didnt take things too fast. " Krystal remarked. 

" Still, you dont know what he's thinking. He could be playing with you. "

" If he's playing with me, dont you think he would've broke up with me 3 years ago?! " 

" He could just be planning something. Boys are sneaky, Krystal. He- "

" Holy crap, Unnie, could you just stop?! " Krysta; yelled at her sister. " Im 20 years old for gods sake. Stop treating like a kid!"

" I'll stop treating you like a kid when you stop acting like a kid. " Jessica said in a calm voice. 

" Krystal, just calm down. " Hyoyeon kindly said to her.

" No! " Krystal yelled. " I havent seen you guys for 3 years and you immedianly start argueing with me! " She yelled at Jessica. 

" Im not argueing with you. Im just trying to warn you. " Jessica said, still with a calm voice. 

" Well stop ' warning ' me okay? " Krystal said and put quotation fingers in the word, warning. " If you hate boys, it doesnt mean I should hate boys. "

" Do you not care about what happened to Eomma? Me? " Jessica used an angered tone. 

" When did I say that?! Just because I dont hate boys does not mean I dont care about you and Eomma. " Krystal yelled at her. Jessica opened to speak but Krystal couldnt take it anymore. " Its not my fault you trusted a guy like Donghae! " She yelled at her causing Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk to gasp with wide eyes. 

Jessica glared at her sister, " Never speak of that again! " 

" Why cant I?! Its true isnt?! You're just mad because I didnt make that mistake! You're just mad that you were too stupid to trust Donghae! " Krystal yelled, getting a slap from her own older sister. 

Jessica's angry expression turned into a shocked one. She looked at her younger sister who had tears on her eyes and a red cheek. " K-Krystal.. I-Im sorry. I didnt mean that. " She apologized and tried to come close to Krystal but she back away. 

" I understand you still hate Donghae but Kai is not like that, just like Eunhyuk oppa. " Krystal said with sad eyes as she held her cheek. 

Jessica opened but she sees a man running to their direction with a smile. " Annyeonghaseyo. " The guy bowed as soon as he stood beside Krystal, not noticing the atmosphere around them. " My name's Kim Jongin, but please call me Kai instead " He kindly smiled. " Im Krystal's boy- Krystal? You okay? " He stopped and worriedly looked at Krystal who was covering her cheek with one hand. 

" I-im fine. " She moved her face away from his hands. " Lets go, Im sure they're tired. " She said and turned around and started walking away. Kai couldnt hide his concern and ran for her. 

" Jessca, why the hell would you do that?! " Hyoyeon yelled at her bestfriend. " Do you realize what you just did? Or even said?! " 

" No.. I-I didnt.. " Jessica sadly said as she watched her sister being comforted by Kai hugging her as she cried on his shoulder. 

" Why do you always do this? Every time you 2 talk, it always ends up you yelling at her. Even back in America; on the phone, computer and now even when you guys havent seen each other for 3 years, you guys still argue? " Hyoyeon lectured her bestfriend this time. 

" Jessica, I know you hate Do- him.. But it doesnt mean you should take out your anger on people. " Eunhyuk said. 

Jessica held her tears and continued to stare at Krystal. She felt so guilty at this moment. She felt her heart go heavy.  The picture of Krystal being comforted by Kai made her wonder; Does this always happened after every phone call? She cries and gets comforted? Do I make her cry like that without even noticing? What kind of a sister am I? 




So I noticed that Krystal is barely in the story so I wanted to make sure she's still in and will be noticed :)) Anyways, its been 3 years since the whole thing and Krystal and Jessica seem to have a great relationship? :PP Well.. AT least my favourite, dancing couple is engaged. :)) Dont worry, the Jung Sisters will make up :)





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it’s been so long since i last read this xD
njemus #2
Chapter 30: Make a sequel open your heart please author-nim..
njemus #3
Chapter 31: Please make another haesica story..
kpoplover009 #4
I'll love it more if it have ended with hyohyuk's wedding scene or something like jessica and donghae having a baby...a look at the future....but I love it anyway...!!!
amiisiltya #5
Chapter 31: It so good. I love it.
julhyuk #6
Chapter 30: Jungkook and you story :D
Chapter 30: I love the ending but... i have a cliffhanger here, your last scene.. is it haesica's "making baby time?" LoL