
Open Your Heart

Jessica walks through the hallway as the second bell rang.  She sighs at the sound of the bell, thinking of some excuse for being late. Her phone then rings, seeing its her bestfriend. 

As soon as she answered the phone, her friend greeted her with a yell.

" Yah! Where are you?  Hyoyeon yelled.

" Im walking there now. " Jessica calmly said. 

Walking? Just run here! Ms. Park mi- " 

"  Hyo, you know my motto, never run no matter how late you are. " 

Jessica! " 

" Alright, alright fine.. Gosh. " She pouted.

" Oh! And Sica, our seating arrangment cha- " Hyoyeon was about to say more when Jessica saw someone. 

" Oh! I see the principal, I'll meet you in class!" She before hanging up and changing her direction to class. 

As soon as she reached class, she popped her head in and checked if her teacher was in sight. She sighed in relief and enterd. She was so busy getting her stuff out of her bag that she didnt even noticed that it wasnt Hyoyeon that was beside her. 

" Good thing Ms. Park isnt he- " She stopped when she realized it wasnt her bestfriend, " You? What are you doing here?" 

" You has a name and that name is Donghae. " Donghae smiled. 

" What do you want?" She glared.

" Nothing, this is my seat."

" No, Hyoyeon sits her- Where is she anyway?"  Jessica looked around and saw her friend smiling and giggling as she talk with her seating neighbour.

" Now, what kind of a friend tells her friend that she cant sit with her crush? " Donghae smirked.

Jessica rolled her eyes, she knew he was right. Hyoyeon has been crushing on Eunhyuk ever since she laid her eyes on him." Why are you even sitting here?" 

" Ms. Park told me to sit at least 2 tables away from Eunhyuk and I figured, ' Hey, why dont Hyoyeon sit with him?' " He smiled as he leaned back and put his hands behind his head.

" Dont get to comfortable, Donghae. " She said and turned to the board. 

" Uh.. why are you staring at the board?" Donghae said as he looked at her weirdly.

" Its better than staring at you. " She crossed her arms.

Donghae sighed, Aish, this is going to be a lot of work.. He thought as he scratched his head. " Look, how about we just start over?" He offered a hanshake. " Im Lee Donghae, you?" Jessica raised her eyebrow at him. She slightly turned her body, showing her name tag and sat normally again. " Uhm, okay. Jessica. " He cutely smiled which Jessica rolled her eyes. 

Before Donghae could say anything, a random teacher came in, " Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Mr. Ok. I'll be your subsitute for the day. " He said as he bowed and went to the front desk.

" Mr. Ok, where's Ms.Park?" One of the students asked. 

" She woke up sick. " He simply answered. " Now, sMs. Park had said that we will be starting a new project right?" He asked as all students nodded, " Do we already have our partners or no?" He asked again. Some people shook their heads and some people were already looking to their friends across the room, smiling at each other. " Alright, so we dont waste time, our partners will just be our seating partners. " He said as some students groaned, but it was Jessica who caught everyone's attention.

" HUH?" She loudly said. 

" Is there a problem?" Mr. Ok asked. 

" Ms. Park usually lets us choose our partner for projects. " Jessica sat up.

" It'll just be one time. " He smiled as Jessica nodded.  " Ms. Park also told me there will be a prize for the highest grade. " 

Jessica whined as she dropped on her chair. At the corner of her eye, she could see Donghae smirking. She hit him on the thigh causing him to stop and crossed her arms. 

" You're friend really hates Donghae huh?" Eunhyuk whispered to Hyoyeon.

" Dont let him take it personally but she hates every boy, especially players. " She whispered back. 

" You know, not all guys are like that. " He looked at her. 

" Yeah, I know. " She smiled at him causing his heart to beat faster every second. 

" Arrrgh, I hate him. " Jessica clenched her fists as Hyoyeon laughed at her. " I'd rather be partners with any boy in the school. " 

" He's just a partner, Jessica calm down. " Hyoyeon laughed as they sat down on the bench.

" Still, why did it have to be him? " She whined, " You're just happy because Eunhyuk's your partner. " 

" And I'll admit I am. " She happily said. 

" What were you guys talking about anyway? Everytime I look back I see you guys giggling. " 

" Nothing really.. " She blushed, " We just talked about random things. " 

" It doesnt seem like its random things. " 

" It was nothing.. "

" Hyoyeooooon, tell me!" Jessica kepy shaking her friend.

" We just talked about .. how we're going to the movies. " She blushed.

" THE MOVIES? YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE WITH HIM?" Jessica yelled which Hyoyeon shyly nodded to. " Yah! Let me tell you that he is Donghae's bestfriend, a player's - " 

" Yes, yes I know, Jessica. You've told me a 100 times, but Eunhyuk is different though. " 

" Thats what they all want you to think. " 

" Jessica.. could you at least be happy for me? Im finally going out with my 2 years crush here!" 

" Alright fine.. Im sorry.. I just dont want you hurt. " Jessica sadly said remembering the pain she felt. 

" And dont worry, my brother taught me kickboxing, I can simply just kick his . " Hyoyeon said as she kicked her feet. 

Jessica slightly laughed at her bestfriend. " You better tell me everything after. " 

" I will, dont worry. Just re- " Hyoyeon was interuppted by a loud voice.

" SICA!" They heard someone call her. They turned around and saw Donghae and Eunhyuk walking to them. " Jessica, so when do you want to work on the project?" Donghae smiled.

" Hey, Hyo. " Eunhyuk waved at her as she happily waved back. 

" I'll be busy tomorrow so how about Sunday? At the library?" Jessica looked at him with annoyed eyes. 

" The library is closed on Sundays. " He said. 

" Uh.. Alright uhm.. Lets just meet at that coffee shop. " She said as she pointed to the shop across the street. 

" Alright, good enough for me!" He smiled, " Come on, Hyuk. " He said as he took his friend by the arm who was busy smiling at Hyoyeon. " Bye!"

" You guys sound like you're going on a date. " Hyoyeon laughed.

" Me and him? No way, not in a million years. " Jessica scoffed. 

" Already have date number 1. " Donghae said as he saw his friends hanging out at the park.

" BWOH? SERIOUSLY?" All 4 yelled as one of them dropped the baskbetball in shock.

" We just made this bet like 4 days ago!" Yoongguk said. 

" I am Lee Donghae. " He smiled as he picked up the ball.

" Thats impossible! Exactly where is this date?" Seungri asked.

" At the coffee shop, across the school. " He answered as he shot the ball. 

" Who brings a girl to a date in a coffee shop?" Lee Joon asked.

" Its not even a date, its for their science project. " Eunhyuk lightly laughed. 

" What the? Thats not a date!" Youngjae laughed. 

" Yeah it is, a date is a time when a boy and a girl hang out together alone. " Donghae smiled.

" Still! Thats so lame. " Seungri said, " Thats just an excuse. "

" Oh, please, I dont need an excuse, " He smirked, " If it doesnt count as a date then fines it not a date. " He simply said as he shot the ball again making a swish sound. 

" Aish, where is that kid? " Jessica said looking at her watch. " He's already 10 minutes late. Whatever Im just starting this without him. " She said to herself as she turn on her laptop and starting typing her notes. 

" Hey. " She heard someone say with a husky voice.

" Dongh- " She was about to yell at him when she realized it was just a random guy. She rolled her eyes and went back to work.

" The name is Jaejong. " He offered a handshake which Jessica ignored. " Want me to buy you some coffee?" 

" I already have some. " She pointed at her coffee without looking at him and kept her eyes at the laptop. 

" Well, why dont we exchange num- " 

" Look here, Jaejoong-sshi, Im not trying to be rude or anything but can you leave? I still need to do my project. " She finally looked at him but then went back to her laptop.

" Well, one coffee wouldnt hurt right?" He gave her one of his pretty boy smiles and raised his eyebrows.

" Im not interested." She was starting to get annoyed.

" come on, just on-"

" Okay, " She took her whole attention to him, " Judging from your actions, you're probably just some playboy who thinks he can get any girl he wants in a second, but let me tell you this,it wont work on me."

" And judging from your actions, you're just a scared girl who's afraid to get out her shell but don't worry, I'll guide you through it. " He winked. 

" I don't think I need guidance from a guy who can't even act like a proper man."

Jaejoong was taken back a little and didnt know what else to say, he opened his mouth but nothing came out. " And Strike 3, yoooooou're out!" The 2 heard from behind them. Jessica turned around and rolled her eyes and went to the laptop.

" You missed me so much that you decided to follow me here in Seoul huh?" The guy smirking.

" Lee Donghae, 2 years without seeing you and I see you're still the same. " Jaejoong said.

" And I see you're still striking out from girls. " Donghae smiled as he sat down on the chair across Jessica.

" Finally you're here, " Jessica spoke as she took out her other notebook, " I want you to start on this, I wanna get this done so I can go home. "

Jaejoong gave them a sly laugh, " Is Lee Donghae doing work? For a girl?"

" Jaejoong, for your information, I - " He stopped when he remembered the bet. " Y-yes I am, is there something wrong with that?" 

" Aniyo, nothing, I just thought I would never get to see this day. "

" Well, you saw it. Would you like to give me some advice? Or can you even think of one since you failed  all your classes. " Donghae smirked as Jaejoong was taken back a little. Donghae could see Jessica's lips curling at the side. 

Jaejoong forced a smile, " I'll see you around, Donghae. " He walked away with a wave. 

" Donghae 78 and Jaejoong 0." Donghae smiled to himself.

" You count how many times you win?" Jessica asked.

" Yeah so?" 

" Its been 2 years. Thats stupid. " She laughed as Donghae stayed quiete. He wanted to say something but he figured it'll just make everything worse. 

So two hours passed as they kept working on their project with no breaks. Jessica was pretty surprised that Donghae could even focus for that long, even he was surprised. But of course, the only reason he's doing all this is not because of his grade but because of the bet, he wants Jessica to accept him. 

" Can we take a break now?" Donghae asked dropping his pencil as he shook hsi hands.

" Why tell me? The washroom is right there. " Jessica pointed to the washroom and continued her work.

" What? No, I meant can we take a break from the work? We've been working on this for 2 hours already. "

Jessica looked at the time and realized the time. " Alright. " She said then realized she had no more coffee, " I'll just get coffee. " She was about to stand up when Donghae stopped her. 

" Its okay, I'll get you one. " He said as he stood up.

" Aniyo, I'll get it, its my coffee anyway. " She stood up and Donghae slightly pushed her down to the chair.

" I'll get it, Im getting some coffee too. " He didnt want to get in an arguement with Jessica and just walked away with a smile. 

Minutes later, he came back with 2 coffees, " French Vanilla for you. " He smiled as he gave it to her.

" You're wasting your time, Donghae. Getting me coffee and being all nice to me isnt going to you through me. " Jessica honestly said. 

" Im buying you coffee because you're my partner, I still want you wide awake for our project you know?" He joked and Jessica was clearly not amused and just drank her coffee. 

So 10 minutes has passed and Donghae still hasnt made a move. Jessica is just there, sitting across from him playing on her phone. He decided to call Eunhyuk for help.

" Uh, Im going to the washroom. " He awkwardly said and left with Jessica not caring. 

" Yah, Eunhyuk!" Donghae yelled as soon as he picked it up. 

" What? " Eunhyuk asked. 

" You're with Hyoyeon right?" 

" Yeah, we just finished with the move. Why?" 

" Ask her about Jessica!"

" Why would I? She'll think I like her or something. " 

" Come on, please! I need something to help me get closer with Jessica or at least make her smile or something. " 

No, Im not getting inlolved in this. "

Pleeeeeeeeease. Pleeeeeeeease. Pleeeeeeeease. "

" Dong- "

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. Pleeeeeee- "

ALRIGHT. GOD.  You're so annoying. "

Thanks, love you man! Text me what she says!" Donghae said before hanging up. 

" Looks like Donghae got you worked up. " Hyoyeon laughed as he came back to the bench, " I could hear you yell from here. " 

" Oh.. " He forced an awkward laugh, " Yeah.. He was just asking for some .. uh. clothes. His parents will get pissed at him for ruining it." He lied. 

" Ooh, well, Jessica does that as well. " Hyoyeon laughed.

" Bestfriends huh?" Eunhyuk slightly laughed, " So, how long have you guys been friends?" 

" We've been friends since elementary school but we got closer and became bestfriends when high school started. " 

" Oh, So Im guessing you guys are those girls who fangirl about those y, goodlooking boybands out there. " He joked.

Hyoyeon gave him a small laugh, " Yeah right, Jessica isnt those type of girls. "

" Then what do you guys do? I mean you seem so.. not to offend her or anything, but you seem more fun.. like so cheerful. " 

" We both are actually. We have a lot in common, but I guess it doesnt seem like it. " She slightly laughed, " The one thing we love doing is music. " 

" Music? Like listening?" 

" I meant like doing music. We both love to sing and dance. " She stopped for a second and smiled, " Well, actually she loves to sing and I love to dance, but when we do it together we're like the ultimate duo.  We once won first place in a competition we joined together. " She smiled.

Eunhyuk smiled, " You guys seem like Donghae and I back then."

" Back then?"

" Donghae and I used to win awards back then. We both loved to dance. We still dance but he just doesnt seem the same. "

" The same? What do you mean?" 

" I dont exactly tell anybody this but back then, Donghae wasnt like this before.. before well .. his-.. when- "

" Its alright, you dont have to tell me. " She smiled. 

" S-sorry. He just doesnt like it when people know.. " He awkwardly said.

" So music.. " Hyoyeon awkwardly got back to the topic.

Eunhyuk smiled at her behavior, " Dont need to get awkward. " 

30 minutes passed and Donghae has been waiting for Eunhyuk's text. Jessica and Donghae are almost done with the project, getting him desperate and nervous that he might miss this chance. 

" Donghae, if you want a break go ahead. " Jessica said without looking at him. Donghae was going to say something when he stared at Jessica. How her long, brown wavy hair was on one side, exposing her long, smooth neck. His gaze started to move up her face and onto her small lips.

" Is there something you want?" Jessica took out her ear phones and looked at him as she raised her eyebrows. Donghae's gaze started to focus on her chocolate brown eyes. 

Since when did Jessica become this pretty.. He thought as he stared at her.

" N-nothing. " He stuttered. " I was ju- " Before he could continue, his phone vibrated. He looked at Jessica who rolled her eyes and put her earphones back on. He opened his phone and saw a text message.

Sorry, I kinda forgot about it. Hyoyeon said that she likes music, she especially likes Exo.She especially likes ballad songs though. But Hyoyeon said that she likes to laugh? If thats even possible for you...

                           - Eunhyuk

" What.. This isnt good enough. " He whispered.

" What?" Jessica asked taking one earphone off.

" N-nothing. " He said as the 2 got back to work.

Few hours later , Donghae finally decides to take the chance. " Uhm, are we done? I mean we mostly did everything. Its not even due yet. "

Jessica checked her watch, " Hm, I guess. " She said as she started to pack. 

" You want something to - " He was about ask but Jessica stopped him.

" I actually just want to go home. " She said and stood up.

" Well, Im not letting walk home by yourself this late. " He said as he pointed to the window and saw it was pitch black. All you could see was the street lights and cars parked under it. 

" Says the person who treats girls like toys. " She mummbled. 

" Just let me drop you off. " He got up with his stuff, " You're not a afraid, are you?" He tested her.

She scoffed, " Why would I be? Lets just go, I wanna go home. " She said getting oustide first. Donghae smirked as he followed her.

Since the whole car ride was quiet, Donghae decided to put some music, music that she likes actually. He went on his phone and searched up a song. He connected his phone with his radio in the car. 

Exo K's Angel / Into your world started to play. Jessica was a bit surprised that Donghae knew this. " My cousins always listen to Exo. They're a bit of a fangirl. " Donghae said. He could see Jessica tapping her feet to the beat as she quietly mouthed the lyrics while looking outside. After listening to Angel, Exo's Growl started to play. " I heard they just released this, I gotta admit, this is actually pretty catchy. " Donghae started to dance to the beat as the chorus started causing Jessica to giggle. 

Donghae started to put the song louder and open the windows and also the sun roof. " Yah! You might wake up the whole neighbourhood. " Jessica yelled.

" Its okay. Its Exo, everyone will like it. " He joked and started to dance with the beat. As they kept playing songs, Donghae couldnt help but smile at the view. The view of Jessica; the wind blowing on her hair as she mouthed the lyrics to the song, how she smiled, how her skin looked smooth an- 

Donghae quickly looked away. What the hell, Donghae. Stop that. He thought to himself.

Days passed and everyone has to admit, Donghae getting closer and closer with Jessica, but only by little, by little, by little. But it was all thanks to Eunhyuk though. Donghae had asked Eunhyuk if Donghae and Jessica could join their little dates. He didnt want to be in it, but he couldnt say no to his bestfriend. Same goes for Jessica, when Hyoyeon kepy asking her to come, she couldnt say no. Jessica did keep her distances from Eunhyuk and Donghae, especially Donghae, since he wasnt the one who was actually on a date with a girl at that moment. 

We still need to do some finishing touches on our project. 

Donghae smiled at the message from Jessica  on his facebook. 

The next morning, Donghae got extra prepared for Jessica since he has to step up his game. He wore a black jeans and a slightly tight shirt that could show off his muscles. He even combed his hair and put cologne on.


Donghae was greeted by a teenager. " Uh.. may I help you?" She raised her eyebrows.

Wow, no surprise there. Definetly Jessica's sister. He thought as he saw some resembles. " Im here for Jessica. SHe told me to come here to finish her project. "

" Well, it doesnt look like you're here just for the project. " She mummbled. " Come in. " She forced a smile.

" Thanks, Krystal-sshi. Im Donghae by the way."

" How do you kno my name?" She stepped back.

" Your name tag, you're wearing it. " He pointed at her left chest. 

" Oh.. Oops.. " She awkwardly said.

" So uh where is she?" He went back to the topic as he put his hands in his pocket.

" She's upstairs. The second door to the left. " She answered.

" Alright thanks. " He smiled and headed upstairs.

And Unnie is the one who's lecturing me about boys. Krystal thought as she walked away.

As Donghae headed upstairs, he could hear the piano playing from the room he was told to go. He quietly opened the door and peeked through it. There, he saw Jessica playing the piano as she sang. He was so starstruck from her voice, he couldnt stop admiring her. 

... Just let me take my time and reminisce
I miss the times that we never had.
What happened to us, 
we were almost there
Who ever said it's impossible
to miss when you never h- 

She stopped playing as soon as she saw Donghae. Donghae had been too busy admiring her voice that he didnt realize he was in the room. " What the.. Donghae what are you dong here?" She got up.

Donghae was more hyptonized when he saw what she was wearing. She was long pajamas with a short sleeveless tank top that showed her slightly showed her belly. Even though her outfit wasnt much, it still showed her figure, her curves, her - 

" Donghae. " She called him as he came out of his fantasy. 

" Y-yeah?" He said as he cleared his throat.

" What the hell are you doing her?" She asked again.

" Y-you told me to co- come here y-yesterday. Y-you know.. to f-finish the p-project. " He stuttered. 

" Oh yeah.. " She quietly said, " I forgot about that.. " She said as Donghae gave him a small laugh. " Why are you acting like that?" Jessica said noticing his actions.

" U-uh.. N-nothing.. I ju- just need to uh.. pee. " He said with a small cute laugh as he scratched the back of his head. 

" The washroom is the next door to the left. " She said as Donghae immediantly left. Jessica couldnt help but smile at the guy. 

The one time he's cute is when he needs to pee. Thats ironic. She joked and cleaned up her music notes. She stopped when she realized what she just thought. 

Minutes later, Donghae and Jessica got together in her playroom and did their project.

" You got a nice a voice. " Donghae smiled as he glued the project. Jessica didnt say anything and shrugged her shoulders. " So what was that song? I dont think I ever heard it before. "

" My mom wrote it. " She said without looking at him and focussed on the cutting papers.

" She seems talented then. " He smiled. 

Then the whole room was quiet for a moment. Jessica sighed and spoke, " She always sang me that song when I was a child. She was the one who taught me how to play the piano and sing. My sister as well.  " She said without tone she always used. It was more gentle and angelic. Donghae smiled and let out a small laugh, " What?" She asked. 

" Nothing, its just the first time you said something to me without sounding like you want to kill me. " He answered as he smiled.

" Well, dont get used it. " She went back with the tone, " Lets just finish this. " 

" Alright, good job on the presentations kids. " Ms. Park stood up. " I can see some tried and some didnt, so the people who didnt try, I dont think you guys will be winning the prize anytime soon." 

" She could at least say it nicely.. " Eunhyuk mummbled, causing Hyoyeon to giggle. 

" So are you saying that our project is that bad?" Hyoyeon asked.

" I meant for other people, I dont think we're on that list since we did pretty good ourselves. " He answered with a smile. 

" Mr. Lee and Ms. Kim, you guys seem like you have a lot to say. Would you like to share?" Ms, Park asked raised hher eyebrows at Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk.

Everyone's attention went to HyoHyuk. " A-aniyo.. We d-dont.. " Hyoyeon stuttered as Eunhyuk shook his head.

" Then be quiet. " She hissed. " Anyways, before Mr.Lee and Ms. Kim were interuppting us, I was going to announced the winners. " She said as she picked up the grading sheet, " Okay, the winners for this is Jung Jessica and .. wow.. Lee Donghae. " The teacher said surprised. " Wow, I should partner you more often with Ms. Jung here. " Ms. Park said as Donghae smiled and Jessica who had that, Im-dead look. 

The whole class was surprised actually, Donghae never tried in anything, even his own bestfriend was surprised. 

" You guys probably dont know what the prize is so.. " The teacher took out two small tickets, " Here you go, 2 free tickets to the carnival. " She gave them to Jessica and Donghae.

" W-wait.. like for us? Like only 2 of us?" Jessica asked.

" Well you and Mr.Lee were the only ones working on the project. " Ms.Park said as an answered and walked back to her desk.

" Like Im going... " Jessica mummbled under her breath as she dropped on her seat with a frown. 

" Come on, its a carnival. Who wouldnt go?" Donghae said.

" I woundnt. Especially with you. " She said. " Go with Eunhyuk or something, just not me. "

" But dont you think you and I deserve this?" He tried to convince her.

" No means no. " She glared at him and took her whole attention to the board.

Aish, seriously.. This girl really is something. Donghae thought in frustation. 






Long update sorry! Hope you guys like the story so far! Tell me what you think of it! :) 


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it’s been so long since i last read this xD
njemus #2
Chapter 30: Make a sequel open your heart please author-nim..
njemus #3
Chapter 31: Please make another haesica story..
kpoplover009 #4
I'll love it more if it have ended with hyohyuk's wedding scene or something like jessica and donghae having a baby...a look at the future....but I love it anyway...!!!
amiisiltya #5
Chapter 31: It so good. I love it.
julhyuk #6
Chapter 30: Jungkook and you story :D
Chapter 30: I love the ending but... i have a cliffhanger here, your last scene.. is it haesica's "making baby time?" LoL