Chapter 29

Luhan, My Arrogant Husband
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Unnie parked the car in the lobby, and we got out of it. We walked to the main door. Then we entered. People looked at her with an amused face. Ofcourse..she was perfect, with her matching clothes, branded handbags, and not to forget her glowing black glasses. She was a goddess, while..I.*sighed* So, we started it with our lunch. It's not exactly a lunch for me, considering the fact that breakfast had not been the list of food I had had since the morning. 


Unnie ordered her favourite food, while I just kept looking at her. I didn't know what to order, since..this was my first time here. "Aren't you ordering?" Unnie's voice broke my thoughts. "I..ehm..I..I'll just have what unnie has." I simply replied. The waitress was waiting for us with a small book on her hands. "Sure..ehm..two sets of that then." I heard unnie told her. She jotted that down, and walked away. 


"I see you and my brother finally make some progress.." unnie started the conversation, as she crossed her legs. "Ne.." I nodded as I blushed. She smiled at me. "Great..he is never good to girls, except Minyoung.. I mean, the real kind, caring, something like that, not the good you thought." She explained. My face changed with that statement. Unfortunately, unnie noticed it. "But don't worry. I'm positive that he will choose you over her." "And why is that? I know that they have been friends like..forever..since they were a little kid." I asked her. I couldn't hide my beating heart. I didn't know. I thought I was kind of sensitive to talk about Luhan these days. The adrenaline inside me seemed to be pumped out of me. "I can feel that. You know, I can feel what he feels, and I know what he thinks. He is my brother. I know him so well, trust me.." she uttered. 


The waitress finally served our food on the table. "Thanks.." she uttered before the waitress walked away. Unnie brought the juice up, and she tried it. "Hmm.." she groaned as she put the juice back on the table. "It's so sour. What on earth did they put on it?" She commented. I spontaneously brought mine up, and casually drank it. "Mine is fine.." I said as I kept drinking it. "You gotta be kidding me.." she said. "Yeah, really, it's nice though.." I denied. She looked at me weirdly. 


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1883 streak #1
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KimHana23900 #10
Omg, I just subscribe this story like a second ago and when I read the foreword, I'm shook.. The girl has the same name as me,, OMG