Two Weddings

“Waa” Key got a little ‘surprise’ when she got of the elevator to his apartment.

Amber and Krystal was standing there right in front of elevator’s door. Looking a bit annoyed at Key.

“Do I really have to rush home just to open the door for your mom?” Krystal finally spoke.

“Why doesn’t she ask me if I have time?” Krystal continued her questions. Amber just nodded like a little puppy beside her.

“Why is she being so stubborn?”

“That happens to all ordinary wife I guess.” Key answered lazily and rushed to his apartment.

But Krystal being a mean Krystal, didn’t let Key go easily.

“Only for ordinary wives who married ordinary men.” Krystal pushed Key to the wall. Amber looked a bit scared now.

“I don’t think I can live with this absurdity Key..” Finally she released Key.

“You know you can divorce him at any time right, honey? You can always marry me instead, hehe” Amber said to lighten up the mood.

“Hold on a little longer, girl. For me, for you, and for Dongyoon, remember.” Key said grabbing Krystal’s shoulders.

Krystal took a deep breath.

For Dongyoon. Yes, for him I’ll stay strong.

“Well, good night then.” With that Krystal grabbed Amber’s hand and dragged her home which is only across Key’s home.


“Waaaaaa.” For the second time that night, Key got a little ‘surprise’ again.

He was just out from the bathroom taking a bath when she saw Krystal entering his room brought so many of her clothes.

“Ring the bell! Oh my God, girl!” Key squeaked.

“I’m your wife. I don’t need to ring a bell.” Krystal continued entering Key’s room with hands full of clothes.

Then Krystal opened Key’s closet and started to put her clothes inside.

“Why are you bringing your clothes here?” Key grabbed the nearest shirt and wore it in a rush.

“Your mom opened the pantries as soon as she got here. Next time it could be wardrobe. Fake marriage is not easy.” Krystal explained to Key as she continued arranged her clothes in the cupboard.

Krystal then opened the drawer, putting her things neatly there. Krystal took some of her make-ups and she walked to Key’s dressing table but unfortunately it’s already full with Key’s own make-ups and other beauty care things so Krystal put it back to her bag. Then she walked to the bathroom and placed some of her underwear to the basket.

“What are you doing??” Asked Key panic when he saw Krystal throwing her bras to the basket.

“Laundry~” Krystal said playfully.

“Your things with mine?? No way!” Key refused with horror in his face.

“You wash your own and bring them here.” Key picked again all Krystal’s undies and threw it to her.


“Honey!” Krystal called Key from afar at the hospital.

“Ah, Dr. Jung, are you shifting?” A doctor who walked with Key asked.

“Yes, Dr. Kim.” Krystal answered politely.

“Poor thing. You guys can’t enjoy time together.”

“To be honest, I miss my baby so much.” Krystal looked at Key playfully.

“Haha, yes, yes, I know that feeling.” Dr. Kim said as he walked away from the fake couple.

“What’s this?” Key asked when suddenly Krystal handed him a brown envelope.

“I already filled mine so you go fill yours.” Without saying anything, Krystal left Key and walked toward the elevator.


Key read the papers inside the envelope.


NOTE: JongKey first interaction on next chapter so stay tune! xD

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frans89 #1
Author-shii, i know it's a long time since you update this story, i know it's so hard to continue it, but please update soon, i'll wait for you! :D
lockeycharm26 #2
Authornim please update :(
marci17 #3
Chapter 7: Continue please! I like it :3
laming #4
Chapter 2: Greeting!
I like your story plot well there :D
Can't wait to see Jongkey story!
nagini #5
Chapter 1: Cute kryber ^^ lol marring key looks funny in their situation