the very confusing life of kim sunggyu

Heaven's Door


chapter 04 | the very confusing life of kim sunggyu


Sunggyu drags himself to last period and is surprisingly not the first person there. He makes his way to the back of the class where he hopes Woohyun won’t notice him. He highly doubts that he will anyways, because he might as well be a totally different person at school with nerdy glasses and bed hair.


            Sunggyu sits and places his books on the desk. He spins a pencil between his fingers, trying to remember what on earth happened. All he remembers is drinking and speaking to Woohyun. He remembers that the drink he had tasted really good and he just wanted more. And then that’s where it stopped. He couldn’t remember anything from then on.


            Sunggyu shakes his head and sits back in his chair. Woohyun still has his phone and he’s going to have to get it back some time which means Woohyun and Sunggyu will inevitably speak to each other.


            Sunggyu doesn’t think he can handle all of this.


            The class has started by now and there is no sign of Woohyun. One part of Sunggyu is overjoyed but the other is a little disappointed. It isn’t like Sunggyu isn’t content – Woohyun, his crush, willingly did stuff with Sunggyu – but he was so goddamn nervous nonetheless.


            Sunggyu is about to start copying a note that’s been left on the board until he hears the classroom door open. “Sorry, I’m late.”


            “Just find a seat, Nam Woohyun,” the teacher says.


            Sunggyu’s hand freezes and he looks up slowly. Woohyun is making his way to the only empty seat; the seat beside Sunggyu. Sunggyu thinks he might have a heart attack.


            Woohyun slips into the seat next to him and takes out his books which are as neat and orderly as his bedroom. At first Woohyun doesn’t say anything. He isn’t copying the note, but he doesn’t say anything. Sunggyu keeps his head down as much as possible as he writes but he can feel eyes on him.


            Ten minutes later, Woohyun speaks to him. “Have we met before?”


            Yeah, we may or may not have ed when you got me drunk, is what Sunggyu wants to say but of course he doesn’t. “Uh…” is what he says instead.


            “What’s your name?” Woohyun narrows his eyes a little, studying Sunggyu’s face. Sunggyu, getting very self-conscious, ducks his head and looks at the floor.


            “K-Kim Sunggyu,” he answers quietly.


            Woohyun contemplates this for a moment. “Kim Sunggyu,” he repeats in a sultry voice. Sunggyu watches as realization washes over Woohyun’s face and his eyes meet Woohyun’s for a split second before he looks away quickly.


            “Wow, you look completely different in school,” he says with a shocked and slightly amused expression. Sunggyu is very unsure of how to react. His mind is already jumbled enough with Woohyun so close to him and the latter really isn’t helping by speaking to him.


            Sunggyu is tempted to say something along the lines of, ‘You have the wrong person,’ but he doesn’t for some odd reason. Sunggyu’s never been much of a liar anyways. “Oh,” is what he says instead.


            “You’re not much of a talker, are you? You were pretty loud Saturday night, though - not that I minded.”


            Sunggyu blushes furiously. “I, um, what did we do? Saturday night, I mean.”


            Woohyun glances at him and grins, leaning back in his chair comfortably. “You don’t remember a thing, do you? You didn’t even have that much to drink,” he chuckles a little to himself and Sunggyu can’t help but think that his laugh is really addicting.


            “I… can’t really hold my alcohol very well. I’m really sorry.”


            “You don’t have to apologize. I had fun and it seemed like you did, too.”


            Sunggyu panics a bit. “We didn’t do… it… did we?”


            Woohyun bursts out laughing, causing the teacher to glare angrily at him and tell him to quiet down and pay attention. “You’re a , aren’t you?” he whispers very close to Sunggyu’s ear when the teacher resumes the lesson.


            Sunggyu didn’t think his face could get any redder than it already is, but it does and Woohyun notices. “Don’t worry. You still have your ity. I don’t take advantage of people when they’re drunk.”


            Sunggyu breathes a sigh of relief. He doesn’t think he’d mind having Woohyun take his ity but he wants it to be special and when he’s sober. Sunggyu can’t say anymore because the bell rings. The teacher quickly packs his things and legs it out of the room, yelling a quick, “Turn off the lights and close the door when you leave!” as he exits. Must be in a rush, Sunggyu concludes.


            Sunggyu closes his books and stuffs them in his bag. Saved by the bell, he thinks to himself and is about to escape until he remembers that he needs to ask Woohyun for his phone. By this time, the entire class is empty, which is not very surprising considering no student wants to be in a stuffy classroom. Sunggyu is surprised to see that Woohyun is still there.


            “Oh, um, Woohyun… I think I left my phone at—”


            Sunggyu is effectively cut off by Woohyun’s lips. Sunggyu is so so confused right now and he has absolutely no idea what to do.


            Oh my god, Woohyun is kissing me.


            Woohyun is kissing me.


            I think I just died. Someone tell Hoya he can have my limited edition Beastie Boys albums.


            Sunggyu can’t really pull any coherent thoughts together because wow, Woohyun is really good at this. It takes Sunggyu a moment to realize that he’s actually kissing back, and somewhere in between the clash of teeth and tongue, he thinks that he really doesn’t care.


            Woohyun pulls away, leaving Sunggyu breathless. Woohyun smirks when he looks at the state he’s left Sunggyu in; flushed cheeks, ragged breaths, and half-lidded eyes. Woohyun stands and shoulders his backpack, whirling around on his heels and swiftly leaving.


            Sunggyu sits there, dumbfounded. What. Just. Happened. 


Ooooo, Sunggyu, gettin' it in!

Heads up: This fic won't be updated as frequently as I have been updating it. The reason is because school, life, and personal stuff. The only reason all these chapters were posted so quickly is because I already had them ready from a long time before I even posted the foreword. This chapter was ridiculously short but I liked where I ended it so yep. 

Comments make me less lonely.

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changed my name from namwooyu to clearlyonfire:)


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Astoria_paranoia #1
Chapter 30: This was such a sweet fic, I love sunggyu’s glow up and confidence towards the end of the fic <3 thank you!
gyutheleader891 32 streak #2
Chapter 30: re-read and loving it over again <33
702 streak #3
Chapter 1: re-reading this again 😁
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 18: I spent the past chapters very angry because Sunggyu left with Myungsoo hahahaha I finally breathed😂🤧
congratulations on getting featured!
Revelbear #6
Congrats !
congratulations on getting featured