
Heaven's Door

chapter 27 | happiness


“... Sunggyu… wake up… Hye Mi should be getting home soon…”


            Sunggyu slowly opens his eyes and tries to focus. This is the moment where he remembers every detail of what they’ve just done and blushes furiously. Oh my god did we actually just do that oh my god I’m no longer a oh my god oh my god, are the very intelligent things that  are going through his head.


            Woohyun is already up and getting dressed into fresh clothes and he looks very relaxed which makes Sunggyu feel like he should be relaxed, too. He tries, as nonchalantly as possible, to sit up and yawn. The alarm clock says eight p.m. and Sunggyu thinks that it would be nice to sleep longer.


            He swings his legs out of bed and stands, only to topple over. “Oh,” he says on the floor. His legs had suddenly given out and his lower back and hips throbbed.


            Woohyun helps him up and sits him down on the bed, handing him clothes. “Are you sore?”


            “A little,” he admits as he pulls his shirt over his head. When he’s dressed he gets up and joins Woohyun as they walk downstairs and into the kitchen where they grab some food, waiting for Hye Mi to get home. Woohyun explains that she’d been at a friend’s house and had eaten dinner there so when she got home they wouldn’t need to make her dinner. Sunggyu honestly would be happy with a few strawberries – perhaps some strawberry shortcake – and a longer nap but he gets up (with some difficulty) and goes with Woohyun.


            The house is quiet and Sunggyu thinks how different his own home is. His home is always busy and noisy and it makes him realize that despite having so many friends, Woohyun must be painfully lonely. He also realizes that he has never met Woohyun’s parents or even seen them in person. He knows what they look like; he’s seen pictures. “I haven’t met your parents,” Sunggyu blurts out without thinking.


            Woohyun looks back and gives him a funny look. “You don’t want to. Trust me.”


            “Are they that bad?”


            Woohyun ponders this for a moment before answering. “My dad is a little stiff… it’s my mom I worry about.”


            “Why? Is she scary?”


            “Yes. Very.”


            “Oh.” And that’s the end of that. They make something easy and small and halfway through their meal the door opens. “I’m home!”


            Hye Mi canters into the kitchen, ready to greet Woohyun with a hug, until she notices Sunggyu. Changing her target, she barrels towards Sunggyu with wide arms. Sunggyu drops his chopsticks and spreads his arms wide just as she falls into them. “Sunggyu!”




            “I missed you!”


            “I missed you, too. You’ve been a good girl, though, since the last time I saw you, right?”


            Hye Mi nods quickly and clings onto Sunggyu as he tries – and fails – to eat the rest of his dinner. Once he’s done, he shifts so that Hye Mi is comfortably on his lap and fishes out his phone from his pants. His phone starts to ring and he looks at the display. Hoya, the screen reads. He picks up the call, slightly confused as to why Hoya would be calling him. “Hello—”


            “I have something to tell you, Dongwoo.”


            Sunggyu freezes. I was -dialed, Sunggyu thinks, and Hoya is confessing. “Who’s calling?” Woohyun asks absentmindedly.


            “Hoya… but I should hang up. It was an accident and I don’t think I should be hearing this—”


            The phone is ripped from Sunggyu’s hand and suddenly Woohyun is turning on mute and speaker and laying the phone down on the table. “Seems interesting. Let’s listen in. No harm, right?”


            Sunggyu feels kind of bad but then again he’s interested, too. Just this once, he concludes and listens. “I… for a long time… ever since I first met you, really…” Hoya starts hesitantly.


            “Yes?” Dongwoo sounds hopeful.


            “I know it’s probably pretty weird… I mean you’re Sunggyu’s little brother and all but…”


            “I don’t really get what you’re trying to say, Hoya.”


            “I-I… to you, I… I, um…”


            “Hoya? Are you okay? Your face is red. You’re not sick, are you?”

            There’s a pause and then movement and the sounds of rustling clothes. Everything goes silent for an excruciating moment before they can hear Hoya barely whisper, “I like you.”


            For a long second no one speaks but Dongwoo breaks the short silence. “What the hell took you so damn long?!”




            “I like you, too, idiot!”


            Sunggyu ends the call with a smug expression. He knew everything would turn out and now he was going to tell Hoya ‘told you so’. Woohyun looks pretty shocked and Hye Mi looks confused yet happy. “That was your little brother?” she asks.


            “Yep. And my best friend.”


            “Wait a minute. When did those two like each other?”


            “You couldn’t tell? Hoya’s liked Dongwoo ever since he met him and I think Dongwoo’s liked him for a while but he didn’t admit it until recently.”


            “Wow, I seriously didn’t think those two would be together.”


            Sunggyu shrugs and plays with Hye Mi’s hair absentmindedly. Now he just hopes Yongguk could find someone.




            It’s far too early in the morning for summer, but Yongguk is being forced to get coffee for his elder sister. “I can barely keep my eyes open,” Yongguk grumbles under his breath. Honestly, he loves his sister. She can just be a little… high maintenance at times.


            He passes by a pet store and glances at the window. There’s an advertisement for some new and improved hamster food and a certain face pops up in his mind. He wonders how Sunggyu’s doing since the last time he saw him. To be honest, he’s pretty sure he’s not totally over Sunggyu yet. But who can blame him, really? Sunggyu may not be the most sociable or the most athletic but he’s smart and freaking adorable and has a warm heart. What is there not to like about him? He can understand why Woohyun likes him so much. Yongguk does this thing where he sees someone who piques his interest and pretty much falls for them really quickly. It’s terrible but he does it all the time. He did it with Sunggyu and he’d hoped that at least someone else would come by and interest him but they haven’t and he’s been kind of hung up on Sunggyu ever since.


            He arrives at the coffee shop which is fairly quiet despite the early hour on a weekday and he’s glad he’d gotten there before the morning rush started. He heads up to the counter, glancing at his hand to see what his sister had written on his hand before he left.


            “Hello, how can I help you?”


            Yongguk looks up to answer the barista but freezes when he sees him, his mouth hanging open. Hair bleached out and swept to the side to reveal dark eyes is what he sees. Something clicks and Yongguk’s heart does a flip. “Is something wrong?” the barista asks.


            “Uh, no, not at all. I’ll have a large double-double, please.”


            The barista plugs in the order and Yongguk hands him the correct amount of money. “Can I get your name?”


            “Sorry what?”


            “Your name.”


            “Oh… Yongguk.”


            The barista scribbles his name down on the cup and goes off to make the coffee. It doesn’t take too long and Yongguk stares at his back the entire time. “Yongguk?” the barista calls. Yongguk thinks that his name has never sounded nicer and he walks up to pick up the order. “Have a good day,” the barista says as he hands it to Yongguk.


            “You, too.”


            Yongguk turns to leave but not before getting a glance at the barista’s name plate. Himchan, it reads. What a nice name, Yongguk thinks to himself.



            He leaves the shop and as he’s walking down the street, he can’t help but curse under his breath. “Damn it… it happened again.”



Well, well, lookie what we have here. Is it just me or does it smell like love in here?

Shh, do you hear that? That's the sound of fluff. 

Not proofread (do I even need to say this anymore). Sue me.

Okay so right now I'm in Cape Cod and I'm so excited for tomorrow because tomorrow is the gay pride parade in Province Town and omfg it looks like so much fun. DRAG is the only thing going thorugh my head right now. 

So have you ever -dialed someone? Yeah, it's awks. Don't do it. 

And do not fear for Myungyeol will soon have their spotlight! 

Now personal opinion time - Exo's Growl is a really good song (I didn't like Wolf much at all and I only like What Is Love, Angel and History from their first mini album) and I really like Growl. The dance is superb and the music video is awesome with the one shot deal and all that jazz but let's be honest here; version 2 was seriously unnecessary and why did they even make it is my question. Like version 1 was amazing but version 2 was just another SM video and personaly I don't like SM videos. Does anyone else agree? Or do we all not care because come on, Destiny was pretty flippin' epic, Infinite is awesome as , and Exo is overrated anyways. 

oh another thing this story will probably have like one or two more chapters and then it's done maybe 

Note: For those of you who don't know what a double-double is, it's coffee with 2 milk, 2 sugar. I don't know if they use this term in other countries but I'm pretty sure it's just a Canadian thing. Excuse my Canadian-ness. I shall now ride back to my igloo via my moose and feed my polar bear. 

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changed my name from namwooyu to clearlyonfire:)


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Astoria_paranoia #1
Chapter 30: This was such a sweet fic, I love sunggyu’s glow up and confidence towards the end of the fic <3 thank you!
gyutheleader891 32 streak #2
Chapter 30: re-read and loving it over again <33
702 streak #3
Chapter 1: re-reading this again 😁
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 18: I spent the past chapters very angry because Sunggyu left with Myungsoo hahahaha I finally breathed😂🤧
congratulations on getting featured!
Revelbear #6
Congrats !
congratulations on getting featured