bonus chapter; day in the life of hye mi

Heaven's Door

bonus chapter | day in the life of hye mi


Hye Mi is awakened by Woohyun who tells her that she needs to get up now or she’ll be late for school. Hye Mi complies easily and gets ready. She meets Woohyun at the front door and slips on her shoes, tying the laces like a big girl, just as Woohyun taught her.


            When they get to school, Woohyun leans down and lets Hye Mi kiss his cheek before he sets off for his own school, which he hopes he won’t be late for. Hye Mi is early like always but she doesn’t mind too much. She sits on the curb in the playground and pulls out a picture book which she reads with great interest. The bell rings some time later and she hurries into class with her peers. She takes her seat at the desk she’s been assigned to and waits for the teacher to begin.


            Beside her sits a boy named Donghae who is probably too pretty for his age and ridiculously short but all the teachers say he’ll be very tall when he grows up – he’s just got to wait. Hye Mi highly doubts that because right now she’s almost a head taller than him and she really can’t imagine him being any taller.


            Donghae is nice, and Hye Mi will admit that she’d like to marry him one day. She’s already got her heart set on him and believes that they’ll always be together.


            The teacher begins the lesson and talks and talks until recess thankfully comes around, allowing the kids to go outside and take a break from school. Hye Mi is playing with her friends when they bump into fifth graders who are particularly mean. They’re annoyed that they were bumped into and they demand an apology. Hye Mi, not wanting to get into more trouble, says sorry but they don’t believe her.


            Somehow this escalates into them grabbing at the bow in her hair and telling her how ugly it is. She protests saying Woohyunnie got it for her and it isn’t ugly at all but they just laugh at this and pull at her hair and bow some more. Hye Mi starts to cry at one point or another because the big bad fifth graders just aren’t listening to anything she says and it really hurts.


            “Let her go!” a voice squeaks. The fifth graders pause and turn, letting Hye Mi go. Donghae stands there with his chin up. It’s almost comical how much smaller he is but Donghae doesn’t seem to care how much bigger they are.


            “Oh, what’s this? A pipsqueak coming to the rescue?”


            “Her bow is very pretty and you are very ugly,” Donghae says with unmatchable confidence. The fifth graders seem to lose interest and they scoff, muttering something about how annoying little kids are. They walk away and Donghae runs to Hye Mi who’s still crying a bit.


            “Woohyunnie got me this bow! How could they say it’s ugly?”


            “I don’t think your bow is ugly. I think it’s pretty.”


            “R-really?” Hye Mi sniffs.




            Hye Mi blushes. Now she’s certainly convinced that Donghae is the one for her. She leans towards Donghae and plants a chaste kiss on his cheek, causing him to blush furiously and widen his eyes at Hye Mi’s action. Hye Mi shies away and looks at the floor. A moment passes and then Donghae leans in, kissing Hye Mi’s cheek in return.


            Yes, Hye Mi will marry Donghae one day, she’s sure of it. 


Short little bonus chapter for my birthday today. 

Kid!Donghae is the best Donghae. He's so childish so it works. 

I am just suffocating in an ocean of glitters and sparkles (my friends decided it would be fun to fill my locker with glitter and confetti). 

Like I keep discovering some more glitter whenever I change and it's all over my things and I can't even. 

I have officially become a vampire in all this glitter. Friends, I hope you're happy. 


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changed my name from namwooyu to clearlyonfire:)


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Astoria_paranoia #1
Chapter 30: This was such a sweet fic, I love sunggyu’s glow up and confidence towards the end of the fic <3 thank you!
gyutheleader891 32 streak #2
Chapter 30: re-read and loving it over again <33
703 streak #3
Chapter 1: re-reading this again 😁
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 18: I spent the past chapters very angry because Sunggyu left with Myungsoo hahahaha I finally breathed😂🤧
congratulations on getting featured!
Revelbear #6
Congrats !
congratulations on getting featured