a good beginning makes for a good ending

Heaven's Door

chapter 28 (final) | a good beginning makes for a good ending


Sungyeol is sitting right there beside him. A date. They’re on a bus going to God knows where and Myungsoo has never been so aware in his life. To be completely honest, he has no idea how this happened. Sungyeol is probably the last person that would interest him but Sungyeol managed to grasp attention easily enough.


            Sungyeol is weird – the epitome of weird – but clearly Myungsoo quite likes that. Sungyeol is yapping away about Sunggyu and how cute he was as a child. Myungsoo undeniably feels jealous because all Sungyeol ever talks about it Sunggyu this, Sunggyu that. Sungyeol and Sunggyu have known each other forever – they’re cousins for God’s sake – so how is Myungsoo to compete with that?


            Sungyeol is in the middle of telling an adorable (self-acclaimed) story of Sunggyu picking strawberries and Myungsoo involuntarily pulls the wire, signalling a stop request. Sungyeol looks at him oddly, confused, but follows him off the bus. They’ve gotten off at a fairly forest-y destination and Myungsoo has almost no idea where they are. He just wanted Sungyeol to stop going on about Sunggyu.


            Myungsoo begins to walk along the pavement with no real destination in mind. “Why do you only talk about Sunggyu?” Myungsoo mutters.


            “Because I love him, of course! He’s my precious cousin!”


            Myungsoo feels his chest tighten when he catches a glimpse of the blissful look on Sungyeol’s face. “He has Woohyun.”


            Sungyeol doesn’t answer right away. Myungsoo thinks he’s hit a sore spot until Sungyeol bursts into laughter. “Of course I know he has Woohyun! Did you think I loved him like that? He’s my family so I love him but only as family. Is this jealousy I sense, Myung?”


            Myungsoo refuses to look at Sungyeol. He can’t let Sungyeol see his flaming cheeks and ears. Sungyeol sees them, though, (Myungsoo isn’t too good at hiding it) and smiles. He stops and so does Myungsoo.


            “Usually you’re so cool but you’re pretty cute when you blush, you know that?”


            Myungsoo slowly looks up at Sungyeol’s beaming smile. His heart does a few spectacular flips and he realizes that that beautiful smile is for him, not Sunggyu. Myungsoo, without thinking, grabs Sungyeol’s collar and pulls him down, pressing his lips against the taller male’s. Sungyeol makes a surprised sound in the back of his throat and blinks rapidly.


            He’d suspected Myungsoo had a thing for him and honestly he likes Myungsoo just as much but he wasn’t expecting this. He thinks Myungsoo looks unbelievably cute with his eyes shut tight and his face a pretty red.


            When Myungsoo pulls away, he spins around and marches off. “Myungsoo, wait! You’re walking too fast!” Sungyeol starts after him, a smile etched onto his features.


            “You can catch up with those legs!”  




            Yongguk makes daily visits to the coffee shop and waits for Himchan to finish his shift. Himchan always comes out in a rush to meet him and they go out together. It starts with small chats before getting into very colourful conversations that make Yongguk smile. Himchan is different and one of a kind and he thinks it was probably fate and all that jazz that brought him to Himchan.


            The two are watching Saving Private Ryan, a movie requested by Yongguk because for some reason he can’t get enough of war movies. Himchan is sitting beside him, completely engrossed. They watch as the soldiers try to save their injured comrade and Yongguk glances over to see tears in Himchan’s eyes. Yongguk’s happy to know someone else seems to enjoy this movie as much as he does. Because as much as he used to love Sunggyu, Sunggyu was always weak to sad moments.


            Yongguk smiles despite the sad scene and concludes that he’s a pretty lucky guy.




            Hoya and Dongwoo are dancing in Hoya’s small bedroom to an upbeat tune. Hoya is twirling Dongwoo around and singing along with the tune. Dongwoo is laughing that contagious laugh Hoya loves and the sound makes Hoya laugh, too.


            “Come on Eileen! Oh, I swear what he means/ at this moment you’re everything!” Dongwoo sings.


            Hoya twirls Dongwoo into his arms. Dongwoo is dizzy and the two fall back on the bed behind them. Dongwoo blushes and doesn’t know where to look with his face so close to Hoya’s. Hoya laughs and kisses Dongwoo, quickly interrupting Dongwoo’s daze.


            When the kiss breaks, Dongwoo hides his face in Hoya’s chest. “Oi! Don’t surprise me like that!”


            “Yeah, yeah. I got it.”




            Sunggyu’s nose is stuck in his Li Bai poetry book, his new favourite poet. “Why did it take me so long to read Chinese poetry?” he mumbles to himself as he turns the page.


            Woohyun sits on Sunggyu’s bed, pouting. He watches as Sunggyu pushes up his thick-framed glasses and runs his pretty fingers along the page. Woohyun, feeling neglected, lies on his stomach and plays with Sunggyu’s hair. He glances down at the nape of Sunggyu’s neck as he hunches over to read and leans down. He presses lingering kisses along the bare skin and when he gets no reaction from Sunggyu, he frowns and decides to go further. His hands slowly wander down Sunggyu’s shirt. He continues nibbling and kissing Sunggyu’s neck in hopes he’ll get Sunggyu’s attention. When none of this works, he starts playing with Sunggyu’s s. Sunggyu makes a whimpering sound and squirms a little. Woohyun smirks and mentally pats his own back with triumphant horns playing in the background.


            Sunggyu drops his book as Woohyun continues his doings. “W-Woohyun…”




            “Stop it. I’m trying to read!”


            “So reading is more important than your own boyfriend? That hurts, Gyu.”


            Sunggyu grabs Woohyun’s arms and pulls them away, turning to face him. “You’re like a little kid. Without the slightest attention you get lost and jealous.”


            “That’s why you need to give me attention!” Woohyun whines. Sunggyu sighs and reaches for his book until Woohyun grabs him and pulls him towards him. He kisses Sunggyu, startling him effectively and making him go a little weak.


            Sunggyu is breathless when he pulls away and in his daze Woohyun pulls him up onto the bed. Woohyun removes Sunggyu’s glasses brushes away his bangs. “Tell me some of the poetry you’re so passionate about.”


            Sunggyu thinks for a moment but has a hard time because Woohyun is planting kisses on his face, distracting him. “Ich denke dein/ wenn mir der Sonne schimmer/ Vom Meere strahlt; Ich denke dein/ wenn sich des Mondes Flimmer/ In Quellen malt.”


            “What does it mean?”


            “I think of you/ when I see the sun’s shimmer/ Gleaming from the sea/ I think of you/ when the moon’s glimmer/ Is reflected in the springs.”


            Woohyun kisses the poem off Sunggyu’s lips and runs his fingers through Sunggyu’s hair. “I like the sound of that one.”


            “Sing me something.”


            “You never ask me to sing.”


            “You never ask for poetry.”




            “Then sing me something good.”


            Woohyun kisses Sunggyu and then proceeds to sing, “I open the doors to heaven, led by you/ Walking on an unknown path/ When the doors of heaven open, will I meet you?/ My answer, I want to find my real answer~”


            Sunggyu smiles into the crook of Woohyun’s neck and thinks that the majority of his school would want to do this with Woohyun but he’s the one who gets to be with Woohyun like this.


             Despite the fact that Sunggyu is anything but cool, Woohyun chose him over many. Sunggyu is, by Hoya’s definition, the epitome of uncool and everything that goes with it but for some reason Woohyun loves him anyways and he couldn’t ask for more. 





Wow so last chapter not even proofread. 


So at the beginning of this story, I wasn't expecting much. I didn't think I would get 100 subscribers. BUT I HAVE 500. 

You guys are just so amazing like you kept with me for all these chapters and all those lovely comments just kept me going. 

I don't know how many times I can say thank you so I will just say it once: THANK YOU. 

It has been a long yet fun journey and I'm glad you all could come along with me on it! 

And I've posted the foreword to a new woogyu called Bite Me in which Sunggyu is a vegetarian and Woohyun is a vampire! Go check it out! 

Byeeeeeee! See you later!

sequel perhaps?

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changed my name from namwooyu to clearlyonfire:)


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Astoria_paranoia #1
Chapter 30: This was such a sweet fic, I love sunggyu’s glow up and confidence towards the end of the fic <3 thank you!
gyutheleader891 32 streak #2
Chapter 30: re-read and loving it over again <33
703 streak #3
Chapter 1: re-reading this again 😁
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 18: I spent the past chapters very angry because Sunggyu left with Myungsoo hahahaha I finally breathed😂🤧
congratulations on getting featured!
Revelbear #6
Congrats !
congratulations on getting featured