Hard Knock Life

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The party was a hit.


Everyone had dressed accordingly.


Nayeong had decided to go with the prison look. She had somehow found a one-piece orange jumpsuit. The bottom half was zipped up, but the top half was off and tied around her waist. She wore a white tank top that was thin enough to give a glimpse of her hot pink bra underneath. Many of the girls caught Jaesung eyeing his girlfriend throughout the night. The uncharacteristic gleam in the timid doctor’s eyes held a message of unmistakable intent. Nayeong herself seemed to be flashing Jaesung some pretty suggestive smoldering stares throughout the night too.


Speaking of which, the doctor himself had gone ‘thug’ American style. He was actually the second biggest surprise of the night. He had a white bandana around his head, thick chains hanging from his neck and loose jeans, and a tight fitting white tank top that showcased something no one save Nayeong had known he hid behind that quiet exterior and loose-fitting lab coat. Jaesung…was muscled. Not in a gross bulging way, but in a very aesthetic, hot and y way. If he ever walked the beach in just a Speedo…Nayeong is going to have to keep her eye on her man.


Though…one thing did ruin Jaesung’s almost perfect get-up. He worse his jeans loose, which showed his boxers. That was not the problem. The problem lay in the boxers themselves. They were red Flash boxers, with the characteristic lightning bolt yellow word ‘Flash’ emblazoned on the band. The girls had the entire night, but no one missed Nayeong’s demure laughs every time her sight alighted on his boxers.


Tiffany’s doll was not the least off-put by Jaesung’s choice of intimates, in fact, Tiffany suspected Nayeong much preferred it this way. She was now almost sure Nayeong had a thing for nerds. Hot, y nerds…


Tiffany shook her head.


She was happy to know there were no hitches in the bedroom of Nayeong and Jaesung, but she couldn’t suppress the queasy feeling knowing that the two were ually active. It was like knowing her own sister was screwing with her boyfriend. Ick. The thug vowed to have ‘the talk’ with Jaesung soon. She had put it off for too long as it was.


Mrs. Lee on the other hand, had gone back in time to the times of Al Capone and the dark prohibition era. She wore chest high black and white striped pants with suspenders. A tight white blouse that showed off her arms and shoulders and a classy black fedora finished her ensemble. She even wore some killer leather white boots that screamed of class and yet still held a dangerous edge. A long black Audrey-Hepburn-inspired cigarette holder only made the look even more striking. Mrs. Lee may have been older, but she still looked quite attractive, something definitely not lost on her husband.


Lastly, Teddy.


The officer had the toughest time dressing up. Not because he didn’t know what to dress as, in fact, he knew more than anyone else how thugs dressed. It was more the fact that it kind of went against his instincts. And the thought of his colleagues seeing him dressed like some gangster was horrific to say the least. But in the end, for the sake of Tiffany, he acquiesced.


He arrived and approached Tiffany with a solemn, deliberate air. Tiffany turned around and looked everywhere, thinking someone had died. When she turned back around, Teddy was a mere foot from her, staring down into her eyes.


From behind, Jessica’s eye twitched angrily.


Tiffany took one step back and gave Teddy the once over. He was in a long tan trench coat that pretty much covered everything. Plus he was also wearing dark shades that covered half his face.


“What are you…dressed as a flash ? That’s not consi–”


“Shush your mouth you rugrat. I hope you appreciate what I’m doing for you. This goes against all my moral beliefs, heck this goes against my very job instincts! But…I’ve always loved the movie ‘Fight Club’…” Teddy stopped to let that sink in.


“Noooo… No way! Tell you you’re not jerking my chain Teddy! Tell me yo–”


Teddy took off his shades and trench coat, flinging the coat aside with a dramatic flair.


Jaws dropped from all around the room.


Tiffany included.


Teddy had dressed up like Brad Pitt.


In ‘Fight Club’.


Complete with all details such as the black eye, drawn in cuts, and…


That’s right.


Tiffany’s Teddy showed up shirtless.


If Jaesung had been a surprise, Teddy just blew everyone’s mind. Like literally, brain matter splattered all over the wall.


The man was built like he was going to film ‘300’…without computerized effects. He had on brown slacks and casual sneakers. But from waist up…he was bare. Bare as the day he was born.


Nayeong had flushed crimson, her face almost as red as her boyfriend’s boxers. Jaesung had choked on his coke and snorted half of it out his nose. Of the girls, seven were openly gawping and fanning themselves, unabashedly checking out the officer’s glorious assets. Seohyun kept mumbling ‘oh my word…oh my word…’; so much for keeping their maknae innocent. Even Jessica, who was rather uncomfortable with how close Officer Choi was to her girlfriend, couldn’t help but admit that the man was very very very physically pleasing to the eye. Tiffany even dared enough to tentatively poke her Teddy in the abs, testing its consistency like a high class chef checking an entrée’s quality.


Mrs. Lee was rubbing her chest up and down, trying to not appear so affected. Her husband looked at her and…burst out laughing.


“Jagiya, I have not seen that face in over fifteen to twenty years. Perhaps…I need to work out again.”


Everyone stilled for a moment, then there was raucous laughter all around the coffee shop.


The party had begun.



~ ~ ~ ~ ~



There was what seemed to be an unlimited amount of food, flowing in unstopping trains from the kitchen like they were in the biblical ‘land of milk and honey’. Mrs. Lee and Naeyong had truly outdone themselves. The food was absolutely delicious. Mouth-watering, taste bud exploding, brain-numbing, stomach-wowingly scrumptious. The two women had made sure to include American cuisine, knowing that their dear Tiffany hadn’t had American food in a while. But of course, the pinnacle was the cake, which was shaped into a pair of boxing gloves and made of the most fluffy and melt-in-your-mouth delectable chocolate.


A taste of heaven.


Though Tiffany would actually disagree with that statement. For she knew of one thing she would much rather taste above all else… That thought brought a naughty smirk to her

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A story nine and a half years in the making, it's grown and morphed with me as I lived my life. I still cannot fathom seeing over nine years of my life reflected in a story that's part of both the lowest and also the most formative years of my existence. Surreal.


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Chapter 147: I miss this story 😢
Chapter 145: No 😢😢😢😢😢😢
Chapter 143: I love Tiffany and Jessica's quality time with each other. They are the cutest together.
Chapter 142: Stephanie asking to try to do the sutures 🥲
Another step at leaving Tiffany behind 🥲
Chapter 140: I guess Jae and Teddy just worried about Tiffany, but oh well, she can manage well by herself, I think. To be in the group for the sake of the members, hm, I guess that’s a selfless thought but does she really want to be in the group though? Hehe.

Anyway, happy new year, author-nim!
Chapter 140: the siblings love the three of them share. tiffany deserves that love
Chapter 139: Merry belated Xmas author!!! Yay for baby!!! I hope this gives Jessi some baby fever lol. I'd love to see that!
Chapter 139: Merry Christmas author! This update is so good and warm <3 so happy for nayeong and a baby ... a wonderful baby is coming!!
Chapter 138: Thank you for the updates author! They always make my day ❤️
Chapter 137: So hot jeti