A Father's Love

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A/N: Some strong use of language, and sensitive topics are dealt with. But it is not extreme so I didn't mark this M





There was a metallic buzz and the barred gates opened. Two guards armed with electric batons and riot guns led a cuffed and shackled Gura into the visiting hall.


Twenty-five years for illegal underground fighting, fifteen for second-degree murder, and only twelve for his own daughter. How is that fair? Lee Gura, you deserve to live in agonizing pain for every second of your life, but I will settle for this.


Yippee ki-yay motherer.


Tiffany watched as the other hardened criminals leered at Gura as the hulking man made his way to where Tiffany and Officer Choi sat.


True. Gura was massive, bigger than the majority of the men here in this prison. But he had no respect from these men. His crime was not one these animals would deem as ‘admirable’. Rapists were fresh meat to these criminals. He would have it hard here, much more so than his previous jailing experience.


That was jail.




This is prison.


Gura’s in the big leagues now.


The men here were all blood-hardened killers, and Gura was just a little fish in a pond of barracudas. He may be big, but he would have no allies, and without allies in a prison such as this, Gura was as good as dead.


The massive man shuffled over and sat heavily on the bench. His stark eyes stared at Tiffany. Tiffany wasn’t the least bit afraid and stared right back. Expressionless. Unflinching. She would not give him the satisfaction of seeing how much he had hurt her by hurting Nayeong. He didn’t deserve to see their pain. He deserved to see their happiness.


“She’s doing good. Healing and happy.”


Gura’s lips lifted up slightly into a snarl, showing teeth, but he gave no other indication that he had heard.


“In a few more months perhaps, she’ll laugh freely again, love again, trust again. In a few years? Maybe she’ll get married. She’ll look absolutely beautiful on her wedding day, like the angel that she is. She’ll be married to a man who treats her with love and care, who handles her with the gentleness and tenderness that she so deserves. Then a few more years, she’ll have kids and make me an aunt. She’ll be a great mother. She will love and cherish her kids as they should be. And there will be no shadow of you hanging over her. You will be here, forgotten. And you will have no part whatsoever in her perfect, and it will be perfect, life. Despite you, she will be happy. So I wish you great health. May you live out your years well, knowing that every. Single. Day. She is happy. And you are nothing. You have nothing.”


Gura’s countenance had gone from tolerating to outright livid as Tiffany talked. She noticed the change in the man’s demeanor, but kept her face stoic and showed no concern whatsoever. The fact that this teenaged girl was not even slightly intimidated only angered Gura more. He felt his control slipping.


Officer Choi had watched from beside Tiffany, he was a lot more on edge, fearing the monster of a man would reach out and snap Tiffany’s neck. He couldn’t understand Tiffany’s calmness, her nerve at even coming to a place like this in the first place. And to speak in such a completely disregarding tone to that beast! The girl was fearless beyond belief and immeasurably stupid at the same time.


Tiffany was aware of the officer’s unease and had placed one hand on top of his much larger one. The officer had stilled immediately. Tiffany was never one to initiate contact. Officer Choi knew that. So when the girl had reached out willingly, he felt himself calm at the touch. He needed to trust she knew what she was doing.


Gura had sat in his seat for a few minutes after Tiffany had finished talking, looking like he was about to go off his rockers at any given time. It would be almost comical watching a man his size trying so hard to contain his explosive anger if the circumstances were not so grim and menacing.


Then…his face smoothed over.


He smiled. Showing teeth.


He leaned forwards.


One of the guards stepped up and held his electric baton at the ready, prepared to jab Gura with it if he should make a move.


“Did you know she used to scream for her dead mother when I took her? She used to cry every night, and she used to pray so earnestly for someone to come save her, and every night, I would prove to her no one was listening. Again and again. My sweet baby gi–”




“YOU DON’T GET TO CALL HER THAT!!! YOU ING BASTARD!!!! LET GO OF ME!!!! LET GO OF ME!!!!” Tiffany screamed as she flailed madly in Officer Choi’s arms.


It was too much for her to handle. To hear what this man had done to Nayeong as a child, to hear him call her the same pet name she calls her own innocent baby sister, to see his lecherous face, leering and laughing at their pain.


Too much.


Tiffany had lunged forwards across the table in a burning fit of rage and threw a right hook to Gura’s face before Officer Choi had gotten a hold of her. Gura was still sitting in his seat, unmoving, with blood gushing from his nose and mouth. Tiffany had never hit anything or anyone so hard in her life and her hand was burning. But she felt nothing. The monster of a man showed no signs of pain either, instead, he smiled widely, showing teeth bloodied red.


Two guards had run over to keep the situation under control; they kept their batons charged and ready, pointed at Gura. They tried to hide it, but Officer Choi could see traces of smug smiles on the faces of many of the guards. It was unprofessional, but it somehow made Officer Choi’s heart soar.


Gura was hated here. By all.


The other prisoners and their visitors were now watching the spectacle unfold. A young teenage girl who had just taken a very decent shot at their new resident loser, it sure was a sight to see. Gura’s already demolished jail rep was slipping as fast as a loosed anchor. But that was beyond Gura’s control now, and the tenacity and ego in him ensured that he would fight Tiffany to the end, even if it was only to mess with her emotions.


Seeing Tiffany struggling madly made Gura laugh, and Tiffany froze. It was such an unnatural sound; so aberrant and against the laws of nature that Tiffany felt every hair stand on end.


Gura’s laugh…it sounded like a little girl’s giggle, with a slightly more wheezy consistency. Tiffany felt like she was watching some twisted horror movie. Everything about Gura was deviant. That thing was not human.

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A story nine and a half years in the making, it's grown and morphed with me as I lived my life. I still cannot fathom seeing over nine years of my life reflected in a story that's part of both the lowest and also the most formative years of my existence. Surreal.


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Chapter 147: I miss this story 😢
Chapter 145: No 😢😢😢😢😢😢
Chapter 143: I love Tiffany and Jessica's quality time with each other. They are the cutest together.
Chapter 142: Stephanie asking to try to do the sutures 🥲
Another step at leaving Tiffany behind 🥲
Chapter 140: I guess Jae and Teddy just worried about Tiffany, but oh well, she can manage well by herself, I think. To be in the group for the sake of the members, hm, I guess that’s a selfless thought but does she really want to be in the group though? Hehe.

Anyway, happy new year, author-nim!
Chapter 140: the siblings love the three of them share. tiffany deserves that love
Chapter 139: Merry belated Xmas author!!! Yay for baby!!! I hope this gives Jessi some baby fever lol. I'd love to see that!
Chapter 139: Merry Christmas author! This update is so good and warm <3 so happy for nayeong and a baby ... a wonderful baby is coming!!
Chapter 138: Thank you for the updates author! They always make my day ❤️
Chapter 137: So hot jeti