Tiffany, 1 Giant, & 7 Dwarves

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Dinner was a riotous fanfare. The girls were rowdy and boisterous, leaving a trailing mess of chaos and raucous laugher everywhere they went. They were something totally different from what Tiffany was used to…from humans in general. They were characters, each and every one of them; each one having slight quirks and oddities that amused Tiffany to no end as she sat there observing them.


Shall she start with the youngest?


The maknae. She was quiet and reserved, discerning things that missed the careless eyes of her unnies. Tiffany had more than once caught Seohyun studying her with a silent determination. This one was thorough and detail oriented. She was innocent, but stubborn with a strict set of principles. Tiffany had a feeling Seohyun was not one to be taken lightly. The girl was a force of nature in her own clandestine way.


The pretty and doe-eyed Yoona. People will use many different words to express their take on the girl, but they will all have one common depiction. The girl was beautiful. That much was clear. But Tiffany knew that the girl was more than simply beautiful form. So much more. Starting simply: Yoona was sociable, affable with the charismatic charm to put you at ease in a non-predatory luring way. And although she was not the biggest eater of the group, Tiffany would not be surprised if the young girl had a tiny black hole somewhere in the pit of her stomach. Bottom line: the girl could put away a lot of food. Then there was her freakish strength. Tiffany had once seen the girl tilt a vending machine towards herself to shake a particularly stubborn bag of gummy bears free. Tiffany had sprinted forwards in alarm to try and prevent the girl from being crushed flat. Seven people die each year by being crushed underneath vending machines you know? But to her amazement, the delicate looking girl had already obtained her bag of junk food and was happily munching away even before Tiffany could get to her. Yep. Freakishly strong. Lastly, there was her childlike and immature air that should have clashed horribly with her elegant and delicate beauty. But it didn’t. She could laugh raucously with wide-open enough to see uvula and still manage to look effortlessly beautiful. The girl was a living, walking conundrum.


Shikshin Sooyoung. The amazing mysteries of the human body personified. A tall slender girl who was almost all about the mile-long legs that could put away servings of meat like starved baby T-rex. The girl was a bottomless pit. But like Yoona, Sooyoung was more than just her most obvious trait. She was also silly and very enjoyable to be around. The giant was also gentle and tender when she needed to be, Tiffany knew Sooyoung was one to take great care of those around her. She could be trusted and relied on. Oh, and her horrible bone-chilling attempts at aegyo only made Tiffany like the girl even more. They had that in common.


Yuri. What to say about this girl? She was incredibly naïve in some ways and a complete expert in others. When her wicked streak of mischievousness struck, no one was safe from kkab yul. The girl was a master prankster and she had a daring streak to go along with it. Then there was the other side of the coin. Very sensitive when it came to those she cared about, Yuri was easily trusting and it had led her to some instances of hurt; like when Tiffany had shunned her. But the cheerful, bubbly girl didn’t let past cutting experiences deter her from throwing herself at the next person she wanted to befriend. Innocently fearless, she had a way about her that lowered Tiffany’s guard, soon becoming another person that struck at her protective instincts. Tiffany found herself enduring Yuri’s newfound interest: hugging Tiffany. It seemed that their previous hug had been interpreted by the tanned girl as an open invitation to ‘hug at will’. Tiffany didn’t even have the heart to rebuff Yuri’s innocent advances, and despite putting on a grudging front whenever the younger girl approached with arms open wide, Tiffany secretly enjoyed the firmness that was Yuri’s warm embraces.


Hyoyeon. Dancing queen. They had gotten off to a bit of a rocky start, but the dance machine seemed to have totally forgotten any traces of the incident. She was currently busy trying to convince Yoona to chuck pieces of meat at her so she could try and catch it with . The choding ended up with a face full of sauce and no meat. The girl seemed to be a regular troublemaker, in a good-natured way. Tiffany noticed how she seemed to be able to brighten and liven any atmosphere she was in, and the other girls always seemed to be laughing, chortling, and even snorting when they were around her. Life of the party this one. One would think such rowdy characters would hardly be the sensitive type. But Tiffany had seen on more than one occasion where Hyoyeon was the first to pick up on a sour mood in one of the girls, especially when it came to the maknae. She would often be the first the approach the troubled person, and her straightforward nature led her to tackle a problem head-on. This often led to butting heads at first, but in the end, Hyoyeon always seemed to have a way of finishing it in laughter.


Sunny. Energy pill. Sun bun. Bunny. Sunny Bunny. Anything, aNyThInG, ANYTHING…but Soonkyu. The shortie hated her Korean name with a passion and Tiffany liked her for that reason. The girl would rub her tongue on the inside of her cheeks to create a telltale bump, narrowing her eyes in warning. But it was all hardly intimidating. The girl was pocket-sized for god’s sakes and anything she did just made her look ridiculously cute. Add an impressive repertoire of aegyo and you have someone who can charm a sloth to fly of a tree. That…or just make you wanna punch her in the face. But beneath all the almost sickening cuteness, there was a quiet passion. Between the cracks of adorability, Tiffany saw a determined and very capable girl. Someone who would smile and smile and smile…up until the moment she had you right where she wanted you…doing her chores, running her errands or simply under the crook of her arm. Definitely not one to be underestimated.


Kid-like Taeyeon. The oldest of the girls present at the dinner tonight, but also the youngest looking. She was also cute, but not ‘Sunny-cute’. Taeyeon struck Tiffany more as the dorky, slightly awkward type. Her amusement often consisted of silly immature things such as ‘poop’ and ‘explosive hurricane diarrhea’. But like all the girls here, she too had a somewhat less visible side. Despite her dorkiness, Tiffany had seen a more suppressed Taeyeon. There were times when the older girl would feel burdened to care for her dongsaengs and Tiffany knew this put her under a lot of pressure. Taeyeon tended to offset the stress by playing it off comically, uncomfortable with others seeing her more vulnerable side. Being somewhat self-aware, Tiffany saw a little bit of herself in Taeyeon, except she used more of an intimidation factor rather than comedy to keep others away from her. The girl was naturally a recluse, but her slightly older age had forced her into a position where she was expected to be a leader. It clashed with her instincts and more than once Tiffany had seen the girl look like she was on the verge of tears when everything and everyone just became too much. Tiffany made a mental note to perhaps talk to the girl. However it was more than likely it would all come to nothing, her and Taeyeon were not exactly chummy-chummy. Despite the projected futility, Tiffany decided it was worth a try.


Look at me…being all thoughtful and considerate…it’s like I’m almost normal…and normal feels…weird…


And…one more thing…the girl was a ert. Pretty self-explanatory.


Then there’s Jessica. Younger than Taeyeon, Tiffany should have actually

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A story nine and a half years in the making, it's grown and morphed with me as I lived my life. I still cannot fathom seeing over nine years of my life reflected in a story that's part of both the lowest and also the most formative years of my existence. Surreal.


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Chapter 147: I miss this story 😢
Chapter 145: No 😢😢😢😢😢😢
Chapter 143: I love Tiffany and Jessica's quality time with each other. They are the cutest together.
Chapter 142: Stephanie asking to try to do the sutures 🥲
Another step at leaving Tiffany behind 🥲
Chapter 140: I guess Jae and Teddy just worried about Tiffany, but oh well, she can manage well by herself, I think. To be in the group for the sake of the members, hm, I guess that’s a selfless thought but does she really want to be in the group though? Hehe.

Anyway, happy new year, author-nim!
Chapter 140: the siblings love the three of them share. tiffany deserves that love
Chapter 139: Merry belated Xmas author!!! Yay for baby!!! I hope this gives Jessi some baby fever lol. I'd love to see that!
Chapter 139: Merry Christmas author! This update is so good and warm <3 so happy for nayeong and a baby ... a wonderful baby is coming!!
Chapter 138: Thank you for the updates author! They always make my day ❤️
Chapter 137: So hot jeti